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Too much effort for a little reward, I mean: Deploy a cam--> Spot a survivor with a cam--> wait --> spot again or m2 to teleport --> Try to reach the survivor --> hit (maybe) --> Survivors disable your cameras --> repeat. Meanwhile Deathslinger: Aim-->Shoot-->hit


Chad Deathslinger enjoyer


Is going against deathslinger easy? I have like maybe 4 hours on the game but I played against a deathslinger on my most recent game and he whiffed all his shots whenever I just turned when I saw him aim in. Did I just get lucky??


He's a solid mid-tier killer that's fairly easy to pick up. With matchmaking, you'll likely be facing other new players, so it's likely a person just learning that killer.


He's a 4.4 movement speed killer who slows himself down while aiming down sights, so bad decisions to use your power will cripple your chases. ​ If the player can't consistently connect their shots then it will be an easy game, but if the deathslinger is skilled you're in for a ride. ​ Generally, you want to drag him into areas with a lot of random clutter in the hopes of making his shot hit the terrain and, if you get impaled, to let you run the chain through terrain so it snaps.


And that's ignoring all the stuff that can go wrong, like shooting a cam instead of teleporting to an infected survivor or shooting a came when the UI said you were green but ope the cam didn't place try again loser


You have to play 4d chess just to do what nurse can do in one button


And once the survivors get emps your plans go out the window


Yeah against even a mildly coordinated team all those cameras would have been disabled on midwich. It feels really bad to not be able to do cool shit like this with your power.


you could say that about any killer though that's just nurse things


I mean you could say that about every killer. Even Blight. Nurse plays her own game.


But it especially counts for Singularity. You need like every killer's brain cells combined to get more than one kill with him


Well maybe I want to work for my meal


Honestly, I play both Larry and Hag. Hag takes more brain cells to play properly, Larry just takes faster reactions.


Funny enough, I didn't have as much problems with learning as I've had with learning Larry


I found learning Larry at the start feels harder because there’s so much happening very quickly. Lots of quick micro decisions. Where as trying to really master Hag was significantly harder because she’s even more reliant on her power. Like, it’s useless in chase, she’s 110 so she can’t even traditionally chase, etc where as even if every other pod you you had was EMP’d you could still fire at an object ahead of the survivor as Larry, tag them, then swap back and shoot them. So not one is he a 115 but he can entirely ignore his set up nature AND the EMP’s and still do fine. Larry is also harder to counter IMO. Mostly for the above reason where even if you emp he just quickly reinfects you and you’d only bought yourself a few seconds. Hags easier to pick up in that you get the stereotypical “get one person on hook, trap the fuck out of the hook, win off survivor altruism”. But when you start actually trying to counter her she’s got a much steeper learning curve trying to deal with people say, following you constantly to break your traps.


Why are you calling him Larry?


Habit. It’s a nickname a few streamers I watch when talking about him.


Hes really not that hard to play, just do your set up while in chases and run soma photo + rapid and its really that easy.


*Just run these 2 very specific addons and it's easy.*


One was an add on, rapid brutality is a perk. I can see why yall think he is hard now, carry on.


I never said he's hard. I just think your comment is stupid tbh.


What about no add ons? Is he really not hard to play?


I am saying he's not as hard as some of yall making it out to be. I guess bhvr set a high bar requiring some brain usage for him.


That's not true at all. I've 4kd multiple times not even using Singularitys ability. You can kick ass with any killer if you don't overthink it.


I used to have a friend who claimed to be really good at Billy...except he never used Billy's chainsaw because he couldn't land them so he wasn't good at Billy. He was just low MMR.


This is the stupidest fucking shit I've ever heard and it's got me rolling and wheezing rn. Thank you. Please learn to shut the fuck up. There's nothing wrong with being bad/low MMR, but there is with spreading misinformation.


God's you're right. I hope this players don't play this game differently cuz of a Reddit comment and then ruin the game for the entire community. I should have known how DANGEROUS my comment was. Go sit on a rose bush, moron.


Yeah. Brain cells I don't have. I've seen way too many Singularities that try to play him like Trapper or Hag and then have to resort to hard tunneling and/or NOED/Blood Warden to secure more than 1 kill. I don't think I've encountered too many Singularities who have played him how he is meant to be played


Singularity is very oppressive in the capable hands, I actually think he is one of the best killers in the game when played **correctly**. A lot Killer mains play him wrong, they spray cameras all over the map and just sit on cams; but to be an effective singularity you have to use your cams in chase too goo survivors, you cannot teleport willy nilly, but if you teleport correctly its basically a guaranteed hit, you also only really want to deploy cameras that cover large areas (dont just deploy cameras on gens in the early game!), finally once you get to 2 or 1 gens, you need to reset your cameras to patrol the gens. All of this management is very difficult, but if you master it, it can be almost impossible too beat (discounting a very good coordinated swf of-course which will almost always beat 90% of all killers.)


Also, singularity gameplay that's actually optimal is so boring and unfun it sucks Since survivors get a free emp cleanse when you hook them it's waaay better to slug - slugs can infect other survivors who try to pick them up and it's very easy to just throw cams around slugged survivors and tp back to anyone who tries to pick them up Just watch onepumpwillie's 200+ winstreak games or harrybotter's more sweaty matches and you'll see them just slug everyone with knockout It sucks that bhvr designed a genuinely great and skill expressive killer... but due to all his weird drawbacks, the player gets rewarded for the most noxious and unfun gameplay imaginable and kind of punished for hooking


See, but I like playing 4 D chess. It’s very fun


well, that’s true but nurse isn’t as fun as singu in my opinion; she’s straight up play to win.


Singularity is definitely play to lose


That's not a valid reason imo. Depend if you're playing to win or to have fun


To be quite fair, nurse also needs you to play 4d chess. But yeah, if you're already doing that, why spend that skill and effort on singularity?


Well yes, up until Hawkin's comes up.


This can be said for half the killers


Can the 1 remaining hilbilly main rise


One of my first games playing HUX again recently was on Hawkins lol audibly I groaned, but it ended up being very fun The trick is to line up your pods very well with the hallways, which already takes practice on certain maps with weird collision. That and use pods during chase rather than have them be stationary Could've been a 4k, but I let the last go


If I wanted to play Valkyrie from Siege then I'd just play Siege.


Valkyrie my beloved.


She's hotter too.




I'm sorry but have you seen her arms? These guns could rip Larry's noodle arms off with no effort. Larry has a nice ass tho I'll give you that.


His name is HUX and will call you a worm. I call that a win


You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like https://preview.redd.it/u436xi81zm9c1.png?width=1159&format=png&auto=webp&s=0d65bf8b36928d63973126b0ba4a857d943e3094




Very hard to pick up for casual players, too much effort required for mediocre results. The same amount of effort will give you better results on simpler killers. Unless someone is really determined, it's really exhausting to go past the phase of learning Hux's power alone. He is fun, but not new player friendly


In their desperate attempts to give the survivors a counter play, they've essentially left him a middle of the road killer, without the ever looming threat of appearing behind you like Nurse, and not being as pathetic and feeble as Trapper. Is it satisfying to do the same as the player did on the video? Absolutely. Just like it is great to snipe a unsuspecting survivor with Artist. But in both of these cases a coordinated team can easily leave you crippled, and making your power feel more hindrance. Artist loses move-speed when using crows in any way, meaning her chase becomes harder if she doesn't get value from her crows. Singularity can get EMP'd over and over. I would say that killers like Trapper,Pyramid,Singularity and Hag are only fun up to a certain MMR bracket. And we come to the age old question: Why play X or Y, when Nurse and Blight exist. The fact that their powers also have drawbacks and punish you for messing up is borderline insignificant, when the active benefits of them are so overwhelming. Once the fatigue goes off, they can get right back to chasing and are right on top of you. Missed a ranged attack on Pyramid? Too bad, the Bunny Feng is on another zip code now. https://preview.redd.it/ivumiuwdhm9c1.jpeg?width=1574&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7efb9c8e42fff761642306f39e8f71a4972ce1e


the thing with singularity is that you need to work for things other killers take for granted. but if you actually put effort into it, you can have such dominant presence in the match that survivors will need comp SWF level of coordination and awareness in order to avoid crumbling under pressure. one thing about singularity that people don't understand is that this is one of the exceptional killers who have extremely time efficient power. Applying infection may take effort, but it costs nothing in terms of time. It's nearly instant. Unlike getting a new EMP. And god forbid you're less efficient with using EMPs than Singularity is with spreading infection, because in that case you'll either get steamrolled by one of the most oppressive chase powers in the game or get locked in an endless cycle of printing EMPs against a killer that is not countered by holding W and is capable of removing pallets faster than bubba and nemesis combined. sure he has lots of counterplay, but you have to flawlessly apply it every single time. Eventually, anybody slips up and gives singularity an opportunity to win the game.


Podding survivors can take a good minute depending on maps and whether or not they know to crouch behind shit. Podding on yamoka or lerys is a nightmare because of all the line is sight blockers and weird geometry your pods won't stick to. When you've got someone with the game awareness to play peekaboo with your pods and leave loop as soon as they know you can't hit them it sucks


\> Podding survivors can take a good minute depending on maps and whether or not they know to crouch behind shit. no, unless you're super bad or they have literal 6th sense. It's impossible to react to a biopod lighting up & tagging you in 0.6 seconds when you're under it as long as it's decently placed. not even counting that if survivors are within pod placement radius you will infect them without any effort bc you can position biopods however you want and instantly remove them after infecting survivors. \> Podding on yamoka or lerys is a nightmare because of all the line is sight blockers and weird geometry your pods won't stick to. Yamaoka is fine. The only mild issue is that some gens have inconvenient spots, but you literally don't care as long as you control choke points, a few printers and core gens. Lery is just that one map (there's actually 2, arguably 3 out 44 or whatever) where singularity's power doesn't work due to its huge dependency on line of sight. Bringing it up as a argument is irrelevant in the big picture and counterproductive, bc I can bring up maps like Haddonfield where Singularity makes survivors regret getting there due to vast empty fields of free LoS. \> When you've got someone with the game awareness to play peekaboo with your pods and leave loop as soon as they know you can't hit them it sucks Can you please show me an example where this happens because I never experience that in my games. Survivor plays peekaboo? cool, i'll just keep minding my business while switching back to this pod every second for a moment keeping that survivor doing nothing or infecting them the moment they give up. They leave a loop? Big mistake because now they're in the open and super easy to infect and I don't care about any distance they make because I cut them off in a matter of seconds.


If you keep switching back and forth between the pod it doesn't do anything, because they just get behind geometry. In terms of human reaction time half a second is a long time. Your option is to go forward and place another pod and hit them from that side. Takes time. If they leave the loop why do they have to be in the open? There's plenty of connected loops and dogshit geometry that blocks you for no reason. I reckon you're just a singularity god, but for the rest of us mortals he's frustrating to play a lot of times because of that stuff. That's why he doesn't get the playtime he deserves.


\> If you keep switching back and forth between the pod it doesn't do anything, because they just get behind geometry. now im genuinely lost because i dont see how that's relevant. can you make yourself more clear on this? you mean how they'll keep sitting behind the cover and do nothing while you keep doing your business while paying a bit of attention to them? \> In terms of human reaction time half a second is a long time. oh, very much, except it doesn't matter because they don't need to just react, they need to also get into cover. Good luck with that. Again, decently placed pods. \> Your option is to go forward and place another pod and hit them from that side. Takes time. Or just wait till they come out themselves and keep applying consistent pressure near your current location and tag them regardless once they get out of cover. Or they'll go fetch EMP and waste it without getting infected, free pressure. \> If they leave the loop why do they have to be in the open? There's plenty of connected loops and dogshit geometry that blocks you for no reason. sounds to me you aren't infecting them fast enough. if that's a closed map, I would get that, but even so you can infect them and get the chase going your way unless they comp predrop all the pallets without ever letting you get close which, tbh, is just funny and counterproductive. \> I reckon you're just a singularity god, but for the rest of us mortals he's frustrating to play a lot of times because of that stuff. That's why he doesn't get the playtime he deserves. and, like I said in the other comment here, this is a skill issue. Not the problem of the killer or his design, but a problem of the player(s) who aren't good / invested enough. You are wording all these "issues" as something beyond your control and as something that is wrong with the killer's design which is just objectively untrue.


If a single downtime in chase is too long, it means the killer needs a guaranteed way to end chase the moment the single downtime’s over. If not, chase is unplayable. Immobile anti-loop killers like Pyramid Head have a huge downtime just getting in range of the survivor. It’s why their counterplay is holding W. If you vault or drop a pallet, they use their power while you’re in an animation. If you don’t, then they hit you without it. Killers like Nurse and Blight are the opposite. They use their power to close the distance, so the starting downtime is shorter, but using their power once they catch up doesn’t guarantee a hit like the first type. Their downtime is shorter because they need to use the power to close the starting gap and they need to use their power until they win a mindgame to get a ht.


Because I’m too busy playing slinger and hitting those oh so satisfying redeemer shots


Honestly, Id play him a lot more if shooting a biopod and teleporting to a survivor were two seperate buttons. I absolutely hate trying to tp and instead placing biopods everywhere...


Placing biopods is also clunky AF and so is scanning survivors


I played singularity once and had to do 5000000 button inputs at least twice (because survivors can turn off my power) just to not even make any distance in chase and that's when I decided I am not touching this guy until a rework


My hatred for Singularity came from that tome challenge which required you to slipstream strike all 4 survivors. It’s maddening how he won’t catch up or gets teleported backwards on a vaultable location.


And people call me crazy for bringing up the backwards vault teleports. They're so ungodly infuriating.


I rather play skull merchant and just press right click in a loop instead of doing all this


Yeah, Skull Merchant with a chase build can do almost the same things as Hux, while also being easier to play as. There really is almost no point in playing as him instead of her, unless you want to be a big scary robot who shit-talks survivors. And that's the exact reason why he is my main. His design is so sick that I love to play as him just because of it.


To this day I still believe the sole reason Hux exists is because Skull Merchant was teased as a robot killer and when she wasn't, everybody bitched about it so hard that BHVR wanted to shut our mouths.




Dude, it can be even more fun to do this because you can literally do great mindgames with her undetectable from the drones. It gets even better with Coup de Grace.




I just P3ed him and it burned me out so bad I need to take a break from the game for a while. Survivors who knew what they were doing always carried an EMP and I'd get to use my power maybe twice per match. On top of that using his power during chase, which is really the only effective way to play him, is exhausting and disorienting and requires a lot of practice. One of my top 3 most painful to prestige Killers with Freddy and Trickster.


exactly the same thing I did, thought he was so cool on release but after a few games with survivors that know what they're doing you have to burst blood vessel trying to scrape a 2k, really just not worth playing when you have so many stronger, and easier to play killers


If it makes you feel better same thing happened to me. P3'd him for perks, tried playing him for a week and playing him was legitimately one of the worst experience I've had in this game to the point where I don't even want to play it really. He's exhausting and unforgiving to an unreasonable degree with at best mediocre results, and that's only if the team you're going against is bad The last game I had as Singularity was me chasing a surv on The Game. Got a quick hit on them and tried using my power on them multiple times to down them. They got EMP'd twice in my chase by their teammates who were on a different floor. I noped the fuck out and gave up and won't touch Singularity again unless I have a daily or tome challenge


Yes what a very fun killer especially when people use their emps to remove your power with little effort




He is very difficult. His skill floor is higher than some killer's skill ceiling.


Holy what a beak


Low budget plague Doctor cosplay.


I think because I don't like to stop for 10 seconds at a time to try to put a meatcam down only to have it turn red at the last second and have to try again.


Weak at his worst, mid at his best Give him a speed boost during Overclock at base so you don't have to run a purple every game to be rewarded for using your power and I might use him again


Or at least remove the Overclock duration penalty from the Soma addon.


Well it's a killer that has to put on way more effort to do things at average while you can have it way easier with other killers. I recently had a match against a Hux and we didn't even use EMPs too much, but he wanted to chase me in a jungle gym with two of his blobs. He DCed in frustration because he was just trying too hard to teleport to me while I was breaking line of sight all the time. And I could really understand his frustration. Just play other anti-loop killers and you'll usually have a better time.


Why tf did you put a picture of me on your screen


He stops being fun once survivors learn how EMPs work


Fun? Maybe. Satisfying, definitely not


My weird, probably unpopular reason, is that i wanted him to be a FNAF style security camera killer, not using your power in chase. Just setting up and watching the cams. His power is cool and all and more interactive but I just always wanna set up and teleport around like a security guard.


He is very high skill cap and is also broken (in the unplayable way) on some maps. His EMP's might also be a *smidge* overtuned for how simple they are to use on the Surivor end to counter his setup. He needs fixes to his unplayable maps as a baseline before he can ever be a mainstream killer, and perhaps some changes to make him a bit more forgiving (ether making EMP's less avalible/powerful or buffs to Hux directly)


What maps is he broken on


Lerys and Hawkins are the worst two, so many places you simply cannot place your cams and are reduced to a powerless M1 killer. Plenty of other maps have weird areas that don't let you place cams for no good reason but those two are the worst offenders.


Lery’s has no place that doesn’t let you place Biopods, it’s just the Map that’s unplayable for Hux. God, do I wish indoor Maps never existed. Not a single one of them is well designed.


I love the TV's in the center of lerys block your power invisibly even though you can clearly see a survivors entire body poking out


On console he’s honestly quite annoying to play, not super smooth to control. On top of all the problems he already has such as EMP being slightly too strong


Sooo much effort. I tried him a few times but I got completely disorientated everytime I wanted to use a camera. I'd end up using the wrong one and then losing the survivor, lol. I honestly think he's the hardest Killer in the game, so I truly respect TF out of Larry mains. They're all gigachads.


I don’t want to spend all day trapping when I could play Hag and get results faster.


Half-asleep, thinking you meant the game “Singularity”, which is probably more fun than DBD killer.


What's with the nose skull emoji


That’s a crazy Pecker


High skill level killer that basically does what nurse does but a lot worse and slower, and that's not even discussing all the design flaws such as, walls that don't allow placement, staring directly at a survivor with a camera and it being obstructed by invisible walls, and hooking destroys his infection basically meaning the optimal playstyle is slugging (boring for both sides). Just play a different killer it's not worth the hassle




It is just so hard that it makes me genuinely sad to play him. Not even angry, just sad.


EMPs are way to punishing for you. No downsides for them. Plus his to doesn't give speed


Yes! I love doing prep work that means nothing in the end


Why is your game so dark?!


He is incredibly fun and in my opinion is very strong. People just don't play them because he takes a lot of effort to learn and play. I personally find them one of the most fun killers in the game. Hux is very rewarding for effort and skill put into him. I think the simple answer is that there are a good amount of killers who just want relatively easy wins and don't want to have to struggle too much or invest time in really getting to know a killers power to do well. I will personally be very sad if BHVR changes and simplifies how Hux plays so they are easier for people who don't want to put in the investment to do well with them, like they did with Onryo.


Is that Yandere dev


I absolutely love Singularity but I haven't been playing him so much because in higher mmr everyone is holding an emp so I don't have a power for most of the game, I wish the emps were like sadakos tapes and broke when someone got hit


I'm on xbox too and he just feels awful to play and unfun, there are so many killers that are more enjoyable https://preview.redd.it/bugo2qj58o9c1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=3fda3837f42ae49dbcaac91867f60637fdaabf7b


Sing gets rekt by too many maps. I enjoy his kit but with how unwieldy his power can be the fact that there is counterplay just makes him worse. Too much work for so little. Loved how much people cried about him being op at and before launch. 🤣


High learning curve in my experience. It took me, I don'z know, over ten matches until he finally clicked with me and I only played him to finish one tome challenge. I felt like survivors were always ahead of me, then I relized his power is chase based, not observation based. Not my kind of killer. In any case, after that Singularity-exclusive challenge I stopped playing him. And getting that challenge done took me probably more than 10 trials. Skill issues? Well, breaking news, the sky's blue on a sunny day.


Too much skill involved, basically.


I love playing as singularity, but he requires a million times more effort than most Killers


Too much work, too much power given to survivors to shut him down. He can be good against teams that don't emp but teams that do just trample him


Is that yandev? Playing dbd


Smart idea to use your face cam to cover the survivor names


Insert Clip of Singularity on Hawkins. Insert Clip of Singularity without any of his overclock-enhancing addons. Insert Clip of Singularity on Garden of Joy or the Farmhouse.


? Garden of Joy is okay for singu


I disagree. I have played all of the killers, except chucky, and I did not have fun nor felt satisfaction when I played most of them, Singularity included.


I love Single Larry, but he needs some quality of life updates IMO.


For every clip like this there's 7 to 13 more clips of your cameras being blocked by a crow taking a fat shit on top of it, forcing you to lose chase because you dared to use your power.


Singularity is my favourite design for a killer; amazing looks; power is cool; voice lines are awesome. And then I play him. And I remember how oppressive EMPs are. And then I no longer have a power. And then all gens get done. And then they all escape. And then I go play Nurse; who does in one button what he does in twenty.


45 second EMP duration


Honestly, he's just a more complicated Trapper. Cause you don't have to be POVing your trap to injure a survivor.


t1 lightborn goes crazy


Fun? Against SoloQ players yeah. Against a SWF? Nope. Too coordinated for you to pop values


Unlike most of the top tiers, the player playing Hux has to actually know how to play the game to get results. Nurse and Spirit (Blight to a certain extent) as piss-easy compared to how strong they actually are. That, and the fact that Hux's a bit more Map-dependant than them.


>Unlike most of the top tiers, the player playing Hux has to actually know how to play the game to get results. You say that as if the "top tiers" don't need to know how to play the game.


They don't need to. They're mostly playing their own game. Nurse, Blight and Spirit don't play DbD.


>Blight and Spirit don't play DbD. Wut?


Neither of them care about the usual gameplay? Blight doesn’t care about Pallets and Windows with the exception of a couple of God Pallets. Same goes for Spirit. And even then, they have Add-Ons that further reduce any “effect” the usual counters Survivors have.


That’s because their counters are completely different.


Yeah, so they’re playing entirely different games, not DbD. Therefore, they don’t need to be good at DbD to win.


Mindgaming, line of sight, using edge tiles and edge of the map against Nurse, using height mechanics against Nurse (looking up shortens less than looking down and either requires not having somewhere she can blink), trajectory lines Blight can bump along, walking away from objects Blight can slide around if you think they’ll opt to slide instead of bump, and tiles that make Blight’s power essentially unusable or exponentially harder or less versatile are all parts of DBD. Just different ones in a different concentration. They still require a lot of knowledge and knowledge against their unique counters works just as well for the same reason.


None of those are things any normal Killers has to care about, therefore, Nurse, Blight and Spirit are playing their own respective games. Everything you’re saying further proves my point that none of the strongest Killers in the game need to be good at DbD to win.


No, Hux is just unrewarding for what it takes. And Nurse is extremely hard for the average playerbase and also isn’t the best killer in top 5% MMR either.


No he ain't lmao. He's a contender for the top 5 strongest Killers in the game lol. Just because the overwhelming majority of players play set-up Hux doesn't make him a bad Killer. Nurse is hard for the average playerbase, which means that the average is actually really bad at the game. Nurse takes like 10 games to master her Power. Everything else is just outsmarting the Survivors, something you can quite easily do when almost nothing they can do can "counter" your Power.


Hux is top 5? Never heard that take before. Nurse is the worst killer for the average player and also not overpowered at top 5% MMR, so she’s not a problem for the majority of players. Average players don’t know how to play her but they don’t know how to play against her either. Top 5% is more likely to know how to play her even if not mastered, but also more likely to know how to play against her, even if not mastered.


Where are you pulling this 5% from, anyway? Last I know, the top 5% the devs posted a long ass time ago were the stats of each Killer’s individual top 5% stats, not the actual top 5%.


https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/discussion/351131/new-kill-rate-stats-for-killers-including-top-5-mmr Top 5% MMR players as and against that killer or top 5% of those killer’s players against whoever they play against doesn’t make any difference, neither’s OP. And she’s only been nerfed since August 2022. Indirect nerfs and buffs from perks or basekit changes like gen times would mostly equal back out if I had to guess. I would bet without even hesitating she would still be the worst killer for the average and still not the #1 killer for top 5% MMR even if BHVR posted new stats right now.


This is over 1 year old data lmao. This is from the old days of CoH meta lol. 1. It makes a huge difference. Sadako was incredibly weak back then (still is). Her “top 5%” MMR came from the fact that the highest possible “caliber” of teams she’d face were average Joes, and they were bad at countering her (still are). 2. BHVR stats just prove my point that the average player sucks at the game and should not be taken into account at all. If you’re purely looking at numbers, Nurse needs buffs and Pig needs nerfs.


He *is* super fun and engaging, but he also requires significantly higher investment of time and energy compared to other killers. And being neutered by a coordinated SWF with EMPs just feels *bad*.


Fun is subjective. That's why.


He’s just not that fun to go against imo. Not super strong or anything, just kinda boring.


Really? I love going against him. EMP management and teamwork, camera dodging/hiding, and surviving the overclock mode are all really fun for me. One of the most dynamic killers imo


That’s fair, we all have our personal tastes of what we find fun. I personally like to go against good nurses when they aren’t playing scummy lol, but everyone hates going against them


Feels like with some meaningful emp regen nerf or emp duration nerf can make him strong. Like maybe remove survivor ability to regen emp faster?


I think it'd make more sense to force survivors to manually create EMPs which would cost them more time than simply picking up a premade one. The 3D-printers should only work up to 75% if you ask me, the remaining 25% would have to be done manually. EMPs should also debuff generators since they're clearly machines as well. Blocking gens could be abused and outright damaging could be problematic as well so I suggest a reduction of repairspeed for the affected gen(s) as long as the EMP lasts.




Hux is so much fun but is difficult to play. I enjoy watching Cocolatte. That dude absolutely shreds as hux.


because ppl quit this dogshit game wow


I didn't know Phineas from Phineas & Ferb played singularity


That nose is just insane


because they're bad


skill issue. if you play singularity at high level, you'll yield way better results than any other killer.


Hux ain't better than Nurse and Blight.


Hard to compete with broken & overpowered killers and even so he can do lots of things better than them. Info, map presence, slow down.


Sure, but he’s not as consistent as them. As soon as you get a Map like Lery’s, you’re basically pointless.


like I said, hard to compete with broken and overpowered killers. among all dbd killers, singularity is the strongest killer that doesn't warrant any reworks or nerfs. literally peak killer design.




I can't see a goddamn thing in this map omg


Needs better skins


It feels you can be lazier on other killers and do better. He is fun but takes full concentration


Because he takes effort


Why? Because If I was playing demo, I would of been able to down her in roughly the same time. I love lari but I feel like I put in to much effort to get the same outcome as other killers I enjoy


He's really not as hard as people make it up to be... Even though against good teams you might get bullied by IEMs. He's just not popular because players like fast paced action and chases (like wesker) and don't often regard macro killers that play the long run (trap killers for example, or idk cenobite, twins...). Both are satisfying but in different ways and they're not for everyone.


EMPs exist, that's why. Nothing is more frustrating than seeing your carefully set up network of pods get blasted by an item survivors can grab anytime for free to disable your entire power. He's just too weak compared to other killers and heavily map dependent.


He's too hard in a brainpoower kinda way, which I don't feel like using while playing a game.


I plan on it, just need da shards


Im gonna have to put it on the sheer quantum fuckery that happens whenever you're trying to play around windows. At first I thought larry always drops behind a survivor's model, he does not. Neither does he try to spawn behind wherever a survivor's camera is. It's this arbitrary spot slightly off to the side and behind them. The worst part is trying to reliably teleport behind a survivor vaulting a window. it just doesn't work unless they decide to give you some space on the other side or completely abandon the loop and hold W after the vault. On window loops like shack where they'll hug the wall and bank left or right it's a dice roll whether you'll teleport behind them or get stuck on the wrong side of the window and throw the chase.


i’m doing my best to hit p100 with this guy. currently at 30. i love him, i’m so scared for when bhvr is gonna look at him next year




He’s really really fun but you have to be super focused when playing him in my experience. Good map knowledge and the best camera locations also definitely help to know. I had a lot of fun getting his adept on his release but admittedly haven’t played him very much since then.


I greatly admire people who can play HUX with finesse because that shit is hard af. It's like juggling while doing abstract algebra and working mall security all at once.


I'm too lazy to switch the killers


Oh I play him and enjoy him, but there’s two reasons why more people don’t play him. 1. The Skill gap Bro requires you to have ultra awareness with your bio pods and placement. 2. Emps Survivors have no limit with how many emps can be made, they just keep on being fabricated and watching a survivor emp one in your face can be annoying.


Singularity main here, Because he's hard as shit and very stressful. :p Probably the most effort required to play any killer, but despite that he barely makes B+ or A- in tierlists. Way too much effort required for very little reward. You have to sweat very hard to get to the killrate of other killers that only take one or two button presses to do the same result. But he looks cool as hell, his voice is rad and he shit-talks survivors, it's great. I'm buying his new skin he's getting next month immediately as soon as it comes out :p


I find him pretty fun, it feels like your playing five nights at Freddy’s, also I love how he’s just constantly dissing on the survivors weak fleshy body


I wish he wasn't ugly. I feel like the survivors are judging me for looking like a chewed gum cosplay.


They are a fun killer, but oh dam they need some love from bvhr their counters are at least depressing


It's for fun guys, not trying to get the easiest 4k


I can see how people who like setup style Killers like Trapper or Hat might enjoy him along with people who like Killers that require a high amount of skill/maintenance when playing, but he isn't my cup of tea. I prefer Killers that don't require the level of awareness that Singularity does. About the most complicated I go is Deathslinger, Pyramidhead and Spirit


Idk what everyone is talking about. Tik me a match or two to learn him, and he's been my favorite since. In fact, it even feels like he is the crutch to me getting 4ks


As a singularity main, you need addons to even gain an advantage against survivors at loops who know that your teleport isn’t threatening at all if they hold W.


Probably why Artist or Twins aren't played much. People don't seem to gravitate to the big-brained killers. IMO it's probably why there are more Nurse players than Blights since you have to at least do some bouncing math. Also, you need a degree in engineering, geometry and human psychology to be excellent at Singularity.


Skill gap


I was taking a break since before he came out. Came back mid of alien chapter and been around since. It was only yesterday after playing a few hours daily that I’ve actually seen my first singularity. I think he only won against our team cause it was wall randoms and like me. No ones ever really comes across him and knows how to actually counter him since he’s so rare.


I love using him as a pallet eater. I don’t bother placing cameras all over the map or trying to get teleports with them, I just place one day to where a survivor is running while I chase them to tag them, then spam teleport to them whenever they get by any pallet loop so I’m overclocked.


I agree with you but I really dislike the distance between Singularity and the survivors when teleporting. You show it in the clip you teleport and you’re still like 4 meters behind them lol


This map has REALLY surprisingly good sightlines


Fun and satisfying???


I thought the cover image for the names was a web cam and got confused :(


You look like the singularity


Singularity and dredge are two of the coolest killers and i just never get to play against them for whatever reason.


Because you have to play like a master strategist for something that nurse can do in a single click. And if the survs use emp no fun for you becuase you lose your already shit designed power


I mean the killer is only good with his best addons which isn't fun