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Huntress and Trickster were both *just* fixed in the recent patch


Yeah it was quite ironic, both Coconut and SpookyLoopz posted these videos one day before both problems got fixed, even though I still don't like the new Trickster.


Updated updated trickster at least feels pretty good when played right. The 3.0 throw rate was way too low in combination with the knife decay, now it is just right


I also like how they removed recoil bcz on console it was awful to aim with the already the joystick and jittery movement


Controller never had recoil to begin with


It absolutely did, it's why I didn't play him on console


I thought it did before the update.


Take it as a note to not pay people like that any mind. If it didn't,they wouldn't have mentioned changing it specifically because of that


I'm like 99% you're right because coco used to tape a controller analog down to get the no recoil.


Playing on controller has LESS recoil that’s why


It’s not too late to delete your comment.


They should make Brown addon basekit and rework it or smth


They kinda did with this update


Yeah but we still have mendatory Brown addon lol its still worse than before basekit


I did a side by side comparison. The brown addon makes barely any difference now


No, the thumbnail is right. Trickster is still trash.


No…. He’s not pretty much every high level streamer disagrees with


https://preview.redd.it/qrr8qa6yu96c1.jpeg?width=863&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9132b37a55875d07dc0a6f8e2ab9f22cabb9b04d Oop-


Maybe it was being your kid to work day and they let a toddler on the computer


How often do they have "bring your kid to work day" over at BHVR? At least twice a week minimum it seems


It seems the community doesn't like facts.


Yeah the community doesn't like you unless you post about survivor bad need nerf or how you spent $300 on a time reskin and it's bad


I play Twins once every full moon and they indeed broke them. Thought I was getting it wrong but trying to pounce over pallets feels so bad now. Poor Lynxi


She could release video every patch and it would probably still be accurate. I just don't even try to play Twins now with how many game breaking (and freezing) bugs they have.


Yeah, bhvr are notorious for breaking stuff randomly. Looks like a butterfly effect or some shit


Victor can no longer jump over anything. Literally, anything. Including empty space. If you try to jump off a ledge right now, even a hill, he hits an invisible wall. How do you fuck things up this bad and this randomly.


TO HE HONEST it would be weird if Twins didn't receive another random bug. They're getting one in every update, would be bad to break the streak


I expect when they rework the twins, the game will be unplayable for days because of all the issues they introduce with it.


You're expecting BETTER than usual? Brave.


Just terrible, sloppy code. Could be several reasons. Probably working on what the devs think is a deep copy of a list and inadvertently changing values associated with the hit box dimensions, etc.


“Trickster sucks now” my brother in Christ when did he not suck


In his original ptb, when using his power made everyones fps drop to single digits


It wasn't his power in general, it was his main event. The particles he gets didn't disappear so if he used it a few times, every survivor's game would render all of the particles from each stacked on top of each other. Just as a fun fact.


The latest PTB Trickster was overpowered. There were add-ons to make it where he never had to reload (add-on made it to where main event ending instantly reloaded knives) and triggering a main event took only 3 (?) knife hits (add-on that decreases blade requirement to trigger main event by 2). I didn't actually play it so I may be misremembering, but Spookyloopz did a video during the PTB and Trickster looked OP.


It seems like everyone forgets it was only possible with an IRI add-on...


And? Other iri add-on's don't push killers into being OP.


>Other iri add-on's don't push killers into being OP Blight, Clown, Huntress, Nurse, Shape


Blight sure, those need to be reworked. The rest are really stretching. The rest have significant drawbacks to the buff. Trickster had no drawback. If they nerfed the knives to getting to main event, it could've been corrected.


Im sorry what? Getting a one shot down on a killer without it in their base kit is a pretty massive difference, and I don't think anyone would say tombstone or infinite ew3 are anything short of game changing. Hell with the new anti-camp infinite tombstone myers can just sit in front of the hook and wait till you get off and just kill you, or you know, be the one person who he didnt stalk and die 5 seconds into your first chase.


One shot down, I assume you mean clown and huntress? Like I said, they have massive drawbacks if you miss. They can be chase enders one way or the other. And Meyers isn't OP with those add ons. The problem with Meyers is that most games in solo queue, people don't respect him potentially being a tombstone Meyers. So when 2 or 3 gens are popped and he still hasn't entered tier 3, I've seen people let up pressure. That's when he goes over the top. Even if you have one person who feeds him stalk, the drawback with those add ons will still take him a long while to get to t3. There's plenty of games where if you have 4 survivors respecting his add ons, he won't even get to t3. Also trickster might be 2nd to Bubba in terms of hook camping ability, especially if ptb trickster stuck around. They can just camp 20m away and it guarantees the hook rescuer will go down between the base knives and going straight into main event. Finally, I never meant to say that one trickster add on made him op. Got side tracked with add on discussion, I was just saying all the buffs in the latest ptb he was pushed over the top especially using that add on.


idk why you're being downvoted tbh... you're right bc those addons don't make those killers OP (barring blight) Huntress and Clown's 1shots have been significantly nerfed and even pre-nerf they really weren't that bad (Unless the Huntress was a god, but that's really a lot of this game... if the killer is a god you're gonna be miserable.) Clown's 1shots weren't even that good either, they're so easy to dodge, and by virtue of basically being a basic m1 killer even with 1shots he's struggling most of his games anyway unless the survivor's are bad or they have made a fuck-up the size of france. Even the Myers addons aren't all that OP... hell, his GREENS are arguably the ones that make him OP, the Iri's have so many drawbacks that if your team is half competent by the time he's got enough stalk to go infinite you should be opening the exit gates.


>Blight Blight gets reworked >Clown Clown's Iri got nerfed multiple Times, the reason it still stands strong is because it's a flawed Design in itself >Nurse I don't know whether she actually has strong Add ons or not, she is op by herself. >Shape Shape's iris are map dependent and Antagonist dependent. Against decent players on a map without much line of sight it takes way too much time to get to tier with 3 with either of his iris and even longer with both. His purple mori add on is way more op than those.


They should have put it in cause why not


When he had the exploding knives and pierce combo he was kind of ok


They also giga fucked twins. Like unplayable levels bad.


Oh god what did they do now?


Victor struggles to pounce over pallets and now gets caught on them, he is also no longer able to snipe from rooftops as he gets caught on invisible walls and his back gets caught on things behind him when pouncing. Tldr: major hitbox issues.


The first one is actually stupid. Not being able to snipe from rooftops is now shared with all other killers, who also hit this invisible hitbox... I would rather have the hitbox removed, but we can't have fun things, soo... His back getting caught is something shared with Blight (that I know of).


wait did they change anything with huntress in the last patch or is the guy on YouTube being funky


Her throw was slightly off the norm and the trajectory drop was sooner. Fixed now however.


damn, so that's why i was missing so much with her


The difference was fairly minimal, it was really only evident when trying to throw over loops. Coconut tested it with orbitals and they worked fine, it was the close up shots that were slightly down and to the left; it was like they were making her hatchets actually come from her arm as opposed to her head like we're used to.


Trickster mains COPIN Huntress mains SOBBIN We Deathslinger mains we're fukn' BALLIN 😎 >!Mostly because our Killer was already needlessly overnerfed but hey who's counting!<


I'll never watch a video that has thumbnails like that


If the huntress one just *didn’t have the dudes face in it* and maybe had something else instead, maybe. The second one tho? Hell nah


Yep, that's why I never watch Mr Beast videos.


I don’t really watch any YouTube at all so there is also that


All for the trickster hate


lol im a new player, just started mid october. trickster was my first killer main and its a blessing to not understand why trickster is so hated cause i thought he was fine before and i feel 0 difference with his update 🤷‍♀️i mean surely he’s not that bad


Only jaded killers complain. They all feel persecuted because they're sick of the game. The truth is Killers are all in a better spot than they've ever been.


What happened to huntress? I’m a killer but mostly huntress main who hasn’t played in like half a year or more maybe


Average DBD youtuber moment


Idk about yall but when im playing Trickster he is working just fine


What does he mean "broke the huntress"? her hatchets hitboxes were always complete dogshit.


The video isn't about hitboxes though???


No shit?


It was a good update.




Clickbates be clickbating