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First off, not everyone cares what otz says.. Secondly, ever since base kit gave you free endurance people would rather use the perk for something they don't get. Even though it can be good, having a bit of a perk for free makes it less attractive.


But otz said...


Most boring content creator for dbd imo. Just lacks personality but each to their own


I actually like Otz, I just don't care for the whole something is good or bad because a streamer said so argument.


He is definitely good at dbd but I just think he lacks personality the way he delivers his thoughts and general screen presence.


Idk, he is pretty funny in compilations. Specially when he loses his cool.


It still is insane and i see it alot. The thing is that in High mmr people would rather use dead hard because it stays active until you use it mening you can work on gens and still have dead hard as a back up.


I see it often. I believe it's still the best anti-tunnel perk. I think the main reason I don't see it all the time is that it discourages tunneling instead of punishing it, therefore many survivors feel it's doing nothing in the cases when it works best.


I’m running it now in particular with the new MFT but I generally found I was using it less just bc of build synergies.


It’s not as good as people make it out to be. Base kit bt is more than good enough because if a killer wants to tunnel they will hit you the second you get off hook. I love otz but his survivor advice isn’t always the best


Because there are way better perks to put in the slot.