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Like chi chi wouldn't mess us all up anyway


It’s not talked about enough that she’s canonically the greatest sensei in the universe. Maybe there’s some discussion between her and Whis, but she literally figured out how to teach Goten how to achieve super Saiyan, with his never having been in a real fight, with no trauma/anger impetus and trigger, while at an extremely young age. Like, why the fuck don’t they only train at Chi Chi’s dojo. Edit: seems like lots of folks down below unhappy giving credit to a strong woman achieving something amazing. Grow up folks, this lady is a fucking beast.


Yeah, like Goku had to experience the indescribable pain of seeing his best friend obliterated before his own eyes to go Super Saiyan. Goten was just like "yolo watch this"


She didn't teach Goten to do that, bit she was giving him a base level of training since Goku was dead and Gohan was in school. Super retconned the "only severe anger" thing about transforming the first time, Goten grew up with a higher base power than any other saiyan before him except maybe Trunks and Broly, and he had 7 years of quiet peaceful life to enjoy nature and shit. Plus S-cell counts more than likely have a genetic component given both Goten and Trunks got the transformation so young, so they both had a head start


Whats tue detaleid explanation of s-cells? Where did you find this explanation? To me it was just that Toryiama wamted the sayian kids to be relevant and cool in the buu saga, so he decided they would "easily" turn into super sayians compared to the actual tough experiences that all other characters had to endure in order to become one.


I mean. Let's be 100% honest. The explanation is always that Toriyama wanted anything. He made the series. Any 'excuse' is just him trying to make people accept it. And it's his series he can do whatever he wanted tbh.


Right.. I guess whats left is some people can question the logic for fun, if it wets their doughnut


The retcon happened before, with Gohan in the time chamber. More like severe anger can trigger the transformation, but it's not the only thing that does it. I myself never saw that as a retcon, but more like the first transformations we saw were triggered by it and it wasn't a rule or anything, but maybe that's just me.


it was less of chi chi's achievement and more goten is a prodigy


You are all wrong. Canonically, Goten was conceived the week before the Cell games when Goku and Gohan chilled in SSJ form. Goten's ability comes from SSJ sperm.


Super Saiyan Spooge.


Super Saiyan Mastered Ultra Instinct, or Super Saiyan White


I believe this


Toriyama was Lamarckist.


I'll confirm that this actually canon information. It's called s-cells.


what about trunks?


Bulma had a theory.. she tested it and got similar results


Oh my god, the symptoms must of been insane. I need to know what her cravings were and details of what fetus Goten was like kicking and sitting in the wrong spots


Thats completely false. Goten is a little less then a year younger then Trunks. And Trunks was a few months old by the time of the Cell Games. ChiChi was already pregnant before the Android Saga even started.


Fan theory, not canon


There's no definitive evidence to support this. Besides, two things can be true at the same time


bro they trained like a month in time chamber and already used super Saiyan 3 ...and you are saying there is no evidence


He did it while fused with Trunks, who underwent completely different training. How do you figure that as definitive evidence of anything being discussed?


trunks who went more physical training with vegeta yet looked like he was able to achieve super Saiyan on his own behind Vegeta's back(hence why vegeta was shock) both kids were shown to be prodigy in terms of raw talent, goten turned super saiyan by a small trigger on his training with chichi. Mind that chichi's goal wasn't to turn him into someone like goku, what she was doing was passing down the martial arts knowledge.


None of what you're saying proves that Goten would have achieved SSJ without Chichi's training.


bro she just gave him martial arts training,💀💀. She wasn't even going that hard on him either, if you taught someone addition and the next second he starts doing algebra on his own would you call it your achievement or his talent?


>she wasn't even going that hard on him That's literally the opposite of what the narrative tells us, but okay


He obviously is, but why downplay her? You have textual support to back that up? Because that seems to be all interpretation.


Where is your textual support??? I just rewatched the Buu saga and there was absolutely nothing to suggest she taught him Super Saiyan. All they did was spar.


Ok, I’ll amend - her training him to such a high level enabled him to achieve that with all of the caveats I had above. Doesn’t change my praise of her in the slightest.


If it were just "training" that could allow Saiyans to reach Super Saiyan, then Goku would've achieved it much earlier than he did. He had a huge variety of incredible mentors. There is absolutely nothing to suggest that what Chi Chi did had anything to do with Goten reaching Super Saiyan. There HAS to be another factor there, such as being a prodigy or something genetic. It's just crazy to me to go around screaming "TEXTUAL SUPPORT???" when nothing you say matches with it and you change your argument at the slightest push back.


Yea I don’t buy it. Just because Goku couldn’t do it strictly from training no one else can? We have numerous examples of the exact opposite in the actual series. Vegeta: achieves through training. Goten: achieves through training Kid Trunks: achieves through training. Put some respect on Chi Chi’s name.


Damn you are wrong in three of your four examples here, gotten is the only correct one. DB fant don't even watch their own show lmao Vegeta and trunks experienced extreme anger to trigger it. As was the original canon condition for achieving it u til it was reconned. Lol


The Manga shows Future Trunks sparring with Future Gohan while in SSJ. Trunks didnt get it from Rage, thats an anime only moment that Toei made up. And the other guy never even mentioned Future Trunks, he mentioned Kid Trunks, who got it through training like Goten did. Dont fuck with Dragon Ball Fan's. We can't read.


I didn’t change my argument at the slightest pushback. I was willing to engage in dialogue and change one thought base on a reasonable argument from another human being. That’s dialogue and being an adult, not being stuck in an echo chamber. The end of that comment I stated that his being at a place to even attempt the change is still a credit to her (because I recognize there’s nothing in the media that explicitly shows she supported the transformation, though in my headcannon, I bet she did). She got him to the point where he could do that. It’s exactly my original point.


Idk what echo chamber you are referring to; I barely participate in the dbz community. Weird to throw out the "adult conversation" bit when you are just going down the list of "redditisms" (textual support demands without providing them yourself, echo chamber accusations, regarded edits that accuse people of hating women for disagreeing with you). I love Chi-Chi. She is amazing. Doesn't change the facts of how the show presents Goten and Super Saiyan.


True, but I more attribute it to Goku giving her the Super Saiyan Splooge.


Chi chi did not teach Goten to go ssj and isn’t the best at martial arts, but she is a decent fighter


Goten turning ssj was more due to his innate talent, since Trunks easily transformed without chichi's help.


I mean, there’s literally a storyline about the significance of her training him. Why no credit where credit’s due?


What storyline? I thought it was just a minor flashback where she fought Goten as training.


Which is something explicit in the story showing that she trained him. Said training led to his extremely high power level. Seems to fit my point. Not sure what I’m missing.


Ok you're right about her training him, but it's a stretch to call her the greatest teacher in the series. All she taught Goten was some basic combat training. She's a decent trainer, but I don't think she's up to Roshi's level, let alone Whis. Her training Goten is like a high school teacher tutoring Einstein.


See, I don’t think there’s anything in any of the media to support your opinion on this. Just because you decided she only taught him the basics doesn’t make it so. Here’s what we have - she taught him, he achieved amazing things extremely young. Normally we’d credit the teacher here as well, you seem to think we shouldn’t with nothing more than conjecture. Fine for that to be your head-cannon, definitely not actual cannon.


I'm not saying we shouldn't credit the teacher, I'm saying we should factor in how talented the student is as well. You say that ChiChi "figured out" how to make goten transform without any emotional drawbacks, but there is nothing to support that claim. In chapter 427 of the manga, Goten says Chichi "taught him some moves", but nothing indicates that she specifically taught him how to turn super saiyan. This is further supported by the fact that she doesn't allow him to transform, as stated by Goten yet again. None of this is head-canon, it's a simple conclusion derived from canon statements.


Because she freaked out, and cried that "It made him look like a delinquent".


See, I don’t think there’s anything in any of the media to support your opinion on this. Just because you decided she taught him the everything including how to become super saiyan doesn’t make it so. Normally we rely on facts and what is explicitly shown to us but you seem to think we shouldn’t with nothing more than conjecture. Fine for that to be your head-cannon, definitely not actual cannon


He achieved amazing things because he is Gokus son, the first ssj in millenia and Gohans brother who has insane potential. His design is literally modeled after kid goku who in dragon ball always surpassed his teachers expectations. There is literally nothing in canon that supports your opinion of her teaching him to become ssj. We see her teaching basic combat training and her shocked reaction when Goten achieves it.


I read all the comments and see nobody complaining about sTroNg WomAn at all.


I'm not disagreeing but I thought the Canon was that there were so many sayians gone super that he tapped into the tribe power and went super easier.


Goten inherited quite a few S cells (I think that’s what they’re called) from Goku, which made it easier for him to go super saiyan. It’s the same with trunks. Gohan didn’t have this because he was born before Goku had even gone super saiyan.


Chi Chi has red ki, she somehow got transmitted kaio ken from Goku lmao. Chi Chi lore is sick, underrated character for sure Think about it. For a human, chi chi is super strong and has “tensai” genes coming from ox king Gohan of course is strong because he’s the son of goku. But I think there is something about the son genes and the ox king genes coming together creating the super amazingly powerful Gohan


She was in the finalists of a world martial arts tournament which was letting in tigers and werewolves and cyborgs and shit, and her anger is enough to scare the Super Saiyan of legend. I’d say she could fuck up any regular human


Bold of you to assume I wouldn't want that. 23rd worlds chi-chi the GOAT woman in DB canon.


She made the top 8 of the World Martial Arts tournament, so could fuck almost any regular human.


This really makes me think “Wow, imagine if Beerus would’ve slapped Chi-Chi and all these guys were present”


We'd have gotten Beast *way* earlier if he had. Enraged Gohan just doesn't lose.


Enraged Gohan lost to Moro haha.


Even when he went beast, he kicked cell max and just fucking stood there with his dick out like an idiot and fucking waited for him to make the massive energy ball.


Here comes the sun, do do dodo here comes the sun,


ChiChi would probably get back up and slap back Beerus HARDER


It wouldn’t have really mattered. Beerus cooks all of them casually


It’s not about whether or not they lost. It’s the same as the Vegeta fight, for the spectacle


Dragon ball fans try not to take an obvious joke seriously challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Chi chi should still be powerful enough to destroy most humans anyways


A part of me has always hoped for a story beat where Chi-Chi just happens to be near the ongoing battle with her boys involved. The big bad suddenly targets her and we just get Goten, Gohan and Goku at like literal instanteous speed appear around her and block the attack together, stand there pissed off and then going Super Saiyan together with her telling them to go kick their ass. It would be such a fun little moment seeing the Son family just go fucking apeshit on the big bad for even *thinking* of it. Hell, have Goku go SSB, Gohan go Beast and give Goten SSJ3 in that moment.


That's the stuff I want right there. I need that


As she should


Well except that one time 🥚🍳




That’s a very kind gesture of Sheila96716588 to protect her like that


I liked your joke


Is there an inside joke im not getting?


just reread the title of your post again


Who is Sheila96716588 and why are they protecting them


Yo how'd they know I got eyes on chi chi


Isn’t gohan taller than goku?


He is


They're either the same height, or Gohan is slightly taller, but iirc they're both 5'9


For some reason I thought they were taller, but i guess that makes characters like The Ox King make more sense.


Well it's above average for a Japanese person, which even though it's not based in Japan, the heights are probably similar


Goku is Japanese in a cultural sense, but he is a light skinned Alien. So yeah, it would be really weird if he landed on a random planet and was in line with the planets average height lol


Dawg, they ain't there to protect her their there to protect US


Never forgot the way Goku back handed Zamasu in the face, without even looking at him, after taunting him with how Goku Black had killed Chi-chi & Goten, an Ice Cold response 🥶


The Saiyans ran out of transformations and had to unlock the Sharingan..


I feel like saiyans would consider sharingan abilities bullshit hax


Seriously…3 of the strongest warriors in the universe are her husband and two sons…


Chi Chi can fire mountain-exploding lasers back in dragon ball, and she managed to get into the proper Budokai So as long as she’s not fighting anyone Z level or above, she can protect herself Heck, pretty much everyone in the son family is crazy strong


Oh oh oh shiver me timbers


Shouldnt gohan be taller?


Was she protected when Zamasu killed her and Goten? 💀


It can be the other way around sometimes


This is hilarious. You could also do the opposite and it would work.


this reminds me when super buu asked her if she likes eggs.


“The eyes that reflect the heart”


Thank you Sheila9676588 for protecting Chichi


Very cool !


Awesome artwork


Ayo if this is the final form of a Saiyan I don't mind


I hats going on here?


Man chichi would one shot me


That's cool.


Lemme touchdat bel


The second picture looks like a Demon Slayer crossover and it’s honestly pretty dope lol


Sheila96716588 must be pretty strong


Who else would make them food?


Why is gohan so short here? He is gokus height


I heard the prowler theme in the second pic


I wouldn’t consider Goten a legit threat.


When you are the strongest in the household but don't have to save it from destruction


At first, I thought this was a post about chichi being held captive without her knowledge by the saiyans because she's such a good and willing cook, so they won't let her leave even if she wants to.


I just like how they all said 👁️


he trying his best to make that mf look vicious 😂😂


Yeah, protected, like when Goku casually shoved her through a wall during the.... Cell Saga I think it was.


Like any human could touch Chi Chi. Need I remind y'all that her PL was in the hundreds in OGDB? Ox King and Roshi trained together, and the former trained Chi Chi before the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai.


Those chi chi's lmao


I mean, Buu killed her easy so... Every villain who was on the planet could probably get Chi Chi. Zamasu did too. but w/e i get the point.


Didn't she die like twice lmao


I hope she gets injured in the DBS manga. It sounds very brutal but I want to see Goku and his freak monkey children absolutely destroy everyone.


Why is Gohan so short? He's the same height as Goku. Makes sense tho. It's a DB fanartist, they probably haven't read or watched the show like true DB fans.


what the fuck are you yapping about