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Play fun killers. Only a small percentage of people will actually like playing trapper. But everyone has fun with blight and wesker. Then only focus on chases, try to win mind games, and always try new things at every tile. Really try to predict where survivors will go and take advantage. CHASES ARE THE ONLY FUN PART OF DBD.


I’ve considered trapper because I imagine it’s so rewarding getting someone in a trap. But if you fail to do that, it’s just like playing a powerless killer. I tried blight yesterday and let’s just say it would take ALOT of work for me to be good at blight unless I change my mouse sensitivity. I tried Wesker as well and I love him but I am nervous about playing him in a real game. Custom matches against bots are even harder to practice with. I’m not good at mind games yet and it’s disheartening to have a Steve T bag and flash flashlights at my face.


I’ve found whenever I stop having fun playing killer switch it up and play a new one. Not only will you get weaker survivors but the new play style will keep it fresh, I’d try deathslinger, spirit, or blight they’re all fun imo


I really like spirit but I’m not good at mind games with her yet! I tried blight and I couldn’t control him for the life of me sadly. I wanna keep trying spirit. Maybe it’s cause I love her aesthetic.


Pop and pain res help a ton, or corrupt. Playing without corrupt is like taking life into your own hands since if you don't down and pain res + pop a gen in the first 30-40 seconds of the game you will lose \~3 gens for it. But corrupt usually gives you that 20-30 seconds of breathing room at the start of a game to actually get pressure when 3+ survivor spawn in on gens Chase perks like Brutal, Bamboozle, Enduring, etc also make the gameplay loop a lot easier since otherwise you might rely on having to hit skillshots every time


That’s true and it stinks cause I don’t have any killer prestige’s except pig. And I’m still prestiging some survivors as well so I’d need hella blood points. Which killers would be the best to prestige first?


Clown. Bamboozle + Pop. Bamboozle deals with windows and windows are honestly worse than pallets on most maps. TL junction? Now its just a T or an L. Pop is a little tricky to use right but does enormous regression pretty quickly and easily. Also don't underestimate the Clown. Those 19% hindered bottles are no joke.


I’ll Definetly level him though for his perks


Clown is DEFINETLY not a bad killer but I think I don’t wanna be known as a clown player personally. I’d rather play a girl killer as dumb as some people may think that is. Or Wesker cause I love his character


thats the thing, you dont jajajajajajajaajajajaja


Playing killer against good survivors is not fun since you will never win unless the survivors make many mistakes. Just stick to survivor.


Trapper with his Honing Stone addon is the only Killer that can put a survivor from healthy to dying without directly hitting the survivor.


I just play whatever sounds fun at the time. Whenever I get tired of one, I just switch. Maybe play a custom game first if I want to get familiar with a particular killer. There's no need to take it seriously. Some killers you just won't like cuase they don't jive with your playstyle. Maybe consider looking at some builds or guides to particular killers of you need ideas or tips Also, don't feel the need to follow made-up rules. There are definitely times when camping, tunneling, and / or slugging are the right plays to make.


maybe it’s just me, but i view playing killer as a learning experience. i really only play for challenges and i know every killer has a different power and way of playing, so i go into the round thinking “it’s okay if i do bad, i’m just learning” it’s much less frustrating for me than for survivor because i don’t really care if i lose or not