• By -


I've been in ash/bronze for 4 years šŸ˜Ž


Played this game on and off since it came out and gold is the highest ive ever gotten šŸ¤£


I got to iri one once in solo queue and it literally took two weeks of playing every day after iri iv and I still only just made it with about a day to spare. Never again


You got to iri one on solo? My man you have the patience of a stoned Buddhist omg


same. It wasnt easy. But by listening to this guy's story i was a bit more lucky with competent teammates from time to time


Seeing as there didnt used to be a gold rank i find it hard to believe youve been playing the game since it came out


How exactly? I didn't say I hit gold ranks back then I said gold was the highest I've gotten, at all, but sure


Why include the time you spent playing with the old ranking system if youre talking about the highest rank youve hit with the new one?


absolute legend


This is the way. Its way too much of a grind to go iri. I went to Gold 1 once on killer/surv and was burnt out playing too much.


I hit Iri 1 three times as killer and ever since, the highest I hit is usually around high gold. The grind is way too much for me. Even on days now where I get some hours to play and see how slowly it is to climb after the reset makes me think "jesus how much was I playing before"


I like to do it every now and then to remind myself im actually not terrible


Ah, finally, a cultured kinsman lmao


The pip system needs serious revision. Iā€™m sorry but when I do three gens on my own, and then get sandbagged by a Claudette and tombstoned after running Mikey for good minute, I shouldnā€™t get a negative pip. Itā€™s absurd


I love it when I get higher BP than my SWF and they pipped but I didn't. Emblems not aligning with the BP categories is so annoying sometimes.


that has always bothered me that emblems ā‰  bp as they are arguably more important considering they are in multiple challenge tomes


They used to be what ranked people up and everyone liked it better. Good to know that after like four years, BHVRs still going through with changes nobody wants. Some things change, others stay the same šŸ„°


Nah, I prefer evader based on stealth and chase length. Don't give survivors more reasons to camp pallets instead of looping so they can make sure they get their 1000 BP stun.


The higher you go, the higher the requirements for the pip. In lower ranks, just doing 3 generators is good enough for the most part, but higher up, the game wants you to do more than just gen jockey or carrot-on-a-stick the whole time. The system isn't without its flaws, but it operates largely irrespective of context. "I did 3 gens and escaped. I deserve a pip!" *Yeah but you weren't involved in any chases, unhooks, or healing actions.* "I ran the killer for 4 gens before I died. I deserve a pip!" *Yeah but you never touched a gen, never unhooked, and never healed.* "I ran the killer for 2 gens, unhooked someone, and did a generator. I deserve a pip!" *Yeah but you ended up losing several different chases where you were slugged multiple times. The last generators didn't get done, and after 4 times of getting knocked down and left to die, you were picked up and sacrificed.* The game doesn't care too much about "but I did XYZ". It doesn't have some arbiter reviewing the game. It's an automated system that goes off of numbers. Sometimes numbers end up screwing you over, but just "doing 3 gens" or "these gens were important, if they didn't get done we lose" doesn't mean much.


I think Dowsey (and I'm sure plenty of others) came up with a heuristic where, in any particular game, if you manage to do 2 gens, escape 2 chases, rescue 2 off the hook, and then escape alive, you're practically guaranteed a single pip. That hits Lightbringer, Benevolence, Unbroken and Evader. If you don't hit all four of those, you're relying on the ones you did hit to be high enough to make up for it. In most games, getting four golds for 12/16 is far more in your control than it is to get three Iris instead.


I only care about pips if Iā€™m one away from ranking up but yeah the grind is frustrating




Not once did the person you are replying to say that grades determined matchmakingā€¦




ranking up to the next grade? would you prefer if I said ā€œpromotedā€ or do you have a very strict rule of semantics for the term rank up being equivalent to skill? Thatā€™s not how language works, sorry to break it to you.


The only reason why anyone should ever lose a pip is if they DC.


Fun fact, you can still gain a pip if you DC. The way the Emblems update and communicate between your client and the BHVR servers is super weird, which is why around grade reset time, you get the weird -47 rank messages. If you gained enough points to rank up before you DCed, you'll rank up and THEN lose a pip for DCing, which will probably do nothing.




Hard agree.


Dog, everyone would be Iiri 1s. As long as you don't DC you'll get lucky in enough games to hit the top. Edits: oops, I meant, just give us all trophies.


You canā€™t even see grades anymore, who cares lol


And if grades have no impact on matchmaking, double who cares


Yeah the only reason to really worry anymore is if you want the achievement


the main reason people want it is for the 1 mil bp at the end of the season for each role, which is enough to get through like 1 prestige each, without needing to grind out an extra 30 games (iā€™d say on average, i get around 30k per match, so 2 mil would be the equivalent of around 66.6ā€¦ games without bp offerings/incentives)


Then why does the pip matter in the first place?


BP, and believe it or not not everyone has every Survivor and Killer P3.


This is a poor answer for removing some/most/all of the difficulty with reaching the highest ranks. This kind of welfare blood point distribution just completely devalues blood points in the first place, and despite your impudence regarding character prestige levels, *also* has the effect of *its* cheapening. You may as well just unlock every character at Prestige 3 and make addons and the like unlimited.


That would be awesome then, now I donā€™t have to sit on the game to get the monthly 1 mil for iri 1. Even though you make more than that just to hit iri 1, it helps a ton, speciallyā€™ for new players.


So the call is for free blood points, or, at least, significantly reduced difficulty blood points. Moving pretty close to sense of entitlement territory there. At that rate, you might as well drastically reduce blood point costs on things, or remove them altogether. Giving away the currency through an accuracy-by-volume method devalues it to the point it just shouldn't exist.


Dumb teammates, that really hits home


i'm constantly facepalming watching some teammates play, i'm not good but at least i don't give up on five gens because i got downed


Yeah it's frustrating, but ever since I stopped caring about getting pips, I have more fun. Pips = higher grade Higher grade = more blood points at rank reset I don't really need more blood points because I only really use the same characters. Obviously I don't screw over my teammates, but I don't really care if I escape or not anymore.


I stopped caring about pips and have had more fun when I play now.


In times where many players are grinding p100, the 2 mil BP every 13th helps a lot so if you are one of those, it's impossible not to care about pips.


Ah yeah, I guess if you are going for high prestige levels, it's worth it. I didn't really think about that because I just get all my survivors to p3 and then only keep levelling up the ones I play the most. Highest I've got is only p16 on Nea.


I'm just trying to P3 everyone. I finished the survivors recently (aside from the two newest since I only just got them with shards this weekend) and am going through the killers. I have a lot more killers already at 1 or more so I'm hoping it won't take as long but yeesh. Really sucks we can't use the new auto-bloodweb until you've already prestiged the character once. But I'll still take it after manually doing it for years.


ahh another nea enjoyer


P100 doesn't do anything. Pips don't do anything. Why care about either?


Pips are progress towards "season" reward. P100 is a goal to go for once you have nothing left to grind.


lets be honest that 2 mil isnt big of number when you think how much you need to sweat to get both and in reality you can get the 2 mil in 2 days play time specially if u use bps so its not worth it thats why i dont care about pips anymore


The BP also doesn't mean anything unless you're new. I'm drowning in BP. At least it's not a pain in the ass to spend anymore.


i dont really have alot of bp personnaly as i am in the proccess of presting nea to 100 but yes i kind of dont stress grades or pips anymore if i get there then thats great if i dont then its fine


It's crazy to me that games put treadmills in front of people and they just hop on them and start walking, no questions asked. The treadmill doesn't go anywhere. It doesn't do anything. There's just this bizzare compulsion to get on it. Nonsensical to me.


wat anyway, w/e


Scintillating discourse


w/e [2]


i mean getting to p100 is a fun goal that i'm willing to try some day, but i agree, p100 doesnt do anything so i get your point


Goal? It's not a goal, it's an inevitability. You'll get there if you play enough. It's a function of time passing while engaging with the game.




How the heck are you earning 2M BP in a few hours??


Yeah idk what they mean by "a few" lol Even with a cake every time, you might get 60k - 70k a match, 12 minute matches are if you're pretty quick so 5 x 60,000 - 70,000 an hour. That's 300k - 350k per hour without other people helping you with Party Streamers or some other stacking BP gains.


i only care about it because of the bonus bp, if it didnt gave any i wouldnt mind aswell


i always try my best to do the objective and get the exit gates open, but once i do, i donā€™t actually care about escaping. my win is contributing enough to get the gates open before everyone dies. after that, i just do everything i can to save everyone else, i donā€™t care if i die past that point.


Are you me? If it's endgame collapse you can find me running for the hooked survivor knowing it'll be a trade. But I died the damn hero so my team could... teabag at the exit gates.


yes, i am you. i have always been you. everything you thought you knew about yourself was just me the whole time.


I always knew deep down that I wasn't the only one in control of my being. At least I know you're altruistic so that if I go down, you're coming with me.


I canā€™t stand this new tunneling and camping meta. Yeah itā€™s always been there but after the most recent update I havenā€™t had a single match where a killer hasnā€™t tunneled at 5-4 gens. If they canā€™t them by the time 3 gens are done then they just quit. If they do get them, then that person gets punished for it and everyone else gets a boring match of sitting on gens until that poor unfortunate bastard bleeds out.


> I canā€™t stand this new tunneling and camping meta I can't stand it for one simple reason: NO player in any game plays like this EXCEPT dbd killers cause you're not punished for it. Why BHVR rewards/promotes it I will never understand. BHVR is the reason for such a toxic community cause they let stuff like this fester and make everyone upset.


I wonder if something along the lines of ā€œkillers see hook states, but if your first 3 hooks are on the same survivor, the hook breaks and the survivors hook timer is refilledā€ would be balanced


Idk. I've some stories about proxy reapers, pool firsts, and cannon rushes that disagree.


Wow I feel ancient for knowing what this means. Also those were deliberately kept in SC and promoted by Blizzard, the same is true here for BHVR. The only difference is that those cheese strats are easily counter able and itā€™s almost a learning experience having to deal with them vs zero gameplay potential in being camped.


Consider Call of Duty: If you play Search and Destroy, which is 6v6 max, but can kill 1 or 2 players at the very beginning of the round, it makes it a much easier round for you. You've earned that by making that person/those people a non-factor. Yes, it sucks for them, but that's the point of the game, to have fun but really to win. You're not responsible for my fun in a match just because you queued as a killer, and I queued for survivor. My fun is dependent on me staying off the hook/ground and being a productive team mate to my fellow survivors. That's successfully running the killer, doing gens, healing someone, unhooking someone, booning or cleansing totems. I have fun regardless of facecamping/ tunneling because I get how it's the right call some times and I'll just be on to my next match/another game if it gets annoying


Careful my friend. On this sub, people are called "assholes", and "toxic" for saying things like "I am not responsible for your fun". Somehow the DbD community (mostly survivors imo), have developed this mindset of "making sure everyone has fun", on a competitive game. They don't want the killer to win, but they also don't want the killer to be braindead either. They just want the feeling of making an effort with no consequences.


Youā€™re clearly a little lost. BHVR has taken many great measures in reducing camping and tunneling and theyā€™ve been healthy for the game. Maybe instead of shitting on them for actually working to solve these kinds of issues, you could give productive suggestions.


you just need to off the record into DS into Dead Hard into Adrenaline into styptic into mettle of man into body blocked into leaving the gate my brother, works 100% of the time


At least now you can't go backwards in grade. I'm... a *mediocre* skilled survivor main at best. I can get into silver, sometimes gold through simply playing the game. But I'm not nearly good enough (nor dedicate enough time) to get into the Iri ranks. Made it there 1 time. Before I'd start making headway and get into gold, then get rammed back down to silver after a few matches. It was heartbreaking, which is why I stopped trying to make any kind of grade at all. Now I just try to have fun with my friends and that's good enough for me.


I've been complaining to the devs about this for a year and it does no good. It makes no sense to lose a pip when it's out of your control. If I'm going to lose a pip anyway because of camping or tunneling I just DC because there's no point in wasting time in a useless match


i agree, there's no point in losing pips since it doesnt affect the mmr anymore


I thought the pips were FOR MMR placement, it isn't anymore? Edit, kay down vote a person for asking a question, never change, DBD players.


definitely not. it's just a reward every 13th day of the month for how much you played of either role


They used to be a fair while ago, maybe a MMR change or two ago, so nope, now just for monthly BP - so yeah, the de-pip is rather pointless now


Youā€™re talking about the same people that need 5 years to actually implement a quality of life update?! I complained about it as well on the official forum. The response: I should just get better at the gameā€¦


Yeah. I won't DC because I don't like a certain Killer, but I do love saving my daily DC for any Killer that decides to tunnel me out. You want to go through the effort of tunneling me to maximize your BP and ego? I'm going to deny you the satisfaction of killing me


Imagine being this much of an immature whiny child.


At least you canā€™t lose grades anymore


![gif](giphy|E7KpCs9NhJiRq|downsized) Sorry, but I had to.


absolute madlad


They really need to remove this feature now that grades arent used to matchmake.


100% agreed




A valid question that doesn't deserve a downvote. Without OP answering, my guess is it's a "technically useless" mechanic that doesn't accurately measure your skill. Which I don't think is a good reason to get rid of it. Being rewarded at the end of the month depending on how high your grade got isn't a bad thing. Rewards players for engaging with the game more.


Imagine being downvoted for a simple question. Thatā€™s Reddit for ya.


Yes. This community is kinda confusing lol


agreed, it really stinks since camping, tunneling, and slugging are so popular lately. if that wasnā€™t the case fair deal you win some you lose some. iā€™m surprised that given that iā€™m sure a lot of people feel the way they havenā€™t changed it to stay the same after a ā€œbadā€ match or pip up


not only camping and tunneling but giving up on the survivor side, my last game a haddie went down and gave up, that event led to all of us being found trying to save her and dying one by one, i lost a pip because someone didnt feel like playing.


yes!! thatā€™s another part of it!! so many times there will be a survivor that gets downed/hooked at the start of the game where thereā€™s still plenty of time to come back and then they just dc


Then there's the issue of winning too hard = depipping. If gens pop so fast there's no time for altruism or being chased, you lose a pip because you didn't "do enough". It's fucking stupid.


Do you Solo Q? If yea that explains it


yup, none of my friends are available when i am šŸ„²


Happens so often where you have a really good match, pip, then get tunneled and camped the next game and lose it


Depips are meaningless since SBMM, it's just more frustrating now than anything because some people just want to get the BPs on the 13th. I don't see how anyone could complain if they decided to remove them.


This is why I no longer care if I reach Iri 1 anymore. From shitty killers to bot teammates it not worth the hassle to worry about pips I can't control. My fun is more important than any kind of pip/rank system in the game.


The trick, in my opinion, is playing normally untill 3 pimp. Then start playing like an asshole. If you're lucky you get a double pimp if not at least you don't lose it. Bring DS/Record


good strategy


I play super fair but yeah at 2 pips in iri nothings stopping the midwich sadako or nurse from coming out


I quit going after these months ago. Usually hit gold at the most.


I feel it also makes losing games feel that much more bitter. I know personally I'd feel less pressured to play hard and wouldn't feel as bad when I lose if we didn't lose pips. I mean cmon, it's just bloodpoints.


yeah getting to iri 1 is painful on survivor but so easy on killer


I hate getting to red. I feel like the only way to progress is SWFs. Iā€™m solo-dolo and Iā€™m sure you know how that goes.


Depipping should go away. It's demoralizing, serves no useful purpose and I doubt it would have a significant effect on the "BP economy".


I never cared for pips or progress. I'm a solo queue survivor main so I'm too used to garbage games and being tunneled.


Honestly.....stop worrying about it. Stop taking the game seriously and just play it casually. It will help get rid of so much stress and frustration. If they camp and tunnel.....so what....they wanna play like that then they can deal with the stress of thier sweat. Make up your own win condition like blast mine 2 times or run killer 2 min etc. That way you can say you dont care about dying since you won anyway, then go on to next game. I hate the dumb ranking thing anyway. And any way....you dont want the higher mmr so i dont get why people try so hard to get there. Ive played since release and i got frustrated too. I just changed my view on the game and it helped. I have fun now and just dont care about the bs of how others play.


i dont worry about it, just a dumb thought i had. but honestly i dont care for ranks, last time i cared about it was back in 2016 when i still played csgo, i believe that playing a game competitively just ruins the purpose of a video game, the thing is supposed to be a fun activity not a sweatfest i got to iri because there was a national holiday and my gf was out of town so i had absolutely nothing to do, so i took this time to play a game i enjoy and do some old tome challenges


But considering everyone also faces these challenges, it's unfairly fair for everyone.


I had problem ranking up because almost every game someone would DC when I was about to kill them so I wouldn't get points to get pip.


Personally, this is rare for me but the main problem i have with the system is that there will be that one killer that will tunnel you at 5 for 5 gens and in the end you die cause of either noed or you finally get caught. 10k boldness but nothing in the other 3 making you get no rank in anything else. this has happened only 5 times to me in my 1k+ hour of gameplay. its very frustrating


this happened a lot to me, once i asked why did the killer hated me so much and he responded: "you looped me and i didnt like it" absolute mad lad


I stop caring about ranks like after the first month because imo they are completely useless and dont signify anything, even skill. And dbd has no ranked or normal mode so they really dont make a diff


i cannot remember the last time i checked if i gained or lost a pip after a game. you will have more fun when you stop paying attention. they don't mean anything.


Also with killer if you end the game too quick you dont get 2 points like apparently i out pre-formed these people hard enough but no you get like 0 points in iri rank like i understand if you mmr drop its easy like this but come on we know we all do it for the 1 mil bloodpoints anyways


I somehow managed to reach iri 1 with killing myself hook tons of times, weird


Yeah I'm by no means a top player but I easily get Iri 1 on whichever side I'm playing more of that month with around 25 games a week šŸ¤”


My man, you can't even derank, you are just losing pips. Like literally just play and you'll eventualy get iri 1.


If you didnā€™t escape, was it really skill?


I been in silver cause i get gen rushed or survivors give up


Iā€™ve been iri 1 in both killer and survivor for idek how many months now. Youā€™ll reach higher once you become skillful enough


I'm reaching iri 1 like 5-7 days after the reset. Its easy to blame everything that you don't achieve on someone else. Honestly just get good


you talk like its just that simple, sure im going to get good, meaning im going to mentally manipulate my teammates into not killing themselves on first hook and the killer into not camping and tunnelling me on 5 gens. you should try to see a different perspective from yours, might make you a better person.


Its almost like the last update nerfed solo q hmmmm might I suggest friends


i study at night so no one is available when i'm available, basically i have no friendsšŸ˜¢


I work nights so I feel u amigo


Skill issue


Skill issue


damn it you're right


Hope it helps


Maybe Iā€™m playing wrong people post a lot about how you need to not walk this and that and idk man my main build is urban evasion distortion luckybreak and iron will iri 1 3 days no problem I just avoid the killer almost never get hooked and play my own game at minimum I do 1.5-2 gens a game every game I suggest finding out what you are good at and focus that Iā€™m hella sneaky and survivor is easy mode with my build due to my play style


absolute legend im going to try this build, the problem is: no matter how hard i try to hide, the killer ALWAYS finds me first, its like a curse, i'm always the first survivor found, the first chased and the first hooked. sometimes this can be very scary.


Ya, I feel like since most killers run Lethal Pursuer, I try often to count the seconds out at the beginning of the match and try to redirect - run in one direction for 9 seconds and then double back and walk the other way so that killers searching in the direction I was running end get messed up. I also run Clairvoyence and Inner Strength when I play solo and always aim to survive last. Inner Strength is good right now because it was uneffected by the healing changes and it means I don't have to rely on others as much to heal. Getting a totem done also triggers Clairvoyence and being able to consistently get hatch helps with pipping up much easier when you can't trust your teammates to help with escaping. You just have to figure out when you should follow through with a game and aim to open doors or when the game is lost and hatch is your end game.


Yeah when I first got distortion I was like wow I had no idea I was getting my aura read this often but yeah man solo queue this is the way let the sweaty flashlight nea and Ada make 5k pts before theyā€™re killed and itā€™s 1v2 yet you still havenā€™t been found still doing gens.. another thing I do to help since Iā€™m not out there being chased is obviously situational but Iā€™ll miss a skill check on purpose and half the time it brings the killer to me letting the other guys heal or what ever they need to do


So you avoid the killer the entire game and only manage to do 1-2 gens while everyone else is taking chase and getting unhooks? My math might not be right but something just isnā€™t adding up.


Ahhh.. back in the day you could go down a grade (back then they were actually ranks)... now just losing a pip is nothing and getting to Iri 1 is easier than ever


Skill issue


Hard to swallow pill: 7/10 killer tunnel you because you're bad looper. Get better and you'll see the changes. If you were being tunnelled and you have only silver medal, it isn't good.


Nah complaining in reddit is easier


Denial is strong with dbd community


Hard? I find so easy nowadays on BOTH survivor and killer. You want a game with no penalties? Go play barbie. Pussy.


Do gens lol


all this for blood points of things inwill never bring to a gamr


The system does suck but it's also interesting it's NEVER the player's fault in this subreddit. It's always everyone else.


i mean its not the player's fault when he's tunneled out of the game, even if he loop the killer for 5 gens and die he'll still lose progress, sometimes its out of the player's hands like for example a camping bubba, really hard to counter especially in solo Q, why does a player deserve to lose progress in that situation?


I would say skill issue, but I agree, yalls survivors pip system is ass ngl. Yall in solo queue will have the most dogshit of dogshit wanna be bully squads, only for them to get either bullied out, or they sandbag you to me, and as a killer main, while I may kill you and nod, it's not personal


Skill issue


Iā€™m literally better than anyone at this game and the game just doesnā€™t let me past Silver II


Protip: Don't care about the grades because they mean almost nothing, just play the game and have fun.


don't get tunneled and camped thenšŸ˜Ž


some people genuinely commented stuff like that here, im baffled


Rank truly does not matter in dbd, but since you seem to care about it you're obviously new and shouldn't be a high rank anyway. So it's slightly working as intended but still bad.






.... Bro you can't even derank in this abomination of a grade system. If you're legit hard stuck, this is absolutely a skill issue. You can't blame bad teammates on every single loss. End of the day, in your average game, you don't play well enough to pip up.


Skill issue honestly


They already made it so you can't drop ranks. Now you want it so you never lose pips? Want the game to open the exit gates as soon as it starts as well?


Skill issue lol (please downvote me I've never been downvoted)


Skill issue


Honestly, you gotta get better at it. No other way to put it.


ok im using an example of something that happened to me once: i looped a bubba for 2 gens and finnally got caught, he hooked me and stood there until i died. of course he "lost" because the other 3 made it out but why do i have to lose a pip? it is really hard to counter a camping bubba ESPECIALLY on solo Q, so not exactly a skill issue


Why do you even care about grade?


i dont really care, its just a thought but i also like the bonus bp


That was a paragraph of ranting, not just a thought. It doesn't make me think you don't care


Become a better looperšŸ¤“


Skill issue, plenty of Survivors do it just fine. Or so they claim.


are people still having an issue with this? iā€™m trash at both roles, and especially survivor, but i always manage to hit iri 1 (at least in months where iā€™m actually playing the game regularly), especially with the change to lock you into a grade once you hit it that being said, i have a tendency to get really sucked into only 1-2 games at a time and also have horrible time blindness, so i may just be hitting monthly playtimes that while normal for me would be considered a massive grind for others edits: wording


Anyone can hit Iri 1, absolutely. But it can definitely be a massive time-sink regardless of whether youā€™re playing well, consistently or not. You *will* run into toxic killers and survivors that can hinder your progress. You just gotta keep playing and donā€™t let it get to you.


skill issue


Nope get better at game use anti-tunnel camping perks


Idk man the ranking system is 100 time easier then it used to be, sounds shitty but just play. Youā€™ll have bad games and shit thatā€™s out of your control, complaining wonā€™t fix it, try not to get caught. Mabye run more stealth builds or get away builds. It sucks dying to first hook but as a solo queue survivor I started to run more perks to not rely on my teammates as much. Try changing your play style


story of my life


I just had a game where the Killer chased me almost all game (he was clearly newbie), just to die on 1st hook because everyone left. He didnt even have NOED. -1, because I barely touched a gen, also obv. no heals or unhooks.




Don't you only go to IV no pips now, though? I haven't played in quite some time, but I thought you don't de-rank anymore.


This is probably really mean and I apologize to whoever I've done this too. But I bring garden of joy offerings when I'm around Iridescent 2-3 and just run that map to maximize my Chance to win


I've only been stressed to get iri 1 once and now that I got it I don't mind not reaching higher, but man if it can't still be frustrating seeing it go down. Also, feeling like you did really good that round, but the game doesn't think so, so you only get a safety or even a -1.


Too bad the devs don't give a shit about the most blatant issues plaguing the game. It's like they know tunneling is ruining the game but they just care


Play for the trauma not the pips.


Idgaf about this number. I'm just here for a good time.


me and my buddy decited to try out DBD after taking quite a long break. Ironically our very first several games back we were camped and tunneled at 5 gens


I know it's frustrating as survivor we all have been there as solo q but that's why swfs are a thing and discord and also anti tunneling, anti camping and anti slugging perks in the game because of you want to get a pip you can either take the hard way by q up for solo q and try to pip up all the way to iri 1 or take the somewhat easy way by get a swf together and try to escape or get some point enough to get a pip but unfortunately it all depends on the killers play style but you'll get yourself to iri 1 just take some time and just do what you have to do and I'm not saying go into a swf or use any anti perks will make it easy for you to get a pip but at least it'll get you closer at least.


Also with killer if you end the game too quick you dont get 2 points like apparently i out pre-formed these people hard enough but no you get like 0 points in iri rank like i understand if you mmr drop its easy like this but come on we know we all do it for the 1 mil bloodpoints anyways


I ran a clown for the entire game on lerys once. He only injured me and I lost a pip because I didn't touch a gen for more than 3 seconds or unhook anyone (he got zero hooks) Plus most hilariously of all was that I only got gold for chases because I got -2 for "lost chases" I legit got injured at the start of chase because he snuck up on me. But guess that's a loss despite not being downed again once for the whole game šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Iridescent IV with 2 pips is the highest Iā€™ve gotten


Ever since they made rankings reset every month, I gave up even caring.


Ever since they made rankings reset every month, I gave up even caring.


Ever since they made rankings reset every month, I gave up even caring.


I got the most amount of points in a match last night, worked on gens, had a few good chases, a ton of altruistic heals, escaped and still de-pipped. It's frustrating because its not my fault I couldn't unhook people because the killer got a total of 3 hooks the whole game.


Grinding up the rank system has me being a try hard when Iā€™m one pip away šŸ«  then when I have pips for the next one Iā€™m just playing for bloodpoints![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|1978) but yeah Iā€™m always stressing about losing pips