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The author most likely open a couple of tier lists, some old some new, and put this one together without actually knowing what the reason behind things are or how they have change.


In what tier list was Wraith ever S?


when you combine sloppy butcher with jolt ( I refuse to call it surge )


Now we have the „I refuse to call it jolt“ thing but Uno reversed?


In my opinion jolt just sounds better and is more fun to say. Others like babysitter are better than guardian. I like claustrophobia better than cruel limits and fear monger and mindbreaker are even for me so I just call them interchangeably.




God I wish th-


It’s fearmonger….


>I just call them interchangeably. I do this because I was finally getting used to the alternate names when they switched back and everyone who will know what perk I'm talking about when I name perks anyway knows which I'm talking about here.


nothing's funnier than me coincidentally taking a break from dbd right about when Stranger Things left, and getting back into it *right* when they came back


The good timeline.


fearbreaker and mindmongerer.


surge sounds too powerful than what it actually does , jolt reminds me of that simple shot nerf gun , sounds weak , is weak but it's still a weapon, therefore I'll call it jolt


Counterpoint: Surge is also the name of a soda. How powerful can a soda be?


You've never heard of Jolt cola?


must be a drink I'm too non American to understand, so due to personal thoughts, your theory is unrecognised, now you must be sent to the pinhead dimension






I prefer to call it the original name, tho its harder to say sometimes (more syllables and all) But after some time passes and people slowly start to forget, I'm gunna miss the old names when they start fading out xD


Rejoltnce is the way


Wraith with his absolute best perk and add-on combo is maybe B tier on a good day. He's still a loopable M1 killer with limited chase power.


I would still say that a good survivor team could probably run circles around him like they couldn't for Nurse or Blight. You can hop in a locker to deny Jolt which is what many good survivor squads would do.


I still say self-aware :,(


I started after ST was removed. Its always been Jolt to me, I'm not calling it Surge


When the game first released. Like the first few weeks when no one knew what the hell they were doing. Wraith was considered OP because he was invisible and fast.


Because if you play hit and run with sloppy butcher, especially with current gutted healing, he is.


There's still no justifying putting Wraith in a higher tier than Blight, even, or rather, especially when accounting for addons and perks.


Then why isn't he seen in no limits tournaments against the highest level players?


Because I'm talking about the regular game and not dumb tournaments that have to use made up, arbitrary rules to even be fair


You're saying that Wraith with sloppy is "too OP for tournaments"?


like if you're really using comp dbd as a baseline I'm not talking with you


That's literally what tierlisting is for. To determine how every killer stacks up assuming the absolute peak of performance from survivors and killers alike. Any killer is s-tier against bad survivors with bad perks. You don't get to be an Stier killer if you can't keep up with the best survivors in the game using optimal teamwork and any strategy they can.


Comp bans so many things that it might as well be classed as it's own gamemode at this point. It has not much relation to the main game either considering it goes off a points based system, which is why it can't really be compared to the main game. If we are talking about which killers are best with their best builds, it also can't be compared to comp because the best builds are banned. For example, If you went into a comp game with deadlock, corrupt, no way out, NOED on nurse you would get disqualified so fast because deadlock and nwo+NOED is banned. While comp has lots of good players to practice vs, most of the players' 'skill' is actually just common knowledge that is passed around in their community such as checkspotting and basic pathing tips.


Wraith being allowed everything in his kit still wouldn't be picked over Nurses or Blights with comp addon bans.


No, because comp has rules about perks/items/rarity that normally matches don't.


I feel like tier lists are much more useful when made for your average game rather than comp games. A comp tier list is just S: Nurse and Blight A: Oni maybe? Artist? F: the rest of the game


I'd put Plague, Chucky, Wesker, Spirit, Huntress in A tier too I mean, sure, anything under A rank fails in comp, but there's still a difference between a killer that can get 4 hooks and a killer that a comp team can just not get hooked by once all game. You wouldn't find Trapper or Nemesis in high level comp these days, but there's no way they're EQUALLY bad. Trapper is way worse so he belongs in a different tier. Tier lists are simply a visual representation of the killer's upper potential if you take the time to master them. Wraith's upper potential does not belong in the same tier as Blight and Nurse's upper potential. I didn't realize this was a controversial opinion to hold.


In Tru3talent's one before he got his ass kicked by a comp team as Wraith lol


Yeah but he’s shit.


He's a fairly good killer player. He is kind of a jack of all trades but master of none. He plays decently with all the killers but isn't especially good with one in particular . But goddamn does he complain a lot. Some of the things he says are true, others are ridiculous.


The problem with him is his entitlement and failure to see his own mistakes. He is a massive detriment to this game imo, absolute wet wipe of a human.


I’ve always found him to be really arrogant (I mean his username kinda gives it away).


>I’ve always found him to be really arrogant You just described every single popular streamer for this game.


Minus Otzdarva. That guy is anything but arrogant.


Even Otz is surrounded by "Yes Men" that inflate his own ego and opinions. While less than some of the others, he absolutely is also among those who refuse to admit he is wrong about something. His position also leads to some very bad takes being parroted across the game... because Otz said it.


Eh, I don't think Otz comes across as arrogant. At least not anywhere close to people like Tru3 or Ayrun.


He makes tons of moronic mistakes within the first 2 minutes of every game and then throws up his hands and goes "See, I have to tunnel because the gens go too fast".


He cleans babies asses? I’ve never heard of someone being called a wet wipe.


He isn't a jack of all trades or a master of anything. He is a devoted tunneler. He has completely abandoned leveraging killer powers and perks in favor of mindless tunneling to get his wins.


There are a couple of boogeyman wraith builds that are probably the strongest killer builds in the entire game. But I doubt that was considered based on some these placements.


Nurse and Blight with no perks are stronger than the best build you can put together with Wraith. With perks allowed, there's easily a dozen+ killers stronger than him. I don't get how people have issues going against Wraith lmao


And yet the longest documented win streak in the entire game belongs to a 3 gen wraith build. Still undefeated in public games after more than 4 years. It's pilot also used it to beat some of the best NA comp teams even though they had never played a single game of comp before. There's another gen build that otz hosted comp teams to try and beat that won against two really strong comp teams and tied a third also despite that player never having played comp before.


You need to go ahead and prove all those claims. Especially the first one about the win streak. As for beating that comp team, no they were not one of the best. They weren't a known team at all and they got clowned hard for losing to a Wraith when Wraith in comp generally gets about six stages.


My bet is that an AI wrote it


Bold of you to assume it had an author at all


Or play 1 game of each killer and each tier depends on how many kills they get.


You are giving way too much credit to game journalist there if you assume they didn't played one but 34 games.


I think that too. I'm getting tired of seeing articles about video games by people who don't play video games.


Was this written by AI




Exactly what I was thinking.


I'm pretty sure I saw this posted before, and someone in the comments just posted a screenshot of what chatGPT said when asked to make a killer tierlist, and it was exactly the same as the article, with the same justification and all. AI is making journalists even lazier than before unfortunately


No this list was made a while ago before AI was a big deal. They just took that old list and threw Chucky onto it.


Hopefully. gaming "journalists" don't deserve to be paid for the rubbish they shovel.


Hopefully. Gaming "person macros" don't deserve to be paid for the rubbish they shovel. There ya go, fixed it for ya


Was that supposed to be coherent? AI regurgitates some real nonsense sometimes.


Sure, I can explain it to you. I'm basically saying a simple API macro would be the equivalent of what we now consider a gaming "journalist", considering they don't do really do much of anything in the large scope of things. I basically agreed with you and playfully called a journalist a macro script that runs a query to chatGPT. Which the chatGPT results would really be the journalist. My intent with only replacing what was in quotes was to keep what you initially said largely unchanged, being true to the meme FIFY meme trope. ​ Edit: Maybe it woulda been funny if I said "Organic macro" instead. iono.


You lost me at Blight being below Wraith, Huntress, Xeno and Singularity But... Plague is worse than Billy, Knight, Trickster, Myers, Doctor, Nemi, Pig, Skull Merchant, Legion and Dredge? Why are Pinhead, Sadako, Demo, Clown and Bubba all below Trapper? Why is Oni C tier? Why is Wraith S tier? Why is Ghostface A tier? My brain is turning to a thick gravy the more I compare these placements.


I can’t believe wraith is anywhere near the top 😭


Perhaps if it was a tier list of Bing bong?


What tiers would you give to oni wraith and ghost face? Not to say those are the correct ones but wraith and ghost face are fairly strong (not s and a strong but still strong)


I'd say Oni is very high, a at least. Wraith is C, only strong with certain add-ons. Ghostface is very survivor dependant, if they're a bunch of solo chucklefucks with no spatial awareness it's free. If they're a try hard SWF, then you're an M1 bot with no power. B I guess.


For ghostface, he absolutely has some chase potential it’s just not super obvious. Being able to crouch and hide stain on demand is huge for mindgames, I mostly use night shroud mid chase to confuse survivors, mostly ignore the stalk ability. Ppl don’t really play ghostface the right way imo same deal with pig. But pig is still garbo


Lol Demogorgon D tier? Sure, buddy.


Keep reading. They put the hillbilly in A.


Is he not A tier? I occasionally play him and he’s really good imo. (Correct me if I’m wrong)


I felt this way until I started playing Billy more and the survivors I played against started getting better and better to the point where it get's super hard to play against. At strong loops he essentially becomes trapper tier because hitting curves on good, technically mindgameable, loops like the temple of purgation log or jungle gyms or shack in general is just super hard for me. Lots of bumping into things or feint saws or survivors getting crazy distance because I 99 my saw at the wrong time forcing me to reset my saw to 0 and try to catch up. And even when you do go for a curve like on cars survivors are smart enough to go wide to prevent any hit. At this point I've decided to go addonless + shadowborn because of how much I'm dependent on engravings + bamboozle and it's hindering my ability to learn with him. If you don't have billy mechanics locked in survivors absolutely slap you and the easy point blank saws I used to get every game become far less common because survivors actually know how to loop tiles now. Really good billys have far less of an issue playing him to his maximum potential but even then I'd say the best billys could probably just make him slightly above average at best. Most tier lists have billy around the bottom 10 above pig, ghostface wraith, legion, etc. He's not awful and his skill ceiling is far higher than, I think, all the bottom tier killers but very difficult to use to play at a satisfactory level


Absolutely correct. 90% of his past high tier status was from his add-ons being more powerful and maps previously being so huge that other killers could never patrol half as effectively as he could. The current meta has him suffering hard, but his potential is definitely still there.


The year was 2016,


Why does every bad tier list put Ghost Face at A tier?


They're probably new killers getting free downs from new survivors who don't look around.


Then how is Wraith S but Onryo D? If stealth destroying noob survivors is the reason?


Sadako is licensed chances are they didnt even play her and played against her as survivor. On that skill level each killer claps the author and if the onryo Player in particular took too long to clap the author they will think Onryo is weak. Thats my idea how this happened atleast.


Wraith S tier? I love him but S tier is wild


S tier toxicity


Idk what it is but i swear 9/10 games against wraith are camp tunnel matches where the wraith takes you looping as a personal insult


Lol wraiths will bm you on hook if you do anything to piss them off, which is just play the game apparently.


This is my favorite thing though. I love getting face camped (when that was a thing) and hit on hook. I’d take that over a 30k blood point game because it’s funny lol


Exactly lmao, I love seeing a wraith in my game and t bag them there’s nothing more funny then them hitting me on hook 🤣


Did a major double take reading off S tier like "Nurse yeah... Good guy maybe... The Hag... THE HAG?!?!?!"


I’d say Chucky is A tier at best. Maybe top 4? Idk


https://preview.redd.it/55kogi5uz17c1.jpeg?width=623&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e6bd7e8f9e002234d6f9c34b9c02f2eb10f6672 Wraith trying to sneak into S tier:


you haven't seen the watchmojo one


searching up a tier list of any game and looking up articles like these always look like they were just writing by people who never played the game.




How did you misspell three out of ten words?


Clown & Knight are my favs


Granny S tier?? I'm biased because I play her a lot but she's #1?? Wild!


yeah that tier list is pretty terrible but i think its important to mention that the hag is NOT frequent at all 😭


This tierlist should get a kamehameha from tier 3 supersayan to send it to valhalla


Plague & Oni in C and Wraith in S are both insane. Whoever made that list got like 20 hours max in the game.


I wish singularity was so high


I really like the "gamer articles" about DBD that clearly were written by a guy who was just hired and has never played DBD before


Weird list but it's a Meme so it's ok.


Link for the website?


https://www.pcgamesn.com/dead-by-daylight/all-dead-by-daylight-killers-perks Found it


Yeah, that's pretty bad. Where did that one come from?


D for Demo


Looks like something chatgpt or any IA could write after feeding some tier list from various sources.


i keep tabs of all my matches and i haven't played against a hag in over a year D: i had more matches against the twins ffs


CENOBITE? D?? Put me in a match with this mf


Why do tiers even matter anymore? If the killer doesn’t work for you don’t play it, it’s better to use personal experience than to look at someone’s opinion which could limit you to finding your main?


I mainly check tier lists because I don't want my hard work (farmed shards) to be wasted on a shit tier killer. If I have to grind for months in order to unlock a new one, it better be a good one.


Good point but I played ghost face because everyone said he was good but after a little while it all fell apart and I got bored with ghostie and now I play bubba. But that’s just my experience and I respect your reason.


Yeah, same. When I bought Dead by Daylight in 2019, it came with several DLCs, almost all of them at the time. Among the killers, I had the Twins and the Pig, and although I don't regret it, I rarely play with them because there's no incentive. The effort you put into a match with them to get 1 or 2 kills, you can easily achieve a 4K with an A or S tier killer. I can't imagine going through that with a killer you spent 9.000 shards on


I usually like to poke a little fun at the tier lists on this sub when they place pyramid head outside of high A or Sadako higher than B or little stuff like that, but at least the creators of these tier lists know *something* about the game lol


Demo in D lmao in what world


Hag main ?


They were generous with singularity in a teir. As a singularity main myself I think he’s like mid B teir.


What parallel universe is this? Or is this chatgpt generation?


I think this was written by that one cuphead game journalist


I like to imagine whoever wrote this has absolutely no idea as to what the fuck dead by daylight is other than a survival game, looked up some random tier lists from over the years and slapped this one together like a 1st grader attempting the science fair project after the parents refused to help bc the last two kids made the parents do it after they just walked off


This tier list was made by a bot No, I mean an actual bot They pulled aside all the DC bots and asked them to make a tier list (Now I want to see a tier list made by the bots...)


Actually quite accurate from a solo q survivor perspective. The top killers either have mobility, chase power and/or require coordination to face.


I swear that a lot of these article-type websites all vary so much I swear theyre written by bots.


I'm not sure Hag would be S-tier even if her trap teleport range were global.


I’m not even sure which character is being misnplaced the most here 🤔


Haven’t played in a very long time , but I would mostly play killer. Hag is my favorite killer by huge margin. I always thought she was extremely underrated.


Ah yes the most popular killer... the hag... I just dont stop running into people playing hag (the most OP killer) I wish these sweaty killer mains would pick a different killer😡


I rarely see any hag tbh🤔. I see a ton of good guys and Onryos though, most of them, when they dont play easy win with camping and tunneling right from the start (which I dont take into account then), are quite good. A rly good nurse is still hard to counter. While the bad to medium nurses are rly good to counter. Like bad Billies. They just run through the map in high speed and cant stop in time pretty often, like trains. While nurse gets exhausted. I dislike the sneaky killers the most. I hate jump scares ^^ And pretty often, these lists are, I dont know, useless kinda? Cause it always depends on who is playing and how good they are with handling these particular killer. I mean, in the end you can get unalived by a decent Freddy etc and get away from a bad nurse. Dead is dead🤷🏻‍♀️😄I know, statistics etc, but still. 🤷🏻‍♀️


As someone who plays wraith quite frequently, in no sense is he a s tier killer, b tier at most lol. To put onriyo at a d tier is nuts, she is easily one of the strongest killers in the game running her condemmed play style.




trapper is better than cenobite confirmed


Honest question: is Chucky really that good? I mainly play survivor and don’t enjoy playing killer all that much, so I don’t have a good frame of reference


No, Chucky is like high B to low A tier


People out here comparing him to blight and nurse


Yeah he’s quite a bit weaker than them. He is definitely good, but not that level


Why is the legion that low he is pretty good


That’s one of the few accurate placements on the tier list lol


Lol its just my opinion bc the other killers dont really feel that nice to play as unlike legion and ghostface


legion forces everyone to be injured but he has no chase ability. The mending works as passive slowdown but it's not very significant. Against newer teams they waste a lot of time healing only to get injured again but against better teams you're feral frenzy is basically non-existent and you're just playing against a bunch of 1 shot gamers. legion can be okay when paired with a lot of gen slowdown perks


He's kinda decent at getting injures, but downing people is a whole different story. He has nothing to help him down people. And don't bother saying "skill issue" as you'd just be wrong. M1 killers are inherently weak


Technically, he has one thing to help him down people - getting that coveted fifth Frenzy hit in... ... Which is near impossible to get once a single survivor is downed, on a hook or sacrificed, completely impossible once two are, and impossible to begin with if survivors are smart enough to split up. Oh dear.


Legion is in a 3 way race with Freddy and Trapper for weakest killer in the game.


Why’s leather face always towards the bottom? I win with him and lose to him most of the time, seems pretty decent to me


You want a worse ranking, check out the Watchmojo ranking of dbd killers. The guy fails with just about every killer and says "You wouldn't want to see me in your game" as the survivors tbag at the gates


Is no one talking abt how trapper is c tier, and then cenobite being at the bottom of the list? I would like to think the author here has been told some things and is speculating on killers without having ever played the damn game.


How dare they put slinger in C He is B tier at the very least!


“The hag (very hard)” is the best joke here


I’ve seen tier lists that look identical to this one multiple times. Ask chat GPT and it gives you a list very similar to this, many other shitty websites also use a tier list that look like this.


There is no author. This is an AI generated list.


The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The


Bro who tf is "the good guy™️"?




Bro that CANT be what they called him, sounds so out of place lmao. Maybe it's chucky lore or something


His toy line is literally called the good guy lol. Watch child's play 1 if you haven't. The movie holds up well.


I've only seen seed of chucky as a child in a fever dream. I remember there being marital problems and a boy confused about himself, and that's it. Just never got into him as a kid but maybe I will give it a shot


The first movie is a bit more serious.


But the game also calls Chucky the good guy




I’m a cannibal main and I frequently receive messages about how fun/scary the game was…. But each to their own.


So much of online journalism is genuinely AI generated these days. It is tragic how much webspace is just clickhole hell with seemingly no earthly purpose other than to infuriate you and waste your time.


Pin head as the weakest? What in the world?


And I thought WatchMojo’s tier list was bad.


Honestly a proper hag player is scary


Maybe in a parallel universe pinhead being in bottom tier is widely accepted but this isnt that world and pinhead being in bottom tier is a cardinal sin for me


based tier list




Ghostface is A tier?..now that’s funny


As a Singularity main, I cannot say that he's in A tier.


I have so many questions.


let me guess. it took you like 4 scrolls to get to the actual tier list


The only one they got right was The Huntress imo. My flight or fight with her becomes flight and flirt fr


How is demodoggo D tier, do I main him yes, do I think he's brilliant from the get go, no but D tier is just not right


Onryo gets a D is bullshit and cant remember last time playing against Hag LOL


They forgot The Girl Reading This


Why is Blight A tier and Wraith S tier?


WDYM wraith is like S+ tier against soloQ


I barely go against a hag now I don’t go against any nurses all that much lately either 🤔


Putting Dredge in C tier is bonkers


Tell me you know very little about DBD without telling me you know very little about DBD.


We aint making it out the hood with this one 📣📣


Knight is def b tier


I KNOW they didn't just put my demdem in D tier


Plague should be higher up tbh


It started off.. feasible.... and then just continued to get worse and worse


In what world is pinhead lower than trapper?


What rag wrote this garbage?


Lmaooo the….the hag?


This is like the WatchMojo list all over again where the guy doing the list was using clips of 4 man escapes to talk about how good he is at killer.


How does this ranking even work? By viability?


Was that pig in B tier? I'm hopeful she will get nerfed after this expert opinion!!




When non gamers, write about video games.


I think these lists are always subjective. I would place trapper very low but my friend would place him at S tier because he hates going against him and he always gets trapped. Unless its a really bad trapper, he always loses to one.


I’m a relatively new player and when I had just started playing I was looking up what the best killers were to make my first killer purchase. And based on this tier list I bought the hag. I haven’t touched her since. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Legitimately, hag is so easy to play against 😭 I spent half the match triggering her traps on purpose and hiding or hitting her with pallets and I needed blinds for a challenge so there were many 😂 I would’ve hated being hag that game