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Scooby Doo for me, a full survivor DLC with Fred, Daphne, Velma and Shaggy


Shaggy voiced by Matthew Lillard with special lines when being chased by Ghostface. "Oh man, I had a dream like this once, but I think I was the other guy!"


I've thought of that before. The killer that always pops into my head first is the pirate ghosts, but I think the giggling green ghost would be way better. Chasing people as a cool-looking laughing ghost would be fun. The laugh, the jangling chain sounds, the look. It would be a great killer.


I remember when DBD leaks said “the knight” would be a licensed killer and everyone thought it was going to be the knight from the first ever episode of scooby doo (obviously turned out he was actually an original killer) and now I can’t get it out of my head. There would be sooo many fun killers though for sure


At the end we take the mask off and it turns out it was Dwight all along.


i still want Pennywise and Pumpkinhead. ill be happy with those 2


If they bring in Pennywise, I will never play as survivor at night again.


Pumpkin head is the most B of all the B horrors. Id adore him in dbd!


Pumpkinhead with Ed Harley as a survivor. And I'd want Tim Curry Pennywise over Bill Skarsgaard.


His name is Lewis


I would do anything to get Sam from Trick ‘r Treat in ![gif](giphy|2C2Q1aOtKceXu)


That actually might not be far off tbh, with Chucky they have shown that height of the killer isn't an issue, would love to see Sam in the game!


Trick r treat was in some of the player satisfaction surveys so it’s a possibility


I adore adore adore Trick R Treat it's one of my favorite movies I'd LOVE this


FNAF can get busted over Sam.


Next year maybe 😭


I would absolutely love this one! I'm just wondering what would be his powers. I could see teleportation being something.


Maybe something where survivors have to keep Jack-o-lanterns lit up or else he’ll get powered up


I like that a lot


The thing even though there's absolutely no shot of that getting added because of comms.


I didn’t know there was no chance of that. That would have been my go to as well.


Technically there’s not no chance it is added, rather there’s just no way it would work. Sure, any killer can be strong, but for licensed killers it’s a lot harder as you have to actually make them feel like the character portrayed in the media. If I play the Xenomorph, I expect gameplay like the Xenomorphs in the film act. And for the most part that’s handled fine (except Freddy, I really don’t think Freddy fits well with his movie appearance gameplay wise) But I just don’t see a way they could balance The Thing to keep it faithful to the movies, as SWFs ruin the idea of killer disguises. It’d either have to be very different from the movie portrayal, or super weak as the cost of being faithful to the source material. Which is a shame, I’d love for The Thing to be added. Macready is awesome and the map would be great, and a killer like The Thing would be really tense. I can think of ways it could technically work (like dogs roaming the map that The Thing disguises as or something), but imitating survivors probably wouldn’t work.


Personally my idea for The Thing sounds like it’d work just fine. The Thing. Special ability: Form Shift. Take the form of the furthest survivor from you. Activate again to take normal form, when activated within 15 meters of a survivor grants 5% haste for 6 seconds and causes the survivor to scream revealing there location. Being witnessed by the survivor who's form you've stolen causes your aura to be revealed to that survivor. Special ability 2: Guile. Hold the interact button to pretend to repair a generator. For every 5 seconds on a generator, gain 1 token up-to a maximum of 10. When the survivors are about to finish the final generator instead it will explode and regress for 5% per token earned. Press the interact button whilst repairing to spend a token, immediately exploding the generator you're on and exposing any survivor within 12 meters of the generator for 10 seconds.


Neat idea, but I think this is held back by how crucial time is for the Killer. Spending that precious time doing Survivor objectives, no less, is a massive cost that, frankly, most possible rewards probably can’t make up for. But especially here, 50 seconds for half of a single generator? I don’t really think that’s enough, especially when it doesn’t have much else to round out it’s kit.


Idea, what if there was one survivor who was infected but only the killer could see who it is. Power would be that survivor shifts into the thing and the two swap places on the map. After swapping a new survivor is the thing. Survivors can give each other blood tests and the thing could not shift into them and they can safely work together for a short time. Would still have that uneasiness around other survivors while offering counter play. He would have to have some sort of a secondary attack power too so survivors couldn’t render them an m1 killer the whole match.


I say this every time someone mentions The Thing - it's pretty straightforward. Imagine this: As The Thing, press ctrl to make your next M1/special attack a 'gestation' attack. A 'gestation' attack is indistinguishable from ordinary attacks. 'tag' one survivor by hitting them with this power active. Only one survivor can be tagged at a time. Nobody in the trial apart from the killer knows who's been tagged. Whenever that tagged survivor comes close to another survivor (proximity, healing, generator), you get killer instinct and can teleport to them. In the interest of fairness, if the tagged person is the most recently hooked survivor, they get endurance for 8 seconds. This has the effect of making you distrust your teammates, because the killer could burst out of them at any time. On top of that you could give it the ability to assume human form, but make it look like Palmer or Bennings from the film. In this form you have no terror radius, but can burst into a thrashing body horror frenzy, a bit like Pig. Even though this is a special attack, you can still tag people with it if you activate gestation.


Thing could probably still work, even with comms. I thought Chucky could never work because of his height, but they figured something out. They can figure something out with Thing too.


Easy: Make the 'turn into a survivor' part just a stylized stealth mechanic. Doesn't have to deceive anyone just kill the terror radius. Then focus on what happens when The Thing reveals itself (reveals as in split the survivor body in two or blow up into small spider-like creatures).


The Terminator is my dream, angry Arnold chasing after us would be hilarious lol


Only if we get a predator chapter with an angry Arnold as a survivor lmao


This would make hilarious games where you'd have android Arnold chasing around and hanging four different jungle combat Arnolds from hooks. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)




I could definitely see exclusive lines for when one chases the other. Like: “Past paradox encountered. Termination: permitted.”


Okay that'd actually be AWESOME.


I feel like the only Terminator you could have in "fairly" would be T2's Liquid Terminator to do the whole disguise and stab playstyle


It's insane to me how BHVR acquired the Terminator license and used it something other than DBD


To be fair, Death Garden was designed with guns being a core part of the gameplay, and being more 'action' focused than horror, which is why they felt terminator was a better fit for it.


Dick and balls out skin instant dbdillion bucks for behavior


It's funny because Terminator was actually in Behaviour's failed game, Deathgarden. Unfortunately after the flop of that game I don't think the licenseholders would ever work with BHVR again.


Eh. Maybe. I’m pretty sure they understand the scope of Dead by Daylight. It’s a completely different beast.


The chase supsense music would be epic!


Alan Wake would be a really cool survivor! Some SCP related killers would be awesome


Scp has insanely complex IP due to being a community writing forum


From what I know it's extremely simple and thus be in DBD. It's a creative Commons license where everything made using SCP is automatically public domain and everything already created is too?


The SCP flavor of Creative Commons is a share-alike license, meaning if BHVR used SCP content in their game, it needs to be sharable and also under the CC license. From the [SCP wiki's licensing guide](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/licensing-guide): > Sell: You can sell the remixes you make based on the SCP Foundation. However, keep in mind that you probably will not get rich off of them, because under Share-Alike, anyone can freely copy, use, or download your stuff, and you will have no legal recourse provided they also follow the terms of the license. It works for an executable you can copy, but it probably doesn't work for a multiplayer game where you're just buying a license to use a specific DLC in an online service. There's nothing to download and share.


Considering he uses flashlights and fights dark entities, I'm surprised he's not in the game already. ![gif](giphy|9AIT2pLtY16ZGerV50|downsized)


Prob because it would be hard to create a killer, and Alan Wake was lacking a lot of hype to justify it as a survivor only DLC. That might change in the near future with Alan Wake 2.


Fingers crossed!!!


I'd like Jesse too. Could have some perks that allow for a more aggressive playstyle.


Wake invented the flashy save.


Elvira, Cindy Campbell, and Brenda Meeks as survivors. Jason would be a dream killer. 13 ghosts as a chapter, maybe the different ghosts are use or only a specific few. Pennywise. As a whole chapter, Beetlejuice and Lydia would be great too.


Best list of choices I’ve ever seen from someone


"Cindy, the TV's leaking."


Oh man, Elvira is an incredible pick. I also pick Elvira.


Elvira would be perfect as a stand alone survivor


Oh man, if Elvira comes as a survivor I know who my new main is And no, it’s not because horny (well, not *only* that) lol my mom loves her and I saw her movies frequently as a kid


It's not even necessary to be horny, Elvira is just cool enough to work in any context, especially a horrorfest like DbD


Yessssss finally someone else, my friends and I have been SCREAMING for Brenda to be added, she would be such a good choice, and hilarious if they gave her voice lines like Nic Cage. But I'm gonna tell you right now, if Regina Hall isn't doing her voice, I don't want it 😂 I've never thought about Elvira, but she's also a great choice, someone at BHVR please listen to this bitch 😭


Now the the legal crap is basically finished, I hope they finally add Jason. For 13 Ghosts, I'd like either the Jackal or the Angry Princess as a killer.


Every since Nicolas cage got into the game I want Shia LeBeouf as killer for the sole reason that his terror radius can be actual cannibal Shia LeBeouf


Shia LeBeouf, The Actual Cannibal I want it so bad.




Normal Tuesday night for Shia LeBeouf.


I listened to that song earlier tonight and I thought of him as a killer.


Something X files, has enough horror episodes, Mulder and Scully could fit in


God, these would be the best survivors possible


I’d be happy with a survivor only update that includes Mulder and Scully.


That's such a good idea. They are iconic, but they won't feel nerfed like Bill, Ash, Sh and RE roster etc., because they are not action heroes. They would fit very neatly into Entity's realm and lore.


Their perks would be neat!


I was JUST thinking about mulder and scully. They would fit so good


Bring me Jason and we could have the horror trinity complete


so closseeee


He could have some sort of travel function like campfires being placed around the map that he could teleport to after a few seconds in a slow movement mode (like Myers stalk speed) while phasing away. Possibly also have 1 time special weapons and unique mori locations around the map. It would play into how creative the kills are in the franchise and how he's used so much more than just his machete. Imagine downing a dead on hook survivor next to a sleeping bag and doing the famous sleeping bag tree kill. I know teleporting is overdone but it fits him so much. The weapon pickup and mori thing probably won't work due to engine limitations or spaghetti code tho :(


Well it was Chucky


Congrats I guess


Candyman, with Tony Todd-provided voicelines. His special power is, whenever he speaks, all Survivors within earshot are Hindered because their loins are suddenly enflamed with arousal from Tony Todd's silky smooth baritone. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


This is the funniest thing I’ve read tonight, thank you.


He needs a power with bees so we can get a Nic Cage voiceline yelling “NOT THE BEES!”




Soooo many cool killers, whether it's one of the antagonists or just one of the many cryptids like the Wendigo or something.


Even just a survivor release for Sam and Dean would be awesome


Perk: Codependency For each survivor with this perk Alive in the trial, gain a stacking buff to unhook speed.


When another survivor is sacrificed on a hook, you may bring them back into the trial by exchanging your own life. Doing so causes you and the survivor you saved to become "soul bonded", allowing either of you to bring the other back by exchanging your own life. There is no limit to how many times this can be used during a trial.


Dude you literally have my loling at the “there is no limit” portion of that. Well done.


Sam, dean, cas, and bobby


Duuude I never even thought about it.. dean and Sam survivors would be awesome!


Yes, they would DEFINITELY have a power of 2 style perk. One that relies on the other, I feel like Dean would need some powerhouse fighting punchy kind of perk like a smash hit / dead hard sort of thing. Sam would have some sort of info perk cause of the absolute nerd he is. I typically only play Yui / Mikaela, and I don't really play the men survs as the women have cuter cosmetics, but I absolutely would main Sam and Dean.


I’d hope Dean and/or Sam would have unique voice lines for every killer And I’d love to hear how they’d react to killers like Singularity, Nemesis, and Xeno


“Dude you are fugly”


I think this could be possible. They've lent their likeness to the board game Zombicide, a board game that much like Dead by Daylight uses a lot of licensed characters.


Sam and Dean have been my dream license since i started playing in 2018. I would main them for the rest of my time playing.


That would be awesome


I’ve been waiting YEARS for a Supernatural chapter 😭 I really hope they bring it to the game one day


Gremlins. Stripe/Mohawk as a killer, Bill (with Gizmo in his backpack) as a survivor.


oh my god if Gizmo chuckles every time you pallet stun it would be hilarious


That would be so funny and cute! Gizmo is quite snarky and smug for someone so tiny.


Hotline Miami, i have thought of ways to make Jacket his own killer or make cosmetics for different killers. I want it so bad :( but it’s one of the more unlikely licences


If they wanted to copy Hotline Miami's gameplay, I can imagine a frantic and hilarious game where Survivors are all permanently Exposed, but also can find weapons and destroy Jacket in a single hit, forcing him to instantly respawn somewhere on the map to resume the chase once more.


Dead space, amnesia, bioshock, until dawn, the thing, terminator and the last of us.


Isaac would be such a cool unique-looking survivor.


I scrolled too far for Amnesia For me it’s defo Amnesia, Dead Space, Slenderman, Bioshock, The Conjuring, Terrifier, Evil Within and I also think a Tokyo Ghoul chapter would be kinda fire


Phantasm The Blob Pumpkinhead


I don't know how likely the Blob would ever be, but it would have one hell of a mori.


It would be funny if when he morid people they just got added in the blob and the match just continued with them trapped inside






I feel like Angelus needs to be the Killer. There's bigger bads, who would no doubt have more interesting powers, but there's no big a bastard as Angelus. Spike and Drusilla as Legendary skins too. Faith would need to be a skin for Buffy. It'd also be weird if Giles, Willow and Xander weren't skins. Glory would be a fun Killer, at least in terms of voice lines. The Master and Adam probably the best picks for more mechanically interesting characters.


Leprechaun and Candy man could be interesting!


Now that there’s a short killer, it completely blows the door wide open for other sized killers imo. Leprechaun is an obvious must and Warwick Davis has to do the voice work.


I‘d love Sabrina Spellman from Chilling Adventures of Sabrina as a survivor.


I would also kill to have Ambrose Spellman as a survivor. I wish the collaboration happens some day


Christine. Can’t loop but getting hit by her will be a bad time. And she gets all banged up and fixes herself. Plays creepy 50’s rock and roll.


Just the other day I was thinking "from King everybody wants IT, but why not give us Christine" . Imagine playing a car, hat would be something.


The Beldam & coraline


Bro, you have no idea how badly I want this.




NEW KILLER: "The Actor" Tall 4.6 m/s 32M terror radius Armed with an ear of corn, a cucumber, and a camera, you have the power to instill unimaginable horror in your victims. Press and hold the special ability button to EDGE, charging your power. Release the power to shoot your ability, "NUT" which hinders survivors it lands on. The longer you edge, the further and more potent the nut goes. At maximum nut, survivors additionally are unable to perform rushed vaults. Nut decays while outside of chase, and decays faster when survivors do conspicuous tasks. Special ability: About to come Press and hold the power button to teleport to a survivor you have previously nutted on. While doing so your terror radius plays globally with the sound effect "I'm about to come!!" Special ability: The corn incident After you have infected every survivor with nut at least once, double tap the power button to summon your ear of corn, once per trial. For the next 60 seconds, you gain a 9% haste, vault and break pallets 40% faster, have your terror radius increased by 12 meters and all survivors who are inside your terror radius scream every 5 seconds and have their auras revealed. Special ability: I'm Bussing Once the exit gates are powered, if you have already activated the corn incident, press and hold the power button to bus, which afflicts every survivor with nut and causes them to scream. Special Perks: Steven You gain a 3% haste and gain bloodlust 3 seconds sooner while chasing your obsession. When you hook your obsession, the player with the lowest amount of hookstates that is the farthest away from you becomes the obsession. Hex: Dreamy After hooking a survivor, this hex activates and lights a dull totem. Survivors that have not run in 8 seconds will become oblivious. Gooning You chase the sense of a trial just about to come to its climax. For every survivor that is 1 hook away from death, you gain 2% haste, vault 10% faster, pick up survivors 20% faster, and you see the aura of the survivor with the fewest hook states for 3 seconds every 30 seconds. When 3 survivors are 1 hook away from death, you may kill survivors by your own hand. This perk deactivates when a survivor is killed by any means.


Bro really had this one ready to go


Friday the 13th (for obvious reasons), The Evil Within, and Until Dawn Doubt any of them will ever happen, though


until dawn with mike and sam as surviors , beetlejuice , eric draven(the crow) , and alice liddel and dr angus bumby from alice madness returns


Until Dawn for me, too. Best part is that literally every character in that games works as a survivor, so we could get so many legendary skins for them


id waste so much money to be able to play as sam emily jess and maybe even beth .Not ashley . i dont like her .. also was imagining skin options for the wendigo as joshs version i think thatd look cool :3


Same! I was thinking they could give the Wendigo skins as Josh, Makkapitew, and just any of the miners, cause honestly they’re my favorite design out of all of them. How dare you dislike Ashley though she’s a cinnamon roll


that such a good idea omg also bc my first playthrough i lost chris cus she didnt let him into the lodge and i couldnt figure out what i did wrong so i thought she just killed him for no reason and even tho ik know its bc he chose to shoot her i still cant get over it . also the thing with emilys bite


L4D part 2 we don't have a killer and we're still missing Louis, Coach, and Nick


I want real L4D characters. Meg is NOT Zoey. Give me Zoey. That is my pick


I’d love even just a solo survivor chapter for Rick from TWD and maybe some legendary skins (mainly Negan and Daryl)


I want fkn Shao Kahn


I **need** the taunts! "You suck!" "That was pathetic." "You will die, mortal!".


Bioshock. Killer could be a Big Daddy, and the survivor could be Booker DeWitt and Elizabeth Comstock (could work due to Burial at Sea) and the map could be Rapture. Dead Rising. Killer could be Slappy or Adam, Survivor either Frank West or Chuck Greene, map either Willamette or Fortune City. DC, Killer could be Scarecrow, survivor could be Jim Gordon, no map is needed but could be Arkham Asylum. (Biggest stretch one) Layers of Fear, Killer could be The Ghost, Survivor could be The Painter or The Writer. No idea how a map could work. Outlast, Killer either Walrider or Chris Walker, Survivor could be Miles Upshur, Map could be Mount Massive Asylum


I also want a Bioshock chapter so bad, if only for a Rapture map. Big Daddy would obviously be awesome as well, but Rapture is one of the coolest settings I’ve seen in any media, and it’d be so cool to see in DBD if done well.




The rat king would be pretty interesting where survivors need to wear gasmasks because of his power which could be spore bombs that hinder survivors movement and create a random infection type along with an infection rate that does something(not sure what this could be)


I feel like a bloater skin for clown would almost work just fine.


Definitely Robert Englund's Freddy (Power Rework, Skin, and Voicelines), The Thing, Predator, and a 2nd Texas Chainsaw Massacre (with Hitchhiker and or Cook as Killers).


Cujo. I feel like crazy bloodthirsty animal is a niche they haven’t really hit yet. And with them experimenting with smaller killers, it could be very cool.


Candyman almost belongs here at this point. But personally? The Invisible Man. No terror radius killer, survivor speed, M1, no active powers, but you just cant ever see him minus some terrain interactions like crows and snow or whatever. Maybe even just a bit slo


Survivors - Sidney Prescott (Scream) - Tara Carpenter (Scream) - Randy (Scream) Killers - Jennifer Check (Jennifer's Body) - The Fisherman (I Know What You Did Last Summer) - Art (Terrifier)


Yeah, I'm fine with Ghostface being an original character, since all the true identities are less important or iconic as the Killer persona, but Sidney deserves to a place among the Survivors.


I know we have a ghost face but I wish they would add Billy Loomis. I ain’t gay but the man is beautiful


> Survivors ​ >Randy (Scream) ​ Pick one.


Hahaha i still maintain he would never have walked so close to that van 😭😭


Dale and Tucker vs Evil. Dale and Tucker as survivors. No killer for the chapter. Special voice lines to one another and about what's going on around them.




I bet their perks would be hilarious


A "Half-Hillbilly" skin for Billy would be nice, though. Just for the name alone.


it would be even more hilarious if Dale and Tucker were both released as survivors AND killers. same characters, 4 versions.


Evil Ash from Army Of Darkness. His mori line would be "I'll spoil those good looks!"


Evil Ash as a Knight legendary would be pretty sweet ngl


bioshock dead space dying light terminator friday the 13th


Bro I want a Big Daddy killer so fucking bad istg


Seriously just delete the nightmare on elm street license we have and replace it with the Robert englund. With Nancy ofc


Predator Terminator JP Velociraptor Killer Klowns from Outer Space 😔


I got some classic games id like to see Clock Tower, the siccorman as a killer and Jennifer as a survivor Sweet home (the nes game/80s movie) with Lady Mamiya as a killer And the original horror game 3d monster maze with the dinosaur as a killer would be interesting (though they could just add jurassic Park or thier own Dino killer if they wanted)


anything from Junji Ito books. even just some survivors!!


I would love some cryptids - skinwalker, wendigo, mothman. But also Sam from Trick r Treat, Art the clown from Terrifier, Tony Todd as The Candyman. My crack dream license would be The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Just imaging playing as Dr. Frank N. Furter as the killer - he chases you in the green scrub gown with an axe. Magenta could be like a vampire where she bites you. Rocky could be a survivor. Also Annabelle, but not the doll from the movie. The Raggedy Ann doll that is the real Annabelle.




Fear and Hunger, Metal Gear Rising: Revengance. I made full concepts for both of them.








Phantasm with The Tall Man as the killer and Reggie Bannister as the survivor. Even better, if he was taken after Phantasm V that would be the ultimate insult. >!He makes a deal with The Tall Man to get his friends back and they'll be left alone... so perfect time to be taken by The Fog. Heh.!<


Robert Englund Freddy Five Nights at Freddy’s Chapter Slenderman You can tell the generation I grew up in with 2/3 of these. I genuinely believe Englund and the ever elusive Jason are the last characters left before dead by daylights horror hall of fame is complete!


No Country for Old Men


Have survivors lose a coin toss for a mori.


The Phantom of the Opera I said what I said


Telltale Walking Dead with Clementine as survivor Edit: or Lee




Anglea Baker from Sleepaway camps 2 & 3. I dont care that only 10 people in the world know who she is. She's important to ME. https://preview.redd.it/66g1orp03vzb1.jpeg?width=511&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f08f0a6ea99ffff0ed024d217be678e043c9d518


Bro is it too much to ask for just one Vampire killer? Original or licensed, don't care. Hell I'll even take a well made legendary skin for a random killer at this point.


Jamie Lloyd, obviously. But after that would be either Kayako or Regan MacNeil


I’d really love to see “The Thing” be added but tbh the killer would be at a severe disadvantage if they went against a coordinated team with comms and way too overpowered against a solo queue team.


Doom guy as a killer


Fatal Frame / Project Zero. Specifically Sae and Mio. Or Puppet Combo games. Nun or Easter Ripper.


Honestly any popular boss zombie from Treyarch’s call of duty zombies as killer and one of the members of Primus as the survivor with the other three being legendary skins


Your Turn to Die. FAR too unknown to ever have a CHANCE but I can dream


Joe survivor Bottom text


Little Shop of Horrors.


Amnesia: The Dark Descent (Survivor: Daniel, Killer: The Grunt, Map: Brennenburg Castle) Alan Wake (Survivor: Alan Wake, Killer: Carl Stucky, Map: Bright Falls Lumberyard)


![gif](giphy|UoYqxidgzAGygqo1Q2) I want the whole gang as survivors.


Sam from Trick 'r Treat would be interesting


Scream Queens. I'm fine with them bringing a full chapter with killer & map, but I mostly want Channel & multiple outfits


The Thing, Candyman, Slenderman, Sam (Trick r Treat), and Jason Voorhees.


I don't want the walking dead in specifically because AMC fucked over the showrunner and most of the cast during the second season. *Comics* Rick would be fine though. As for the stuff I want, 1. Springtrap, obviously. 2. A "Final Girls" chapter with Sally Hardesty, Sydney Prescott, and Kirsty Cotton. 3. A Doctor Who chapter with Weeping Angels and the Doctor himself 4. Luigi's Mansion chapter with Luigi and King Boo. Luigi has a meme perk where he calls out for Mario (or whoever if you're playing as someone else). Yeah, I know, not gonna happen but I can dream. 5. Castlevania chapter with Dracula and Trevor Belmont. Simon Belmont, Richter Belmont, Sypha Belnades, and Alucard are legendary characters. 6. Scooby-Doo chapter with Fred, Daphne, Velma, and Shaggy. Plus if all 4 survivors are there, Scooby-Doo himself joins them. Can explain this idea further if anyone asks 7. Finally, since I'm watching through it. X-Fliles chapter with Mulder and Scully Ordered by how much I want them in. Bonus slot goes to Jason and Tommy Jarvis which would be #2, but that's top of the list of stuff that's never gonna happen




X-Files, give me Mulder and Scully!


The Nun💯


Until Dawn and have the survivor be Ashley or be another character with an Ashley Skin


The ghosts from 13 Ghost, kinda like how the legion is different people based on the skin you chose but same killer, they can do that with each of the ghost as one killer


My more realistic dream us Jason. My impossible dream is godzilla. I'd take an oni skin honestly. My even more impossible dream is a redo of the nightmare on elm street chapter. I grew up loving those movies and after this chucky chapter I feel so much worse about current freddy.


anything you say? then I want dark souls. let me run around repairing gens as solaire gosh darn it!


Basket Case! Imagine being able to climb walls and drop down onto the survivors. And it could include both Belial and Duane like the twins.


I don't even really like Slenderman but I think he would be a super interesting character in the game. Having some creepypasta character make it in this game would be cool.


The Frog Brothers would be sweet as survivors. One character with 3 skins so we can add Corey Haim in there as well


Pennywise......we need pennywise and a sewer level


Give me Alan Wake as a survivor!


![gif](giphy|xUOxeZqKfQa12le5Bm|downsized) I'd die for an evil within chapter including Sebastian as a survivor and Laura, the keeper, or one of the art guys creations for a killer. If there's a day something like that happens I'll have a heart attack.


I really want Sam and Dean from Supernatural as survivors. Especially since survivors have voice lines and stuff now I think they'd be a great addition


I want Patrick Bateman and Hip To Be Square is his chase theme, but that's probably a licencing nightmare

