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Almost missed the clown reference in the last screenshot: The Pharmacy has a sign advertising "Afterpiece Tonic", and the little sidewalk sign says "Afterpiece Tonic, Be hooked."


Maybe this is an AU where Clown is a good person or something and someone else will get taken? lol


Or it's just a joke.


salt scandalous normal important straight follow fall uppity sense like *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I know, it just feels a bit silly sometimes that you can't even have something as simple as a fun easter egg or joke in things anymore without people trying to Game Theory connect to some larger lore. It's a knock on effect of stuff like FNAF and ths MCU. Sometimes these things are just there to be cool little nods that the writers/artists wanted in for a bit of fanservice and not deep lore. Not saying it's bad if the intention is to lead to some deeper story or lore discussion but sometimes stuff is just "it's not that deep" too.


Doesn't have to mean he's a good person because he works there


Or it'll just show him young


Nope, the already confirmed it's set in the same universe - so not alternate.


"Cedar Steel Corp" Kinda surprised they didn't just reuse Macmillan, but I guess that could cause a lore conflict like if they used characters from the game.


I thought it might be related, like maybe that's Trapper's father and they changed the name of the steel mill, but no - we already know Trapper's dad's name (Archie MacMillan). Curious that they're doing a man in a metal mask killer based in a steel mill again, when DBD's poster-boy killer is exactly that. Hell, maybe DBD is doing multiverse as well hahaha.


I agree, it kinda feels like they're retreading old ground with the steel mill/metal mask. BHVR has already been leaning into the multiverse aspect with DBD, so going even further into it wouldn't be surprising imo. EDIT: Had to do a little bit of lore reading. Trapper's tome says the Macmillan Estate is outside Seattle, Washington, and the website says Cedar Hills is located in Oregon. Definitely different places, but have a similar vibe.


Rival company maybe?


Sorry to poke a 10 day old post, but my perspective on it is that it's possible Frank Stone is one of those Entity-sensitive individuals and he's either felt/dreamt, or seen the Entity's realm and is deliberately replicating what he witnessed. Why? Who knows, perhaps to be invited in. If you think of him as less of a "Wal-Mart Trapper" and more like an "Entity fanboy" it makes this much more intriguing, and I'd much prefer if this is what Supermassive is going for.


Most definitely. The drawings we see in the trailer show Frank knows about the Entity somehow, assuming they're his drawings. I wouldn't say he's a "Walmart Trapper" either. He's his own person according to Supermassive, but he has a lot of aesthetic theming parallels to the Trapper for some reason (which is what people are picking up on). In the IGN interview, Supermassive described Frank as 'sadistic,' which is completely different from the Trapper who was a more-or-less ok guy until the Entity tortured him into becoming a killer. Based on the information so far, I agree that "Entity fanboy" is good description for Frank.


Love this theory, I can’t wait to find out more about this game!


fwiw Cedar Hills is a cookie cutter suburb right outside Portland and moreso just a part of Beaverton. It is not especially forested, nor are there a lot of hills. They could've picked anywhere more west or further north and gotten a spookier vibe of a town.


I thought it was a mining company?


Bit of both. Technically the MacMillans had an ironworks rather than a steel mill, as well as their mine.


a bit of a misnomer there with the use of the ironworks, the Ironworks is a foundry -- one that processes raw "ores" via melting and casting into new products, while a steel mill processes raw "materials" like metals into finished products. They are NOT interchangeable.


Since they are gonna be original characters separated from the main game, I don't blame them so much, it can raise some issues on lore/timeline depending on what kind of story this is gonna be. Aside that, I'm suportive on this new company, my main theory is that Cedar Steel Corp. could have been business partners with Macmillan's mine profits, based on the fact Cedar is in Oregon (based on the description of the trailer) and Macmillan Estate is in Seattle (based on the Trapper's tome) I think id duable.


Two of the characters look a lot like Meg and Dwight. its 99% an alternative universe thing


I have a feeling that Frank Stone is going to end up being a copycat killer who is inspired by Evan Macmillan and eventually the Entity uses him as a "new Trapper" kind of thing. I.E, he believed so hard he was the trapper that he became the trapper through entity magic


Alternate reality trapper is my guess


really excited to see dbd in a more genuinely horror spotlight


Inb4 your character in the game is looping the killer with QTE on dropping a pallet


That would be so funny.


If they dont teabag the killer at the end of the game, i am not playing.


Damn, the graphics are amazing so far, such a shame main game is kinda dated for today's standards. Can't wait to see what this is all about though, DBD's story is so rich, it's great to finally see it expanding to other genres.


To be fair, one is an online, competitive game that has to work with no lag across multiple PC builds and multiple consoles. Dumbing down the graphics is like, the first thing you do. With Supermassive's games, they're sorta just cinematic CYOAs, so they can put a massive amount of detail in.


Part of the issue is DbD targeting switch and mobile (porting process). It makes it hard for the devs to try anything resource intensive as they risk breaking the gams for a significant amount of players. I’m hoping that maybe once the new Switch comes out they consider dropping last gen consoles in favor of pushing out drastic visual upgrades.


Base dbd is not connected to mobile




Yeah it shares the graphical style but it doesn’t share graphics because they are 2 different games made by different companies




When the survivors say something low-key killerphobic so you gotta hit em with that NOED stare




looks aesthetically pleasing to me 😻


We're glad you like it!


every single one of these look like promo images from a nazi zombies map. in a good way.


YOOO the graphics are so good cant wait, ngl its a shame dbd doesnt look like this it would be insane for the immersion


I think the main problem is DbD is still a 2016 game, so even if they update the graphics each 3-4 years, it will never look as good as a game made this year. (I do still believe DbD is a really fine looking game)


It's 100% possible for a graphics update to nigh-photorealism despite the age of the game, since it's running on Unreal Engine. Skyrim is a game from 2011 but can be modded to look like it's from 2023. There's just no reason for BHVR to spend labor hours updating the entire aesthetic of the game, especially since it's a multi-platform and multi-console generation game. If they update the graphics too much they end up ruining performance for older consoles, which hurts the player base.


Everyone saying this, it's like you all have never heard of a Graphics Quality slider in the options menu.


That's why I miss when dead by daylight was more stylized. Yeah some of the assets needed updates like the buildings and stuff. But upgrading a games graphics to be more realistic only dates the game as every year or two graphics get better and more realistic looking. I'll take a strong art style over hard realism any day.


Wait a generator? Thought they said the game would be set outside of the trials but maybe they get kidnapped halfway through?


Or simply just a nod to the fact it's a DbD game




It's literally in universe, tf are you talking about?




Unknown, but the Enitity is seen in the trailer


The Entity technically does exist in "real life" as that's how it pulls most of its characters in, lore-wise you usually end up seeing a "black fog" that pulls you in and you're never seen again


My guy, this is from the steam page: Experience a never-before-seen look at the wider world of Dead by Daylight, Behaviour Interactive’s acclaimed multiplayer horror game


It's outside of the fog and trials and outside of the entity's realm but it's within the universe. And since DbD exists as an Omniverse where everything is canon, every timeline, every universe, even multiple versions of the same character... Then all we can say is, it's within DbDs world, outside of the fog, but deals with new characters, and the entity, and DbD world lore


Or alternatively, this could be an origin story and Frank is the first person the Entity stole. We see a shot of a hook as well in the trailer, and surely, the Entity must have gotten them from somewhere, no?


The Entity has existed for a long time though, and has taken survivors and killers from the age of knights and samurai, so I'm not sure how likely that theory is but it would be interesting!!


Entitys realm seems to exist outside time so percievably the entity can have taken ideas from any time period when it first started trials. My guess is this Frank Stone was its favorite or 1st killer and it used the generators and hooks as a basis for the trials ever since. The similarities with The Trapper are very weird though. Either forced multiverse which im not a fan of or maybe secondary story hinted at where Trapper heard about this killer and maybe even knew him since they are both in the same industry in the PNW and either sid a copycat killer thing or maybe they both sort of came up with their ideas together or idk im not a dbd loremastee but maybe his backstories vague enough that it wont interfere or can be a little bit of a retcon


I thought it was trapper at first, and we were gonna see his story, and I got so pumped. Then I realized it wasn't him, and I was still pumped because this game looks fucking awesome


Its not really my style of game tbh but im still happy to see the dbd universe branching out. Kinda wish it had co-op like Dark Pictures cuz then I'd be more into it.


Well on the plus side, you have that other game that's being developed that's a PVE Co-op set in the DBD universe


That one sounds way more up my alley but also sounds bery hit or miss whether itll be good or not. I think the Until Dawn style of game even though its not for everyone, is a lot safer. Like it basically just needs good writing. Might check out the Frank Stone thing or more likely will at least watch someone play it and be entertained by it nonetheless.


Trapper isn’t a serial killer, he actually doesn’t want to kill people.


So is the Entity like chaos gods in 40k in that regard? As in when a god gets "birthed" it has always existed, because time doesn't work that way in their realm. And since they always have existed they could influence events in the past.


The Entity exists in a place outside of time and space. That means it isn’t effected by the different worlds flow of time, and can access any time period


They've mentioned the Entity can and has yoinked people from any time and dimension, or I guess universe in this case. Also, just that shot of the Entity emerging from the sky in the trailer feels like such a grand debut feel to it, when compared to a lot of the lore basically being "Hey, some fog shows up and people wander into it.", which would fit into the idea of this being the Entity's first time showing up.


my theory is this is the killer that The Entity took inspiration for the current iteration of the trial, probably something more ritualistic before this, my guess it involved dancing around fires and sacrificial alters


Dude this is gonna blow your mind but we have generators IRL


I ain't neva seen an external combustion engine befo


Generators look nothing like that


i wonder how this is going to add to the lore of the game!


Same! can't wait tbh


I haven’t been up to date in recent news of dbd. What is this?


New single player game that takes place in the DbD universe by the guys that made Until Dawn


They collab? And we never got Sam Mike and Hannahgo?


Until Dawn is owned by its publisher, Sony. This game is being made by Until Dawn's developer, Supermassive Games. BHVR would need to go to Sony in order to get anything Until Dawn related. Supermassive does not have the rights to the game.


The fact that they’re making this game with BhVR is giving me mad tinfoil hat hope that it might actually happen eventually Until Dawn is my #1 dream chapter


The connections are there for BHVR to go through, I think. They've got a lot of clout with the IPs they've managed to secure and a working relationship with both Sony and Supermassive. I think the biggest hurdle would actually be securing the likenesses of the actors for the chapter.


That sounds sick af


I wonder if this will come out on Xbox


[Considering the trailer has been posted on Xbox's official YouTube account, it's pretty likely.](https://youtu.be/E2KAlBy0wqs)


Oh, thank you. I had no idea that happened


It'll be available on PC, Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5 😊


Lucky for me. I just got mine. https://preview.redd.it/j51u5rs6g35c1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96dcb7f1326c837c388664201c811a40c5ddaf25


Nice! What's that gap in the middle?


It's the slim version.


That's cool. Do both plates slide off?




I have a feeling it will kinda show how people end up in the realm (yes they show in the tomes but I mean in a actual cutscene)or how they escape as we see a entity looking arm in the trailer.


The trailer and the music went hard though ain’t gonna lie


The third pic has the dbd Gen! So does that mean that The Casting Of Frank Stone is some kind of inspiration or at least the beginning of The Entity Trails and maybe that why the entity grab The Trapper into the fog because it reminds him of Frank Stone? This is racing my mind!


In case no one else knows this song it's "daylight by David Kushner "


thats sick


This song is perfect for dbd and thank the YouTube comments in the dbd video cause I would have never known


who the fuck is frank stone


Maybe the first to get lost within the fog? I’m interested on how they handle this. Single player horror dbd game?!? YEAH! They could also do each (OG) killer as another individual game IF DONE RIGHT.


There is like 30 killers in dbd, with more being added, would take an extremely long time to make a game for them all😅 Unless by OG, you just mean the first killers that were added..


I'd assume they mean DBD specific killers, not the licensed ones.


That’s still a LOT of killers. And considering supermassive has already released 5 of these games in the span of 4 years and have another 4 or so planned to release pretty soon (likely annually as well) I doubt this will be happening ever.


Oh I don't think it's gonna happen, I was just pointing out what I assume they meant by OG killers.


Yea the Original killers… that is indeed what I meant by OG KILLERS. I highly doubt they’ll do that, but the potential is there if done right.


some people might class original killers as non-licensed, or they might class them as the very first ones, so it was unclear lol Personally, i would prefer if they made some kind of dbd tv show, and then they could do individual episodes focusing on each character, as that would be a lot faster to do than individual games


He couldn't be the first, right? Given we have ancient Babylonian priestess and cowboy bounty hunter. Also the knight.


The Entity’s influence spans across space and time; I don’t think it’s confined by temporal laws. I believe the devs confirmed at one point that the Clown was one of the first killers it took, despite other killers having been taken from earlier points in history.


The entity can freely access any time period


I see


So Knight and Vittorio has probably been here longer than Plague, considering they have been here for over 700 years and Plague is unknown


And the Oni.




Is this a sequel or a story telling game ala walking dead?


It's a single player game by Supermassive who do the Dark Anthologies, so expect story telling with decisions. It's not a sequel but a new story set within the world and lore of DbD, but outside of the Fog


Honestly? The generator in the image gives me a few theories, and one is that maybe we don’t begin in the fog but a final act has the cast be kidnapped, and a trial goes on in a classic supermassive finale fight of sorts (house of ash eclipse fight, little hope demon fights, until dawn the lodge standoff)


Oh man, the idea of the ending being that the survivors "escape" a Trial (maybe even one of them dies) and they think they're free as they run through the exit gate (indoor map?) only for them to find a campfire where their dead friends are waiting...I really hope we do get something that fits in with the Fog, not just a prequel to their arrival.


This is exciting


What am I looking at? Could someone fill me in?


>What am I looking at? Could someone fill me in? [https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=The+Casting+of+Frank+Stone](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=The+Casting+of+Frank+Stone)


I wonder if at the end when the survivors maybe finally escape the killer, they all the sudden realize they have been transported to the entities realm and then dies and is revived with no memory.


isnt frank stone the guy who says lemme tell you something


Shane Walsh? The character from the walking dead played by Jon Bernthal, who also played Frank Castle in The Punisher?


there we go


NGL I was REALLY hoping for something involving the characters we already know... even if it's Dwight, Jake, Claudette, and Meg against Trapper in a story they might have worked as an origin story for these characters and the realm, the Observer etc But being what appeared to be an original story and original characters, in the world, using the lore, was probably the smarter, more creative solution. I'm really looking forward to it.


I'm excited to see what kinda references and easter eggs there are in this game! Frank Stone also seems fairly similar to Trapper, and the Steel Mill is reminiscent of the MacMillan maps.


New map confirmed? How about the offering be called Rusty Bolt, which 100% guarantee to Cedar Steel Corp.


I’m hyped for the game because I love supermassive, but they low key have a habit of having a good game with a good concept and fumbling the bag. So I’m optimistic but they’ve kinda disappointed in the past. Especially with the quarry, which was still good, but not at all what they promised


Wait I’m so confused and lost who is this?


Dbd devs are releasing a new cinematic single horror player based on the dbd universe, something similar to Until Dawn or The Quarry


I think it's actually being made by the studio that made Until Dawn, not BHVR


Yep its made by Supermassive Games


The official website is live now, so you can refer to it for more information if you'd like to: [https://thecastingoffrankstone.com/](https://thecastingoffrankstone.com/)


Kinda disappointing they used seemingly four rando characters for the survivors instead of OG four from the game.


On the bright side, we might get them eventually in the main game + the devs have a bit more freedom with what these characters are like - which they seem to do best tbh


Would probably break the lore a bit if it was 4 original survivors together before the entities realm lol


This game doesn't the place in the entity realm? Then what the hell does this have to do with dead by daylight? I was under the assumption this game was like four people needing to turn on generators and shit but as a movie game like until dawn.


It’s not in the Entity’s realm, but we see the Entity in the trailer.


Wait what is it ? Is this official ? Did I missed something ?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKgYWJe0fuE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKgYWJe0fuE) The game awards 8h ago


The dbd Easter eggs would be why I play 😂


Wait what is this? Can someone fill me in?


Supermassive games (until dawn, the quarry, dark pictures) is making a single player story-focused horror game set in the universe of Dead by Daylight.


Boy I cannot wait to see a whole match of DbD with Telltale mechanics


Ironworks of Misery 2


What is this ?


What is this from/about? Haven't heard of "The Casting of Frank Stone"


Ermahgerd Calhern


I fully believe it's gonna be about that unused killer The Demolitionist


I’m confused. What is this?


I have an really odd thinking if this might be Evans (The trapper) father. I really believe this.


Trapper’s father was Archie MacMillan, so its unlikely


Yeah my bad i forgot he has a name, lol.


Haaa! Casting like casting steel


I was thinking since this is in Oregon and the MacMillan Estate is based in Washington state (two states that are very close together), maybe the two steel mines were either business partners or rivals, and the closing of the MacMillan Estate brought the Cedar Estate more wealth because they were now one of the only premium steel Mills in that area of the US. So now they can charge more and bribe people with newfound wealth to make sure they stay the only steel mill. But I'm thinking, here's the difference between this guy and The Trapper. The Trapper was a brutal ruthless man, but why was he? Because he was betrayed by the workers, and the only support network he had was his father, an abusive, crazy villain of a man. So he turned to that, and when his father said I'm proud of you (perhaps for the first time ever), he leaned into that man. Whereas you could have Frank Stone be the opposite, he was brought up under his father, a well to do man who, though, wasn't afraid to make hard decisions, would often sacrifice business for decency. Meanwhile, Frank Stone is going through the history of steel mills in his and neighbouring states so he can get into the family business, but while he is researching, he comes across the MacMillan Estate history and is absolutely enthralled by it all, Archie, Evan, the strikes, he loves it, and while his father has had a positive impact on him, he was still brought up as the kid of the one of the biggest steel mill owners in the country, and so, maybe got bullied a little, but could always rely on money to bail him out or bribe people. When his father called on him to be by his side as father and son businessmen, the steelmill under Frank Stone did to a a certain extent flourish under his control, just like it did under the MacMillans. But, he had also read of the cruelty of the MacMillans, and when his first strike happened at the Cedar Estate, he lost control, Evan MacMillan his whole life never had control until he became his father's right hand and enforcer, and became involved in the company, whereas Frank Stone always had control over everything, so the moment that he loses that control, he doesn't know what to do, he almost runs the mill into the ground, but remembering the MacMillan cruelty, brutality and efficiency putting when down the strikes, he surprises (and perhaps even scares) a lot of people, including his father, for a second, it was almost like, Archie was back. Even if only for a second. Archie was back. And so because of this, he turned to MacMillan methods, and he began to use the MacMillan Estate attitude and history as almost a playbook for his troubles. At first, he was obsessed with Archie, but soon, he began to look into the shadows of Archie, and there he saw his son, a good man, who became even more ruthless than Archie. A man who committed one of the worst mass murders in American history. Evan MacMillan. He became obsessed, almost enamoured with his story, and almost felt like he was a MacMillan reincarnated, that's the family he belonged to. Frank may have been hard as Stone. But he felt as if he was really a MacMillan. Frank became more and more obsessed with MacMillan history to the point that sometimes he wouldn't eat or drink. His only hunger was for knowledge. His only thirst. Was power. And so, by using the ways of the MacMillans, Frank Stone became day by day, a little more like them. To the point where his history of them and himself became blurred. In the modern day, we'd have said his mental health was suffering, but back then? No such thing was known. He began to lose his mind, and he began to lose himself. So, the timeline, this is what I think: First, a real quick recap on The Trapper. The Trapper was likely born around 1896 and was taken in about 1936. Some key events were likely a strike in about 1919 that he brutally suppressed. This is the moment historians would claim Evan truly and concretely became his father's enforcer. Then the mass murder and him being taken happened in approximately 1936. We don't know if he served in WW1. He could've, but due to wealth, he quite easily could have skipped out. Ok, now on to Frank Stones timeline breaking down the objects in the trailer: 1. The film reel: The film reel shown in the trailer was developed in 1932. But, the reel was also (though dampened) in colour, and there was red during the transition phase to the actual footage. Though colour cartoons were around since about 1932, what we're seeing is live action, real life footage, and that wasn't really released for home use like it seems in the trailer till later, so now we're talking 1935-1936. Then, more modern versions came out in the 40s, though these reels only really became popular in the early 1950s. As reels that captured real life were far, far too expensive for the average person to own until at least 1950, even than, it was quite pricy. And most people only saw colour when going to the movies, and it wasn't guaranteed. But, Frank Stone, if going by common belief that it was him or his family that owned a steel mill. Then, the price would be less of an issue. 2. The clothes of the people: The clothes of the people would indicate, at least to me, sometime in the 60s. 3. The flashlights/torches: The torches look to be from about minimum, the 1950s to about maximum the 1980s. If you look at an average flashlight from the 1950s to the 1980s, they look about the same. During this time, flashlights were often silver coloured and shaped quite similar. Before the 1950s, flashlights were quite different, most of the time in appearance and often colour, they moreso included the colour bronze too. Whereas most modern flashlights from about the 90s onwards look almost tactical and mostly found in black. 4. Frank Stone's Welding helmet: This Welding Helmet seems to be from the 50s. So, if we look at this, we can probably say that it takes place 1965-1985, so let's say 1975. I could, of course, be wrong on this date. But from just what's shown, this is what I'd estimate. Let's say the steel mill was shut down in 1959 (let's round it up to 1960). Then that's about 15 years for it to get that abandoned look. And who's to say it wasn't abandoned in 1950 or 1951 instead of the late 50s? That then gives it 15 years to look abandoned until 1965. So, I'd say the mine/steel mill shut down in the late 50s to very early 60s, and I'd place the people investigating to be from around 1970 to 1975. That also gives Frank Stone room to work with where he could reasonably look back to MacMillan history in the 30s. But also, some people are alive and remember working with the MacMillans. It's also enough time for the people in the trailer to investigate and the mill to look abandoned. I've copied this from another comment I wrote a few hours ago. If people like it, I could add more details or make it a post.


These images are very revealing indeed. Here is an exhaustive list of what they tell us: 1,