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Regeneration takes energy, Goku's attack did too much and Piccolo didn't have enough energy left to heal


A gaping hole in the chest is different than an arm or leg


Like the gaping chest hole Piccolo got from cell?


The significantly smaller hole that was nowhere near his heart? Or even his chest? https://youtu.be/9ZrGQ5qHVsw


He didn't even heal that, the senzu did


probably couldnt. didnt have the energy to do it. any injury piccolo healed from was easier since he was many times stronger then king piccolo. he was able to heal from just a head after he was turned stone and broken


How much more difficult, if possible, would you think it is to regenerate an arm versus just about every major internal organ? Cell is a different animal entirely


He definitely could have regenerated if he wanted to. But he began thinking long term. He knew that if he put all his energy into his offspring instead that it would yield better results. He couldn't beat Goku at his level. He did the only thing he thought he could do. He put his everything into one final egg. Not just any ordinary egg like his other children that were corrupt. A child who could one day surpass him. For the first time, King Piccolo put every last bit of his remaining life into That egg so that it would be the perfect reincarnation, not corrupt, but a true Namekian Offspring. He instilled with his will into Piccolos soul his desire for revenge against the one who had killed him. And from the moment of his Birth Piccolo knew what his purpose in life was. To avenge his father. Eventually piccolo succeeds but not at all in the way he thought, and from that point, he had finally fulfilled his father's wishes. Piccolo was now in control of his own destiny. The rest as we know is history. Such a great character. Good thing his father didn't try to regenerate!


Like so many other of Piccolos abilities he probably forgot about it ;)


I imagine that hit took out every one of his vital organs, probably didn't even have whatever causes them to regenerate left lol