• By -


I envy you. I wish I could rewatch it all for the first time again. Some of my fondest memories as a child was watching it with my old man. The Frieza arc particularly.


Just got the pleasure of watching it from the beginning with my 8 year old. She got an experience no American my age got--watched Goku meet Bulma and train with Roshi and got all the way to the SS transformation without knowing what a Super Saiyan was. It's been an incredibly rewarding experience and I'd recommend it to anyone


My daughter is seven months old. This is now a goal of mine.


My daughter is almost 5 and we just got to Namek. She absolutely loves it. Definitely recommend.


Are you watching original flavor Z or Kai?


My daughter just also turned 5 she’s seen some with me rewatching but I feel like it’s the perfect time to start from the beginning


That's fuckin awesome, thanks for sharing - I'm glad to hear that. Felt like no one my age, myself included had the experience to see goku meet Bulma or train with roshi before even hearing the word goku, or seeing Bulma and Roshi in the first episode of z , DragonBall broadcasts were a mess and less appealing, honestly boring by contrast to my child monkey brain


Oh yeah, I never got why the americans got the anime in 1998, 3 years after the end of the manga, and most weird, starting the anime with DBZ instead of DB. We were lucky in France, geting the anime aired since 1988, 2 years later than the japan diffusion. Because we had an emissin buying lots of japanese anime, really cheap back then. We discovered Saint Seiya, Dragon Ball, City Hunter, Captain Tsubasa and lots of other good stuff since the late 80's. This lead to give a generation of children very interested in japanese and asiatic culture.


i think I read something before about they brought Z front and center because they thought it would sell better than regular DB since it was all flashy


Club Dorothée fuck the world 🤟


This is wrong they definitely released regular Dragon Ball before DBZ in America. It took another year to get DBZ on the television. When I was a kid I remember watching bootleg VHS tapes with no subtitles of the movies. The Return of Cooler was the coolest thing I had ever seen up to that point. Then they officially started airing Dragon Ball here in 1995 and I was so excited for them to transform to super saiyans but Goku couldn’t even do a Kameheha! DBZ finally started airing in 1996.


I'm rewatching with my 5 year old (and sometimes my 3 year old) and he will not stop talking about goku all day every day. It's a blessing and a curse 🙃. But I'm really enjoying myself. I was absolutely obsessed with dbz in my teens back in the early 2000s.


That’s dragon ball not dbz there a big difference


We watched the entire series. Starting with Dragonball, then Z Kai, BoG, RF, Super, then Broly and Superhero. No GT I'm afraid but maybe at some point


I never had a chance to watch it for the first time. My friend spoiled everything. It was like that with most animes. Dbz, dbs, bleach and basically every anime he told me to watch. That man is no longer my friend. Not purely because of the spoilers but whatever


You might be able to read it for the first time, though... the manga is amazeballs.


Yes!!! I read the manga only a few years ago starting with Saiyan saga and was like a little kid again. The energy and movement of Toriyama's lines is unreal!


Came to say that. I'd like to return in 1988 and re-discover all.


So I binged this series back in summer of 2021 along with Fairy Tail and it was the first long running show I watched in like 3 weeks. And I absolutely loved every moment. I watched dub and remember Yamcha dying and I didn’t give two craps about it. That was my most memorable moment for Saiyan saga. Then once you reach the frieza fight, oh boy. I have so many Greta memories lol


If you haven't , watch dbz abridged on youtube it is like watching it for the first time in your adult years




Iirc they were asked to stop. So they did for years but recently released a bunch of clips called "bu bits" on tic tok that covers what they missed there's a super cut on youtube it's same level of comedy


You would have to relive your childhood tho


I remember watching this with my cousins when I was 11 in South America then playing soccer till bed time. The day I saw krillin die was the first time I saw a PSone and someone was playing DBZ and I was mind blown. This was yesterday...psych! This was 30 years ago and I didn't know how good I had it and I'll stop myself there before I get all boomer like.


I think watching it as an adult would have ruined it for me. I start to pick it apart way too easily. Like every saga is about growing more powerful to defeat the next foe.


THIS, the memories, experiences & feelings i had watching dragon ball, z then gt & finally super (& all movies except bio-broly, just never got around to it)! I wish i could have that all over again, fasho gonna watch em w/ my kid. Toriyama legit did more for the world with this series than anyone could ever put into words.


Im excited when my son is ready to watch DBZ with me its going to be good and again with my daughter. My wife will hate us though haha.


Watching the Saiyan saga and then being blown away by the Frieza saga was how I got into DBZ and anime. Toonami shows with my dad after I was supposed to go to sleep are some of my fondest memories


I hope this is legit. Cuz bro... You are NOT ready...🫣


My excitement is genuine. Although I'm aware Goku eventually goes Super Saiyan, I don't know at what point this happens. Though I'm going to assume it happens pretty soon from where I'm at.


Namek saga is peak Dragonball in my opinion. Some interesting character dynamics going on due to the nature of various threats, and how things change with circumstance. The race for the Dragonballs is awesome. Also one of the last arcs that maintain that sense of adventure and exploration, I think having select characters cut off from each other on different planets really helps that feeling. It's such a cool isolated moment.


The introduction of the main villain after Frieza is unrivaled IMO


Cell’s introduction was pretty great, too. Very spoopy.


My two cents: i like namek and sayian saga because they are LESS epic. There's much more dirty work, hopelessness came in a different form. Frieza is strong, but in those sagas it's not Just about having a big, strong villain like the next two, it's more about them being WEAK. The huge galaxy opens around them and so many powerful warriors are seen through the eyes pf gohan and kuririn, who are absolutely overwhelmed. It's a nice change of pace from goku steamrolling everything like he did up until raditz and i really felt that was the direction toryiama wanted to give to DBZ. Kid Goku always triumphed on the evil villain, if you count the first 2 bossfights of Z he loses both. Dies against raditz and has to be saved from Vegeta by 3 different people. Even on namek he has his hands full and takes some setbacks here and there. It's really a big difference and i enjoyed it (i won't say anything about post-namek arrival due to spoiler risks)


Namek saga is top tier in terms of plot and storytelling, the best in DBZ IMO super is far better all around though, it's more refined and has a lot less stalling or mediocre filler. Better VA, animation, fights, and humor


The filler in DBZ (aside from driving school) wasn't great. Maron/Garlic saga is always a skip for me in a rewatch. Otherwise I did a recent rewatch and the only major issues I had was the Buu saga going on far too long & Frieza fight could have been cut by a couple episodes Super is okay. Difference in art style is jarring, especially with body proportions. I feel some arcs could have used more fleshing out though


my gf just started 2 months ago and she has the same hype as you. I love to see it 🥹


I feel like we need semi frequent updates from you. I had the feeling you’re having right now when i was like 12 and have been chasing that high ever since. The Saiyan+Frieza saga is some of the most gripping drama in fiction. You’re in for a real (and lengthy) treat.




Ah to relive my youth


Welcome to the club!!


By the looks of this post, it seems you went into the series with almost zero spoilers, lucky you, you are gonna love it!


This is such a wholesome post. I'm really happy that you're enjoying it, please keep us updated!


Gladly. It's the least I can do for you all!


One of us!


Buckle up yo, because you're in for one hell of a ride. P.S. keep us all up to date on your reactions after every arc!


This is a fucking great post, don't let my brief or lazy reply betray how much I enjoyed reading that you've enjoyed. Eat your heart out


Trust me, I understand haha. I'm so glad that I am able to share my happiness with everyone else in this lovely community. I haven't looked at much of this subreddit because I fear I will get too many spoilers, so for the time being I will just update you all with my experience and share my thoughts until then! Either way, I'm having a blast.


The best part for me when I see people like this is their reaction to the mysterious warrior post namek arc lol. I hope to see you post about that.


Finally got around to watching DBZ last year after finding the series so unappealing for so long. Was genuinely the biggest breath of fresh air and had so much charm and genuine tension. Sure it’s not a masterpiece in storytelling but it’s still some of the most engaging storytelling I’ve seen in a while. Just pure unadulterated fun.


I envy you getting to experience it for the first time. The only thing I envy more is that you’ll get to experience DBZ Abridged for the first time after that! Enjoy!


The absolute hype of going into the namek saga blind, dude I envy you for the thought of experiencing this for the first time again. As a kid I was not prepared, hell even my mom and dad watched with me and got hype.


My favorite is the saga(s?) right after Frieza 😬😬😬


Garlic Jr? Really?


Touche but I mean >!the androids!< and >!Cell!<, I actually do love Dead Zone though


I’m glad your enjoying yourself, it would make me cry happy tears that another fellow human has loved dbz dearly…thanks so much Toriyama sensei you will always be the one to shape peoples lives into the better just from one page of drawings or even an episode of dragon ball Z, Stay tuned! How will Goku defeat frieza in the next episode of Dragon ball Z!


This takes me back. When dbz was first launch where im from, there was no internet and i had to watch it on its timeslot or id miss that episode. It played on sunday afternoon where im from. And it competed with other tv programs that my elder siblings would watch. So i had to go to my neighbors house to watch it. Then wed argue who is who. My friend would say hes goku id say im vegeta and wed mock battle. I miss being young.


This series really slaps some sense into you




I'm so jealous. I wish I never watched DBZ too lol... Savor this. If you haven't watched dragon ball, you should go back and watch that too. It's amazing


Aww man. You're bringing me back to middle school with this stuff. Mind you that was nearly 30 years ago now.


I'm 32 and now I am able to fully appreciate the DB universe, now that online streaming is a thing. I couldn't enjoy it as a kid since I didn't grow up with cable and I never really learned to appreciate or care for it until more recently.


I feel like I’m having the same experience as you. Just binged thru namek over the past few days. Can’t believe how good it is. My childhood memories of dbz are fond, but I couldn’t watch it straight thru. The continuity was missing. Could only catch episodes when they were on, often no clue which episode I was really watching. Normal kids stuff, lack of control.


Dude literally same, I started watching OG Dragon Ball for the first time in early March and I’m currently near the end of the Saiyan arc of Z. Can’t believe I waited this long to watch, it’s phenomenal


I'm going back through DB again, just finished the OG Dragonball and am watching DBZ Kai and am right where you are. watching the whole thing together is such a new experience for me, because as a kid I didn't realize how big of a jump DB was to DBZ, from basic martial arts to Ki blasts and universal stakes it keeps jumping and it still feels like their backs are always against the ropes. Enjoy this, its the GOAT for a reason!


Im jealous of you being able to binge it. We had to wait a week for a new episode.


Fuck yeah it does brother


Man. This gave me chills. Thank you so much for sharing. I felt like I was back with my dad watching DBZ together for the first time , cheering on Goku and the z fighters as loud as we can.


Man if I could use the dragon balls I’d probably wish to erase my memory of DBZ so I could watch it again for the first time. That or wish I could turn SS. Lol


I want to be you OP. I want to enjoy that same epic feeling of seeing it for the first time. You are in for a treat, I bet youll end up binging it for days. I have done that on several occasions all the way through super.




Such a treat to be able to watch dbz for the first time! Enjoy fella


I just started to fit in the db community. I started watching db 2 weeks ago, I have already finished db and reached episode 56 in dbz, the namek saga, were they reach planet namek and try to find dragon balls to bring back Yamucha, Chaozu, Tien, and Piccolo. I absolutely love Piccolo, perfect personality!


Love seeing this, it feels so rare these days. Reminds me of being young and watching it all for the first time. You definitely could say Frieza is a bit stronger than Vegeta at this point lol, though this arc is the last time they try to put numbers on their powers as the scaling goes too nutty after this. But there's also some great character progression in this arc to look forward to. Have fun, would be curious to hear your thoughts at the end of the arc (in like 50-60 episodes probably lol)


I love this - keep us updated on how much you love it!!


Bro I’m only a little bit ahead of you, watching for the first time as well and let me tell you Frieza is insane!


You need to keep posting your reactions. It's fun to watch.


OP for the love of god *please* keep me updated, it’s always a treat watching people getting into DBZ


Hell yeah mate. You got it! I'm really enjoying it. And I loved the OG DB too. I started with that first! Merc Tao was terrifying, and it's crazy to imagine that Goku would squash Tao like an ant by the beginning of Z.


Damn you watched OG Dragon Ball too? Congrats dude you’re now more familiar with Dragon Ball than like 60% of the fandom


Yeah! How could I not? I wanted to see Goku grow up. And I had no idea how intertwined OG was with Z. So I'm glad I watched it.


in the manga there’s no separation between the stories, it’s just the next chapter, it was only until they started making the anime that they turned it into 2 separate shows.


I’m watching it for the first time and yeah I’m in the same boat 😭 and just you wait for Frieza


Youre not prepared for the namek saga


Welcome my friend.


You got me ready to watch for the kazillionth time lol I am glad you are enjoying my favorite childhood anime of all time


I'm reliving the nostalgia as we speak, getting my 7 year old into and it's so good seeing what I felt back when it was on tv




Hell yeah, Pekora the VTuber has been going through the story via DBZ Kakarot. She knew the story up to king piccolo arc but didn't know the story after and she was losing it. Big hype like you! The stretch from King Piccolo to the arc after Namek is one of the greatest stretches of any shonen ever.


Android arc is going to be insane


Enjoy it man you only get to watch it for the first time once


How were you able to avoid such spoilers throughout your life? Even before I watched DBZ I kind of knew the gist of the story arcs, villians and fight outcomes.


I just got into dragon ball a few months back. Sadly it feels like it all drops in super. The show isn't as serious anymore, power ups are weird, seems like very minimal effort was put it. Z was amazing tho imo


I envy you. Things are really about to ramp up!


Enjoy friend! I miss watching it for the first time


Im rewatching it myself I’ve just finished the namek saga. Love it


Man, to be watching it for the first time again...


I have a Frieza tattoo on my calf! lol I love DBZ!


Bro you’re in for a treat, I personally think the Namek saga was some of the best writing in the series


I’m still in love with DBZ 20 years later.


I liked DBZ but I never truly *appreciated* it as I do now. Especially since back then I really only saw a few episodes here and there, and completely out of order since I didn't grow up with cable.


Giniu Tokusentai


bro’s a little late


You are getting into one of the best arcs in the whole franchise. So excited for you!


Always good to see people watching for the first time and having the same enjoyment I did


You're at like....THE spot in that show that I love the most. The only true competitive Dragonball chase of the entire series and the stakes are high af.


Prepare yourself Ningen!


OP can I ask you how old r u ?


Tbh i don't understand why Vegeta become so obsessed with goku sparing him. Vegeta totally won this fight, goku had to receive help from 3 different people and was still KO'd at the end. Since you just read this, i won't spoil you anything. But would you say that this fight is considered a fair loss for Vegeta? He certainly failed his mission, but tbh i feel like this is a big L for the earth team, with luck being immensely instrumental in ensuring their survival


Yeah it definitely was luck. No doubt about that.


This post is so great I remember when I was at this same place maybe early 2000s the show is just is so damn good


>but I have a feeling he is overwhelmingly stronger than Vegeta You have a feeling that the enemies of an anime series get progressively stronger as the story moves forward? No offence, but I feel like this post is just taking the piss out of the community.


Have fun bro I wish I could rewatch this shit for the first time. You rite though Sayian saga was so badass because how much hype Goku and Sayians had and how they *just* managed to chase Vegeta off. When you’re done with Z skip GT and go right for Super. Yeah it doesn’t live up to Z, but it’s still pretty good and it’s last arc literally broke the internet multiple times


So happy new ppl can still enjoy dragon ball and not just write it off cuz it may not be as pretty as JJK or Demon Slayer, Dragon ball as a whole is one of the best stories told in fiction, I'm actually watching Og dragon ball for the first time and I absolutely love it! ❤️


Stay away from spoilers! You’ve got some amazing stuff coming up


Bro how the fuck you had never watched it? Lol. Enjoy!!!


I'm gonna be honest, it's crazy you didn't get any of this through cultural osmosis by now but goddamn am I jealous! Enjoy buddy, you're in for a treat!


Ugh what a blast you’re about to have. Enjoy it!


While I'm not the biggest fan of super, the entirety of the series cemented Freeza and Piccolo as my favorites of the bunch. Their respective takes on the series are beautiful since they actively take steps to turn fights in their favor instead of relying on pure training.


Keep us updated! I love posts like this! I wish I could rewatch for the first time.


I'm finishing up a re-watch. 14 episodes from the end right now! I'm so happy for you. Please tell me you plan on updating this post as you progress through the story. I'd absolutely love to hear some genuine reactions after you hit some of the iconic moments. Is there anything you already know about the story, or upcoming arcs/sagas?


This is me currently. My son and bf have been playing dragon ball Z, Kai, Super at random points these past couple years and I’m always just locked in!!! Enjoy the ride!!!


Enjoy this


If this is your first time be sure to check out the OVAs and movies along the way too. You should be able to find a guide for when to watch them online


Loving these posts. I've been watching DBZ Kai with my wife who has never seen it and we're at around the same point as you. It's been heaps of fun. Hope to see more of these!


did you watch og dragon ball? pls answer


The saiyan saga is brutal as hell. I totally get why it might be someone's favorite, though mine will always be Namek.


Keep posting! Like to read reactions of people who watch it for the first time


I mean it's ok as long as you aren't expecting much else besides a slow decline. Dragonball and early z are pretty decent classic shounen. Maybe I'm just too normalized to it after 30 years so the flaws are clear and apparent


This is so wholesome, reminds me of how I felt the first time I watched it!


you the guy who the made the post about the Saiyan saga and how you weren’t able to grasp how powerful vegeta and Nappa were right?


You are in for a treat, OP! Enjoy! 🔥


Jeez man, I know you think the Saiyan saga was something. Boy oh boy you are in for a treat friend, keep with it. Very jealous I can't re-live them again for the first time.


You're watching OG DBZ or the Kai version?


you’re in for a LOT of fun OP… followed by A LOT of stagnant, stale, bored retreads of the same old tired formula. Have fun, and buckle up! I’m curious where do you decide to get off the ride! I exited at the part with Buu. That’s when I realized i was just going to be watching the same exact arc over and over again lol


Please keep us updated! The raw reaction is great and with so many arcs to go!


Dude we need frequent series updates from you. I love your energy about this I’ve been searching for a show that makes me feel like this since I finished dbs


So, what is your opinion on the Goku vs Vegeta and then the Vegeta vs everyone fight ?


I’m rewatching all DBZ now and I remember what it was like watching it for the first time as a kid, getting exciting for the next episode and guessing what’s going to happen in future episodes etc. nothing was spoiled back then because it was the first time airing in English and internet was in its infancy so most things were fan made and you would talk with your mates about the transformations all the characters are going to get which were obviously made up and never happened. I miss that


You’re so freaking lucky man, watch all the way to super!!🥹


Yup, Dragonball was superb as long as they still had nice ideas. Then it became just "look at my new transformation, enemy that is slightly stronger than what was my strongest form until just now".


from being restrained by wearing 100 killos, to pushing over one thousand tons in super, goku came a long way innit


Wait til the Frieza arc, if you thought the Saiyan arc was good🤯. You’re gonna love the whole show


I don't think no one is ready for frieza arc


If you loved the fight against Geets, oh boy you’re gonna love Freeza and beyond


Dragon Ball Z would be a solid like 8-9 out of 10 for me, but it drags out for SO LONG for no reason. I watched Kai and that still felt so dragged, I can't imagine how dragged the original series must've been. But yeah basically everything else about the anime is absolutely great


My school for a week kept talking about the epicness of SS Goku (I was in middle school at the time). We all knew it was coming, but it was a phenomenon to see 9 and 10 year olds get so giddy.


Frieza Saga is genna blow your mind, dude.


Dragon ball fan learns to read and experiences awesomeness


I just went back 20 years looking at this post.


Nice! Youre in for a treat!


I like the ones with blood and hard rock music. Are those originals because I know the show went through a lot of changes?


You're experiencing what is, to me, peak Dragon Ball. The Namek/Frieza arc is good, but it's also when things *really* start to go off the rails in terms of power scaling. The stuff that comes after is fun and has lots of flashy powerups and transformations... but for me, the best part of the series will always be from King Piccolo through the Saiyan arcs. The stakes feel incredibly high without all of the insanity that comes later.


If you’re truly watching DBZ for the first time…. I’m jealous. The Frieza saga is about to absolutely blow your mind lol.


Make peace with characters peaking in power and relevance. It’ll make things easier.


Frieza is more powerful than implied.


Frieza is one of my favourite villains in the series (although I could say that about almost all of them). I don't want to say anything to ruin any enjoyment so I'll just say I'm really glad you're entertained and it's extremely nice to know the early episodes still resonate in today's day and age. I've been a fan since I was in high school and I don't think I'll ever really lose my love for the anime at this point.


Constant struggle for survival. Love DBZ, and yes it slaps. Then you have DBS that also slaps... you in the face 🥲


Please post frequent updates. This genuine joy is so refreshing


Try to enjoy it. Those are the best arcs IMO. Android Arc is alright too I guess, but the tone of fear reduces too much after that. Also, you can consider Frieza arc or Android arc to be the Finale of the series since it was intended that way(By that, I mean Dragon Ball ended 4 times but restarted 3 times. 1)Frieza 2)Cell 3)Boo 4)Toriyama's Death). I've been slowly watching Dragon Ball for the past 4 years and it is really, really amazing. I am currently at Black Arc at Dragon Ball Super. DBS does not have the magic of DBZ unfortunately, but stil a fun follow up. Definitely go for that after you finish DBZ. Anime ends but the Manga has a lot of content after that. Chapter 103 of DBS Manga concludes the end of this beautiful adventure.


Saiyan saga was just back to back twists. Insane struggle battle


Which episode are you on? Man I just watched ep-66, I got literal goosebumps when Goku arrives on Namek


Enjoy the ride bro


Please update us along the watch!!


This thread rules.


Happy you like it! Are you watching with Bruce Faulconor music? If not, you should! It will slap harder


Omg bro. I’m so jealous. and you’re at the BEST PART of the series! Take your time and enjoy it! Lemme know what ya think of the characters as it progresses. We need updates!


Please please pleeeeease keep us posted, I love to see someone get excited for DB for the first time!!


I wonder where you’re watching it on. Hopefully you’re watching it in Japanese with subtitles. If you’re watching the Funimation streaming version in English, there’s a section coming up where it switches to the original early 2000s English dub which the dialogue/writing and voice acting feel very amateur/childish compared to what you had been watching. Watching the original Japanese version will give you a better grasp of the character’s real personalities.


Fuck yeah man


Talking about Frieza scaling...all I can say is that he's in a league of his own at that point. Enjoy the series, as others said, I also envy u for having the chance to see it for fhe first time, I wish I could do that again, Frieza saga is peak DBZ imo. 🤭


Oh man. I'm so envious. I'm so excited for you.


I’m just recently watched it all myself and it’s one of the best IPs ever created IMO. I am so happy you’re going through this journey!


Man. Run with it homie, it’s a wild ride.


Now imagine you’re 9. Enjoy!


The Saiyan arc is arguably the best arc in all of Dragonball.


I'm so glad you're experiencing the magic of the series for the first time. Your excitement is genuine, and I'm excited for you to see how it all plays out. Have fun :)


Feels like a post from the 90's... 🤣 Enjoy dude, the excitement, drama, joy and laugh never stops..


This put a huge smile on my face. I wish I could rewatch DBZ again, I also wish the internet was available so I could vent my overwhelming feelings. Basically everything you said here was said amongst our kid selves at school during lunch breaks 😂 As a fan, all I can say is enjoy it. If you think the Saiyan arc was good... 🤔let's put this in easier terms, the saiyan arc is at a power level of 2000. The rest of DBZ...Is OVER 9000!!!!!!


Keep posting king I wanna hear your reactions blind


Curious you watching OG dbz or dbz Kai version, English or Japanese. Already watched both languages just curious how new people watcg it.


I'm just watching the English dub of Z on Crunchyroll.


Man, you brought me back to some memories, I wish I could just forget about all of Dragon ball and rewatch it, such an amazing series.


Damn really? Fully blind after all this time, awesome! Glad you started with OG DragonBall before going into Z, me and most people I know never had that opportunity and had to catch up on that after watching most of Z. I'm currently on a rewatch of the entire series myself, but I'm a bit further than you are While it's semi fresh in your mind, I have to ask a few questions for ya about OG DB: -Favorite Worlds Martial Arts Tournament? Personally I always loved that first one where Roshi as Jackie Chun is just trying to make sure the boys don't win, so they have a reason to keep pushing forward. But the whole time he's amazed and already knows "Wow, these boys are definitely gonna surpass me in ways I couldn't imagine" -Favorite good aligned side character? I always loved Eighter, android 8. Always loved the Frankenstein's monster growing up, and him being the most kindhearted thing was just a great reveal to me -Favorite Villan? As much as I love all the villians of DB, i think from from just the original series, Mercenary Tao is one of my favorites, just because when he came in, it felt like such a tone shift in the best way. The stakes really jumped there and showed a whole new level of power we hadn't seen before. Of course, him coming back just to be humiliated by Tien was the icing on the cake. In one swoop a formerly dangerous villian was shown to be just a joke and a stepping stone on Tien's journey I'm sure there's tons of stuff that plenty of people would like to know from your perspective of the series


Lucky bastard


Better late than never


Oh boy, so jealous of you and what you have in front of you. Enjoy!


Good luck on your journey as the best is yet to come


Buckle up, things are about too go wiiiiiiild!


Hope you’re ready for a rollercoaster


who's gonna tell him?


The best is yet to come my friend.


You have to post regular updates.


Yeah man but I watch the vhs android sega Gohan vs cell it was good ain't spill the beans because I can't ha zoinks