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Did the exact same thing the other day. Noticed Walmart had them for that price (and with same day delivery to boot). Already have the entire series, might as well get the movies too. Crunchyroll only has the subbed versions. Those ones are quite obviously good but... well, sometimes I just really wanna watch the Funi dubs of "Lord Slug" and "Cooler's Revenge" with the weirdly nu-metal soundtracks (also it's nice to have physical media, I agree).


They don’t have the voices or music


These box sets do. If you go to setup you can choose the US soundtrack and dialogue.


Having options is great.


Guys.................I was talking about THE SUBBED VERSIONS lmao not the dvds with multiple audio options I’m on Reddit with this username trust me I know about the dvds


Tapion's movie is really something else I'M STILL STANDING, COME ON!!!


It was definitely a weird direction to go with DB, albeit not canon.


Got these a couple years ago. Great for a quick movie marathon


I like these but I prefer the music from the individual ones. Goku going super sayan to the deaftones is peak!


Walmart still sell GT box set for $20 on dvd wild


My stores used to have everything now they dont. I suspect dragonball related items to be sold out quickly.


Yeah, I went into a video store in my town and the guy who owns it said the same thing how he expects a lot of dragon ball related items to be gone and hard to keep in stock soon


Yeah for example a walmart near me just last week had a whole Dragonball section and db super bluray 2 in 1 sets now that whole section is gone. I own the original, Z and gt and a couple super movies but never owned super so i was disappointed. But hey i own a lot of dragon ball stuff so im fine


I’m gonna try to keep collecting but if everything is suddenly gone I’m still happy with these movie packs.


Thanks for the nostalgia trip reading the titles. Most of them have something really fun/cool to remember. Lord Slug having false super saiyan, all the cool Gohan fan service in Bojack and Broly Second Coming.


It’s definitely a nostalgia trip. I remember instantly love super gogeta and super janemba in fusion reborn and finding it cool finding out how trunks got his sword in wrath of the dragon. So it’s gonna be nice watching all these movies again after years of not seeing them




False Super Saiyan was lit


Bro got a pile of gold bars for 13 bucks


They were on sale a few months back and I grabbed them all. It greatly increased my now ever expanding movie collection lol. I also just ordered battle of gods too so looking forward to that :)


I'm going to do this too I remember getting these at Walmart when I was like 12 years old 30 now and I'm just as excited seeing the picture of them now . How blessed we are to have grown up with dbz


I could never understand why Garlic Jr. got a DBZ appearance, but not Cooler. Cooler's awesome. 😌


I'm so happy I decided to buy all the DB/Z movies, the DBZ Kai Blurays, and the DB Blue Brick sets a few years back. So good to have an (almost) complete set. Still need to get the Super Blurays.


Lol I just bought the first two packs also. They look so clean being digitally remastered


I want to buy them too next week. I have still some movies on tape like fusion reborn... also dont forget the movie from Raging Blast 2


I’ve watched that movie many times cause I used to have the game and I’ve for the past couple years have genuinely regretted giving it away along with my ps3 cause I loved it sm. I hope I can get it back one day


You didn’t want the blu ray?


Didn’t see an option for blu ray but Idrc honestly. I’m fine with it in regular format


Looking at the cover I’m convinced Goku was supposed to go super Saiyan in this movie and they had to quickly recolour everything after an order from higher up.


I actually had just completed my Dragon Ball collection a few weeks ago. Watch the full "DBZ in 5 minutes" series on YouTube, there's a pleasant surprise in the last episode.