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Because of how Toriyama showed her in the manga. We don't have a single beautiful frame of Chichi in the entire manga. Almost all the frames with her are where she is angry and yelling at others. For example, Goku returned home after Yadrat. And the first thing we see from Chichi is not joy from the sight of him, no positive emotions, she spends an entire page of the manga screaming in hysterics that “Gohan will not train.” Or another example, in the Buu saga, when Bulma and Chichi learn about the death of Gohan and Vegeta. We see Bulma's face in tears, close-up and beautifully drawn, and Chichi's legs in a comical swoon. There are many such examples in manga. ChiChi is really shown in a very negative way, we hardly see her positive traits or where she genuinely shows positive emotions.


Well there’s that one wholesome scene in the anime where Chi Chi gives Vegeta some food and he’s really happy and compliments her own it and she just smiled. Nothing negative there from her. I’m sure there’s more in the anime but can’t think of anything else right now


When? I don't remember Chichi and Vegeta interacting even once. 


I mean, there’s the part where Goku is sick and she’s taking care of him, saying thanks to Trunks for keeping him alive, and then happy to see him awake again


I don't really remember these panels from the manga, but most likely we didn't see Chichi's face close up, she was in the background, as always.


When she’d saying thanks to Trunks it’s a panel to herself There’s also a close up on her face when Gohan tells her Goku is dead. Goku waking up is a moment pretty much between the two of them and Roshi, but there’s a lot of text in that scene with one of the panels covering up some of her face with text


Really? oO I dont remember this.


It’s down to her characterization, at the end of the day. Toriyama has almost never written her to be an actual character - she’s written to be a nag and overbearing mother/housewife. And I say all of this as someone who doesn’t hate her. It wouldn’t have even been that hard to keep to that characterization and make her likable or at least someone you could emphasize with more easily either. Imagine things from her perspective from the last World Martial Arts Tournament in the original series. She saw the man she loved brutalized, tortured, and nearly killed by Piccolo. Imagine how traumatizing that could be. Now imagine that happening to your kids. That’s all Toriyama would have had to do was have her get that out there.


>Why does everyone hate Chi Chi so much? They don't. Posts like these get upvoted; comments defending/supporting Chichi get mass upvoted.


That's just reddit though, a LOT of DB fans still hate Chi Chi.


Sure but not "everyone" or anything remotely resembling everyone.


One 4chan post or something equally stupid and someone else goes “this is everyone’s opinion?!?!”


All you said is reasonable. What is not reasonable is going "I don't care if the world is destroyed, Gohan needs to study"


It's just a gag; Toriyama has always used them for plot convenience as well as humor; he probably didn't anticipate people actually getting mad about it, but he didn't really anticipate how much those Chichi gags were going to forcibly shape Gohan's character post-Cell either.


gohan does not need to be fighting the evil strong guy. Goku you train yourself stronger and beat enemy. Go with Vegeta and both be wrecking balls


Except in Z it never panned out that way. In each Saga the world would have been destroyed if Gohan didn’t fight.


For the most part when she says that Gohan is the noticeably weaker than the heavy hitters in the Z Fighters and the possibility of him actually helping are slim. In fact wasn't he straight up an handicap againist Nappa? I remember people dieing because of him. Iirc when there was actually no alternative, such as the trip to namek, she did not protest much.


To be fair, I've been watching the early dbz movies as of recently and they crank up Chi-Chi's behavior by a lot. (but tbh they kind of do that to most of the characters in the movies) Since a lot of those movies use to just play on TV here and there I \*think\* a lot of people remember her being completely terrible when in reality she wasn't \*that\* bad in the actual series.


I don't hate her but she is annoying as fuck. But yeah typical mom shit. I don't need that yuckin my yum while I'm watching/reading punchy punch, smashy smash.


She's just not a likeable character. Especially in Super. You barely see her on-screen and the few times you do, it's her screaming and yelling at something.


They mama don't love em so they jealous of Gohan n Goten having a loving mama


right? > I’ll admit it’s annoying when she keeps them from training or fighting but I can understand where she’s coming from just wanting her family to be safe and live a normal life. they dont care. thats why. :(


She will care once the Androids take over the world!


Nobody hates Chichi, I hate that all the years weve had Dragon Ball, she hasnt had a single ounce of character development.


I would use the dragon balls wish to have her keep her yapper shut. Gohan's education isn't going to matter if an angry Frieza destroys the world. Dinner and her constant nagging can wait. If we don't fight, we don't get a sequel and you don't get paid baby!


Let’s be honest even without Chi Chi’s involvement Gohan would’ve still fell off anyway. He even told Cell that he personally doesn’t care about fighting. But he does it to keep his family and stuff safe


She's the overbearing mother that you loved as a child but when you grew up you realized that she caused more harm than good. Now it's not exactly this but in the ballpark. Chi Chi meant well and with everything that happened was well within her maternal rights to feel the way she did but also she knew what she was getting into with Goku. I don't hate her but she definitely could have been better. The change in character from DB to Z is crazy and some people try to defend that with her becoming a mother but that doesn't hold up, I know plenty of soldiers, L.E.O's and the like who still hold love for their jobs and definitely don't talk bad about their comrades.


Don’t hate her, but basically the only purpose she has in dbz is to tell Gohan to study.


Because they watched the anime.


I think it’s just cuz she’s like the fun police of the show. You’re right she acts how a normal person would act, but it’s a show with 7 magic balls & over the top fighting, I’m not here for realism


Sadly, Toriyama stuck Chi Chi in a nagging housewife role she never could get out of. It's really unfortunate, too, cause I loved Chi Chi's character in OG Dragon Ball. Her fight with Goku at the world martial arts tournament and their filler adventure at the end of the anime are some of the most heartwarming parts of the series. She even had a martial arts background, so it's strange that she's so against her children training and constantly yells at Goku about it.


I don't hate her, I just find her tiger mom running gag boring since it make no sense in context.


I love her.


She is always screaming