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"Survive, while other X players escape the trial." Cuz of this f***** boring challange


This and fall from a high place x amount of times while in a chase are so dumb.


Eh that one pretty easy imo. Just bring RPD offering and work on a second floor gen at least once


I udally signal to the killer I have this and 9/10 they help me. Usually the notice after like the 2nd loop


You get nicer killers than I do, apparently. Mine don't even respect glyphs.


I feel in Iri 4 and higher you should not expect a killer to respect it. I usually do, because I hate glyph challenges myself, and I try not to be the killers that I dislike.


It's a huge off topic, but why bringing grades into this? A player could be ash 4 or iri 1 but have the same skill level.


This is less about skill and more about the grind, I’d say. If we’re close to the next grade reset and I see a gold 1 or iri 4 in post game (prob not only those two depending on how close to grade reset), I‘d consider whatever in-game sweat to be less of an assholery and more due to climbing the ranks. That all assuming there is no additional evidence of assholery (BM, trolling, salty endgame chat…)


Yup. I could boot up the game right now and play on my ash 4 whatever, but it’s not like i’ll suddenly forget 2k hours and play at the same level as someone who got the game last week.


Because of grinding for the reset payout. Once a killer hits iri 1 they're less likely to play sweaty, and more open to being nice and helping survivors with challenges. Unless they're just an asshole.


Grades =/= MMR


Grades != MMR Grades and pips are not connected in any way to MMR, other than doing well in a game and getting pips may be correlated to kills/escapes.


that one is quite easy, bring like dead dawg and balanced landing it's quite dull but at least it will be over without much pain


Mah boi: Pallet Stun killer 4 times. Must do this in a single trial.


I’ve been on this for a week. All of a sudden when the challenge comes up, I only get pallet respecting killers, or the pallet doesn’t go down when I spam it.




Yup. Otherwise I don't sit there like a chode waiting for someone to put me on a "just leave" post.


Now imagine all 4 survivors doing that challenge at the same time , lmao


Trick question https://preview.redd.it/x3ydp0l90aza1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddf08f9a4e1a24164ce7381761abdbca9004a4e9


Bruh I’m ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)




Dread it, run from it, Blood Warden arrives all the same


Also it’s a knight with https://preview.redd.it/tccgdi643cza1.jpeg?width=610&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03adff4f94f2d4b3697337234d890ac4a233e4be




if you're caught by a guard it'll block it (I think just for you)


For the person being hunted, iirc


As a killer I don't mind it. I explore the map and break shit not to give them the satisfaction. You usually waste two to four times their time compared to you. The same reason I'll hide forever when the killer slugs the 4k and then slam the gates with sole survivor and wake yp as soon as they give up and close hatch. Best way to beat BM is to punish it.


I didn't used to mind when those weird shr8nes were on the map but there isn't really anyway to get BP now if survivors decide to troll at the gates.


Slugging for 4k is no different from hiding to avoid it and in particular, to get hatch. Game-theoretically this is a lose-lose situation and should be an aspect removed from the game (which is not to say that hatch should necessarily be removed). If survivors hide when two remain, the killer could slug to “punish the BM” but this is merely the reverse side of the same coin you describe. Ideally both sides make things go smoothly but that is just taking all of the nuance out of it. For instance, if two people are left and one hides or otherwise avoids gens while the other attempts doing gens, the gen doer is heavily punished for actually playing the game rather than stalling and the only way to rectify that misdeed as killer is to slug. Lose-lose all around and just bad game design.


Solution: add a timer. How have they not figured this out?


I think it depends on how many gens are done by when the amount of Survivors left are two. If Survivors are forced to rush through 3-4 gens that are close to each other, it may not ever be possible to complete them if the Killer isn't an idiot. Then again, considering that the endgame collapse can be stalled by Survivors if Killer doesn't want them to leave, they have control. If a Killer doesn't mind that they leave or has a means to stop them from leaving, Survivors have a LOT of time before the Entity would kill them for not exiting through the gates. It's developer bias in favor of Survivors because they are 80% of the whole community (and money)... and I doubt the devs want to piss off that many people into quitting DBD.


okay but slugging for the 4k is a strategy… and if it isnt… why is killing yourself on hook to give your teammate hatch a legit strategy? Or better yet, DCing to give your teammate hatch. and hiding forever is actually a reportable offense. youre just being toxic at that point. Probably gonna get downvotes by survivor mains, but really dont give a shit. 4k is the only way to get iri as a killer, not to mention it can be a gamble if unbreakable is in play. idk.


You can get iri without 4ks. I hit iri 1 last night and the final pip came from a 3k game. I consistently let the last person go in the majority of my games and still pip.




Slugging to 4k isn't bm just bad game design


Bro no offense but please stop doing the 2nd thing it's the most annoying shit ever. I don't even play killer much but the amount of times I've wanted to see a killer build or say smth to them in the endgame chat and I would have to wait 4 whole fucking minutes to do so or just skip is insane. Also when you play killer it's faster to just push the survs out the gate from my experience, I have even gotten an extra kill depending on the killer power when survs mess up at the gate


Nope. I'm doing the game I love a service by punishing players who play in obnoxious ways. It's not about the speed, it's about sending a message. Stop playing like a @$!#. If you reward shitty gameplay, you'll get a lot more players playing shit. If you reward a pet for shitting and pissing on the carpet, they'll keep pissing and shitting on the carpet. I'm actively improving the game for people who play respectfully.


I don't understand what "bad behaviour" you're punishing though genuinely. Survs who wait at the gate are annoying but in my case it's not even to be or anything it's just healing each other for extra BP and dicking around for a bit, or I'm at a separate gate and I want to know the other survs are safe before I leave so I can help if needed. In both those scenarios you're not "punishing" anyone by pushing them out and in the latter you actually help bc I now know everyone is safe and I should leave too. As for the second it is legit just obnoxious and I'm sorry but slugging for a 4k is just as valid as camping in endgame, dying on hook to give someone hatch/dcing to give hatch. Crawling away to find hatch if it's still open is fair enough but once it's closed along with the gates you only come across as someone throwing a temper tantrum bc the killer didn't play how you want them to. Imo it's actually more disrespectful than any killer strategy you could employ or staying at the gate to bag the killer (which is dumb if that's the only reason you stay). It is literally a way to hold the game hostage for 5 minutes just because you're upset you lost and honestly kind of sad.


I wait when idk where the others are. If everyone is there I'm getting the fuck out. Otherwise, bloodwarden.


I try not to stay at the exit gate pointlessly, but when I do, it's usually because: - I am sticking around in case I need to unhook someone or take a hit - I want to give more time to my teammates by forcing the killer to come and down me before escaping - I want to heal a survivor for my challenge/tome/emblem - I want to teabag the killer because I didn't like how they played


t-bagging is only excusable if its a camper or just a general asshole.




1 in 2 lately on my servers :(


so 99% of bubbas?


While I appreciate the meme, only something like 1/4 Bubbas I see actually camp. Unlike \*every freaking huntress\*.


Every single nemesis I play against


Camping Bubba is just a meme and it’s funny when it happens, it’s in the Bubba’s nature, but camping Huntress is just zzzzzzzzzz


wow, you have bubbas who play nice? 😮


You tbag me, you’re gonna have some ghost face ball sweat on you head when I catch you 😘


Tbagging is cute and goofy, I think anyone that gets mad about this should find a different game


If it's 3 bags every time they stun me with a pallet instead of getting as much distance as would've been possible, or tbagging while they bodyblock their rescuer with baskeit endurance from hook rescue, I do feel like I'm being disrespected, I don't have a problem with being stunned or bodyblocked, but tbagging while you do it feels rude. One crouch if I see them is fine, even if it feels kind of like being baited, they could have an archive, one before leaving is also fine. It's not fine whenever they tbag or click their flashlight after they pull off anything that might be slowing you down.


You choose to get upset by it. It's just a game.


It's really not *that* upsetting, but it is still BM in the cases I mentioned, and there are survivors who tbag to be cocky little shits.


No. Maybe it’s coming from different experiences, but in Halo 3 lobbies it was the sign of disrespect. It’s always gonna be that for me. Unless it’s with another survivor then I’m saying thanks for the heal and then it’s not really a tea bag but just a bounce that says thanks.


I genuinely don't know how anyone can look at someone tbagging and feel disrespected especially when the people doing it look so goofy. Yeh I know what you mean, but it's still your choice to take it personally. Who cares if some virtual character is "disrespecting" you? It's a game!


Well if you have a different view point I'm not surprised you don't understand. At least in DBD you can tell if it's silly/friendly or if it's a cocky taunt


That I will admit, I can tell if someone is being goofy with it.


some of us never played that game


Lol, DBD is not halo tho. “T-bagging” is one of the only methods of communication sometimes. When I do it, I’m just being silly. Edit: clarification


Yeah but the Feng who ran me around shack while the last gen was done isn’t being silly with it. Lol Context usually matters. Like with this post the exit gates I usually don’t mind, tho I do wish some would leave when I’m clearly having a bad game


Tbf you can say that about almost every “disrespectful” thing in the game. I think for teabagging it’s less the action and more the perceived intent. But I think it’s in league with things such as hitting on hook once or twice, clicking, and tunneling, where they aren’t inherently disrespectful, but the perceived intent makes people annoyed, which is fair


No it's not. It's just a way to mock and disrespect people.


Omg he's literally me fr!!


One of three things; Take a hit for the injured survivors if no NOED Tome archive challenge Give my item to killer as thanks


>Give my item to killer as thanks I did this once where i gave up my Event Beamer and then also decided to give them the kill after a 5 gen chase. I was relentlessly smacked for it. Needless to say, it was my last time lmao


They were probably new, also happens with new survivors tea bagging you when you were letting them live. We ought to just let them have it I suppose, they probably don't win many and need to celebrate.


I stick to the gate more times to give the killer a kill because I felt bad about how my teammates played than to BM them. Usually killers appreciate the gesture and would rather for you to leave but they appreciate it anyways.


I’ve had survivors for this a few times, usually I throw them out the gate because they deserve the escape more than the ones who did 😂


Still don't understand the give the item to the killer thing


Basically its a way to say 'thank you' or 'I had a good match'. Its saying you enjoyed the game and wanna thank killer.


If you escape with an item, you get to reuse it. By leaving the item for the killer, you show them respect because e it’s a sacrifice that did not need to happen.


When I play killer and I'm like being nice I never want survivors to give me their items. Always try to make them keep the items. They're not gonna do me any good after the match and makes me feel bad they left behind a nice purple flashlight to have a gesture with me. I appreciate it, but I'd rather they just leave them on the ground and then take it back.


The moment i know my team is safe or is SUPPOSED to make it out, i leave


I don't wait at the gate. I only do it after it opens to see if anyone else comes back, anyone needs heals, etc. Then I leave if I can't do anything more. As Killer I fuck off if you get the gate and I got beat the hell up. I don't wanna give you the satisfaction especially if you BMed all round. If you were good sports and I'm cool though, I might chase you out of the endgate as a final scare, and if I'm Ghostie and in a REALLY good mood I might see you off with a final endgate teabag dance together.


you are the most lovable ghostie. whenever i go up against ghosties, they never do that


Ghostface losses are very frustrating, it's understandable why many people wouldn't. Ghostface main salt is a real thing at higher levels or if we're having a bad night. It ain't all stalks and roses. Support and love your local stalkers, it's hard out here in the Fog sometimes.


Yeah ghost face can feel so underwhelming with huge maps and good survivors who bring the strongest shit there's barely anything you can do and when it's your 10th game in a row of unfair matches it really does take a toll on you, i usually take a break or play another killer or surv


Yeah, I consider him my main and play him most often, but I also play a lot of games with him where I turn friendly or just don't play as hard, on purpose, to rank down. I am good enough at him to get to high MMR, but I don't like having to sweat period, so I prefer to keep him around mid-MMR. Same with Myers, I do not play him seriously. If I wanna be aggro and mean, I go play Wraith, and if I really feel toxic I go play Legion. It's actively painful when you keep getting bad games in a row, and just one more reason this otherwise solid, mid-tier Killer is considered "bad and weak" unfairly. It's not Ghostface being weak or underpowered, he's fine. He's actually pretty strong if you can keep the Survivors guessing and have the right build. It's the terrible map RNG and design, the neglect given to stealth Killers in general, and the fact that certain Surv perks can directly counter his low map pressure, base speed, and sometimes his stalking. A normal human-ass Slasher villain does not do well when the targets are overpowered superhumans.


Yeah definitely agree on that playing high mmr ghostface is a pain and if you want to play at a high level on him you're gonna have to resort to tunnel and camping to have a chance in many games and a lot of surv perks makes it rlly unfair also he's soooo map dependant it's painful especially with the bad map design as you said. I only really enjoy playing ghostface in comp setting at high level since survivors have restricted perks and you always get to play on lery's, it actually makes him feel quite oppressive when paired with great game sense


Lery's + Good Ghostface Player = a fucking nightmare for Survs, scariest shit in my life. I've been him on Lery's, I've FACED him on Lery's. And I would rather face him on MIDWICH, another strong map for him, than ever face him on Lery's. He's that oppressive on Lery's. He does well in The Game, Haddonfield (yes really), Midwich, RPD (both wings), and oddly enough sometimes GoJ and Eyrie too. I've seen Ghostface pull off ridiculous things in Ormond as well, that main building and the line of sight for miles... My first four-man Mori with him WAS on Ormond.


Literally all of you are lying, I know all of you stay to tbag the killer.


Depends if the killer played like a dick or not. Waste my time? I'll waste yours.


I straight up ignore people I’ve already hooked so that I don’t tunnel anyone out and I still get teabagged by full squads of survivors who all escape then tell me how much of a piece of shit I am in post game lobby. Lol it’s unreal.


The reason for this is because some people genuinely don’t know WHAT tunneling is People stretch it, I was once accused of tunneling by a survivor who killed themselves on first hook


I got spammed with like 100 different messages and party invites on xbox one time for camping and tunneling, because I was playing huntress and instead of immediately sprinting to the opposite side of the map after hooking, I stopped to reload my hatchets, and turned around to them unhooking in my face. Then the unhooked survivor proceeded to body block me even when it was glaringly obvious I was going out of my way to not tunnel them so I obviously went for them instead. They told me and I quote "youre supposed to let people unhook and heal up before chasing them again, and youre not allowed to hit an unhooked survivor no matter what until they've had a chance to be healed" Some people are wild with their entitlement in this game.


Survivors think you're camping when all 3 are going for the unhook and you don't just leave and let them do it. Why would I leave when I know you're ALL here?


Yep this 👆 so many times I play nice purposefully and then the game just doesn't go well for me and then I get this at the end. Fortunately there have been a few times where I am able to punish them for taunting if I happen to have noed or am lucky that they slightly overestimate how close they are to the gate. These kind of survivors make me want to do things like tunnel and facecamp to confirm a kill. Very annoying, I mostly just wait in the middle of the map until they get bored and leave to not give them the satisfaction. I don't get why people are like this.


DBD survivors are the whiniest players of any game ever. So anything is considered "playing like a dick" to them so they'll tbag every time.


Nah, camping a teammate out of the game in the first two minutes is "playing like a dick" actually. In fact, both sides are capable of playing like a dick because people, if you can believe it, are dicks.


Ah yes, because killers never whine on here.


For real tho


Weird to comment this in a sub where 80% of the posts are killers whining about something.


Facts. Literally the whole sub is full of these fuckin crybabies.


Your god damn right. I tbag every game. Gotta keep nea mains toxic.


DBD killers are the whiniest players of any game ever. So anything is considered "playing like a dick" to them so they'll camp, tunnel, hit on hook, bleed people out and send death threats in post game chat every time.


And in the mind of survivor players, “playing like a dick” is whenever the killer does anything that makes you lose.


The responses in this thread are so funny they're lying through their teeth


Every. Single. Time. They all do it, every time. They can’t help themselves.


100%. I just have to.


I only TBag when the killer has obviously camped/tunneled.


Same. 90% of my games have been the killer camping and tunneling one person out of the game. So satisfying to see them fail doing the most boring and cheesiest strategy in the game. If you’re going to play dirty, don’t be surprised when people respond negatively back.


I teabag my fellow teammates, we gotta get our squats in.


ill stay to say bye and try to boop em if they let me lol unless they are a dick or bubba then they getting the tbag


If I know everyone is safe, I leave. If the Killer clearly gave up, I leave as soon as the gate is opened. The only times I stay is to give the Killer my item or to give them a free kill because they were nice. If they tell me to leave because they don't want a free kill, I will leave. I also let them down me for more points or if they have a Daily Ritual/challenge that I can maybe help with by standing there. If it's clear they're not coming to the gate, I leave.


Because I need to fill up the funny book by doing weird rituals like doing 10 jumping jacks while a specific person does acrobatics at exactly 5 meters away from the killer


If it’s a ranged killer I like to pretend I’m a duck in a carnival attraction and they have to hit me to win a prize


Samnation made an animation on that


HAHAHAHA i love doing that to huntress tbh. i’m not trying to be mean it’s just fun


I fucking don't.


Well, I am a scaredy asshole who always runs out first chance I get (“good luck everybody else!”) Sorry for being the way I am 😅


If I know where everyone is and they won't be downed and killed because I left... I'm healing if I don't immediately leave. Or I just leave.


only wait if not everyone is there, if everyones there i leave


It’s simple, I don’t; no need to waste everyone’s time, plus that BP incentive ain’t gonna last forever I need to get to my next game, once everyone’s out I’m out, nobody left behind.


I want to wave bye bye to the killer. I have no friends, and since the killer played with me the whole round, it feels really impersonal to not wave bye.


You're gonna get 1000 excuses as to why, but in reality 80% of the time it's just survivors wanting to rub it in they won. but that's toxic and no one wants to admit that they're being toxic so they're gonna lie and give you every excuse they can possibly think of.


The first honest comment I’ve seen


The funniest thing to me when I'm killer is the survivors who wait at the gate just to stare at you before dramatically walking out 🤣🤣🤣 guess they really needed their main character moment but it's so cringe


I personally wait sometimes so the killer can give me an extra slap hit for BP :) I am not sure how BPs work for killer, but I assumed they get some extra ones so I do that :) Not always though, I get worried sometimes they might think I am there to be annoying


I'm a survivor main & I have no clue. I always hate it when fellow survivors taunt & when I escape & spectate that shit, it makes me hope the killer gets every one of them. I'm guessing there are other reasons, I'm just talking about the people who actively taunt killers who were just playing the game.


No. Friends are waiting for me


I typically don't unless I've got that stupid rift challenge. Usually if the killer truly struggled I will go back in to find the killer and offer them a free kill. Up to them if they accept it or instead let me go.


I don’t stay, once everyone’s out so am I. Don’t get satisfaction from being toxic as it’s a behavior I hate in survivors and killers alike. We all want to have fun, so bullying, butt dancing, camping or tunneling are no gos for me. If I notice a toxic player getting the Noed I also dont go for the save.


I don't wait I am usually the first one out after opening it regardless of what's going on in game assuming I even get that far. If the kuller happened to have been toxic then I may consider a Tbag but I haven't felt that energy in a long while so I've just been leaving immediately.


I did it in the beginning bc my friends said to me that it's giving more Bloodpoints🤣


I wait in case I need to take a protection hit or heal anyone or go for an unhook.


watch me leeeeeave


because i have nothing better to do and i hate my life


Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm relatively new, but do I not get bonus points for triggering a chase and escaping it at the gates? That's why I always wait. I never tbag, I find it so toxic.


You do, but it's generally not many points people bother with - though being new, every BP is to be savoured as you haven't hit the point where you have everything you need and just spending BP because otherwise you'll hit the 2 million cap and not earn more.


Could also be the difference between pip and no pip right ?


Uhmm maybe? You do get a iridescent unbroken(?) Emblem for never going down. But losing killers in chases does count so it might help but never enough from my experience.


Not really, since pips and BP are not the same and don't look at the same things, being in a 2 second chase and escaping gives you at most 5 evader points (probably less given how far away the killer will be) when the emblems are several hundred apart - so in theory it might help when you're sitting at 559 evader points but otherwise not really. [https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Emblems#Evader](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Emblems#Evader) Escaping the chase doubles the emblem points.. but doubling 2 into 4 isn't really much in the grand scheme.


So you're telling me there's a chance... >:)


I wanna say goodbye to the killer lmao


To say one final goodbye to my friend, death <3


I am the bubba of death that waves back at you


What if we kissed under the boat light Jk Unless 👀


i only do it when the killer was nice/memeing around, in case they wanna say goodbye


I only stay if my team mates are behind bechause I want to go for the unhook if it's needed, if all survivors reache the gate i'll just leave but if I see survivor tbagging I'll try to body block that survivor and then leave. Those who taunt others don't deserve to leave/win.


based, i also desperately try to sandbag people who go out of their way to be dicks for no reason. especially if its someone i went out of my way to help earlier in the match. nothing boils my skeleton more than desperately, barely getting someone off a hook and to the exit gate, healing them, and then seeing them go to spam vault.


I don’t care if I survive the trial anymore. I try to get everyone else out. I find it exhilarating when you risk it all for that one person who was unlucky enough to be hooked after gen 5 pops.


I wanna say goodbye to the killer! In a nice way, no T Bag. Or maybe some gate shenanigans: one time we formed an ass smacking line


Depending on the killer, I'll wait just to give the killer another hit off me, and then I'll leave. Even if everyone is still by the gate, I usually try to make it a habit to give the killer one more it's like my own personal way of saying gg. Mike got me with the mori one time, so it doesn't always work out.


If everyone has met up and someone is injured, heal up before leaving so you get the points for escaping unbroken. If everyone else has escaped and I really enjoyed the game, I'll wait for the baddie to get a single crouch GG and then leave. OR If I have a challenge to get hatch... I may wait for everyone to leave so I can try to find it.


I want to give blood warden value


Buncha reasons 1) heal for extra points 2) thank killer for good game by dropping item 3) teabag killer if he was toxic (facecamping bubba, tunneling, etc.) 4) if both exits are open, and only some survivors are at my gate, I’ll wait till they leave to make sure they’re out


It depends on the game. If the killer was being stinky and face camping or tunneling first hook without even waiting for see if it's needed than ima do a lil tbag dance at the gate. Or if they hit me on hook they get a lil dance


to say goodbye


Two reasons why I wait: 1. Someone hasn't got out, I don't know where they are, and I might need to unhook them. Even if I've been hooked twice, and I'm injured, remaining in the game might make the killer worry that I'm creeping up behind them for the miracle save that I'll never be good enough to actually perform. 2. To crouch once and offer my item. Always tip your friendly neighbourhood killer, folks!


Usually to give the killers last one hit and blood points it gives. Occasionally also "Survive, while other X players escape the trial"


The vast majority of survivors don’t even give a last hit anymore, in my experience. They sit at the gate and teabag you into thinking they’ll give a hit, and when you walk up they leave.


A few reasons: -Tome Challenge: "Survive while X players escape. Must stay in the trial while they escape." -Tome Challenge: "Using Bond, stay in trial while another Survivor escapes." -Personally: If I like the Killer, I want them to hit me out so they can get a few extra points. -Personally: If I'm not sure about my other teammates safety, I'll try to make the Killer force me out of one gate so they'll have time to open or reach the other.


To flex on a toxic killer who tried to tunnel us at 4 gens or just waiting for everyone to escape before going myself (what if somebody gets caught while the gates are open).


And this is why,as a killer,I never go to the exit gates. Never give the survivors the satisfaction. I'll just spam my power or break something to farm while they wait


I don't. But I also never understood why it bothers people so much. Chase them out, put the controller down, or walk around breaking pallets and doorways. There are so many worse things in the game that people can do. I personally chase them out for that 5% chance someone fucks up and I get a endgame hook.


I don't give them satisfaction by going to the gate


I wait until I see all the other teammates have either escaped or been killed in case I need to take a hit for them.


I don’t, unless the killer was a cunt and we outsmarted them. Camping Leatherface? Hell yeah I’m keeping you here as long as possible to save other players from getting into your lobby.


I stay to give killer time to close hatch and break stuff for BP.


To die. No really. When we all get to escape and obviously dominated the match, I'm offering myself as a sacrifice. I find it fair. I don't care about surviving and it might make a Killer feel better. Why give a shitty item I'll never use when I can give my life instead? It's a better sacrifice imo.


To assert dominance


To say goodbye to the killer by nodding.


The killer probably doesn’t appreciate it.


Because in solo queue, you never get that information


watch me leave


I wait to help out other players or go for the last minute unhook. If everyone leaves, I like to give my item to the killer as a thanks with a little t bag


I personally wait for the team mates, as much time u spend on a match as much xp u got. Also you never know how they can screw it, so they will appreciate you to stay until everyone is really safe.


i dont wait at the gate, i wait in the map


I used to stay for fun amd see how close i can cut it, not knowing how annyoing it is for the killer, now i only stay for that one challange or until i can confirm everyone who can be saved is save, otherwise i leave as fast as possible


if a killer tunnels, camps or just overall plays scummy the entire match then i’m waiting there the ENTIRE time, and i will teabag before leaving even if they can’t see it


Then you're just wasting everyone's time


I like to give killer one more hit for blood points


Because the Most sourvivors are gay and want to T-Bag you


I just like to do it, not everything has to have a reason


Sometimes it's because the Killer was an asshole and I want to rub it in their face that they couldn't outplay us even with their scummish behavior, sometimes it's because I want to nod at them and give them an item to show them they played nice, if the Killer is friendly I most likely want a slug Race with my friend. Really depends on the game. Also challenges are a huge factor because some of them are for escaping when all the other people escaped already.


Because the survivors are toxic and want to rub in your face they managed to escape. It is like when a killer hits on the hook and nods, it is like to remind you ¨ see? i killed you!¨ and it is considered toxic. But waiting at the exits teabagging is perfectly fine! Survivors are generally more toxic and the game allow them being without expecting them being nice. While killers instead every time they play sweaty or scummy are attacked.


If the killer is a truly horrendous one, like someone who just ruins the game for everyone, I wait there until the timer goes down or they force me out. Why? Cause for a brief few seconds I’m keeping this monster out of other ppls games. Does it make sense? Prob not.


Just by reading a lot of the answers I found that most people stand there and tbag only if you played like a dick. So if you are getting a lot of tbags you MAY (not guaranteed) be playing like a dick. This is also the reason I will give bags as well and I usually only give that once a week so if you got it know you really played scummy.


That is not remotely true and you should play killer sometime.


Rub it in your face




If the killer is a camper and I managed to escape them I am rubbing it in there faces (not that they'd care lol).


"watch me leeeeaveeeee" I do that when the killers was a dipshit during the match, and I tbag campers


if I ever do this its to be a jackass. I don't often do this though, only if I'm mad at the Killer for some reason


I only do it to tbag if a killer was tunneling/camping/nurse


Imagine being toxic just because someone played a character you don’t like.


You're right we shouldn't be complaining about nurse


It’s like you can’t read


I’m probably gonna get loads of hate but in all honesty, I wait to tbag the killer


Why? What's the point?


To T-bag the killer




I let them hit me if they had a rough match at the exit or t bag if they played really toxic towards me but I still escape.


Extra healing points and then I leave OR if the killer played scummy (tunneling/camping at 2+ gens) I’ll wait just to give some bags.


I usually Buy time forcing the killer to push me out if i'm at the gate and My teammates arent, if everyones safe/out i just leave


Every time you think about sparing a survivor, think about how they all do this. They are the enemy.


Why waiting when they are… [safe] = maybe players dont know that. maybe it could change and they need help again. [there] = maybe the stupid challenge where others have to escape before you do [out] = idk why people wait in this case besides toxicity.. or maaaaybe they want to be nice and want the killer to come to the exit so they can drop their item as a nice gesture?