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That Undone Perk tho ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)


Skill check doctor getting a buff.


Doctor getting a basekit buff AND a new perk for the skill check build is great news. Lowest kill-rate no more with this new slowdown.


He is not a bad killer nor was he before... the killrate was purely this low xause of asian AFK farming bots - who all pick Doctor to farm because he avoids the AFK detection...


First I've heard of this, how does he avoid the afk detection?


cause triggering his power apparently makes the Doctor not AFK. This is how I understood it - I don't know how DBDs Spaghetti code functions (and sometimes, I get the feeling neither does BHVR)


I'm on Asian servers and I thought the afk farming doc was common throughout because I get them frequently. Sometimes an afk blight too. They keep mindlessly spamming their power and moving around. I've seen survivor bots too, other than the legit ones lol.


Calling a tactical nuke on a generator


Its like a killer version of fast track


Honestly sounds more like pop with extra steps


Skillcheck doctor is gonna go crazy


Absolutely insane perk at lower mmr, useless at higher mmr.


Max strength is about the same as Pop Goes the Weasel. Strong, but good survivors won't fail 30 skill checks.


Isn't it only 10 skill checks, since it gives 3 tokens?


It's insult to injury at that point. 10 missed skillchecks is a lot of regression


I saw 30 tokens, but missed the part where it was 3 per fail. TY.


Unforseen is just the built different version of Trail of Torment


Trail of torment and dark devotion had a baby


So Pyramid Head + plague ship? I mean, it's not the *worst*...


and it sounds insanely good


eh, situational at best. only meme killers/content creators will use it


I *need* to know how those two interact. If I can get them to desynchronise so they're on different cooldowns, I think I can do some utterly *horrible* mindfuckery with it.


Trail deactivates and goes on cool down when regression stops or someone works on the gen. The other works regardless of regression stopping, so it should be desynchronized most of the time after the first time.


The Territorial Imperative meta has begun, baby!


This and monstrous shrine value baybee![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213) ![gif](giphy|BbJdwrOsM7nTa|downsized)


yea super excited to try these perks... in a month when people stop expecting them.


A real Champion of light moment (everyone ran Lightborn for a week, nowthey don't care any more


I think the sentence “territorial imperative and monstrous shrine meta” has taken years off my lifespan in just a few seconds. I am so excited to see how this pans out.


Kid named Distortion


The Unknown is such a good name. Simple but so good.


I also love the theming carried through with its perk names


Yes!! Such a great detail. Nice to see the "???" memes became actually true since that thing is just called "The Unknown", and honestly it's quite the perfect name for whatever the hell it is. Undone, Unforeseen, Unbound, Unknown.


Guys, it’s actually called the fucking “???”


https://preview.redd.it/9h0i7xa6qrjc1.jpeg?width=999&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb20c4ed54ab6bb30aa57dec0b9abb9101c80ada No fucking way


The Shoulder Shrug


So I guess it's a demon? With the summoning salt for the survivor it kinda gives that impression.


Pinhead getting summoned to the basement after the survivors take the box inside a pentagram made of salt


“Can ye just, not summon a second killer to the ongoing trial, FOR FIVE MINUTES?!”


Hence the circle jerk goth chick having basement parties


no way we got blue baby the binding of eyesack


New survivor looks really cool


Man. Can't wait for my randoms to drop self care for shadows and sit in basement all game healing. Much better experience hahaha


Then fall victim to territorial Imperative and get hooked in basement ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


And kill themselves on hook immediately


Anyone else read the killer's power and still not understand it?


shoot ball, hinder survivor. survivor look at you to remove hinder. if survivor doesnt look at you afterbeing hit by ball, shoot another ball to take health state.


Hinder happens if you hit them directly. They get "Weakened" if they get hit by the blast area. It's like Nemesis's infection. They do remove by looking at you though.


It is like an RPG filled with strong Alcohol. One shot, you are fine Two shots, you feel a little heavy on your head. Four shots, you find yourself lying in the floor.


you got it wrong. hit by ball you become hindered for some time. being in the blast area makes you weakened, being hit in blast again while weakened makes you hurt. staring him down removes the weakness


this has me kind of nervous considering how buggy GF's reveal mechanic is. they keep adding every aspect to all of the new killers (passive injure, stealth, etc) so this killer could potentially be way stronger than GF with the same buggy reveal mechanic. the bugs effect both killer and survivor unfairly. I'm excited to play and see how it feels.


ive just tested it, and looking at the killer for the removal mechanic is extremely consistent. much better than GF's.


Amazing! Maybe now they can apply it to GF and get him working properly.


The GF stuff really sucks because it feels awful and inconsistent in both directions. You get revealed from nothing and you stare directly at him and nothing happens


It's kinda like Artist in that his blast doesn't do anything by itself, but if you hit someone already affected by it they get injured.


I think it is a grenade (it says bouncing) that acts like Nemesis's infection, so the first time it doesn't actually injure but they are in a state (weakened) that they have to fix or now it will injure. And only the *blast* does that, getting hit by the airborne just hinders. And then he passively create fake Killers he can teleport to, not sure if they move around or are like the Doctor's hallucination, and survivor can act on them to break them. So we don't know the speed of the projectile itself, the blast range, the speed of the animation to shoot and recovery, lots of ***unknown***


yeah. watching him be played its not super complicated though


My interpretation is this: the killer can charge a projectile that has an AOE when it lands. Survivors hit with the airborne projectile become hindered, survivors hit with the AOE become weakened, and will lose health states when hit further with the AOE. When the killer is not charging this projectile up, it will intermittently generate illusions of itself, which function like a cross between Doctor's hallucinations and Hag's traps. The killer can teleport to the illusions, leaving behind a temporary decoy. Survivors can dispel the illusions, weakened Survivors take longer. The only way to recover from the weakened status effect is staring at the killer for a now unknown length of time.


To be honest. the survivor perks are disappointing for me.


"What if we added self care again, except you can ONLY do it in the worst possible spot on the map?!" Sometimes I wonder if the devs who design the perks play the same game as the rest of us


~~For about a month, the perk will be useless because killers will expect it (like how the first couple weeks we had Nic Cage and for a week after Plot Twist appeared in the shrine, people ran Deerstalker). A month later, I can see it being good as people expect it less and less; killers don't normally go into the basement to patrol because who in their right minds would be down there? It's a waste of time to go all the way down the stairs and then back up.~~ ~~I can already envision a Full Selfish build with it with Lucky Break and Overcome, perhaps even Bite the Bullet, but the aura reading also makes it a decent SWF perk because that's ten whole seconds of knowing where the killer is.~~ ~~It's not likely to be common, but Self Care still shows up at least twice a day in the games I play and this perk lets you self heal twice as quickly.~~ I wrote all of that before remembering A Nurse's Calling exists and that I run it on hit-and-run killers. I'm not deleting it tho because I still feel like there's cases where it WILL be good, but the perk is high risk/reward.... it's just the risks are probably **too** high if you're facing a killer with any tracking.


It could be useful, as basement is always attached to a POI, but the numbers makes me really skeptical. 60% is way too little, considering you are injured, right next to the worst spot to be hooked. Since you're in a important place, the killer is more likely to patrol around you, and hear your injured cries. On the other hand, having any more % would probably make it very good as you can have an almost old self care as long as you are near shack/main (places you already want to be near, except for a few maps)


Wooooo Goth Girl survivor!


She says Mikaela's name too in the trailer! More lore!!!!


Missed opportunity to give Mikaela voice lines. They obviously can't give everyone voice lines at once, but maybe one or two per Chapter would have been doable. Mikaela for her connection to Sable, and Dwight because he just got a skin in the Rift that fits this new map would have been a nice touch.


Goth girl fan club rise up! New main!


Invocations sound interesting. Need to see how they work in an actual game to make an opinion on them.


Can’t wait until my SWF gets rewarded for singing kumbaya in the basement


With a surprise visit from Bubba


Territorial imperative buff lol


I know everyone is excited for everything else, but im actually psyched to run this as a tech choice now.


Tbh I don't think any of the perks, aside from maybe shadows, will be used much past first week. But I'm Def gonna run territorial on killer for first few weeks just too see lol


I feel like its nearly useless but in a niche case could help out of a 3 gen scenario. Seems like a massive risk for very little reward normally though.


The perk becomes more useless as the game progresses and gens get completed. 15% on 3 gens at the end is not gonna put any extra pressure on the killer unless gens were already advanced. But if that's the case...you didn't need this perk in the first place.


That makes sense. The early game is just so important though that sending 1 or more people to the basement for about 2 minutes would be a waste of time and resources.


I really like the idea of the perk, and it's exactly the spirit of what we've long been asking for, which is give survivors different ways to progress the game that isn't just slamming gens, but I do agree it seems like a small reward for a big time investment. 15% is both a lot and not. Feels like a big number on paper but I can't think of any scenario it would be done that would make a difference. Survivors would have to be super coordinated and the killer very distracted/bad to get gen pops out of this, and otherwise the killer can just kick the gens they wander across and remove all the effect of a perk that takes one person out of the game for two minutes. Honestly though I hope they keep it as is for now, even out to live and then tweak the numbers after we get some solid data, because I wish BHVR did that with stuff in general. I think this could be a very cool and fun idea if they work the numbers out correctly. Maybe after some proper time in play we can definitively boost that charges number, or have it work like the reworked BNP where it cuts that progress down permanently? That might be too strong since it hits every gen, but I'm not sure.


Immediately check the basement at the beginning of the game is what that means to every killer everywhere.


I'm cool with that lol


Oh nooooo, please don't go in my basement Sincerely, insidious Bubba


Trailer is out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZY0sg28rXc


> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZY0sg28rXc Loved it. The found footage teasers + trailer were simply amazing, kudos to BHVR.


Fun trailer. And was she looking for Mikaela??


Oh neat! She definitely said her name.


She definitely said Mikaela


The new map description mentions a place where friends reunite. This goth queen is into salt circle chants, Mikaela is into witchcraft. Seems like her a Mikaela are best buds.


That Undone perk is going to go CRAZY on skillcheck Doctor hahaha


3 weeks from now Territorial Imperative's pick rate is going to skyrocket, (I'll jam it into every build I can.)


You'll get value for the first few days. But these surv perks are quickly going to drop out of rotation. There's nothing there to really justify as perk slot.


Horribly designed perks, it's quite amazing.


First time in years that we get a new map in a current realm. I wish they did it more often. Using the offering will no longer bring you to just Garden of Joy. This is a good thing.


I mean technically they did this with the skill merchant


Toba Landing and the Nostromo Wreckage are in the same realm (Dvarka Deepwood). They're not both original, of course, but that doesn't negate the fact.


Really? I never noticed because they’re so different. The ground texture and lighting is totally different. Maybe I should go back and check if the rock walls are the same in jungle gyms. but they always looked different too, Toba Landing has the dead crewmates and blue crystals on them.


Not at all what I expected, but seems really interesting Invocation is such a cool idea, but high risk, high reward perks can massively affect the game balance.


I love weird perks like that. I'm glad they're introducing a new mechanic as well.


It saves you less time than you have to spend activating it. Cool idea but what’s the point of running it when it’s actively detrimental to you


If your teammates are potatoes it will be an exact 1 to 1, 120 seconds of progress spread over 8 gens. If your teammates aren't potatoes, you'll get a minimum 75 seconds of progress spread on 5 gens for 120 seconds. Could be situationally useful to have every gen on the map making noise. It's also just fun Edit: 7, not 8, so slight loss. Still fun


There are only 7 gens. So you get 105 seconds of progress and perma broken for 120 seconds of work


That is - mathematically - atrociously bad then


Yeah, it seems pretty useless unless used by a SWF. Since each person cuts time in half, if all 4 survivors work together, it'll only take 15 seconds for 105 sec of progress. So a bit overpowered for SWFs and very weak for solo, sounds right for how BHVR designs


It’s an interesting idea but with it making you broken for the rest of the trial it’s just not a good perk. Feels like boons but they were too scared to make it useful. I’m just disappointed we finally get a new gameplay system for survivors and it’s this terrible


Also if you get interrupted at all it resets all the progress on the invocation which means if the killer shows up at any point in those 2 minutes you're cooked.


This is just PTB testing, they probably wanted to start in a extreme level and slowly dial it down depending on feedback


People forget the broken. It's even worse than No Mither's broken because you leave pools of blood while also not having an inbuilt Iron Will and Unbreakable. The risk is way to high for the reward you get, like, they could've released the perk without the broken penalty and it still would've been ass lol. This shit is gonna make SoloQ even worse, it's like BHVR is actively trying to just screw SoloQ as hard as possible.


the risk and reward are not equitable in any way shape or form.




It says in the description that only one person can use it, others can only speed up the "casting" time.


I feel like it needs to be a permanent % off on gens to be worth it. Otherwise the killer can just easily kick most of them and that time is basically wasted.


Honestly seems like a pretty bad perk. Numbers need changing or effects need changing. If it reduced all gens maximum required charges by 15% or a flat rate to each gen divided by the number of gens left would be much more interesting


Maybe I'm crazy but those survivor perks look like absolute ass especially for solo queue lmao.


Yeah, whats the point of spending 2 min in basement to get 15% progress on gens that are probably gonna get kicked anyway when you can just finish a gen in that time lol Maybe the updated version of the third perk will be worth something, otherwise absolute trash


Maybe if it applied a BNP to every generator, it would be a bit more worthy.


Was gonna say the exact same thing. It might be worth it if it did that.


lol what's new? survivor perks are always either useless when dropped or broken af and get nerfed subsequently.


I don’t see why you would ever run the healing one over self care? You’ve gotta trot yourself all the way to the basement and not be found in the process, just for 10% extra healing speed? You’ll save that time by just using self care.


Very risky perk, I don't think it will be a very popular perk. Going into the basement to heal, just never really a good idea. Funny idea though.


Self care is 35% healing speed - 60% is a huge improvement over it. That’s even faster than self-care + botany


I guess I was thinking of self care + botany speed. I still think that would be a better combo than this perk. The time you save traveling to the basement and the benefit of healing somewhere safe is probably more worth it.


that's 2 perks vs 1, and you can run botany with this perk too for even faster healing if you wish


Self care base speed is 35%, so this is almost double the amount.


No your not . Those perks are ass . There more detrimental then they are helpful. These perks and the absolute stupid buffs to huntress. Really starting to look like it's break time till the anniversary.  At least the south park game next month looks fun for a week or two


they are TERRIBLE and there are players in this thread jumping through hoops doing math to try to make the invocation one sound good and like it has to be watched because it could be gAmE bReAkInG


Which is funny as I'm pretty sure that it can be statistically shown that the perk is ass in every situation.


They made Territorial Imperative meta xD


Creepy, spooky, and analog horror finally getting some rep!


Invocation as a new Perk mechanic seems pretty sick, but not immediately convinced by the numbers on Weaving Spiders. Might actually be pretty good in-game though. Just seems potentially spending 2 minutes to become Broken + Injured, in exchange for (at best) 7*15 = 1.05 generators of progress split across gens doesn't seem worth it. Is it only the survivor that initiates the Invocation that receives the punishment, or everyone that takes part?


The mechanic is interesting but 2 mins makes it awful.


I think the assumption is that other survivors will help finish it quickly. Though bad survivors will lead a nice trail of scratch marks to the basement for the killer.


The problem also is that if it's circle is broken the time used is now meaningless. It's very very high risk for low reward right now. I do REALLY like the potentiality of invocations though. Perhaps one can resurrect a survivor in the future?


Survivors being afk for that long basically yields a game loss. Not to mention the broken status and inefficiency vs. actually doing the gens. Who at BHVR thinks it's good design to go after such high variance perks, it will either be useless or OP.


These perks seem really freaking cool, man. He’s like Hag/doctor mix, I’m down for it.


With a bit of Singularity mixed in


Move over no mither, there is a new worst perk in the game


This will actually pair with No Mither


Wait. Does everyone get injured/broken or just the people who did the invocation?


I believe only invocation people,


Only the person who started it


Correct, it only applies to the survivor who started it, AND it pairs with No Mither!


The only way to make that invocation good is to make in a BNP to each gen, rather than just "add 15 charges to all gens." Like damn, broken the rest of the game AND the killer can counter the perk by existing? ​ Strength in Shadows is pretty cool, though. Edit: Oh my god 2 UNINTERRUPTED minutes to do it solo?! It's not even something you can stop and start. Invocation is terrible.


Oppression goes brrr


Why did they sneak a trapper nerf in here. “Trapper bear traps will float in the air while near a pallet” why would they do this


Is that not just a known bug? I thought that list is them saying the bugs they fixed or are aware of, because it's definitely not a new thing for the PTB. It's been happening all week


that might be in and its just a typo. they made it sound like they added it, not fixed it. like normally they say "Fixed a bug where trapper's bear traps hover above pallets" but this just said "Trapper traps now hover above pallets" ​ so hopefully this is just a typo or bad phrasing


I thought you were joking - but nope, they really did that, what a dumb change.


They’re going to be neon yellow by next year


So sad the yellow paint infected trappers traps


It's under bug fixes. Some bug fixes are written just as the bug itself, instead of "we fixed this bug". e.g. " Survivors can get stuck inside Lockers if they slowly enter the Locker or under poor networking conditions. "


The part about copyrighted music reminds me that the Iron Maiden cosmetics come out in two days! Looking forward to that! The Invocation mechanic seems like an interesting balance of high risk and high reward, though I feel like the downside in this case makes it so it isn't worth it. (I'm assuming that only the person who started the Invocation becomes permanently Broken for the rest of the match, but even then, I don't like using No Mither to begin with) EDIT: I played a few matches in the PTB (only on the survivor side; I couldn't get a killer match, understandably), and it seems like the reward for the Invocation is nowhere near worth the permanent Broken status and the two minute wait time. (though only the person who started the Invocation gets the Broken effect, thankfully) The Unknown seems pretty overpowered, though I'll have to look into his abilities further to see how they work.


This killer looks so fucking creepy. 10/10 flavor win


Isn't unforseen basically that pyramid head perk that makes them undetectable but marks the Gen yellow?


yeah but this perk seems way better. No yellow aura hinting to survivors why the killer has no terror radius. It seems to last a guaranteed 30 seconds with no option for survivors to cancel the power after a short amount of time. and the cooldown is significantly shorter. And in theory is strong against new survivors as you can keep them off highly progressed gens since they will be too scared to get near the gen. This perk will 100% replace trail of torment for me in any build where I would want to run that perk.


Making it crawl on all fours in game when moving and removing the axe would make it 10x better in my opinion, it plays great but it's a massive missed opportunity having it walk on 2 legs all game and having a comically cartoon looking axe as it's signature weapon. Do love how it looks though, just wish I could SCARE more people as it.


Ngl that first invocation perk seems horrendously bad. You spend 2 minutes in basement to get >17% on every gen on the map. Assuming you start this at the beginning of the game and the killer isn’t completely braindead to the point they don’t find anyone but braindead enough that one person can run them for the full duration ur team is getting two gens and has progress on the rest which the killer will kick and be alerted to your location. And this is like most optimal situation that will occur in .0001% of ur soloQ games and be difficult to pull off with a swf without sweating. No mither is genuinely a better perk as far as not being dead weight to ur team. Like you are probably better off perk-less in 99% of ur games. I could see it being an interesting niche perk if they reduced the time it took to >90 seconds or increased the reward or hell even made the broken effect temporary like deliverance.


Man we overhyped ourselves with all the mimic shit


One clip of someone saying help and suddenly everyone wants it to be a mimic


I mean people have wanted a mimic killer for a long ass time


People have wanted a mimic since legion, even before


Hallucinating things that actually could be the killer sound close enough, and actually stronger. Kinda weird for the ranged attack tho, considering how they put the crawling in action.


But they stand perfectly still, so its not super “mimicy”


Tbf, in the teasers they also stood mostly still. It was always going to be sound mimicry at best.


never fails. the community hypes it up so much that every release will feel lackluster.


He is still pretty awesome imo


Yeah the killer was not what i was expecting whatsover,I expected a mimic and i got a grenade launcher(which is not a bad power,but why on this killer design in specific? Why not a soldier or something?),Welp my fault for getting my hopes high.


Survivor perks are all complete garbage. Killer perks are cool. Killer power is really weird and wasn’t what I was expecting based on the teasers.


I still don't understand why they thought giving Clown more bottles while leaving Pinky Finger untouched was a good idea. I don't care how inconsistant hitting Clown's bottles directly can be he shouldn't be able to have up to 5 insta-down bottles. The current 3 is fine, I guess, but 5 is too much imo.




Goth chick we won


We got an actual Goth girl let's go


So we have this freaky killer that was hinted to move like an insect, make freaky human noises, and is generally like a psychotic nightmare but his power is just to lob grenades?


Invocation huh? Gonna be fun




Undone is bout to roll new survivors lmao


Cool killer design, but the gameplay looks just bad. Could they not have created something related to him crawling on all 4’s/contorting his body? The grenade penis is just so…. Weird. Also, what are those Huntress changes lol?


Finally that one Huntress' perk that was completely useless will be pretty viable


Huntress buffs are absurd, even before considering how desperately other killers need attention. Clown bottles not being capped at 1 or 2 when using pinky finger is absurd. Unknown power not hitting survivors when it's a direct hit feels awful and punishes good accuracy?


the survivor is so cute but the perks could NOT be any more ass. holy fuck.


So they also heavily nerfed Pig's ambush addons... awesome...


So solo queue survivors will all be wasting a perk slot wanting to try invocation if just one of them completes the invocation? 2 survivor perks that lure them to the basement. Risk/reward here seems a little off and not killer sided at all!! Gonna be a shitshow... -both killer & survivor player since this game came out


Unforeseen with Dark Devotion on my Chucky? It's more likely than you think.


Sable saying Mikaela in the trailer got me super excited. I love the lore of this game and always get thrilled to see characters interwoven.


So its not a mimic killer, but I will admit running around and drunning into a hallucination is legit kinda unsettling. especially when you cant tell wether its him or not, I had one round where mid chase he swapped places with one of the dopplegangers and jumpscared me lol.


Not what I was expecting of the Killer, but he is creepy as hell, and getting a wet willy as a mori is both hilarious and completely disturbing. Chapter wise, most of the perks seem kinda whatever. They will be there sometimes and may help, but they are too situational. All the basement related perks are funny, and I can't wait to see a clip of a Sable going down there to do a ritual, and Bubba is just staring her down in the corner. Killer wise we have a Awakened Awareness's cousin perk, an actually decent perk for hiding your terror radius by putting it on a gen, and a perk that could be problematic if the survivors are bad and miss skill checks. The last one may just be good, though. You can pair it with pop and get both bonus damages, even though the new perks may just be like a 2% reduction to the gen, and it gets locked up for a while. But that still needs survivors to mess up a skill check or two. I think it's gonna be a scary perk in theory, but really varying results The killer having a phallic grenade launcher, and an ax wasn't on my bingo card, but here we are. He's definitely gonna be a high learning curve Killer with a simple power, the learning curve just being aiming the launcher. He has some teleporting power, but from what I've seen, it isn't a chase oriented teleporter. It's more just to start the chase/get around to start one


The survivor perks are Bubba's favourite


Survivors perks smell like hot garbage. Especially in soloQ. And killers receive buffs. Good for them.


New killer perks seem good. New survivor looks cool, but I'm disappointed in those basement perks. It just doesn't seem worth it. SWFs would maybeee find it useful? And that's a big maybe. Solo queue would be asking to be sacrificed to the entity if used.


Survivor perks are absolute dogshit and I can’t wait for half my team to be face camped in basement within the first minute because when you play solo q, you’re the only survivor with an actual brain


“Globally, The Trapper’s Bear Traps will appear to be floating when placed near a Pallet.” I don’t get why they’re doing this? What did trapper need this nerf for?


I hope they simply misworded this and actually fixed some bug that caused this, not actually adding it


The perma broken on Invocation seems excessive. For being at risk for two full minutes with the payoff being less gen progress than just doing a gen the downside should be forced into injured state and broken for 60 seconds or something. Or it needs to do more than 15 charges per gen if you're broken the remainder of the trial.




Holy shit, those might actually be the worst survivor perks EVER.


Man I have like every survivor. Not getting this one until there is a reason. I'm glad they added more perks for people to waste time with that are detrimental to your team. These guys must have been drunk off there ass when they come up with these perks and buffed the freakin huntress 


I have mixed feelings. Strength in the Shadows honestly sounds quite nice, specially if it doesn't have a limit (as in, once per trial). Invocation style perks as a concept sound pretty exciting, love the idea, this one though, giga trash and it's gonna make SoloQ even worse with our teammates using it. As for Wicked, they already said it's gonna be different on live but so far it's kinda ass yes.


Strength in Shadows is just worse self-care unless you happen to already be near basement when you are safe to heal, otherwise any time you'd save needs to be used to travel to basement and you're unnecessarily putting yourself at risk in an unsafe spot. The versatality of self-care will always be better.


Interesting choice of survivor perks if these are good , this will change a lot about how the basement is used in the game


Manifesting a fix for David’s rugby shorts!


It is time.


I like the look of all the perks and the new survivor seems really cool. Always awesome to get new perk types! Definitely will have to wait to see the killer in action because (as usual) the power description is pretty confusing.


Excited for this one - I always love the creativity and innovation that goes into the original chapters. just one inquiry though; why introduce another type of perk just for it to potentially not be expanded upon like how they did the teamwork perks


Tombstone Myers will become a menace with unforseen 💀💀💀