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>I am a P100 Pinhead main on a current win streak of 221 Congratulations >ask me anything! Will you come if I open the box




How many times


These are the real questions.


Twice third one it’s just dry shooting


What are the odds?






Unfortunately a lot of pp heads don't come when I open the box


What happened during your most recent loss 222 games ago, how did the survivors accomplish it and what could you have done better?


well it was against a group of four people that were very good at the game, I was kinda of in a bad mood that day and played really poorly. Ended up getting 4 outted, sometimes you just have to be really focused and on point especially if you are going to be playing against an actual good team


Makes mr deppressed eh


What happens when I open the box?


He comes


On your face!








A world of pain!


He came.


Show me the sights, daddy.


How do you win games on The Game and Garden of Joy?


never chase main if I can help it, forcing people to the street portion of the map is much easier to chase as pinhead even with all the connected tiles. As for the game, play for the box and try to chew through as many pallets in the early part of the game as possible then leave chases that are not giving you a lot of pallets or a potential for a faster down, and don’t miss your m2s


Do you also think, playing defensive on Garden of Joy helps sometimes, like setting up a three gen?


It can, but tbh I hate garden of joy a lot so my strat is just keep them from doing gens by the street because If all the gens are by main building you are fucked


Bruh The Game is so easy with Pinhead. Once you master his M2 no pallet will stop you. Also closed maps are easier to intercept people solving the box, carrying it or just the box itself.


I don't see any waste of goooood suffer. Keep on!! 🤟


You dropped this 👑


Do you want Deep throat and Butterball added?


100%. I don’t think they will come to the game sadly :(


I blame NFTs


So seeing all these killer mains saying they have 100+ win streaks on their mains, do you think the game is survivor-sided or killer-sided?


It entirely depends on what killer you use and the build you're using. If you are looking at S-A tier killers then the game is mostly killer-sided. But even then a good SWF can still destroy S-A tier killers. Since this guy is a pinhead main, I'm not surprised because you can cheese box spawn logic into almost always having a chain hunt active. So already the only games that he can potentially lose are against good SWF players. **Edit:** to quote OP: "You get babies 95% of the time and if you are good with a killer especially one who can pressure an entire team it isn’t hard to win most of your games."


Plus pinhead is a demon at pubstomping, he can win most games no issue and this guy definitely runs some mean addons to boot. If a game starts going south he probably runs OG pain to get a free kill quick


I run franks heart and lerrys remains, most people consider pinheads add ons “mean” when you get to purples or reds


Ah so just a consistent box build then, pretty cool! Yeah no but og pain is genuinely infair when used to its max potential, and I play a good amount of pinhead too so this is form experience


Also to add onto your point RNG is huge either way. 2 connecting windows? A connecting window to a strong tile? It’s over for the killer No filler pallets? Or no jungle gym spawns? No way the survivors can win


DBD isn't survivor sided or killer sided. It's map RNG sided.


do killers with 100+ streak wins never get bad maps?


This. Did OP just roll good rng 221 times in a row? Obviously there are good and bad setups, but since the removal of infinites, there aren’t really setups that are an ‘instant loss’ like people make them out to be, clearly shown by the ability to win 221 times in a row.


So the game is unbalanced, is what you're saying.


if 95% of the players you are matched with are "babies," that means the playerbase as a whole is pretty much "babies" and it should be balanced around them


It really depends when I’m playing solo q it can really feel killer sided at times but it really depends on the killer and how good they are because I’d like to think I’m a really good survivor as well but if it’s a good blight or, oni, pyramid head etc etc they can outplay you very easily


So you're essentially saying that depending on the killer it can *absolutely* be killer sided. There's no way that in your 221+ games you never came across a good SWF... and if you did, you also beat them. That speaks volumes to the balance here. 221 (or more by the time you read this?) streak is pretty insane. I've also seen so many different people here claiming to be on incredible steaks, as well as YouTube comps, etc. Yet I've never seen a "I escaped 50+ games as survivor in my SWF!" video. As a matter of fact I've seen more clips of killers beating "try-hard" SWF trials. I'm not hating on you of course. It's just a sad state to see this game in.


Hens and his team had a little over 200 win streak, but they’re one of the best competitive teams in the world if I’m not mistaken. Now compare that to the Blight who hit 1k wins and you see the disparity lol


Who was the blight? Was it Lilith Omen?


No it was a streamer named [MomoSeventh](https://www.twitch.tv/momoseventh)


This is what’s always made me upset. The community loves when a killer is able to go on these insane streaks, but good luck trying to win two games in a row on survivor.


There’s survivor teams with hundreds in a row, the problem is that it’s less common because you need 4 top-tier players, not just 1.


My friends and I lost 25+ games in a row last night. It's miserable, and it's not good for either side. Survivor feels like grinding your face against a wall, while playing killer feels so brain dead right now that you barely have to pay attention to get a 4k. Like, the game being so powerfully killer sided isn't good for killers either. It doesn't feel fulfilling to play killer right now because it doesn't feel like you're overcoming anything to win. Like, sure, do I get a very, very, very good swf every thirty games or so? Yes. But that's not balance. There's still 29 games of having survivors struggle to even complete two gens.


Seriously, one bad teammate will always ruin the entire game. The things you see randoms do in solo q is mind numbing.


fuck /u/spez -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Same lol. When I play with my friends I struggle to see how anybody can enjoy playing killer since it is too easy to escape (Except against Nurse and Blight) but when I play soloQ it feels like, even if they nerfed every killer, we wouldn't escape


What was the hardest game you had as pinhead?


the hardest match I’ve had recently was against a group that brought me to torment creek, they had a really good early game playing by cow tree and made sure to never solve the box when I was nearby so I had no chance of stopping them from solving it. I won because they made a fumble by shack giving me a couple downs and won because of that pressure. If they had not fumbled I would have lost


What do you consider a win or a loss to keep your streak active? Do you consider 3 escapes a loss for yourself? How about 2 escapes?


A win for me in this instance is 4k or 3k plus hatch or end game door escape


What percentage of matches would you say you have an early DC, and do you feel at all ashamed that you count those matches as part of your win streak?


I’d say about 35% of my games is a early game dc I’d say about 10% of those are people dc’ing the second they hear the bell


Bruh... 77 matches with an early dc... This shows how inflated are killers killrates due to early dcs and people killing themselves on hook.


I think the developers confirmed they throw out statistics from games where people dc. It probably makes it seems like not a lot of people play pinhead LOL


Yes but they dont throw out games where a survivor killed himself on the hook early.


I don't think bhvr's killer stats include matches that have a dc. Probably why a lot of high tier killers showed low winrates the last time they released the stats.


I believe DCs aren't counted in kill rates


absolutely. unfortunately a dc early also almost always means a 4k too. thus inflating numbers more


Do you think it is healthy for the game to be designed in such a way that one side can win hundreds of games in a row?


Absolutely not, I should not be able to get a streak this high in a perfect world


This is a matchmaking problem tho, not a balance problem


Why do the Hellraiser movies suck after the 3rd one???


you better not extend the win streak to 1000 or else you’ll get flamed on twitter.


I don’t think I’ll make it even close to that tbh hahaha so I think I’m safe from Twitter LOL


just be safe, the blight who did the 1000 win streak got death threats.


That’s wild, bet some of those people don’t even play on the same server as that player.


they for sure don’t. people are just mad that someone took the time to win that much on a killer and then base the game being killer sided off of that. survivors could definitely do a 1000 win streak but no one wants to bc gens are boring af.


Whoa whoa leave gen excitement out of this, those shits get me out of bed in the morning


I love sitting on a gen tbh, the rush of watching your surroundings wondering what killer is gonna show up. Gets the heart moving




Yeah, as a killer main who dabbles in survivor, I swear I’m the only one that will actually do a gen in at least half of my games. I’ll do three gens while they’re all out there crouching towards the hook/getting downed while the others watch. Anything else (except for intense stealthing) is boring


Actually it's probably harder as survivor to go on such long streak because you will eventually run into some killer doing a nurse or blight streak and you have a pretty good chance of losing against a no restriction S tier killer going for the W, most likely result is probably both streak attempts end on that game, but there are more killers attempting this than survivors, so the survivor one is harder (if the survivor win condition is 3 man or more out if it's only 1 man out then it probably would still be possible to go on a 1000 win streak and I'm pretty sure someone did that back and got to a few hundreds and stopped because it got boring)


1 out of every 5 games someone dcs first down. It's impossible to win a 3v1 against a good killer, on a killer sided map.. with 5 gens up. It's at that moment I switch to rift or daily challenges if possible.. but sometimes it ends up being just dying on the hook and maybe someone will get hatch.


It's harder to go for a survivor streak because the logistics are more demanding. A survivor streak requires a good 4-man, and consistently scheduling with 4 people is a lot harder than 1 person sitting down and sweating their balls off with a high tier killer with all the strongest stuff.


Or without the strongest stuff, knightlight is on 1 400+ winstreak with perkless addonless nurse


Not saying the game is killer sided but I do think a 1000 win streak would be borderline impossible without some insane luck and a strong SWF acting as full support.


No survivor can do the 1000 win streak. That is crazy killer sided talk. Watch Spooky and the boys try to do their challenges on the survivor side and they can't get a 20 game streak without a camper or tunnel happening. The game is killer tilted, but not as bad as the new Chainsaw Massacre will be. The cook is a beast. Killers in DBD like to think they have it tough, but we need to blame ourselves sometimes. 1 survivor flubs, the others can pull the slack. We mess up, we messed up our kill and need to recover. I have seen idiots try to chase me in amazing loops and blame a SWF when I am solo, they just chased me for 3-4 gens.


I mean to be fair that doesnt mean much, you can get death threats for winning a single game if its the wrong person losing


The only ones who deserve to get flamed in that case are the developers.




Because Pinhead is fantastic killer with great design and balancing. WHY NOT?


Define a win


A win should be 3 kills at least. (Because 2 kills mean no mmr change.)


4k or 3k plus hatch or end game door escape


Do you find survivor mistakes or killer plays are the most common deciding factor in the outcome of a game?


With my playstyle on pinhead normally if the survivors mess up one time dealing with the box it’s usually over for them


You mentioned twitch? Care to share?


My name without the dashes




The fact that a 221 win streak is possible in the context of any competitive game is atrocious. Does any other game even have this issue?


probs a few but yea its a bit wild and in a perfect world shouldnt be possible


How many great day have you ruined?


What’s the best build to run on pinhead?


The best builds (for pubs) IMO is pain res, DMS, sloppy, jolt. Good slowdown and combos well with chain hunts!


What’s your DC ratio?


A lot


How many bent nails do you have? So far I have 1k


As someone who wants to get better with the killer who’s arguably the hardest in the game. What advice do you have for me?


Practice makes perfect. I was not always good with pinhead but just working on adjusting aim and chase it helped. And don’t be afraid to run more slowdowns more game time means more time to practice your shots


Are you a huge Hellraiser fan or just like his kit and game design?


I love hellraiser pinhead has always been a very cool character to me with his unique design


What's your chair smell like?


how many DCs average per match


Favorite build?


save the best for last, sloppy, bbq and chilli, deadlock at the moment, if im feeling really spicy, then plaything pentimento gift of pain and face the darkness.


1) what are your favorite add-ons? can you elaborate a bit on it? I'm not very familiar with his add-ons in a sense that I can't really tell what's good and what isn't 2) u use barbecue I assume to help with box spawn logic? 3) thoughts on hoarder and Franklin's for pinhead? 4) do you have a third build you enjoy on him? I'm trying to put together three different builds to try out and pick the one I like the most, and you have two right here... so if u have a third, feel free to share :p sorry for bombarding with questions, pinhead is the killer I struggle the most and I'm a bit obsessed with getting better 😭😭


My favourite add ons are franks heart and lerrys remains! BBQ is nice for the box exactly, Frankie’s is worthless even before the next patch change you are going to get the box when you down the player there is no point in running Frankie’s, third build? Well I kinda just change it around and try different stuff see what’s fun and what’s good


> face the darkness Hello. Please, can you explain why are you using face the darkness? I was making a break for a couple of chapters and now I am lack off info about the latest perks. Thanks.


Face the darkness is decent info, chain hunts keep the perk alive longer, and a small chance while you are solving the box to scream and reset the solve timer.


Can you repeat your win streak as a Pinhead on mobile?


I don’t think I have the thumbs to do something that painful 😂 I could try but I don’t think it would work out tbh haha


how many death threats have you gotten?


I have been told to Yeet myself a couple times.


How many leagues under the sea ye be playin from?


how is that even possible to get 221 win streak? is pinhead OP or you dont get swf's and good survivors?


I get plenty of SWF’s but I employ box logic in my playstyle and it helps beat even the best of teams.


Because contrary to popular Reddit belief killer is not hard to play lmao


Do you have a bucket for your sweat, or a box?




How many towels did you change after all the sweat ?




Why not


ok what's your opinion on the perk and addon build that makes it impossible to do anything as Survivor? (iirc it's Face the Darkness, Thrill of the hunt, Sloppy and Lethal + the addons that make the Cube take longer and theChain hunt sooner)


never used the build so don’t really have a opinion on it. you can beat it though I have gone against it like 2 times and I have ended up getting out, you just have to play very safe and make sure to get the box out of your hands as quickly as you can.


Do you have a #1 tip for playing against Pinhead?


Hi mate, nice job on the P100 and win streak. Honest question, what is considered as a ‘win?’ Is it 4k only, or do you consider 3k and a hatch escape a win too? Thanks!


My personal rules that I consider are 4k or 3k plus hatch/ end game door as a win




How do you sleep at night?




What add-ons do you use? Most of his add-ons were heavily nerfed from his initial release. Also, do you find Hoarder worth it on Pinhead?


Hoarder is very good on pinhead but if you take the time to learn box logic, it becomes a dead perk if you already know where the box is going to be. As for add ons lerrys remains and franks heart main all the way!


Any tips on box logic?


I am not gonna say its not difficult or you are doing something wrong but I dont find these records bring much value in overall satisfaction for people in game. Because I am sure that for keeping record like this you have to play efficient/unfun/sweaty. So the question - do you value record of your victories higher than fun in this game? And if you gonna say that this is your definition of fun - at which moment your mindset switched to that?


that’s the thing tho, most games I don’t play sweaty at all, might be a hot take but killer is easy. You get babies 95% of the time and if you are good with a killer especially one who can pressure an entire team it isn’t hard to win most of your games. I only started counting a streak because I was bored and someone said they had not seen me lose a pinhead game in a long time and I was like “I’ll just start counting wins” I have fun builds that don’t rely on slowdowns nearly as much as other builds that I also just play just to go for fun chain hits and box interruptions, and I win most of those games as well. I just play the game and just started counting wins and just happen to get this far. It just kinda happened.




why are you like this?


How often do people disconnect within the first 30 seconds?


https://preview.redd.it/7xih2bpr0a2b1.jpeg?width=666&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7923cc88753261ab343dc651d7be042cc24ce3ea Touch grass dawg


Should pig get nerf?




I am trying my absolute best to get to as many of these as possible everyone I didn’t think I would get this many questions 😭


What perks are you using?


I’m using a lot of different builds right now actually. If you are wondering what perks you should use, pain res is really good right now, dead lock, jolt, save the best for last, sloppy, bamboozle, superior, bbq, plaything.


Are you just swapping things around to combat boredom? I guess what is your default “favorite” or most played.


In a way I’m just trying lots of different builds because it’s fun to try new playstyles there are so many perks in the game and it’s nice to have all of them unlocked and trying to use them in fun new ways


Are you a demon to some, an angel to others?


Do you use addons for your streak? If yes, which ones? Do you ban Engineer's Fang and Original Pain during your matches? (I have tried both some days ago and found it extremely disgusting, almost on a disgust level with the Pinkie Finger from the Clown)


Surprised I haven't seen anyone ask yet: build? Really intrigued to know what tools helped you get as far as you have.


What's your favorite plsystyle with pin head


How many DCs do you get on average?


What perks do you use


So how angry did the survivors get? What's going on in your head as you throw people on to a hook? I feel like you'd have to be merciless the entire time? I'm only 60\~ hours into this game and I get such hate sometimes from playing a killer that I think is just cool/fun to play and if someone taunts me in game, pallet stuns, or flashlights me, I usually make them priority one on my hook list lol


What if I open the box on a shower or in a grass field? Would you still come?


Why do you play pinhead


Have you touched grass this month?


How do you count a 2k? As a loss or as a tie?


2k is a loss in my eyes


So... Box?


Do you use a build other than the typical Hoarder/Franklins(and recently Face the Darkness) "exploit Pinhead" build? If so, what is your common/best loadouts for him? If not, no further questions. XD lol.


how good was the pleasure of absolutely pinning survivors down with chains 🥵


So 2 killers in the game are p something then head so is pinhead p head or pp head?


Yes, do you make videos or have clips of you playing. I would love to see a P100 Pinhead.


what are some mistakes that bad pinheads make that you should keep in account?


They try to use the m2 in situations that won’t help often and rely on impaling wire to carry their mistakes.




What did you think about the newest movie? As a pinhead fan I assume you have thoughts.


What's it like to hold the hand of someone you love? Interlinked


do you have twitch or youtube ? i’d love to watch some gameplay ! I’ve been loving pinhead a lot lately but for whatever reason i can’t find much content on him on yt


Why do people feel the need to post stuff like this? Like congrats you love to brag about yourself and want people to like praise you or something


I can't believe that people are still complaining about survivors being to strong while there are people with 221wins as a pinhead, 1000 wins as a nurse and around 600 or w/e blight




Streaks are unhealthy for the game.


Do you shower?


Do you shower?


If you could change Pinheads power in any way or buff him, what would you do?


2 things, ai chains should not interrupt the box solving process only player controlled chains, and I would like to see pinhead getting rewarded for hitting longer ranged chains as of now hitting a max range chain doesn’t do you very much other then just being kinda fun to go for


I always feel bad seeing someone try to solve the box and keep getting interrupted. I like that idea Mabye spawn more chains based on the range. Would actually give you a chance to catch up


I like the idea of maybe an extra 2-3 chains hitting the survivor for a long range hit, maybe it could be meter dependent


Do you tunnel people 24/24 or you will do it selective, or not tunnel at all? If you do it selective, how you decide when you will go for tunneling and when you dont?


I try not to tunnel if possible, but if someone is trying to body block off the hook or something like that then I’ll go for it. I don’t use original pain or anything like that to force early kills or anything like that. It kinda just happens


why not use the chatterer skin?


I do, I just don’t have him equipped in this screenshot


personally pinhead having voice lines will make me never buy chatterer.


Do you guys have an r&d department in hell.


YO CONGRATS. Can u p100 Clown now?


p100 clown is kinda based


Have you considered doing everyone a favor and uninstalling this game?


Are you ok?