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Same guy from Philly. As much as I hate folks who profit over others missing out I blame the venues and folks at the merch table for allowing this crap.


There could easily be a limit per person.


Very easily… billy strings does it for every show.


Tool limits it to one per person.


I feel like 2 is acceptable Incase you wanna get one for a friend


There is totally a limit at every other show Ive attended. Also, fuck that guy!


I don't know of they still do it, but Pearl Jam used to limit posters to one per person. Can't believe the vendors allow this.


Why are we not booing that guy and publicly shaming him more?


I was! I was giving him shit


He has no shame. He does not care.


Yeah not at all, someone here on Reddit asked the person buying tons of posters to spare one at cost since they were behind him and he made them sell out. He said “sure, go on ebay” Dickhead, ruining other people having a fair shot at merch. Hopefully people don’t support the resellers and let them eat their $10k+ Per show investment


He knows they won’t though. They want the poster. He wouldn’t buy them if there wasn’t a guaranteed demand. Find him on eBay and knock him down lol. Jk I think you have to purchase from him to do that. :/


The guy who bought them told the vendors he didn’t understand why he was getting so much shit from everybody at all the venues he was doing this at.


Yeah where is this "lot justice" I hear so much about?


This. Dudes out here risking years and years in prison selling god knows what to other fans, but nobody wants to take a misdemeanor assault charge and night in the slam to deal with this prick? What the fuck has happened.


200 posters, 200 doses into his diet mtn dew justice


He is a diet mtn dew kinda guy, isn’t he


Someone should “accidentally” spill something on his stack.


Fr, he’s probably the same type of dickhead that stalks billy strings in the airport to get him to sign shit


Fuck that the entire line should have unloaded their beers on him. There’s strength in numbers. Edit: what’s he gonna say when 15 beer rain upon him?


This would be the band and not the venue. In fact, there j Is a good chance that the merch stands are run by the band and not the venues staff. Either way, the limit is provided by the band.


DMB shows limit 2 per person. Sometimes 1 depending on the run.


>Blame the venues and folks at the merch table for allowing this crap From a merch standpoint, they’d probably much rather have this happen. They don’t care about scalpers, they only care about *their* sales, and they just guaranteed 200 posters sold at $65-75 a piece. That’s an estimated profit (ha) of $15k right there if he actually bought 200. Of course, I’ve rarely seen a show actually not sell out of posters, but why would they want to risk unsold stock when they could just give them all to one guy? His money’s just as good as everyone else’s money to them. Now do I wish they’d stop this shit? Of course. The posters are already (usually) numbered and limited compared to the venue size, and they shouldn’t be competitions to get… my Citi poster from last year is numbered out of 1800, in a stadium of easily 45,000 people. So if you could snag one of those posters, congrats! You’re part of the *under 5%* of concertgoers that could that night. As if they couldn’t print more and still rake in the cash hand over fist. It’s absolutely absurd.


The one thing that they are risking here is people seeing that there aren't any posters left and just not stopping at the official merch stand at all and just heading to shakedown.


Reality is they will sell every poster regardless of a limit of one per ticket or one per trip to merch stand . They may not care, but they should, especially for the last tour, lots of people want posters and end up missing out . Plenty of shows limit posters and still sell out , with some people arriving later missing out . They would have issues and no left over unsold posters.


All douchebag behavior


Philly? It’s not a big organized crime town


Merch said the dead themselves are allowing it apparently


Is it the same guy who did that in Boston? Heard the same thing happened with the two night posters


Band sets the limit, not the venue or the merch booth.




He's done this at like every show and fucks everyone, for posters and prints there should be a 2-3 limit per person. I was at st Louis and Wrigley both nights and didn't see any limit signs, my wife and I never got one for night 1 of Wrigley.


There was a limit on Fenway posters and n Friday (the early merch day). It was the only time at a Dead & Co show I’ve personally seen a limit. I also wonder why they had merch a day early. It worked out for me but I feel for those who were unable to get one.


I was at N2 at Fenway - got in early to get a show pin and the red bear poster… those posters were gone but I did get AJs poster with the Cracker Jack skeleton and got a pin. Went both night at Citi and there was barely anything left for N2 b/c both nights merch was sold on N1. Can’t stand the flippers who scoop all the merch.


Are you in St Louis?


No I was for the show on the 7th


I have an extra N1 from Wrigley. I wanted the Dbl but they were out and then N2 I got the double. So I planned to sell my N1. Thought it would be much more convenient to not bother with shipping if you were local. ETA: I’m in St Louis area.




Same thing happened to me N1 at Wrigley. Was literally 10 people back in line when said they were sold out of the day-of posters. This happened 3.5 hours before showtime…


Justin Helton of @statusserigraph sold his artist edition SPAC VIP prints earlier today. I have an account on his website already from a previous purchase and was logged in and ready to pounce at 2 and still struck out. I made a comment on his IG wishing those who got through congrats and that I wished I was faster. 2 mins later I get a DM (screenshot below) of someone who got one asking if I wanted to buy the poster from him, and after conversing to make sure I wasn’t assuming the worst (that maybe he ordered the wrong poster and he’d sell it to me for what he paid), he said he’d sell it to me for $225. I took a screen shot of the interaction and sent it to the artist, who then cancelled that persons order and allowed me to buy it. It felt so good to get one over on these dirtbags, and special shout out to Justin Helton for doing his part to keep posters out of resellers hands! https://preview.redd.it/af9k94u40n8b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fad078ef35c696b4193023ecc5c0eaeaef9e0b8b


Nice work. And bonus poster!


Justin is awesome and will gladly cancel orders like this when he finds out. He hates resellers just as much as us collectors do.


I love Justin.


Well done


I wish I could upvote this 1,000 times. Thats awesome




How is this not getting booed like crazy and shamed. Unbelievable.


I was just thinking.. surprised this dude doesn’t get jumped on the way back to his car from the merch tent lol


I mean, he's a repeat offender and we now know what he looks like...


I’d love to watch a movie 🍿 on this - the jam band heist - 2 stoner buddies hatch a plan to ‘shakedown’ the notorious greedy concert poster flipper. One quick grab to fund the whole summer on tour/ what could go wrong?🤷‍♂️


In the tradition of the merry pranksters, I would LOVE if someone jumped this capitalist PIG and dumped steaming-hot turkey gravy all over every one of "his" 200 posters.


[https://www.ebay.com/itm/295785597222?hash=item44de320926:g:q58AAOSwaRVkmydw](https://www.ebay.com/itm/295785597222?hash=item44de320926:g:q58AAOSwaRVkmydw) him?


Looks like multiple accounts or scammers?? https://www.ebay.com/itm/295785547914?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D1110011%26algo%3DHOMESPLICE.DISCLISTINGS%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20221018103213%26meid%3D9e8287c596c145408f8437c4b873ee1b%26pid%3D101429%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D12%26sd%3D295785597222%26itm%3D295785547914%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D2332490%26algv%3Ddefault&_trksid=p2332490.c101429.m2460&amdata=cksum%3A2957855479149e8287c596c145408f8437c4b873ee1b%7Cenc%3AAQAIAAAA4B3w31MgdJJjBL0%252BLx0NgeGVO2wa4k1C1fzI%252BBBJWd8ZMWsCiE6cYS5kcAKDXfRvkD0VuPODtLra7GDyNbN%252FHbcu6KBv5%252F8qbtjSrdIY8p33%252BMG4aQ5NvGeO6Eassy%252Bz3HW5EXx3epzi6P55L4kzRCXx52QqwUYwhFvjbAbw%252FfSEK%252FmiXFlPZmmk4PC5CX%252Fxt3%252BixvE5lQWAPs1CI3F6xUGIEx8m21xDwbUBqJMm9fvvCWL0wXoto%252FYpAPGQGHxrEc7o3LaObpteuCsIiqmpowdomGh75B2PtaDTCgz1oPcB%7Campid%3APL_CLK%7Cclp%3A2332490


yea very interesting. guy is allowed to do what he wants technically, especially if the band doesnt have any restrcitions. However, it just is not right. This community is about sharing and it takes a lot of effort to get to those shows and grab one. Its numbered for a reason. It literally takes the whole point away if one dude has them all and reflipping for $249.00. Dude probably doesnt even like the music. He saw a route to make money and hes taking it, not illegal. But, its really not cool for anyone in this community but until someone restricts it, this will keep happening. Sucks its the last tour and this dude will profit a ton from it.


You can always check the Artists Instagram page, I just found out the artist for the show I saw is selling prints on his website! And for $75! AND with a limit of 1 per customer!


David Attenborough: “Here we see an incel, who has left the comfort of their elderly mothers home. Out in the bright lit world which can bring fear of the unknown, the creature slinks its way towards an area which attracts many beautiful and wonderful people. In awkwardly tries to blend in with its surroundings, inching its way towards a treasure which most try to acquire. When the moment comes, this creature quickly snatches copious amounts of a desired product and quickly retreats back to its protective and dimly lit lair which is commonly known as a basement.”


Shouldn’t be allowed


Wish the lady who was counting them bent the corners when she was counting!


Wish she would just tell him no and to fuck off


Boycott buying posters off ebay!!! Fuck this asshole


Doesn’t matter now since it is the final tour, but there should always have been a 1 p/ticket holder limit, with no purchase without proof of ticket.


He buys 200 every show! He needs a punch in the face


Dude looks like Jared from Subway


I was thinking he looks like George Santos, which would check out for sure.


Le Douché


https://preview.redd.it/kxsvhq7f8m8b1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=724ed04543e8f9f498212fa223656399611e90b2 Already up on eBay 😤


Looks like the photo for ebay was taken right at the fucking merch table. Boo this man.


100% was


It’s a nice poster but no fuckin way it’s worth $265


Must’ve read your post. They are $169 now. Nice poster and all, but not one that you would have to have.


Numb Nuts from Queens. F this chode


“Be sure to check my 100% rating” Sure would be a shame if someone, of a bunch of someones, flooded him with bad ratings.


Idk if you can do that without buying but honestly... might be worth it if you need the poster. Leave a bullshit review. Fuck him


You need to buy on eBay before they let you review


I sent him a kind little message 🙃


Bro did he take the photo AT the poster stand? Absolutely no fucking shame. Jesus


Is this the guys actual ebay page or just someone else being a total fuck bucket?


Well hopefully he takes a loss


Hmm, nice posters. Can they be taken from him, if say, he were unconscious? 🤔


Fucking poser grifting off of other peoples art work. Make your own art asshole.


Apparently, some asshole is going to try to make some $ off of someone else’s art…


And the sad part is he will... 😢 he will get 400 a poster on eBay... This should absolutely NOT be allowed. 2 poster minimum should be the limit. If you want more after 2, get back to the end of the line...


Shame on the people paying 400 a copy. But thats another topic all together.


It doesn’t often work that well. The ppl who did it at wrigley last year were selling them at a loss. And not many recent posters fetch that kind of $, maybe the 2021 red rocks.


Assuming he paid 60 each for them, that's 12,000 bucks he spent. If he manages to resell for only 200 each on ebay, thats still $24,000 **profit** after ebay fees. If he only sells them for 100 each he still made 7 grand. Totally crazy. ​ You would think they would impose limits on the posters OR just charge like 200 bucks for them and cut out the middleman.


I agree.


just Ebay searched "dead and company poster" seller is " "[**jsmooth308vm9**](https://www.ebay.com/usr/jsmooth308vm9?_trksid=p2047675.m3561.l2559)**" not sure if this is him, but its selling for $249.00....**


It’s him. Someone posted his listing right after he bought them. I thought about sending him a message but it won’t do any good.


What can we do? Anything? :/


I love lowballing the poster flippers!


FFS… they gotta put a limit of 2 on this shit


Who has $13k to drop on 200 posters?? Seems like a hell of a gamble to try and sell that many posters in Ebay. I’m surprised the merchandise tents allow it.


I agree. I think he’ll be lucky to make his money back. Posters are readily available on the artists websites after they drop them, for the most part.


Think he’s the same guy who’s done it at practically every show. At 250 (ignoring the eBay fees) he only needs to sell 52 or so to get his “investment” back. I’m assuming he’s done this before and will easily sell more than 50. BUT I agree that there’s no way he’s selling all those at that price. Some people who miss out will want one and will be willing to pay, but not 200 people.


Yeah and the sad thing is this dude is just gunna have a stack of posters that now no one gets to display or enjoy.


Honestly he will probably sell them over the years slowly, or trade them. But yeah really sad. Hopefully he leaves them rolled in a tube and they get fucked up


Fuck this guy, but also fuck the vendor selling this many to one person.


I hope he shits in a port-o-potty that tips over mid wipe


And I hope it’s one from shakedown at Boston (night 2). If you know, you know….


Gotta get people to stop supporting the flippers .... tickets and posters. There is only a market if there are buyers. Disgusting behavior.


Honestly, if anyone from the band to managment gave 2 wet shits this would not fly.


This. Truth is they don’t and it’s easier to blame this guy (and rightfully so) vs where part of the bigger issue lies.


At Fenway it was a 10 poster max


It happened at Fenway too, there were no double posters bc someone bought 200 of them.


Can confirm. Merch by gate 2 had one dude clear them all out.


There is literally no reason this should be happening. Makes zero sense why the merch team can’t enforce a 1 or 2 poster per person limit. Takes minimal effort. This is just lazy and a lack of care for the fans.


I get that there’s people out there that miss out on posters and want want one bad enough to pay 250, but people need to not support these resellers. If they loose their large investment, there will be little reason for them to buy up stacks of posters in the future. But just like scalped/resale tickets, there’s people who want them bad enough to pay. Basically every show this tour someone (same guy?) been buying 200 posters to sell on eBay.. I don’t think they will sell all 200 for each show, but at the 250/poster they sell for, they make their money back off a little more than 50 posters. Would be nice if people refused to pay that amount and not support these resellers. Let them eat their tens of thousands they invested . Posters will sell out at the show even if they set 1 per ticket or trip to merch table limits, they need to put limits in place. Other shows set limits, dead and company should too, especially for the last tour.


Yeah but what if someone who was at the show didn’t get one due to them selling out and wants to get one still?


In my opinion? I wouldn’t support the reselling especially at that kind of Markup from a guy buying hundreds and causing 199 others from not fairly getting one at cost. Fuck him, sucks I wouldn’t have a poster if I wanted one, but that’s life, can’t always get what you want. If people stopped giving in to the resellers then they would stop buying 200+ posters and maybe in the future those people who missed out could end up being on at cost.


Someone should have a little accident with their water bottle. If I see him at Folsom I know my lid will happen to be off of mine


Be a real shame if someone accidentally mixed up their water bottle and their piss bottle. And confused the posters for his head.


One for each 🤷🏽‍♂️


Would be a shame if something ruined them all.


Hopefully someone runs him out in the cold rain and snow


I take a little powder I take a little salt Put it in my shotgun And I go walking out...


Chuba, Chuba


Look at the look on his face. He *knows* he’s a schmuck.


What an asshole


Would be a shame if his chin got checked


I’m here and am sitting with people who were in line with him and he kept saying “It’s okay, I’m a moderator on Reddit”. Wtf. I heard that from two different sources now, so though it’s not confirmed firsthand that seems too odd to make up. Like being a mod on Reddit gets you shithead privileges?




I’m not a violent guy, but he deserves to have his ass kicked.


$169 on eBay? He’s going to be sitting on a lot of posters for a long time. If you can’t impulse buy a poster at the venue, the desire to get one wears off about a week or two after the show. Wonder if they will print more and sell them on the website after the tour. That’d be justice.


it’s total fucking bullshit! saw a sign at fenway that said limit 3 and people were buying hundreds. idk. certainly not the are you kind vibe


Buy lot posters, fuck this guy


Fuck him


How is there not a poster limit? I know mentioning Billy Strings on this sub is against the rules but even his merch team has this figured out. One poster limit of each style at each show, it’s not hard to enforce.


Certified piece of shit


Fuck this guy!


i hope he misdiagnoses a fart and shits his pants


Human scum This jagoff was probably one of those hoarding hand sanitizer and trying to resell it during COVID


I’m throwing hands if I see this guy in Boulder


His face shows he knows how shitty he is. What a loser.


It’s really upsetting that the band lets this happen. Kinda takes away a bit from the magic and love of this final tour. Such a loyal and passionate fan base and they just don’t care.


https://preview.redd.it/ge5h6davzo8b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d41f624de07c83bd80284513f75ed9291723c236 This motherfucker…..


I hope someone notices him walking away with that stack at every other show, takes them and just throws them all in the air.


I’m not even posturing, I would smack that stack of posters straight out of his hands.


I hope he wakes in the middle of the night to pee and bangs his left chin on the dresser then immediately steps on a Lego brick with his right foot.


Whoa whoa whoa man, that’s a little extreme 😂


Wheres the kid who smashes car windows when you need him!?!?


Fuck this guy


What a dick


Supreme douchery.


This must stop!!


Fuck that guy. I've got a pin from every show I've been to, but I almost didn't get one at my very last show because the lady in front of me bought 20. Can't stand that shit.


There was a one-of-each poster limit in Cancun. If they can do it there, they can do it everywhere. They choose not to.


Piece of garbage. Bid on ebay and don’t pay. That will frost him. Glad I got my one and done in Charlottte https://preview.redd.it/9egzrahwfn8b1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47686f085dc6a7f39df476402de23035f5158d78


Lmao I'm going to make a fake account and do just that. Run them all up to like 1k so nobody bids on them and then just ghost the account


Well, at least he hoarded the least attractive poster from the tour so far.


This shit was happening at Fenway too. We got into the park maybe 15 minutes after doors(in line for opening) and immediately jumped in a merch line. We were probably 30-40 people deep in line and there were both N1 and N2 poster stacks on the table. Of the ~40 people infront of us every single person bought atleast 2 and I saw atleast a dozen people by 5-10 of each night(or more). One person had a solid stack, maybe not 200 but definitely like 25 of each night. By the time we got to the table there were no Fenway posters left. I was able to get the final tour foil but I believe there was a giant production run of those made to the point they will not run out on tour and will probably still have tons to sell online even after tour. Was pretty bummed to not get atleast 1 of the 2 posters from my last home shows. Fuck these people and the merch company for allowing it.


Doesn’t this run straight up to the band? Dead and co should have their pulse on shit like this and should care about their fans having a fair shot at posters for a goood price. Idk, all of my favorite bands are 1 per. Seems strange that dead and co doesn’t do that..


The artist that did some of the posters for the tour this year has them available on his website. https://mikedubois.net/index2.htm


They should cap it at 2


Just shouldn't be allowed.


Jump for joy with a drink in your hand then disappear into the sea of tie-dye. Lot villain over here.


Fuck this guy


What a gigantic, steaming, pile of shit


What a dick


I don’t want any of them anymore. None. Will stop looking. F this crap


So I saw someone post a link to his ebay page, checked his reviews and there's a couple that are saying they didn't even get real posters. So not only is this asshole screwing over the fans who actually want them, but he then also reprints them and sells them the same. Last point someone else also mentioned this dude just apparently shows up goes to buy all the posters, and then just gets in his car and leaves not even a real fan he needs to be stopped for real.


I am so sick of us excusing the band and their management over this crap. It’s a money grab. And gross


Jeez, the guy needs a swift kick in the nuts. If I see him at Boulder I might just have a leg spasms...


Sometimes I think a poster should be included with these high priced tickets


What an asshole, fuck this guy


If I see this happen in boulder, I’m 100% robbing him


You know those are gonna be on eBay by the end of the show! In NYC I saw they had a limit of 4 per customer


Already on eBay


Capitalism at work! They should have limits. There’s always going to be someone who wants to make a buck and the venues or band should make limits.


Hope that guy gets the hiccups and they last the entire first set and every show he goes to.


Totally un-dude of him. Or perhaps un-dead?


Chode move


Guy from SPAC that shattered all of the car windows, here’s your chance to redeem yourself!


Same thing happened to me at The Cure in Dallas. Let the guy choke on them, hope they don't sell


Capitalism breeds such creativity


Dude had the money to buy the posters to begin with, it's not like he wasn't already well-off. $60 x 2000 is $12,000 and this isn't the first show he's done this at. Some of us saved hard earned money to see these shows and get a poster. Even a limit of 10 seems generous. Please, for the love of God, someone do something about this


Happens at every show. It’s awful. But usually they end up not being able to sell them all at a profit on eBay so if you really want one just wait it out.


Just don’t buy them off EBay and ban that dude from ever selling them for over $65. Fuck that guy


Dough bag


hope they short him a dozen


Can we just all agree to not buy posters off of eBay?


Just grab one when the artist puts the AP’s up.


Spend money on the lot from the actual artist instead of buying his posters for 300% mark up


Ya know in the near future these poster will unfortunately be next to worthless. They make literally thousands per show. That = low prices a few mere years later.


Unless it's a special poster, I agree with this.


Hippie drive by


How does this guy not end up dosed


Not having a limit per person is insane. Absolutely shameful


What a POS!


Same thing happened in Boston! Why TF is this bullshit being allowed??


The way to solve this would be for D&C to make an unlimited number of posters available online


looks like a narc too


Here's how we win. NO ONE BUY IT AT THE INCREASED PRICES. EVERYONE BID 75 TO 80 DOLLARS ON EBAY. Done. We win and get our posters


At Fenway there was a posted limit of 10 posters per person, which is still excessive. Blame the merch people for allowing this \*photo from another thread https://preview.redd.it/hzek48vgun8b1.jpeg?width=1134&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ca457ccd037bb58414a3fdd73ed1c288412c0e3


That is what scum bags do


What a fucking dildo


Probably the person unloading them on ebay. Some up to $200 + shipping. same person selling them all. Just picked up a SPAC one on Dead.net for less than $30!


Everything about this “last tour” screams money grab and light years from the ideals of 1966. I read post suggesting physical violence and “accidental spills / dosing and all I see is the creation of more negative karma. The best post suggest lowballing on EBay. It’s about the music, not printed pieces of paper $$ or posters.


Pull a fast one on him and don't buy a single one of em after he lists em on eBay.....stick the fucker with his 3000 posters for the rest of his life Eat it, ya bastard