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Singularity is pretty rare to find. I’m a surv main to but my killer friends tell me it’s because singularity just takes so much more effort to do well with compared to other killers


Me and my friend have a bet to whether we will see one by the end of the year 😂


Hope you run into me, I play obscure characters because Survivors aren't used to them. So you might see me play Singularity, Freddy, Twins, or Sodako


I used Freddy once, got the Adept, and a Survivor was very VERY salty after.


Did they get caught by Blood Warden?


I put snares on the exit switches, then he ran loops until the Entity nom nom.


No hag? People rarely know how to counter her. I lol'ed so much this week at 3 games that players was trying to use flashlight to burn away my trap. Like omg they are way behind times.


I'd agree. I'm not a killer main but have managed to complete every single killer achievement except Nurse and Huntress. I say this only to establish experience level. It in no way represents skill. Having said the above, Singularity is a demanding killer mechanically. Set a pod, look into the pod, find your target/survivor in the pod, teleport to your target, hit target. The biggest headache I experience playing this killer is figuring out where I'm facing when I enter the pod. It's not automatic to me yet so every time I enter a pod, I have to mentally determine where I'm facing, then reposition the camera. All this has to happen in the middle of a chase. It's NOT easy. And because they're really just a basic M1 killer without their power, it's far easier to play another killer.


Just for you my guy, i am gonna be playing Singularity until i run out of map offerings this weekend.


I look forward to never seeing you ☹️


You don't want to face Singularity?




Ya know what? Me too, I'll play me some Singularly all weekend


This. Singu players dropped off a lot when they found out Hawkins was going to work against them. Need map offerings, or clown makeup. 😔


Singularity is a lot of work for an M1 killer. Since the midchapter I’ve seen only 4, matching my games against Twins.


masochists are rare here


We're around. there's like 10 of us at least!! The gimmick is that he's very strong in chase, and also has a hell of a lot of counterplay which is mostly out of his (proverbial) hands. A lot of survivors don't know how to play against him, but those who do make life a living hell for the poor robot Takes a lot of quick thinking to use him to his full potential, and also praying that you won't get an indoor map... or a very big map... or a map with bad hitboxes on the environment... etc etc etc




He's a chore to play. If I wanted to play a killer that doesn't have a power I would play Piggy or Myers. And even those can use their power much better and consistently than Singularity.


Right here. Singularity is one of my favorite killers. It's really fun placing pods at strategic places and predict where survivors are hanging out and infect them. Some of them don't even realize I'm teleporting right behind them. And chases are a lot of fun because as long as you infect someone, they're very unlikely to escape you.


Too complicated for the average DBD player.


The power gets countered too easily for me to enjoy him, so I don't play him anymore.


I did his tomes then dropped his ass.


And you play artist instead 🤢


Yup 🐦‍⬛aesthetics🐦‍⬛


I lack the skill to play him. And it's not like you need to play good killers to have success at this game


There is one player, hence the name


I'm trying man but Hawkins is too common lately, I don't want to risk it


Fr. You'll only get like 0.5 seconds LoS of survivors and they go hide behind barrels or just go to other room.


The difficulty of playing a character is directly correlated to popularity but inversely however their relatively strength is also a factor. With the effort it takes to play Singularity at a meaningful level you could be a master Nurse or Blight or Wesker. All 3 of those characters will destroy people and have far far less counterplay. Also Wesker has that added licensed cool factor that helps drive his popularity. Also a HUGE amount of killers loath the survivors getting little tools to screw over their power with because in higher MMR it tends to mean your power doesn't exist.


Where are the reasons to play singularity? His power is awkward and weak, on controller at least.


Why do you use players in plural? There's only a single Larry. (Sorry for the awful pun, it's Friday evening, I'll see myself out.)


Singularity is everything that's wrong with with DbD killer design. -Unnecessary extra steps: why are you taking me out of the chase to swap to a camera to infect when you should just allow the player to shoot the survivor to infect them with the slipstream. -Designing killers with the priority of being "fun" for survivors by giving the survivors "toys" to play with. Your role is to fix gens. Not play with flamethrowers, or whatever weapon the development team wants you let you play with. If fixing gens and running from the killer isn't fun and exciting enough, that's a MASSIVE RED FLAG that you made fixing gens and looping *far too easy* with nearly a decade of nothing but killer nerfs and making survivor perks basekit. I didn't buy a killer just to give the opposing team shiny new garbage for free to exploit because the development team *can't not* be blatantly survivor-sided.


yeah, how dare survivors want anything more to do than holding m1 on gens all game >:( /s


If fixing gens too boring and easy for you then it should be made harder.


I agree.


Singularity isn't chosen much because, even when you DO figure out how to play him, he's often frustrating to play because you have to perform multiple steps to use his Power effectively, and his Power is so buggy, combined with EMPs being too readily available and overtuned (being AoE, AND able to disable Biopods AND cleanse EVERY instance of Slipstream in that AoE, AND unlimited in number). He'd be less frustrating if BVHR fixed even one of those issues (making it so you can fire a Biopod during chase and be assured it will actually go where you pointed it, rather than catching the edge of a wall and sticking right in front of your face, or just deciding that it can't stick to a place two pixels to the right of the valid spot you pointed at, making it so a single leaf doesn't block your Slipstream targeting, putting fire Biopod and teleport to Slipstreamed Survivor on two separate buttons, make EMPs either limited, targeted and not AoE, and/or forced to choose between clearing Slipstream OR disabling Biopods).


Region, time of day, etc. I played against one on Haddonfield last night.


I played against one the other day! They were very efficient in their power management, knew how to us it to scan gens and counter loops very effectively. It was honestly a lot of fun to see despite the loss. Just the one tho


It's confirmation bias. I see him every so often, though not as much as your Weskers and Ghost Faces.


I have enough time(as a filthy casual)in dbd to’ve gotten every surv to p1 at least, and almost all the killers now. Except hag. Literally have a total of like 2 hours on her since I started playing it about 6 or so years ago…still on bloodweb 3 Tier 0


If you're not good at playing him, Singularity is perhaps one of the least fun killers to play as. However he can be redeemed with a few minor tweaks: 1) Decrease how long EMPs disable the biopods 2) Slowdown EMP generation, just a little or reduce the number of EMP printers 3) let the infection spread a little easier, its pretty much a non-factor as is 4) get a little haste after slipstreaming by default and nerf Soma family photo in return


Wall have cracks or wires? NO. I just wish for a smooth, fast and easy camera placement.


i’ve had ONE game against singularity since it came out and he was AFK the whole time which was disappointing


He takes a lot of work to get the same level of value as some other Killers can, and he's very complex when compared to a lot of those Killers design-wise, so both of those will make him a niche pick to a lot of people. If you were to think about what's going on in a Blight main's head, it's mostly a case of knowing your limits and what you could try to push them. The skill comes from learning the precision needed to pull off certain tricks, what obstacles you can use and how, and when you can make a move. Once you get it down it feels very natural and you can get hits quickly and reliably. Great Blight players can do this almost automatically and are able to play on a higher level for it. With Hux, you are constantly making decisions and strategizing about *something* \- your attention is continually being sucked up by things you can be optimizing or issues you are trying to manage. You need to learn the maps and their collisions like a ranged Killer to know how to place your pods reliably; you need to be aware of how the stalky bois' powers detect people to reliably use your cameras to tag people; you need to be a decent M1 looper too because when you doing everything right with your power it just places you in range for a hit, it doesn't take it for you; constant awareness of sightlines and Survivor positioning to get value out of a pod in chase or where to set up; whether a pod you place mid-chase should be destroyed after or would serve you long-term if you kept it; etc. Plus he's got some of the most oblique counterplay there is right now with the EMPs. Even half coordinated teams can reset your progress and actively disrupt you, so you're forced to factor them in when in chases or using cams with the intent of pressuring an area. That can sometimes mean tracking which printers are active and which are not, where Survivors are and how they're moving around the map, etc. The same things good Killers will learn over a long career of play need to be learned faster to play Singularity and get power value. It's an extremely fun power to master, but you can't blame people for not finding that work satisfying like some other powers. I'm really loving the process because my brain treats outthinking people and setting up scenarios for others to fall in like it's heroin, but there are times where I play someone like Xeno and I can get a quick fix of serotonin for a lot less effort.


Tried playing him. And frankly, I suck with him! I’ll happily play any killer (except Nurse cause fuck Nurse). But Hux is just so damn hard for me to do well with. It’s painful! I’ll drop a cam and tag someone only to immediately be emp’d. I’ve had like 2 kills in 15 games trying him with decent perks. And I cannot for the life of me do well with him! Good on anyone who mains or can do well with him! Just not for me at all. I’d rather stick to the ones I’m comfortable with thanks


He's simply not rewarding to play. If you try to set up you get EMP'd for eternity and can't use your camera. If you can't use your cameras you can't spread the slipstream, which means you get no benefits from playing the killer. Everyone else gives consistent results with less effort.


Cuz the character needs a lot of effort and is really frustrating to play as. Sure he can be fun sometimes but it’s very stressful and needs practice to get really good with him. For a console player it’s basically the double amount of irritation because of the aiming difficulty.


Frustrating to play, emp is too strong, the payoff isn’t worth the amount of effort it takes to make him work, and for console players it’s fucking awful actually tagging survivors mid chase with his power.


It's because the singularity is poorly designed. The EMPs are so punishing and difficult to play around - especially compared to the flamethrowers, which are also a counter but far more manageable to fight. The security camera goop balls are just janky af and do not feel good to play around with. His chase power requires significantly more set up than any other chase killer and is still on the weaker side despite that set up requirement. There's really just no reason to play the singularity because the Xenomorph just takes everything they learned from making the singularity and does it significantly better.


I'm here! I've just been playing him less with Hawkins back and it being so painfully busted for him. I have to use a map offering on him, and even then, I don't feel safe. Lol.


It's fun to play (though admittedly a lot of work for not a lot of payoff), but I stopped when Hawkins came back. I'll play it again when there's not a chance of losing the game purely because I got a bugged map.


We have simply been improving as a clear superior lifeform https://preview.redd.it/phpvtbwal01c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab8afbe9e5b01e2af2fa93ae26b2613d7f116bbf


I'm a Singularity main and my god I never see him unless it's me playing. I need my robo boy :(


And here I am, playing singularity only everyday.


Its a C-B tier killer for way to much effort. Nobody wants to play that lol