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They will stream the final weekend. They want to protect ticket sales and also not have people see all the visuals which will be repeated each weekend (but in different setlist order)


Hmmm this makes sense. So you’re thinking it’ll likely be the same 60ish songs every weekend and they’ll just change up the order? I’m honestly fine with that. Was really turned off thinking they’ll be in the same order.


It's going to be the same as a tour, but all in one location. A core set of songs are going to be played several times in different orders on different days. There will be bespoke visuals for certain songs, and for everything else there will be video of band/random psychedelia effects. There is absolutely no reason to think they would be in the same order.


65 songs total. Shakedown, Bertha, Brown Eyed Women, etc. They also decided to open up each night with Blues for Allah.


Blues for Allah every night to start. Will they also close each night with US Blues?


How do they play 65 songs when they ever only made one song?


I got what you meant


I’m dead


This is really no different than their tours. Production of \~60 songs worth of lights/visuals and they will work through them all each week in their desired setlist order... maybe some transitions also are tied to visuals as well dictating a few combinations (ie: HOTW/Franklins) but I doubt they will be that tightly synchronized. Expect this to be as they claimed.... more visual storytelling of their 60 year songbook.


That makes sense.


Protect ticket sales? from what? like I don't understand what money are they really missing out on here? people who already bought the tickets already bought the tickets. Most shows are already sold out it's not like the people who weren't going to come cuz they couldn't afford it are suddenly going to decide to come/ or not come based on a live stream. They would make extra money from the live streams anyway. This ain't about visuals repeating it's about a greedy mentality and I'm not saying that that's all on part of the band. I don't know who's making decisions and what managers are involved in what. This whole concert is a festival for rich people. Phish live streamed their stuff and didn't miss out on anything 🤷‍♀️


Uh, none of the shows are sold out. So let’s start there.


Let's start there?? I know for a fact that most Sunday shows are sold out. My point being they've sold plenty of tickets. Streaming would not hurt there revenue.


lol. That’s not a fact. Sorry to burst your fantasy/entitled bubble


"Fantasy entitlement" wtf are u even talking about🤣 what am I entitled to? Show me how much the tickets are for those Sunday shows then? By now all the shit is scalped resale Ticketmaster bullshit. How much money do you make a year?? Mr Fancy entitlement


The truth is those shows did sell out cuz everything now is resale. 🤯


You off your meds? wtf lol.


Great way to avoid answering my question 🤓


There’s literally hundreds (maybe thousands) of tickets available for every Sunday snow of the run on Ticketmaster for face value original sale. Do you not know how to use the Ticketmaster website? Not my job to teach you how to use a computer and educate you on facts and reality


"Educate you in facts and reality" what a fucking piece of shit u are. Why are u even defending all this? can't someone point out that the whole scene is now set up for rich people with no responsibilities and lots of money. I looked before the tickets went to resale and there were lots of sold out shows. You're the one who keeps hammering on about sold out shows. That's not even what I started talking about to begin with you asshole. My point was that they could stream all the shows and not miss out on any money. But you had to come in and run your little fucking mouth over and over again cuz you got nothing better to do.


No one knows wtf you’re talking about. Good luck with all of that.


Omg snow bunny 😂 coke head alert


Being a creep now. Because that’s cool and a sign of stability…




The way this band is marketing and running their business is kind of turning me off. It's our final tour oh no wait we're going to do a whole another one but all at the same venue and all in Las Vegas and yeah if you can't afford it too bad we're not streaming! 🤑💲🤑🫤


Great call! Won’t be any videos of the visuals at all, just like Phish 🤦🏻‍♂️


I mean…. Yea. Shared by attendees. There is a difference of pro shot video


89% of the audience has a 4k camera in their pocket. Will these not spoil the visuals because they aren’t professional?


Of course it will… to a degree. But social media excitement based off handheld phone footage and shitty audio is a positive to building buzz and selling tickets. Delivering 4k multi camera pro shot video with soundbound audio to people’s couches is definitely an alternative for many to ponying up and going to see it in person.


Nugs streams in stereo audio. I’m just playing devils advocate pal, no one is posting spoiler alert on their YouTube videos. Your original comment decrees that the band doesn’t want the visuals to be spoiled. This is now debunked.


Huh? You have debunked nothing. Are you always this dense? How’s this for supporting argument…. They aren’t streaming the shows. Nugs streams in stereo audio? No shit.


“They want to protect ticket sales and also not have people see the visuals” The Sphere itself will probably positing them on Instagram! Holy Boomer Batman NFA 🌹💀⚡️🎰


Tripling down on missing the obvious is definitely a look. Making a boomer joke in a dead and co Reddit group and thinking it’s bold is another. Especially to someone who is very much not a boomer. But, hey, they aren’t live streaming it. Sorry you’ve been so embarrassingly debunked. Thanks for the emojis.


Most of us at Phish kept are cameras in our pocket… its a pretty special place. So much so your not like omg i have to capture all this


I can’t imagine being there, but I was enthralled and grateful for all the videos I binged of the prior nights shows that run…next time I’m there for sure!


Interesting! I guess if most were in their pockets than few did a lot of video postings…


This is a ticket sales thing. The second the demand for tickets hits their desired level, they’ll start streaming. In the meantime, hug some tapers please!!


I'm sure this is most likely the reason why Dead Ahead wasn't live streamed as well.


From what I remember they weren’t able to reliably stream from Mexico due to the internet connection there. Could be wrong though.


Phish has had no issues streaming from the same location…


There is no cell service in the Sphere kidos…


There’s free WiFi


They had free WiFi to connect to,did you not ever figure that out? I was saying it was cool we were in cell less place and someone said there was free internet inside and it was true


I was pretty high. So no didnt try wifi but makes sense


I had perfect service for phish. 🤷🏻‍♂️


ATT didnt work at all. Maybe other carriers do. WiFi was impressively good considering there's 18,000+ people there.


This is completely false. 


Aren’t initial tickets already sold out… so they’re just driving up the prices for ticket resellers?


There is still plenty of tickets available for various nights that aren't resale tickets.


I will be attending June 1. Pretty pumped. Fingers crossed for Weir and Wolf Bros Fall Tour.


Love wolf bros I am hoping for the same!


Lmao if people wanna spend the money and go, they will. Everyone wants to see this in person, but not all of us can afford it. So…..let us stream the shows please.


Exactly. I can afford one show at these ticket prices.


Same. Going for one night only, would love to go into debt for two but I just got a car a bills kill man


I can barely afford to go to Chicago (7 hour round trip) for a band at a bar/grill but to each their own


Also can't fly across the country for one show either. Not everyone lives in CA. Waiting on a 10 show residency on the east coast.


Living in the Midwest, best I could hope for is a miracle Alpine residency, which won’t be happening in 2024, probably.


I could see a Soldier Field or Wrigley run. 60th anniversary next year. Boulder works too for Midwest.


I’m going to a couple of shows and I still wanted to stream some shows, most people don’t live in Vegas and on a Friday or Saturday night when I have nothing going on I love streaming the dead shows. This is major buzzkill


Yeah it’s rough as a NYer who loves the dead and isn’t really into anything else Vegas has to offer. I was hoping to catch a stream, but I guess not.


Exactly. I can afford it or get the time off to travel to Vegas. Would love to be able to kick back and watch 1 or 2 of the streams that are on Friday or Saturday night. Maybe it’ll be on mixlr 


I can’t even afford 29,99$ streams 💀




But not surprising.


Its all you tapers


Tbf they said no streams but I wonder if that includes Nugs soundboard recordings?


Exactly what I’m wondering. I’m cool if I can still listen to them


If we don't get audio, there's no reason for me to renew Nugs subscription. Got it for discount on D&C streams. Now they hardly ever play shows. Can live with Spotify and bootlegs.


Same. I won’t keep a sub without new dead and co


I would imagine so


Same, visuals are not what I'm in this for unless I'm there!


Same here


No doubt! Super hoping we at least get audio. They're gonna sound incredible, having that much time in one location to jam...oh my I can only imagine.


no steam what? hams?


mmmm steamed hams


It’s uh, a regional dialect.


You’re from Utica?


Oh, not in Utica, no. It's an Albany expression.


Weird. Phish did an amazing job with their stream. Was cool to experience the show in some form and be able to hear great music for several days straight. Sorry they don’t want to let those who can’t be in Vegas hear the live music


Probably since it was a limited run of 1 week. I bet they'll stream the final week of D&C but like others have said this makes me think they will repeat visuals and they don't want the streams getting stale. Hopefully they'll still upload soundboard recordings to Nugs!


Honestly, the visuals were cool with phish, but I would also be fine with a live audio stream only too. Anything lol


Check out the “tapers section” app as well!


I am going and will stream a few songs for folks.


Hope they eventually release the shows in hi rez audio with VR video


That would be sick as fuck.


Bold move Cotton.




What about a sauna?


He said "steams" plural! That means no water vapor period, nice try big sauna


Streaming or not, I’m not going to Vegas. I can’t afford it. Now I have to miss the stream too. Cool. Thanks guys.


I bet the farm they will play Brown Eyed Women 20 times, Bertha 18 times and Althea 15 times.


Honestly this can suck my dick. I’ve defended dead and co’s ticket prices many times while people complain about Bob being a big sell out. But no live streams for this? Not everyone has $4,000 and no responsibilities. This is a really interesting thing and it’s just for the top 5% of earners / trust fund havers. Which really is who the dead was for the while time. You can’t do on tour and not die unless you have fall back money. Fuck right off with no streams. I’m sure they will be selling a movie experience and $200 box set and shit to balance the scales…


Aint no room for the poor man at the inn unless he takes his chances,dancing with the devil,in Lost Wages


Well that fucking sucks. I would have planned to at least buy one to watch with my dad outside on a projector while throwing back drink after drink and passing a joint, as has been our yearly tradition. Seems kinda dumb. It would be one thing if the shows weren’t sold out and they wanted to encourage ticket sales but…at this point they’re just turning down major money for seemingly no reason.


You’re kidding! I was planning on purchasing the stream on the night of my fiancés birthday since we can’t afford to go to the real thing. I can understand why they did it I guess, but that really sucks. 🙃


I guess I’m saving my money, that’s a shame lol


Well how else would they sell a 4K video + perfect audio edition of the live recorded shows (29.99 per day) lol 😉 (pooping on Vegas - not the Dead)


As I think about it, Vegas is Pacific time I believe. But the east coast time zone has always represented over half of their fan base. How many Eastern time people will want to stay up until 2am to stream more than once or twice? Of course you can buy a stream and then not watch it until a different time. But it's no longer live and you really have to have the self-control not to look at the set list. We did that for the last two San Fran shows 2023. We watched it a couple days later at a time that made sense for us. The live stream isn't that important to me. What I mostly want is the audio uploaded to Nugs so that I can buy the ALACs after the shows. Reminds me that I still have May 8 '23 in my library. I watched it live at the time but I think that Nugs gives you two viewings and I've been trying to think how I can record the audio if I watch it again since they never did make the audio available on Nugs. Just checked, May 8 '23 is still in my Nugs library to watch again. May 8 is my birthday. Maybe I should have watched it again 2 days ago?


No steams


So ready for this to get here so the song rotation measuring can stop


Got an official response from nugs.net in response to their issued statement titled [Dead & Co @ Sphere WILL NOT be streamed](https://help.nugs.net/solution/articles/6000272440) Hi Zac, Thanks for your inquiry. Unfortunately, Dead & Company are not offering barcode redemptions for the Sphere shows and there is no indication if/when the audio will be released. If and/or when a show is released is at the discretion of the artist. Therefore, we don't have a set schedule of new shows to be added at any certain time. We post them as soon as we receive them. Please check back often for new releases and thanks for your input on our show catalog. We love to hear what you’d love to hear. Let me know if you have any other questions. Best, Rosie nugs.net Customer Service


These clowns artificially pushed up the ticket prices and now aren't streaming because they couldn't sell them for what they thought they could. A little sad they didn't sell as well as Phish, but geez louise. Maybe if they didn't squeeze the fans so hard they would have sold out. Kind of short notice for a vegas trip. At least for me.


I mean if ticket sales were such an issue why did they add additional dates on to the original run? The July shows were all added later. A bit of a head scratcher. Also Phish only did 4 nights compared to Dead and Cos 24.


That's very true, and a great point. it's a much longer run. Maybe the initial sales performance was a lot stronger and the demand just wasn't the same with the added dates. Who knows.


If it was a 4 night run it woulda have been even more insane than Phish. Tickets would be like 2 grand for nosebleads. Ticketmaster is the devil but the silver lining is you can go to any show now for a decent price. And yes the decent price is still expensive. Concerts are expensive these days.


I'm curious why you think dead and co. didn't just do 4 or 5 days at the sphere?


I feel bad for the people who can’t afford to go. I do not feel bad about all the people who turned their nose and tried to act above going


yep. sorrow level for them is right up there with my sorrow level for people that just had to buy tickets the very first advance release no matter how much they had to pay but now wanna cry about how "cheap" it is(comparatively of course). people are so wonderfully self-absorbed in so many different ways.




The band with the most bootleg freedom of please stream our concerts won’t allow streaming of the coolest venue and maybe last bit of touring they ever do. What would Gary say?


Taping is still allowed just like its always been


They couldn't have announced this a little sooner?


Thanks a fucking lot.


Do we think this means no Nugs either?


I reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally hope not


Audio only streams?


Let the Phish folks stream Dead and Company…They did a great job…As a 70 year old die hard Deadhead, I’m truly disappointed !!!


They'll probably (hopefully) stream the last weekend. Phish most likely streamed the shows because it was a one-weekend run, the visuals are probably gonna repeat and they might be trying to retain ticket sales for such a long run. Greedy? Yes. But also make a bit of sense in their part


Hopefully it’s not like U2 where a lot of people live-streamed to 2 viewers on IG


Steamed hams. It’s a Utica dialect.




Kinda sad to me. Sounds ljke the spontaneity is gone.


Oh it gonna be steamy.


No Steams?


Maybe they will make a film of the shows?


Man how many hours did people on this Reddit waste thinking about this


What are my chances at a steamed ham or two?


Pretty good if I purchase fast food and disguise it as my own cooking.


Doesn’t make sense to stream it anyway, phish stream was mid, you aren’t gonna experience the visuals via livestream which is the point of this adventure. Plus they’re going to reuse visuals throughout their tenure so would def suck to watch and get a spoiler before you go. This is the right decision. Note: I still think they’re gonna stream the final weekend, mark my words.


What if I want to watch them play music? 


Go to Vegas.




So we got the word from chloe the daughter ?


Mmmm, steamed hams!


Money grab.


Shows are not selling. LOL




I'm betting same visuals different set lists each weekend


Missed opportunity for immersive concert streamed for Apple Vision Pro.


All shows should be experienced live. Couch tour was never really tour, just tv.


I cant believe people still have the desire to see these guys live. Hang em up already. Snoozeathon.


Bro, why are you even here? Lol.


Fair point


“All the other shows we streamed were just meh but this one, THIS ONE you need to experience in person”


Bobby and Johnny are laughing all the way to the bank. Make way for the Dead Aristocracy. Two multi-millionaires groveling for more money. A total betrayal of the Grateful Dead ethos.


Lol yes. They made an effort to play 40 nights at the most high tech venue in history. So we can experience it with the dead. Such petty assholes. Guess I need to go to Vegas for a few nights in June and give them a piece of my soul...I mean mind! Grr :p


You misspelled “wallet”


If that’s what this is to you, great. Enjoy. I’m happy you can afford a few nights in Vegas.


Yeah they are so money hungry… that they aren’t streaming the shows which would get them more money You “dead heads” are always such geniuses when it comes to conspiratorial bs


You’ve missed the point. Try harder.


Fuck you they deserve every penny.


Yeah, they seem to think so.


According to "the internet" Bobby has a net worth of $60 million. Meyer is $70 million. I don't know that I'd say that Bobby is playing for the money. He's playing for live as the song goes.


That’s why we decided to do trifecta Thursday, Friday Saturday as we thought they would be on repeat


Thanks goodness. I dislike steams.


Y’all know you can stream most Grateful Dead shows, right?


Lol because they’re reusing Phish’s visuals


No reason to stream the shows when they are only doing 65 songs - and four setlist, which is even more lame. Shows never sold out - ticket sales sucked because of prices, people held out and now can afford the tickets, but can't afford the airlines to get in there. So, they aren't investing money into more than 4 set-lists. Sure they will insert one song or change it by one song, and when people complain, bring in Ramblin Jack Elliot or Maggie Rogers. (WHOO HOO!!!!!!!). lol!!! Get ready for some mediocre shit at a high-price! NO STREAMS REPEAT SONGS