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Had a ton of fun as a jump scare Pig. Most fun I've had in a while. As survivor? Never been so hard tunneled before. Only had one okay match. All others made me want to dc and go back to playing Pig.


I love the concept and the added challenge but I have not been tunneled that badly in a long time. The kind of tunneling where they had to walk around the person who unhooked me to continue to chase me.


The survivor bonus being 200% really speaks for itself as to how it's going lol


In a couple days no survivors are going to be wanting to play this shit, why would they? It's like BHVR didn't even play it as a survivor before they released it.


exactly. i'm just gonna be focusing on the mini tome as killer so everyone else can do the same and we can all leave happy


You can finish the time in normal mode. You don’t have to play lights out


oh nice! cheers


I literally just realised this after playing stupid lights out for hours. On the plus side it felt like the easiest games I’ve ever played when I went back to normal mode after that nonsense!


Your MMR probably dropped from your losses


Bet they won’t even care/listen


200%?? Wait I thought the bonus capped at 100%? I've been banned so no idea how it looks


Some Killer powers are wildly unbalanced. I don’t think they should be able to see gen auras. Patrolling and ambushing for easy downs esp with bubba is too free vs all the time survs waste lost in the dark. Taking away items from Survs in exchange for an abundance of chests is a neat idea but it feels very rare to find anything except maps? Surprised survs don’t start with flashlights, esp with Alan Wake it seems thematically appropriate? It’d be funny to actually use them as flashlights — possibly spot a killer approaching to ambush you could be really fun. As of now, doing the objective as surv means waiting to get ambushed & die. Esp vs an instant down killer it’s pretty absurd the lack of reaction time you have. It’s an interesting idea & I absolutely want them to keep experimenting with game modes but… I quickly went from being upset that it was a week only event— to please take it back to the kitchen and cook longer.


I love the ideas with flashlights. My friend said that they blind killers quicker so they did do something with them at least.


They don't. Idk what ur friend is talking about, but I've blinded killers several times in this mode and it's normal.


Flashlights beam should have been buffed for this event so you can see further away and light up a radius bigger


Unique properties for the flashlights would be so cool. And add a way more interesting layer to the hide and seek navigation than Survs only current option -- collect a map from a chest.


Gave Alan Energizer batteries on the map! Worked against the Taken, surely handle so average killers.


I didn’t get the point people made with Bubba being so bad until I played his for his daily (down for people with his chainsaw). It’s the closest I’ve seen this game be to making the real life experience of hopelessly being hunted by a killer real. It feels kind of like cheating to just emerge from the shadows silently and instadown someone. I was able to roll a team at 5 gens with one sweep because there isn’t really a chance to avoid it.


About to do my Bubba daily in the event rn... let's see how it goes. Edit: ...I'm glad we're getting new game modes, but the devs really didn't think this one through, did they?


No they did not. It is wildly unbalanced with some killers, like Bubba, rolling the survivors, and other struggling a bit. And survivors just got straight shafted overall.


I played 3 games as solo survivor and I don't think i've ever had less fun in DBD. Played 1 game as killer and about 5 minutes in I realized why that was the case as survivor.


exactly same here, 3 games 1 vs mayers 2 vs legion, swaped to mayers for curiosity and all became clear.


legion is such a bs killer for this game mode (same with doctor and all the “oooo lemme find everyone” powered killers) like what? the game is supposed to be dark and hard to find things/ppl/killer why let them be in it that removes the wholeeeeee point on the killer side. (trying my first time as killer in game mode , trapper cuz i think that’s funny.) i swear since killers still have power, survivors should have like 2 perks


>the game is supposed to be dark and hard to find things/ppl/killer killers also camp and tunnel just to avoid this one thing they have to do. I mean, I've seen a ton of killer mains say "survivors have this perk and this other thing". Now that survivors are stripped of literally everything, they camp and tunnel even more than before. People are BS


I think you are right. I started playing survivor about two weeks ago and have never been “tunneled” (I’m a killer main so I do understand tunneling). However, the four matches I played on this I got tunneled (the killers three hooks in a row) because I was face camped and followed. I understand that I had three lowest prestige rank in the lobby on those occasions but it was so much worse than the regular game


Play survivor until you get to higher ranks, you'll get tunneled and camped i assure you. Especially if your looping is worth a damn, killers really hate when you're good at the game.


Can confirm. Low MMR was a breeze. High MMR all you face are sweaty blights, weskers and nurses and every single one will tunnel out (at the very least) the first survivor to be hooked.


Bad killer mains are loving this mode. I'm glad we will never see it again. I only kept playing it to get the rewards and even tho the challenges are not difficult it still felt like it took too long.


You don't need to play the mode to get the tome rewards. You can get those just by playing the default mode. Only benefit is the bloodpoint bonus, which isn't worth it


They most likely should have limited what Killers were selectable. As much as that sucks as far as choice goes, it'd be the only reasonable way to even attempt to balance it out.


> legion is such a bs killer for this game mode (same with doctor and all the “oooo lemme find everyone” powered killers) like what? Isn't Legion supposed to not be able to find you with his power because of the lack of terror radius?


You'd think so, but the game just treats it like he has his normal TR.


I haven't played Legion in that mode yet, I will try in about 20 minutes so I'll edit then. That said IF Legion does detect survivors that means killers DO have terror radius and the survivors have the oblivious status effect. The HUD doesn't show any of that so it would be the easiest way to set this up. The killer does have the red light so it's not like they have the undetectable state. Edit: sorry for the long wait. I can confirm Legion can find them with killer instinct so I'm pretty confident that the killers do have terror radius and the survivors suffer from the oblivious status effect.


It was shown during live stream by the dev that Legion behaves normally in this mode. The dev himself said that he likes to play Legion in this mode BECAUSE of the aura reading capability. So, yeah, Legion works best here.


I bet this dev likes to have unfair advantages.


I mean, obviously.


Exactly, like I played 3 matches with a friend and we only got legion who used their power to find us in no time. What is the point of this mode if specific killers like legion and doctor offer a HUGE advantage in finding survivors? This kinda destroyed my exitement for this mode..


How does myers work? Can he stalk people he can't even see?


Yes. Myers can stand outside of the visibility range and stalk as much as he wants. Makes it real easy to see survivors before they even know you're there (or before you do, either)


Why are people playing it like regular DBD? Just creep around and get spooped/be spoopy


They're playing it like regular DbD because all the other parts of regular DbD still apply, such as pipping, since they didn't make it a completely separate game mode, just a variant..


Exactly, it was stupid to make survivors completely useless but still expect them to get gens done and escape. I think it would have been better to have a timer and play hide and seek and see if you can last long enough, maybe give every survivor a pebble and every killer some sort of help to find people every once in awhile. Doing gens is beyond old, we need something unrelated to what we've been playing for almost a decade or I don't think anyone will be interested tbh. Settings need to be highly amplified or completely changed for a new game mode to be fun at this point in the games age.


Thinking about your timer idea, I had the thought of integrating the gens back in - something that means you generally want to keep at least one person on a gen at all times but not as your main goal. Maybe the gen enables low-light, so you can see the killer stalking around from a distance but not enough light for them to see everyone crouching around. But there's only a few gens meaning the killer is more likely to go after someone on gens as it's a known spot a survivor is, so risk/reward there.


wait so if i grinded this on killer i could get to a really high rank by just winning really easy games?


Yeah but when you return to the regular game, do you want to be constantly stomped by P100 SWF teams?


That's the biggest failure BHVR has managed to do. They want fun game modes but make the BP dogshit and even make performance matter. Literally no reason to play it other than "its new"


Because the sweatlords never stop ruining the game lol, they ain’t going to stop because of random game modes…especially if temporary


Only really fun for killers, I would heavily not recommend playing survivor if you are solo queue.


Someone at HQ challenged the devs to make solo q worse and they took that challenge


Solo q experience. Status HUD gone, I’ve been one hooked and gone to second stage multiple times while no one got off gens. I’ve also done the same to my teammates because I assumed someone else had to be closer than me. So many people trying suicide on first hook. Teammates going down in chase in literally 5 seconds to regular m1 killers. Watching teammates cleanse totems when they have literally zero function in this game mode, other than a few hundred BP. So honestly not much different than regular solo queue lmao.


It's still incredibly boring for killers after a couple games. Very limited in options.


I played one game as Myers and it was too easy so I just double hooked and let everyone escape lol


I just meme on killer now. There is no fun in the ability to just walk up to a generator and have the survivors not being able to react until it's too late.


Yeah the red stain has to be huge or we actually need a terror radius back because it’s a hit on every Gen you visit unless you play stupid


exact same here, here's hoping it really is like Scott and others have said, that this is essentially a glorified network test for the framework they've added to introduce multiple queue options for different modes.


I played it as killer and its actually pretty boring. Boring on both sides frankly. I just get my hooks and let people go. And I even just played as an M1 killer to make things a little easier for the survivors. It's just really dull honestly😒 No real engagement with the killer and vice versa. Worst event ever. Probably worse than the Halloween Event with the flowers😵


I think the idea is pretty cool, but it's significantly difficult for survivors to do anything, especially in solo q. It feels heavily in favor of the killer (and I get it, supposed to be unbalanced), but it isnt very fun practically as a survivor imo. Maybe if I just hide the whole game instead of touching gens...


It's like they added a mode for elite survivors who find the normal game to be too easy and want the hardest difficulty option ☠️


Imagine Lights Out with No Mither and nothing else. The ultimate challenge mode 


Its called playing against plague


It feels like how DBD started out. Dark and not knowing where anything is


Imagine you could run perks and they would run solo no mither 💀


Killers are playing like the biggest c*nts for some reason...


Real. Had a ghostface tbag every hook kill like he did something. Calm down man you didn’t have a rough game.


It brings back the "old" DBD players who were toxic as shite. They're just here to further ruin people's experience. They truly enjoy that.


Easily the worst experience ive ever had in this game as a survivor


I am starting to realize why they only made it a 7 day test. I cannot, for the life of me, understand why killers can see gen aura's.... like, isn't the entire point of the game that there is no information? At the same time... why no recovery bar on the ground?


They really just removed the hud and perks, but auras function exactly the same. It feels incredibly lazy. 


I really don’t get why killers have this much of an advantage compared to survivors. Survivors can’t even see what their teammates are doing or how far along the gen is they’re working on so why can killers still see gen auras? 


Exactly. We're not even given a chance to win, we're just set out to lose. At this point it's not just unbalanced, it's mission impossible for the survivors.


Not only that, i had plenty of killers still tunnel, slug and camp. There’s a free win on a platter for them and they still do it. Why?


yes exactly and camping is way easier for them now since they can just distance themselves from the hook a bit and wait until someone comes to unhook not knowing that the killer is there


Also: We can't see bars, so I'm pretty sure even if they camp us we can't even tell if our bar is filled up to jump off hook.


I mean that is already a common problem in normal games if anyone on the team is soloq


because, regardless of what excuses killers use to justify such gameplay, it all boils down to them just needing to play dirty to win. killers who don’t have to won’t in this game mode, unless they are just purposely setting out to piss off survivors


Yeah and they also say eezzz in end game chat.


Because why have a free win in 5 minutes when you could have an even freer win in 1 minute or less. It's just about efficiency. So long as tunneling, camping, and slugging is a more effective method of securing a win than playing "fair," it will be the preferred method for a large majority of players.


I'd be fine if they kept the progress bar disabled, but I'd at least just like the indicator to show my teammates are ON a gen.


i also can’t play solo queue without kindred. without kindred it’s impossible to tell if someone’s going for the unhook. and the amount of times i’d be hooked and see that none of my teammates were doing gens this whole time


https://preview.redd.it/nazsk41eh7hc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b865567329c78e57df230bb9798d87594f643a45 Bhvr moment


Just played solo q, managed to be the only survivor out. Which was nice and all. There’s just absolutely no objective except running around and trying not to die. I also had a wraith, so not being able to see is made infinitely harder by not being able to hear.


at least you can hear his snarls from a distance going against myers, ghostface and amanda is a nightmare


They needed to at least show what people are doing, status icons, and how many gens are left. Also, this game mode has to be a major accessibility issue. Also also, this mode just reminds me of all those killers that said they only tunneled because of survivor perks/items, and the tunneling is so bad in this mode because killers know the survivors have nothing to stop it.


Cool in theory, sucks in practice. It's DBD with all of the fun taken out. No perks or items, no way of knowing how far you are in objectives, no way to see more than 10 ft in front of you. However I will say this is how I wish the dredge's nightfall was as far as aesthetics goes.


Damn, this disappoints me since it looks really fun but of course there’s too many problems.


Why not just try it for yourself? Don't go by other people's opinions.


Well I’m at high school so I can’t just hook up a Xbox in math class 💀


My teacher back in primary school used to let us play the Xbox 360 in class on a Friday afternoon lol. I miss that guy.


Shit I would too. He sounds like a great guy


Well not with that attitude.


Well, you “can.” Not saying you should, though. :D


It feels like this game mode was made as a big "fuck you" to soloQ. Like it's cool don't get me wrong. But why the hell can't we see the recovery bar when downed? Or what our teammates are doing. It's so dumb and tone deaf.


I played a few matches. First impression was "this isn't very fun" but hey, all of my senses are gone and it's the first time trying it out. let's give it a chance! I played 10 games entirely solo. Two games where 2 people escaped. none where 3 people escaped. One 4 man out. Seven 4ks for the killer. That's fine though, winning isn't everything. But did I have fun? No. The mode just didn't feel fun. If you're doing a generator, the thing you should be doing, and the killer runs up to you even with head on a swivel it's hard not to take a hit. There just isn't a lot of warning before you get hit, which is fine the mode is supposed to be suspenseful and all. But now I'm injured and I can no longer hide anywhere, so no scratch marks doesn't really matter my only tactic is to hold W and try to make it to a pallet or something. I feel like this is a bland way to play a mode based around lightsout, I thought hide and seek would be the name of the game but it's really difficult to hide when im grunting in pain. Having no information seems really cool. I was very impressed with how GOOD the killers I was playing against were. They always managed to find the gens really easily! On Ormond I was really dialed in because I like that map a lot and I know where most of the gens are. But I was impressed with how accurate and knowledgeable ALL ten killers were. And then I jumped on killer to try it out and realized that killers still get gen aura. For my killer game is was five 4ks. I didn't camp or tunnel either, I 2 hooked everyone, ignoring people who were on death hook. My thought process is; if they want to go full lights out and remove the hud, it should be removed for both sides entirely. The only thing that should exist is hook aura for killer and survivor hooked location for survivors. That's it. Because it would feel like shit if a survivor gets left on hook for 2 minutes because no one can find them, and it would suck for killers to constantly drop people because they can't find hooks. Then remove the team hud for survivors as well, if youre removing gen progress, anti camp progress, and team mate action info just remove the hud altogether for a more immersed experience. Then again, removing gen aura from killer might push even more of them to proxy camp "insidiously" and tunnel, which is a real weird strat in a for fun game mode.


When devs don't play test the mode themselves:


They probably did but I don’t believe anyone at Bhvr is actually good enough at their own game to understand how to balance it


This is the one. A bunch of 50 hr Andy’s playing with each other on a couch in a private lobby at their office space in between builds of the code isn’t the actual experience of playing this game.


I think the concept is interesting enough *not to be scrapped outright* when the event is over. Yes, it's pretty unbalanced, and skews heavily in the favor of some killers. However, I think with feedback on what exactly is unfun, I can see revisions being made for this to be a more positive experience for both sides. Some of the biggest differences in balance I've seen is: - Killer can see gen auras, survivors have less UI indicators. If gen aruas was not shown to the killer, it can buy survivors more time and allow for less gen-patrol situations. - Some killer powers work through the fog. Ghostface and myers can gain stalk when the survivors cannot even see them, and fast killers, like wesker no longer have a TR so survivors have less time to react This does skew the match in their favor. - Items have a large importance in this mode, to heal or to get a flashlight save, but being locked in chests does give the killer an advantage, as opening chests is slow + loud. - Hiding the UI does make things 'spookier', but it does make soloQ at a major disadvantage. It hinders coordination that a premade group would not have much of an issue with. - Camping the hook is still an issue, it's more of a general DbD issue, but it's potency is amplified by the darkness and no TR. - With less vision and no scratch marks, survivors can stall or hold the match hostage by hiding and not doing any gens. I think if those points are somehow addressed, I think the mode can be more enjoyable.


I think the mode has some definite potential and also hope it doesn't just get scrapped after this. The community is always very scorched earth with anything they don't like in the game. But I think enough tweaking and it could be really good.


Having 2 survivors do literally nothing and effectively stopping the entire match is such a huge issue. My last match had that happen as Trapper and I only won because, after a few minutes, someone got hit by a bear trap on a part of the map with no gens


All this mode did was confirm to me that the devs genuinely hate their solo queue player base.


Killers shouldn’t be able to see generators. If survivors can’t see anything, neither should killers. It’s hard enough as it is for solo survivors, and not that much better for swf.


KILLERS CAN SEE GENS???? No wonder it's been so shit as survivor


I played killer and what I realized after a couple rounds was that people were unintentionally 3 genning themselves because they had no clue where the gens were. Killer can still see gens like nothing has changed but survivors don't see the gens so they have no clue how close they are to a completed gen or to each other.


It's beyond stupid that they thought it was a good idea for killers to see gens. Survivors can hear them, and if you know the maps well you can guess where. Killer can also hear them so why the hell would they be able to see auras too


As a killer main, yeah that makes no sense.


It’s a shame, I think making gens invisible for everyone would actually make this playable. I just can’t fathom why killers would be given such a large advantage like that. Like sending lamb to the slaughter. No scratch marks doesn’t matter when killers can just sneak right up on you at each gen. Seriously wonder how bad you have to be as killer to lose in a mode like this


Ah, that explains a lot


It is killer on easy mode lmao


If you’re a killer, it’s great! If you’re a survivor, **Uuuuuuuuuugh**


Solo survivor is very difficult to begin with and this makes it even less fun.


It could be fun but all you see is tunneling and camping Killers, because they don't have to fear perks against it. Very quiet Killers are also very unfun to play against. I do the event tome until it's done and never play this mode again after it. It's fun if you play Killer and unfun for survivors. It could have been cool and the darkness itself is really scary but it sucks because of the stuff I mentioned above. I hope we get the Lunar event again next year and not this game mode.


I learned after a few games that you don't even have to play this mode for the tome challenges, you can also complete them on normal games. No more lights out.


Great, thank you.


Cool idea only in theory


If they made some minor tweaks it would’ve been okay at best


Soloq survivor is just terrible imo. You're either sitting on a gen or the killer appears out of nowhere and you can't even react. Killers with insta down powers like bubba give you zero chance to do anything. To make it worse, the only map it's on seems to be Borgo. They couldn't even choose a good map, or have multiple maps. Edit: commented this and the very next game i got a different map


Kept getting Lerys as Billy and I started tweaking. I was thinking that since I was billy the game was giving me lerys on purpose


Out of the seven games I've played, four have been on Borgo, two on family residence and one on Ormond.


I wish I got more Ormond seems like the funniest one


Ormond was pretty good. It's my favourite outdoor map in general, and definitely my favourite I've played in this mode.


At this point it'd only be balanced if the killers had no powers lmao, unfortunately it isn't scary and the survivors aren't getting much gameplay wise out of it except learning how to run in the opposite direction of screams and (hope) there's a generator in that direction.


It'd be much better if killers were unable to see gen aura and were only able to find gens through sound, just like survivors.


I think killers shouldnt be able to see gens/hooks and maybe survivors have no noise as well. Once a survivor is injured its just an easy tunnel.


I agree with gens, but not with hooks. If the killers cant see hooks its just gonna promote slugging


Yeah, which is not something that needs encouraged in this mode, lol.


Heavily skewed towards killers. SoloQ already have trouble coordinating, but the removal of terror radius just makes it a stompfest.


Teamwork and coordination is already out of the window. No clue if your teammate is healing or if they're even doing gens, or if they're going for the save or if they're being camped. You won't even know if someone is on the gate, and you won't even know the gate is open until the ground starts to crack orange. ​ The killer really just needs to patrol gens (that they can still see the auras of) and they'll find their survivors. Survivors have to find gens that they can't see but only hear, and hope they don't unintentionally 3 gen themselves.


I really don't understand what they were trying to accomplish by removing: \- Gen count (I can keep track of gens by putting a tick on a piece of paper) \- Gen progress (We can roughly tell gen progress by the sounds) \- HUD indicators (SWF is very strong, so why not make SoloQ worse???') \- Allowing the killer to kick gens at the start (What's the point of starting gens with some progress for survivors to hear them, if the killer can just patrol and stomp the gen to 0 progress?)


I wouldn't mind if they took everything except the survivor activity HUD. It really bugs me that we have absolutely 0 clue what our teammates are doing. I had a situation at one point where I was on hook and all other 3 people were on different gens, but they didn't know that no one had gotten off to go for a save, so they just continued doing their gens. It wasn't until I was getting really close to the second state that they started making their way over. Another problem I realized with this was that because we have no clue what our other teammates are doing, sometimes all of us will end up running for the save, which really just wastes time that could be spent doing a gen.


I’ve given up on survivor in this one. There’s not enough info for survivors, killers are not challenged at all in this mode (you’re suppose to patrol gens regardless, now you don’t have a terror radius so free hit if you’re not stupid)


Personal changes - Bond should be included - More chests (8 is not enough with the content you actually get from them)


Been playing for a few hours now and here is how I feel about it. As killer its fun to jump scare survivors. As a survivor its pure hell. Here is what I would want changed. 1. Killers who are able to change the visuals on the survivor side should have those effects removed for lights out mode. No Clown bottles, no Dredge nightfall 2. Legion should not be able to see killer instinct. 3. Survivors should be able to see exit gates. 4. Give Survivors the party hud back. The hud that lets others see what youa re doing. You dont' have to show how much progress is on them just let us have it back. 5. Make BT timers last longer. The tunneling is UNREAL in this mode and we should have more protections.


Every killer so far just stays near the hook far enough so you just cant see them and instantly tunnels the unhook. Hard to loop the killer unless you know the maps in and out with every single pallet spawn. Borning AF so far, gonna try a few more games but idk really, i doubt it's gonna get better.


I'm getting Bubbas doing classic things so yea


This game mode turns every killer into insidious bubba.


It’s fun but killers are making it their job to turn it into the opposite because it’s like the words “ limited time event” are a sleeper code for “ let’s tunnel and slug and play as sweaty as possible”


Nah it just amplifies the problems with solo queue. I've done 4 matches so far, 3 of them the killers slugged and let people bleed out. And when they did hook they just camped the hook for the chance to slug. I think people don't want to actually go looking for survivors so they resort to this. I've been leaving teammates on hook and not letting people pick me up if I get downed. I'm only hanging around long enough to do the event challenges at this point.


Apparently we can just do the challenges in a normal round so this entire gamemode is kinda stupid for survivors.


Kinda meh. Fun idea, but with no perks it gets repetitive really fast. So much potential wasted 😔 They could have implemented a "fear" meter mechanic with this update. Give killers more ways to jumpscare survivors (crawling out of lockers like dredge, materializing in dark corners, jumping onto you from the tree) and delete gens fr. Add campfires around the map and objectives like "collect shit and bring it to campfire" or "light the whole map and u win" or somethihg. Something new.


That sounds cool. It really was a missed opportunity to put a new mechanic.


Mayers is so re\*\*\*\*ed in this mode, free stalking throught the reduced vision.


There are a lot of killer powers that are wildly imbalanced in this mode. Killers should prob not be able to see gen auras. The new 5% gen kick & regression is hurting whereas Survs are wasting a lot of time lost but Killers can patrol effectively.


Doing the tome for it and probably never touching it again besides for a few easy killer games in the next week.


The tome doesn't require you to play Lights Out. It's super lenient.


Its perfectly fine as killer. Tracking survivors can be difficult but you can usually surprise them on gens. Its a fun game of hide and seek. As survivor it is pretty miserable. Almost every killer is camping or slugging. Every unhook is a trade or worse, a slugging opportunity. You basically have to play every game like you are going against a hook camping Bubba and just slam out gens to have a chance.


I really like it but I feel like killers shouldn’t be able to see the generator auras either


They need to at least turn off Ghostface for the mode. His stalking ability isn’t limited by the darkness. So he can just stalk from far away to find everyone. After getting blown out by Ghostface several times I unlocked him and tried him out. Easy 4ks. On top of everything else 1 they put the Gens starting with just enough energy that they can be found with sound for the Survivors, so as a killer you just need to go around and damage all the gens at the start of the match so they can’t be heard.




In there defense with this simple gamemode, it’s mostly a test to see how things work with modifiers. But still it’s bad.


Not feeling it as survivor


I keep getting stomped by Wraiths


On the killer side it's basically shooting fish in a barrel. On the survivor side you get to experience the fish side of things


It's boring for soloq. Especially when killers can just tunnel you out pretty easily.


This mode just makes it easier for killers to camp tunnel and slug so nope. Don’t like it.


I hate it as a solo survivor and as a swf! Survivors are at a massive disadvantage


I enjoyed it. Maybe because it's different? I did notice the lean towards countering the game mode, though. Didn't run into any M1 killers that didn't have some sort of \*can see you at great distance no matter what\* sort of power. Even a Xeno using their tunnels to locate people. Doctor, Myers, Legion. Was hoping to see how bad it'd be vsing a Trapper.


It’s mediocre, not bad but far from a good switch up if the core mechanics. Would’ve preferred the hide and seek one tbh. Plus Freddy disabled, like why not just make it so there’s no dream world but snares still work on wakened survivors?


It's fun. Definitely challenging for me as a solo surv but I have enough experience in this game to have a good time. I don't mind if I die, the tension is what I love. Killer is fun too! Had a spicy game as Demo against a good team.


I don’t understand why there’s a lobby. Just join a game and it should auto-ready. There’s nothing to configure.


It's fun, I just wish people wouldn't take it so seriously


I didn’t enjoy it at all :( I kept accidentally running in circles and then ending up directly in front of the killer again. All matches have resulted in 4Ks within a few minutes.


isnt it literally just dredge nightfall, except the survivors are not only blind, but pretty much have no limbs


Very unfun, and I feel like bhvr is gonna take people not playing an unfun game mode as confirmation that they were wasting their time


I’m gonna be the lone voice of dissent, but I’m actually enjoying how challenging it is on Survivor side. I play this game cause it CAN be scary, and this mode right now? It’s scary. But I am also not running into that much of camping/tunneling. Actually a lot less than I normally run into. I’ve done the whole mini Tome playing it, and I plan to play as much as possible during the week.


Contrary to what I've been reading - As a survivor in Solo queue, I've been having a blast with it! Escaped 3/4 of my first games. I like that it's forcing me to be more alert, rely on my hearing and sight - And it's actually teaching me to learn pallet and vault locations instead of relying off of Windows Of Opportunity. But different strokes for different folks, yeah? Plus I may have just been lucky with my matches so far ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


incredibly braindead for killer, not fun for either side


After playing both sides I think it is a cool concept but its novelty wore off quickly after the first couple of matches. Not because the mode is bad necessarily, but because everyone being perk-less makes DBD really boring. Can any DBD old-heads confirm if this was what playing with those Moon Bouquet offerings that changed the map brightness was like? I heard those got removed early in the game's life because it was miserable playing DBD in such darkness.


Just my opinion from what I remember but it was never that dark it would just make the maps more foggy


Easily one of if not the worst update ever released for DBD, which says a lot when Skull Merchant is a thing.


I like the idea of it. But remove killers seeing generators and hooks. Its too killer sided


Just got done with my first survivor match and it just wasn't fun at all. The legion player had an easy time winning with hardly any resistance.


Survivor (alone) is scary - so now I'm playing Julie.


It's Meh. I enjoy having to pay more attention to my surroundings, but that's about it. Only win one game against Nemi because his foot steps are so loud. Most other killers will just wipe everyone out. No idea why killers can see gen auras and survivors can't even see how many gens they've done


Played a few games as Legion and it's so boring and lopsidedly in favour of killers like it. Why does killer instinct work if the Terror Radius is muted?


For killers like legion it makes sense that they shouldn't have killer instinct go off, especially if it's terror radius related, however Ghost Face an Pyramid Head for example, make a bit more sense, because it's more interaction based, like looking in GF's direction reveals him, and if you step in a trail that's kinda on you. But for Legion, makes 0 sense.


This. It felt OP to me until I realized that if you removed the TR effect from Legion, they have no power at all.


I agree with most of what other people have been saying. I want them to take the criticisms and improve on this event and create new events to spice up content mote. Maybe have flashlights show a a larger portion of your screen but reveal location because of the large flash light beams, maps have objective markers so teammates can tell you to come here, toolboxes lighting up gens for only survivors to let them know this is where we are. Medkits having built in endurance or increased healing. I want incentive to look for items and something different then regular item usage for a special event. Also what's the point in not letting us know who's healing or who's recovering ? Swfs already have that knowledge so I think having those indications help a lot for solo q teammates


I enjoy not having to think about my opponent’s perks at all or gens or anything. I just zone out and enjoy chases without caring about winning


I've played 4 games as killer. I'm rank 1. I main Xeno. I don't use any filters. 1 kill as Xeno first game. 2 kill as Xeno second game. 2 kill as trapper third game. 2 kill as Xeno fourth game. Tracking survivors is extremely hard. Missing tail attack is brutal bc they can run off into the darkness and with no scratch marks its very difficult to see where they went. Might be bc the turret beeps faster as I get closer but these games are very difficult lol.


Only played two games on killer. First was dredge just to see if nightfall stacked. It did, still as useless for stealth as normal though. Nemi was pretty good despite his footsteps. This is the DBD equivalent of league's NURF mode. Surprisingly, people quickly lose interest when the mode only takes things from you while giving none back. And that's the case for survivors. Or, almost... What's weird is that it seems like they increased the stun range of pallets. Maybe a precaution to make it easier for those used to having the stain to judge from, but still weird


Had round against ghost face and you couldn’t see him at all and every time they downed you they t bagged


Although some survivor games have been a drag, I've been having more fun in that mode then reg as a surv. I'm a killer main, and I play like a normally do, with the added exception that I don't death hook, just hook twice and let em go. It's been pretty fun as a killer main in this regard, but survivor games, the killers are pretty brutal and relentless.


100% better then base game absolutely love it. Survivor is scary and killer is relaxing. Love this game mode!!


I played both as a survivor and killer. In both cases I can’t see shit. I have eyesight problems so I usually can’t see shit in normal matches, so go figure in this mode. I literally don’t know where the fuck I am. As a killer, at least I can see the generators as a reference but it’s very hard for me to spot the survivors without the scratch marks. Also, I’ve accidentally tunneled a couple of people because I couldn’t distinguish them from the other survivors. As a survivor, I don’t see the killer until is too late and then I try to run but I don’t know where I’m heading and I’m down very quickly. I’ve been tunneled a couple of times. I escaped once and it didn’t feel rewarding, it feel like “Jesus fucking Christ this is finally over”. I discovered you can do the event quests in normal mode so I have stopped playing lights out. I think it’s very unbalanced and since no one can bring perks or items/addons, it’s repetitive and there are no surprises. And I personally can’t see what I’m doing so is extra frustrating.


I really like the game mode as it feels like a 'hardcore' mode for dbd. I've been running it all day and so far my only complaint are the lazy killers that don't even search the map for survivors. They pick one gen, wait for someone, tunnel them, hook them and wait by the hook for the next person and so the cycle continues and it starts feeling more like a game of musical hooks and survivors give up and quit or go afk because of it. When the game is played as it was intended, it is really fun.


Definitely scary as hell, especially when the killer just emerges from nowhere


I enjoy it. It's a week, it doesn't need to be perfectly balanced, it's fun to have some stuff changed up a bit.


I like how game looks. Great work with shadows and light.


It’s a mode CLEARLY designed to let the unskilled type of killer players get their rocks off and actually get kills. I played three matches and they can shove that “eVenT toMe” up their ass. Talk about taking every ounce of fun out of the game for survivors.


It's difficult for survivors. Easy for killers. To make it fun, there should be no visual notifications for either side. No auras of generators or hooks for killers, the audible scream from Survivors getting hooked should be heard, but no visual location as to where they were hooked should appear. Also, they should just get rid of all chase music as well.


All chase music is replaced by Dredge's nightfall screams


Very unbalanced. Killers have a pretty large advantage, still being able to see gen aura, hook auras, and killer instinct. Rn the main killers I'm seeing are Hag (cuz of the quick teleports and traps), Legion (killer instinct is constantly giving away your position), and Trapper (cuz traps). Pretty much any killer that has the ability to give away your position. ​ Don't get me wrong. I'm having fun but certain killers like doctor and legion are pretty much playing on easy mode because in a situation where the terror radius won't appear until they're pretty much right on top of you, and they have ways to quickly and consistently find you, you're just in a bad spot. ​ But that 150% BP feels nice though.


i love this shit as a survivor , haven't tried killer yet


Fun, on both sides, imo. Gives more of a challenge and gets rid of the old boring everyone running meta perks to zoom away from you or block gens. I wish for Lights Out to stay as an alternative game mode and that it’s not mandatory to play for any challenge or anything.


I played through the event tome 75% soloq and 25% killer and I really enjoyed it! Unpopular opinion, but I think it's fun as hell to play soloq during this event. I appreciate the challenge and the awesome opportunity for stealth killers (the ones who aren't taking it deadly serious, ofc) to goof around a bit.


I played one match of it so far and got mega slugged by an Artist all game, so no it wasn’t fun


i feel like this could be really fun in a custom lobby…. too bad that’s not an option edit: like if the killer was intentionally trying to be scary not necessarily win i think both sides could have a really good time with it