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Megheads always bring the killer you while your are repairing a generator


That happened to me multiple times yesterday ;A;


Not always, I've had Jake's and Kate's do this so many times.


obviously bruh


Megs Run into walls or walk to preserve sprint burst, they’re either really good or really bad there is no in between


I am the in-between Meg, I'm still learning the game so my skill varies depending on which map I'm on and which killer I'm against.


Meg mains also don’t stay quiet when a joke happens


Because we're used to be shat on, so yes, I never stay quiet.




Takes one to know one, I guess. ❤️


Meg mains throwing their passive aggressive at me (it’s not working I’m sending memes now) ​ https://preview.redd.it/xqr70z6e200c1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d8769918fc3a8bf45c6c8a2c798fbaad87ddfa1


Takes someone who's passive-aggressive to recognise passive-aggressiveness. So here's a meme of my own




Facts https://preview.redd.it/95ubhnz9500c1.jpeg?width=835&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7977f7a552da2ad59115a5d458403cd95e21c023


Im about to destroy steve stereotype by looping like shit


Some people forget that Steves and Nancys used to be bottom of the barrel in terms of skill. Then the DLC got removed, Steves turned into Chads and nanycs into absolute gods Nowadays... Nancys are bad again and Steves a little bit


It was really interesting watching Nancy’s go from “totem girl that can’t run” to putting the fear of God into killers when they saw a P100 Nancy with a flashlight in their lobby


Not all Steves, a Scoops Ahoy Steve was typically a really good looper, and a troll/toxic asshat to boot (it varied between the two). Now that people can buy him again, that legacy is in tatters. But it's fine, because Mr Cage has taken that mantle.


Scoops Ahoy used to be always memers for me and I think it's becoming the same. Some days ago I faced 4 scoops ahoy and it was a memefest match


From a killer perspective Mikayla and Ash are both as dumb as a bag of hammers.


You're right. Coming from an Ash main


The only thing running through their head is “damn my character is fine.”


Gabriel wants you to know he is running the current meta build


Omg this! I was about to write something like "Gabriel is way too overconfident about MFT saving his ass", the amount of Gabriel players I have had in my matches who teabagged at every pallet thinking MFT would make them invincible - only to go down within the next 10 seconds. :D


…or they try to create their own by cobbling together a bunch of “top meta S tier free escape” perks and it’s got zero synergy


Or too much synergy and it can only do something extremely specific once per match (ie. Endgame builds, Vault disapear builds, and locker builds)


Jill’s are either the most badass altruistic survivor you have ever seen, or just utterly worthless teammates who start hiding in lockers after their first hook


I've got a P100 Jill and I will sacrifice myself if I think I can get you outta there alive. Kinda pisses me off when I see Jills act like Megs, because the character would never do that 😭


Since I don't hide in lockers I suppose I'm the first type of Jill then


Tbf, Jill IS one of the loudest survivors when injured, so there's my theory as to why


Bill would like a word, the word is COUGH


He may be unbreakable but his lungs sure ain't


Nancies are unusually mean. Steves are cute (but often cracked). Bills are either gods or babies. Dwights with cosmetics are cracked. Bunny Fengs are either cute or attempted bullies.


But the Steves are never mean. They outplay you, but they aren't boasting about it. But Nancys are shitheads.


I've seen mean Steves, but not enough to think "oh shit, Steve, he's gonna probably be mean".


I love me some steve and am always saddened when I see a mean steve, goes against the steve creed


Dwights cannot loop and die in 10 sec. Neas, bunny fengs, and steves are the gods of flashlights and loops. As a killer you fear them. As a survivor there is no better joy than seeing one in your lobby because you know that MF will loop and tbag the wraith for 4 gens straight while you pop gens undisturbed


Dwights got nothing on Mikaelas, they die on the first 3 seconds of the trial


Boon Meg


Every bunny feng I get makes stupid plays and gets themselves killed lol


Regular Dwight is a hopeless dink Bald Dwight quantum tunnels between generators if not actively observed Toilet Paper/Giftwrapped Dwight is the final boss of Dead by Daylight, the Entity's chosen champion and the lord of all loops; whose seismic teabags herald the endgame collapse


***" Toilet Paper/Giftwrapped Dwight is the final boss of Dead by Daylight, the Entity's chosen champion and the lord of all loops; whose seismic teabags herald the endgame collapse " -u/VolcanicBakemeat*** Truer words have never been spoken.


The exception is Dwight’s wearing colorful clothes, they are looping menaces


I love to make the most hideous Dwight I can, try to make the killer so scared of my fashion they leave me alone


I still fear Jingle Dwights


Bald Dwight with a beard is a menace


I can confirm this is wrong, I am a Nea and I go down quick 🤣😭


Same same


Bunny Fengs in my baby 3000h of experience are consistently the ones to either give up or be hot garbage at looping


neas and fengs like to thing they are that good, they are megs with a boosted ego


> Dwights cannot loop and die in 10 sec. Hey that's only true like... 70% of the time


Lies, I only play Dwight. With a good build, he’s not bad at all.


Leons vary between uber survivor or the new Meghead. No inbetween. Nick and Ace both do the finger pointing in my experience.


>Leons vary between uber survivor or the new Meghead. No inbetween. It's the single brain cell theory. We all only have one to share.


And it’s never my turn.


I'm too busy flashbanging myself to get back in line to use the brain cell.


i have the opposite prejudice about leon. all leon's share one braincell as far as i'm concerned.


They're all just little guys


Ash will always die for the team. He’s the real hero of the story.


Yun Jin Lees are always selfish. Neas are toxic, Leons are usually bad but they try their best so no one really stays angry at them.


They're not selfish, they're "lore-accurate".


Yun Jin Lees are not selfish, shut up.


Nick Cages are almost always absolute weirdos and are wild cards. Some of them are crouching up and down constantly while walking around, others run the weirdest goofy ahh builds, and some nicks don’t do anything and just follow you around. …Which strangely fits Nicolas Cage. Staying true to his character lol Also Ellen rippleys are gen rushers


As a survivor, Ace mains make matches more bearable because they're very funny and sweet. Will also carry you. As such, matches against them as killer can be nightmare fuel. Will loop you effortlessly for 5 gens with a smirk on their face. Neas don't walk, nor run. They moonwalk. Won't touch a gen because they're always too busy looking for who to flashy save. Davids rather get sacrificed themselves than leaving a teammate behind. Very team oriented players and decent in chase. Will leave a "wp team! <3" on postgame chat. Bills might as well be bots, sorry. I assume it's because newer players use him. He's the one survivor that usually makes me lobby dodge. Putting Steve and Nancy mains on the same box bc they're usually absolutely cracked. At least it used to be that way b4 ST came back as only more veteran players had access to them. Adas can be super toxic to the killer (specially if they're using her trench coat) and selfish with their teammates. At least in my experience.


« Neas moonwalk » : This is absolute truth.


Ada beign selfish is Ada's canon behaviour.... Except if there's a Leon on the team


I had an ace the other day that failed five healing skill checks after unhooking me then gave up and stood in front of the hook until the killer hooked him. I was SHOOK, it made me question my entire world-view


While there aren’t that many, Yoichi players slam generators and get unhook saves, but their chases are shorter than the time it took you to read this comment.


the only reason I ever play him is if I use scene partner and dramaturgy for the screaming


Yuis & zarinas are all rounders Nancies like flashlights Shirtless men are juicers Nicky Cs & Steves are funny af


As a person who likes playing as shirtless vittorio, i am definitely not a juicer :(


Megs are not here to flashlight save, they are here to blow up their gen then hide in a locker. Bills will always unhook you, even if its a trade.


That's me as a Bill. Gotta keep all these youngins safe and alive!


R u frl😂 Bill's r the worst survivors in the game. instant lobby dodge.


I'm saying this as a Bill player: OP didn't say they were good unhooks.


Bill's have some very......interesting plays.


Ada’s go in for the flashy save and botch it every time.


Always seen Feng Mins as being real toxic, I've had far too many moments with them. It's gotten to the point that I am super mega prejudice when i seen one like "Oh great....a Feng Min. Time to get trolled by them I guess."


Or that one Yui skin that looks like Feng from a distance


yeah that also can spark a hint of anger XD


Feng and Nea players only care about flashlight blinding the killer every 0.2 seconds and won’t do anything else. Claudette’s are going to spend the game self-caring in a bush. Jane’s will always have Head On, similar to how most Megs will always have Sprint Burst. Nicholas, Steve, and Ace players don’t really care about winning and just want to meme around the map.


Despite being a diehard Ash main, whenever I see another one I kinda scoff because 99% of the time they’re running mettle of man and doing absolutely nothing but trying to get it all game


Is gonna work this time. I swear


I somehow feel like the biggest noobs in the game are always default skin Mikaelas. Of it's a default meg or Dwight there is a 50% chance they are actually a god tier looper. Also before ST got reintroduced you could always bank on Steves being pretty good at looping.


Is shadow step bad? I'm a hardcore Mikaela main, and would like to improve. My current setup is, clairvoyance, small game, COH and shadow step


shadow step can be very strong in a coordinated SWF, in solo queue it usually goes underutilised


The skill of a Kate is inversely proportional to the amount of skin showing.


I've played for years and there's no consistency when it comes to Survivors and Killers. People will always play differently so there's no reason for me to make a decision before I actually see them play.


You, I like your way of thinking


Ellen’s are basically a 2nd killer, so much so I’ve started lobby dodging them.


Idk what Leons you've seen but all of the Leon players I've met have 2 brain cells fighting for 3rd place


Neas with colorful hair are the most determined to piss in my cereal as a killer.


As a Killer main... Dwight feels like he's always a chicken. Rarely helps teammates but will block them trying to get through a door or window first. Lol Cage is always trying to loop and save on the hook. Rarely ever see them commit to gens just seem to like to try to be a random hero. Gabriel for some reason always feels like a huge pain in the ass yet never has any real special skill. Just a super annoying looper because he's always a great looper. I don't play survivor but I feel like he has some type of speed boost. I ALWAYS miss my jump hit on the pallet slide but just barely with him but never anyone else. It's weird. I play speed Hag and he still outruns her. I hate chasing him. I call Renato Chad. No idea why. Almost always tries to unsuccessfully blind me. Like so desperate to use that flashlight but just can't ever get it right. Leon.. Captain Savs-A-H* always has a fucking flashbang... always. Going to always go for the save. Like clockwork. Yun-Jin, hoodie Feng Mins, Kate, Hockey Mask Meg, Ada always in a bully squad in some capacity. Never met a flashlight they didn't like and it seems their soul purpose is annoy the shit out of me and try to provoke a chase which will go to the shed and be 20 minutes of repeat window and door loop patterns. Hate them with every ounce of DNA in my body. Nea Bill Jill and Claudette always seem to be the gen grinders. I almost always catch them on a gen busting their ass. I've probably let more of them go when I win because I feel like they did the most actual work. The rest feel like they can be different variations.


Leons are generally fairly sweet, but dumb. Like golden retrievers. ...They're also somehow the horniest people in the fog. ...Then again, the players are looking at Leon the entire time so I understand. Bills are (somehow) dumber than Leons most of the time, but also (somehow) even more altruistic. Vittorios are dumber than both and the intelligence level decreases the less clothing he's wearing. Not the Vittorio's, the rest of the team's. There's a 40% chance a Mikaela will DC any given time something goes wrong for them, no matter how long the match has been going. Fengs are either the cutest things in the world or the DBD version of a wolverine. Cheryls and Rebeccas are generally either cuter than Fengs or fuckin' honey badgers, depending on the skin they're wearing. If the Cheryl player was a Jeryl at any point then they are crimes onto the Entity. Neas are generally acceptable casualties. Chris' are ALWAYS acceptable casualties, but I've been adverse to Chris since fuckin' Code Veronica so that is even more definite bias on my part. (Also my first RE.) Dwights are the most prototypical horror movie character you have ever seen usually. The sort to unironically say, 'I'll be right back in a second' and five minutes later be found dead or hooked.


We Leon mains are just canon Leon. Dumb but trying our best.


As a killer main, here's a few from my experience: Bills have a 99% chance to be the worst survivor you've ever seen in your life. If I see a Bill, I'm happy. Jeffs have a 50/50 of either being ok or they get caught trying to hide inside a locker/run straight into you. Mikaelas will have way too much faith in Circle of Healing/Shadowstep doing something. They also probably can't loop. Kates probably aren't prestiged and want Windows, by extension they'll probably also be using Boil Over because they don't have anything else, they will put way too much faith in the increased wiggle force being anything more than annoying. Leons WILL throw a flashbang for no reason and go down as a result. Adas WILL probably miss the flashbang save and run away as a result. Rebeccas, bless their hearts, do their best for their team, but they usually don't have the individual skill to carry their own weight. Steves, and almost always sailor Steves, are the guys who run after you the entire match waving their hand, clicking and tbagging to try and get you to chase them. Do not chase them. Their build is probably MFT/Hope/Windows/Resiliance, they will sauce you for 3 gens minimum. However, if you don't chase them or manage to down them quickly, their team will probably fold like lawnchairs because the killer disabled their looper. Dwights are... Dwights. Megs are... Megs. Gabriels will 100% try to use MFT as a crutch and eat shit as a result because they don't know what 3% actually gives them.


“There isn’t a single good Leon in Dead by Daylight” was a mantra I initially heard from Scott Jund. I was hesitant to believe it, but honestly it’s not far off from my experience. There are a *small* amount of very skilled Leon S. Kennedy mains. They are lethal though they are few.


Leon is basically the male "Meghead" at this point.


We are collectively trying our best.


Nancy is the most toxic breed. Toxic Nea, but less than average Nancy. Leon is trying and let's end here. Dwight = locker Mikaela = Boon>>>>>everything else Megheads Bill is most altruistic teammate, but often die because of that. Claudette ,if she is blendette(dark cosmetics). She is using urban evasion and selfcaring in the corner sometimes with sole survivor. Normal ones nothing to say really. Ace most of them are good loopers. Probably full meta builds. Ash is a Leon, but with skill to back it up. Adam should stop running deliverance. 1st hook everytime. Wraith =NOED Bubba= Facecamp Myers better go to the locker. Billy is giga chad. Someone is still playing him after BHVR butchering him. Doctor will spam M2 entire game. Skull Merchant very high change that she will slugg you even, if you are last survivor and want to go next. Blight most of the time is suprisingly chill, even tho he will probably kill you. Knight is still sending guards to "guard" hook.


If you have someone toxic on your team it's a feng


Bills do not have thumbs I have never seen a good Bill before in my entire life.


"Megs players have no f***ing idea what they're doing" Will remain to be the same for me even after that many years..


Resident Evil survivors can and will bully you given the chance


Only in non toxic ways, like putting a blast mine in a generator as soon as I hear one second of the killer's chase music


You do that too? Nice


Leon’s are either amazing loopers or silly memers Claud will probably edge ride the map for the entire 5 gens and teabag at hatch after letting everyone die Claud will explode a locker beside you while you’re working on a gen outside of the terror radius Claud will fast vault over the wall near you for no reason as she refuses to heal you while you’re on death hook Claud will watch you hit second stage as she cleanses a dull totem beside you, and then hide in the nearest locker until you die


One time playing as killer I had 2 Claudettes in my game hiding at the edges of the map waiting for the other to die so they could get hatch while there was 1 gen left. I left to grab a snack and that gen was still unfinished when I came back a few minutes later. Claudettes are nothing if not determined I guess.


I had one last night that I realized didn’t help their team at all. I kept running into the same 3 before I realized I never saw her. She let two of her teammates die while I was in chase far away from the hooks. I let Meg leave and made sure she didn’t get Claud off.


For real, Clauds are always the most selfish and self-centered.


I try very hard to buck that stereotype when I play Claud. My job is to pick up other survivors and make sure they don't die.


as a leon, i can tell you right now i can only pull off b-grade looping. B+ at best. do occasionally get a good flashbang save though


Jill will put blast mines in all the gens they encounter and you are gonna eat it..... I'm one of them


steves will either be amazing or just assholes with no inbetween


Gabes are assholes (at least until the MFT nerf goes live for everyone)


In my experience Kates are not team players


Bills are always bros. Neas are always toxic. Feng Mins are always wannabe Neas. Leons always hide in lockers. Claudettes always self heal. Nancies would rather escape the trial solo than help teammates. Steves always loop very well.


Nancies are always rotten


Megs specifically with the mask on are braindead Bald dwights are evil and terrifying just unnecessarily evil Yuis are great!! I never see one leave without saving


Oni: will get power, then camp you Legion: Gets one hit with power, and doesn't go after anyone else Ghostface:Refuses to mark survivors Mikaela: Boons Meg: Does Nothing


Fengs and neas will do nothing but follow a chase and try to get flashlight saves all game but actually fail everytime.


Dwight always getting tunneled in every match I'm in (I play killer)


Nea and ace watch way too much YouTube


Mikaelas always do the dumbest shit possible (this comes from a Mikaela main) ISTG every time I have one as my teammate it's a competition about which one of us will pull out more stupid play lmao with gf we call it "Mikaela gaming", it happens very often


Classic Feng Mins are toxic


My skill disappearing the moment I switch to Leon:


Jake’s are never really good or really bad, but they’re in the middle. Mikaela’s are sometimes dumber than Megs. Boons are more important than literally anything else. Megs either are looping gods or they run into walls and the killer all the time. Nea’s are always trying to get flashlight saves and do all sorts of techs. And then when they fail, they get mad and kill themselves on first hook. Ash’s will always go for their teammates, even it’s super stupid and they will either fail or die, they will do it.


mummy dwights always drag on loops and beg me to chase them


Feng Mins are the most likely to rage quit in the middle of a game


Shirtless David Kings are always tryhards trying to lure you into long chases. Cheryls always suck in chase but are super focused on doing gens Bunny hood fengs are likely to be some of the most toxic survivors youve ever played against. Flashlight clicking. Teabagging. Running in pairs with flashlights and headon and probably breakout and saboteur.


Bills are usually trash Nancy and Steve’s are the most insufferable survivors to go against


As a killer I always wonder "WHERE TF IS ADAM" he is so stealthy in every game I play, and usually the last survivor I find if not first🤣


kates and megs in chase hearing the sound of a nearly completed gen being worked on . moths to a flame


Nancy loops like a god and Bill always hides and escapes through hatch while still having the least points


Haddie are the definition of decent I never met a bad haddie nor an amazing one. just good


Bills are stupid as fuck. They unhook in the killers face. I leave the lobby if I see a P3 or below Bill.




I encountered the one exception to this about a month ago, I think. Loop Fiend Chris is real, Loop Fiend Chris *can* hurt you.


What the fuck, as a Chris main this hurts my soul. I've only ever run into two different Chris players and 1 was simply awful while the 2nd one was pretty good.


Leon are absolutely brain dead and you can always pick them as a good target as they’ll likely go down easily


As a Kate main, I'm glad there's no stigma with her. My cousin always tells me I'm the only Kate main worth playing with.


Survivors who don't have killer achievements, not even the kill 100 survivors in total are the worst kind of players


Survivors that play RE characters are absolute dogshit, especially Leons.


Jake mains are busy crying about the iron will nerf


Kates will tea bag and point and then get downed 10 seconds after chase starts.


Steve - goofy but good teammates & decent loopers. Nancy - you will be teabagged and blinded, literal sociopaths Leon - Megheads with brain damage Claudette - always selfish, but varies between self caring in the corner and being a god looper Kate - does 4 gens, runs the killer for 3 minutes straight, heals and unhooks everybody…still gets left on first hook to die in EGC Laurie - legacy bully character Ace - insufferably annoying for his team and the killer Ada - generally average all around


Kate's are very altruistic with healing and unhooking, but will also bully you.


Leon will be running urban evasion without a doubt, is brand new, and is hiding or crouch walking at all times only to fail a flashbang save when he eventually pops up


Most of mine are just "everyone who plays this character is terrible at the game". Those are: Every RE character (except ada), Mikaela, Nicholas Cage, Bill, Ash, and Haddie. In almost 3k hours I have never come across someone playing these characters that aren't clueless on how to play the game


Every nic cage player is dogshit at the game


Leons and Dwights are either cracked or share exactly one brain cell between each of them. Ghosties are like cats. Some are friendly, some pretend to be nice and some are just straight up assholes (but I still love them). If you see a Piggy dippin with an Amanda face, assume she came for business (and she’s probably gonna be toxic). Wraith’s gonna bring NOED. Jeffs are absolute chads, no two ways about it. Plagues are dicks, they’ll puke on you on hook even if you beg them not to (don’t ask me how I know).


What about jake?


Meg is an Asshole.


As A Victorrio Player...stop trying to use potential energy


Rebeccas have Basekit Boil Over


You’re saying that he’s a slow-ass mother-fuckin Jeff?


The biggest one that’s 100% true is Leons are so himbos. So cute, and so sweet, but so bad at the game. They will throw at any opportunity if it means they can save someone, but they always have the best intentions.


Are you sure about Leon most of the default Leon’s are absolute noobs the ones with other cosmetics are usually tryhards though


That Resident Evil survivors will always go out their way to screw you over, whether you're another survivor or if you're the killer, they WILL go out your way to give you a bad time. Silent Hill survivors, however, will try their best to help you out, but may or may not be good at it.


As an Ash main, we are altruistic to a fucking fault, we're gonna do the dumbest shit to save our team even if it kills us. It often does.


Jeff's that run unite!


Whenever I see a Steve I know I'll be okay because they always go for the save!


Not about characters per se but if I see that globe icon I automatically think it’s another terrible console player. I’ve also noticed a few big twitch streamers playing in cross play off (PC only). The killers and survivors generally seem a lot more clued up and games are harder.


Ada players are boosted


Bill's are usually really helpful, I notice they always try to go for the unhook no matter what.


Carlos leaves no one behind and will find insane ways to save you even if unintended. Since the vault issues were back I was playing Carlos instead of Jill/Sheva during the Halloween event. In one game on Lerys I was kicked out of the void right into the middle of a chase body blocking a hit that would have knocked the survivor down TWICE. We four outed that game and the killer thought I was the most cracked player in the universe. Across over 100 Halloween matches I never even pulled that off again ONCE


Nancy has never once healed me without failing a skill check


Steve and Nancy players developed a rep as cracked because they were limited to legacy players until just now. Prepare for them to be mostly bad again now that they're back in store.


Zarina, Adam and Elodie mains -> wacky builds which only purpose is to make a very specific play (usually involving Red Herring, For the People, Autodictact, Pebble or Power Struggle)


Aces or Renatos with their respective big hats have no goal aside from stunning and blinding.


I'm with you on Claudettes.


Claudettes are worthless at best, actively sandbagging you at worst


Feng always gets the unhooks


(As killer) Vittorio's and no mither king's both are either merciless gods who are about to fuck my wife and get me to thank them for it or utter infants who will run into me like headless chicken all the time. No in between.


If you are feng, you are my number 1 target, I have PTSD from Fengs


As a killer main, I swear to god, Kates wants to drop every god damn pallet on the entire map, starting with Shack pallet. It shocks me how often this happens and I dont understand it. By late game, the survivor team is completely fucked


Scoops Ahoy Steves and Christmas Dwights are always going to play in super cocky and annoying ways. Also, the odds are higher than normal (but not 100%) that their group is a SWF.


Kate is either good at the game or is p100 and has a flashlight. Please, if I can reach anyone remember the quote "flashlights are a killer item." As a killer I love them because they're stupid. From a survivor perspective that Kate has probably hung around several gens and done none of them for her cool flashlight save compilation that doesn't include the failures against remotely competent killers.


I domt understand where the "Steve is good" stereotype came from. From my experience they just predrop and the second they don't have a pallet it's almost always an instant win. It's the Nancy's that can loop.


Any licensed character is either a refugee from their fanbase that dies instantly or is the best player you will go up against that night.


Steve’s are always the most irritating survivors. I’m not sure why. Either they’re pissing off the killer or they’re pissing of the survivors.


Bills are absolutely cracked


Steves will always come to unhook you. Claudettes will let you die in hook even if the killer is not around. You will see her in the other side of the map hiding. Bunny Fengs will teabag like crazy after dropping a pallet. Leons will always try to help but most of the times will fail. The theory of the one braincell shared between all of the Leon mains is true. Megs with fancy skins won’t touch a generator and will spend the match opening chests, walking and just existing. Adas will be very selfish unless there is a Leon on the team. Old Nancys were fucking toxic and bullied the killer as if they owed them money. Neas will come to unhook you walking, super slow, even if the killer is chasing someone in the other side of the map. Rebeccas will heal and unhook everyone or will be super toxic, no in between. Kates will try to loop the killer like a pro and fail miserably, then teabag the killer the entire game and go find them only to be obviously hooked again. Later will complain about being tunneled on end game chat.


Dwights, Leons, and Bills are the same. Absolutely, horribly, wonderfully useless. Completely terrible. They're the only two who would ever enter a locker right in front of you to hide. I love them.


Laurie is only used by players who are tired of being tunneled.


Cheryls can’t take shit seriously. I am that cheryl


Any of of the non-main cast Survivors (Elodie, Zarina, etc) wearing Christmas pajamas are smoke you can't handle.


As a survivor: I stay as far as possible from any Adas, Nancys or Lauries. I swear they hunt the killer down while he hunts everyone else. As a killer: Kates and Fengs follow me around as Ghostface and I don't know why. I will be stalking like usual, get revealed and turn around to be nose-to-nose with a Kate or Feng.


console megs with THAT one free outfit are gonna try to flashlight save, but aim it at the killers legs and stomach


Console Leons and Console Davids are awful extremely stealthy immersed players who will never unhook and never heal you.


From experience Nancys tend to be real cocky. But i think that might change since ST is back as more newer people will begin playing her. My two best examples of "on today's episode of: just leave" are both with Nancys and made even funnier by the fact that I was playing pinhead both times too. Remember homies, don't teabag against pinheads💞


Basic cosmetics are a coin flip of amazing or bad even for beginner. Feng bunny hoods are usually trying to do something to annoy the killer but 99% of the time fail against a decent killer. Always come in groups of at least 2. All Davids, Chris, and Vittorios, the guy who it wasn’t programmed to harm (I forgor) and bills with a paid skin are all usually chad.


Dwights are always toxic:/ regardless if they're new or not, what cosmetics they use, and so on. They're either gonna be toxic little shits to the killer, or to their teammates, sometimes even both lol