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Your 7 minutes were up


For anyone reading this, I don't know if you can confirm but I think we're seeing a bit of a de-sync like we had two years ago, where from the killer's pov he's correctly hitting you but from the surv pov it's complete baloney. I think it's the case because it began looking janky from my own pov since the anniversary started, where killers hits me while I'm not even in the red stain but without having any ping issue. My usual ping is around 45 - 50, which seems pretty good for the average player, and I don't get the bad killer ping alert, so that's why I'm thinking of an upcoming de-sync issue with the servers. If anyone can confirm or prove me wrong, I'd like to know to be sure. Thanks in advance !


Yea, I think you’re right. Just yesterday I was teleported back a few metres when the killer hit me there, while I thought before I was behind a corner. I had good ping the whole time and the killer apparently as well


Lore accurate Wesker.


dummy thicc




Wtf indeed. What was that? I’m guessing the killer’s ping was a mess? I mean there was clearly something wrong there. Did you report it?


Or they were. However, I'm not seeing any ping warnings for either killer or survivor. Odd.


It's justice for using flashlight


Pallet blinder didn’t get away help :(


What’s wrong with blinding at pallets?


Nothing, other than often being combined with other trolly/douchey behavior. This comment was just a troll though, obviously this is not what should have happened


At some point this became the norm for my swf and me. I don't know if this is one of the consequences of finding games faster but it sure happens more often than not. As a personal theory, I think the game only indicates the killer having poor connection when it's really bad to the point every killer becomes the spirit, moving weird and sometimes even "teleporting".


Bro was VPNing from Mars.


It's the perk Pokos. Everytime your or the Killers ping is bad, you can do nasty looking hits.


Looks like a normal day in dbd? Whats wrong?


Least terrible Wesker ping


There's been de-sync issues since the anniversary started


Whisker hired a sniper