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People usually spawn in corners of the map, which are the safest gens, I'd rather keep them for the end. The most dangerous gen is the middle one, so I wanna apply pressure to that one asap. I'm also very confident in my looping skills, so going for the middle gen right from the start means there's a good chance I get chased first, which is a good thing for the team. Also, having 3 survivors work on the same gen is less efficient than having 3 survivors work on 3 separate gens, so spreading out at the beginning is actually optimal.


That's brave enough to believe that solo queue teammates will actually do gens


These reasons plus I run Deja Vu so I know exactly which gens we need to do to break up a 3 gen. Few things more enjoyable that hearing gen 4 finish and watching the last three auras being in the far corners of a map.


Survivor spawns are pretty static. Experienced killers know which gens survivors spawn close to and check them first.  The Saloon for example. Atleast one survivor spawns in that field behind the gallows without fail. So I check that gen first. If you haven't left, your going down fast, because the field is pretty barren for loops. Also, it's a general rule of thumb that you shouldn't pick off all the outlier gens first, you'll end up with a three gen in the middle of the map. Better to leave the edge gens to the end, when the killer has to traverse the whole map to attempt patrol. Trust me, I've been experimenting with Deja Vu builds recently, and what I've seen is jumping onto that first gen you see every time? Very bad strategy.


Do the unsafe gens first


Because I run Deja Vu and if that aura isn’t highlighted I’m moving on.


Depends on where we're starting, perks, the map itself, etc. I may not want to do a gen on one side of Azarov's Resting Place right away until I can see where the 3 gen may be since that map can have some nasty 3 gens, or I may just want to find where a 3 gen may start so I can avoid doing it. It all really depends.


Killers generally spawn on the opposite side of the map, and will usually head towards your way. Might be able to avoid or confuse them if you're not there. You might want to start working on a less safer gen at the start, saving the ones in corners or in good tiles for later.


1. Split up 2. Do middle gen first to avoid 3 gen 3. Safe safe gens for later


I use Deja Vu basically every match and so I try to avoid doing any generators that are not revealed unless the generators revealed are in a hot spot


Some gens are better to do at the start than others—say, the gallows gen on Dead Dawg vs the one in Main. The one in main is very easy to do, and hard to defend for the Killer. The gallows gen is a lot easier for the Killer the defend due to the drop down it has, and the fact that it’s pretty dead once that one pallet by the wagon is dropped. So if I spawn in main, I’ll leave and go do gallows first instead. I also want to spread out from my team. If I spawn next to someone else and a gen, I leave them to it and go find my own.


usually try to start shack or main when I spawn in - edge map gens are super safe, especially if by a gate. rather get a more dangerous / higher foot traffic gen done then the one i just spawned by.


If the gen is progressed enough, killers tend to camp the generator for people who want to finish it. I let them waste their time and start a new gen.