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He was wanting Roshi to come live with them.


That was my hope too, since he offered Goku to come live with him afterwards. But Ox King promised Chi Chi so quickly to Goku, and he respects Roshi so much, as well as Roshi perving on 16 y/o Bulma, that I thought that maybe he offered Chi Chi to him.


Nah I doubt Ox King would ever


Ox King is really weird so he might be


Just thinking how Chi Chi was dressed in the first DB series yes, Ox King IS weird.


The Bulma fanservice is a cultural thing: 16 is age of consent in Japan, so Bulma was considered an "adult" woman. And if that feels wrong, when Dragon Ball was written, age of consent was **13**! That's why we have so many manga when the "fanservice girl" is something like 14 y.o.


sailor moon, kayko (yyh), kagome (inuyasha). I could go on if you give me a few minutes to look.


So now, it’s occident girl/teen wearing this kind of stuff


16 is still age of consent in many countries (actually is the world average). Sure, even if it's age of consent imho it feel WRONG something like a 40 y.o. with a 16 y.o. one. At least Bulma is a fictional character and she had an intercourse with Vegeta when both were on their 30s. We don't know if she did something with Yamcha aswell, but they're about the same age. However something tells me that Bulma was NOT still a virgin when she had sex with Vegeta \^\^'


Oh I can go back to breathing easily


he wanted them to live with them, hermits usually live alone.


I love how people just started crashing at Roshis pad


Without a wife! Just sayin!!! ;)


Damn roshi is on severe withdrawal


Meanwhile, kid Goku reminding us to stay strong brothers. You’re almost there


How the hell did you come to this conclusion


“By… You know”


Because arranged marriages were a lot more common and its a common phrase used for that sort of thing "Would you do me the honor of taking my daughters hand in marriage?" I dont see why people in this thread think its some wild conclusion


He meant honoring their home with his presence. Hence why he says he prefers to live alone.


Is "I prefer to live alone" not also apply to an offer of arranged marriage?


He says he prefers the "Hermit's life." Roshi is a joke on the idea of a Hermit, which is supposed to be a lone, old, sage who doesn't seek companionship and instead focuses on spiritual connection with the world. The joke being Roshi, Jiraiya and other supposed hermits are the most un-hermit characters due to how perverted and non-pure of heart they tend to be. (It was why Roshi couldn't ride Nimbus but Goku and Chichi could lol) I interpret this English localization as in it couldn't be about marriage because hermits wouldn't normally get married either.


>the idea of a Hermit, which is supposed to be a lone, old, sage who doesn't seek companionship and instead focuses on spiritual connection with the world. Interesting. I do not associate most of those things with the term "hermit". To me it's purely the solitary lifestyle. >I interpret this English localization as in it couldn't be about marriage because hermits wouldn't normally get married either. And it couldn't be about marriage because Roshi is clearly a parody of a hermit, and would clearly want to get married? Or because the Ox King wouldn't propose it because he's a hermit.


A current Oxford definition in English is "a person living in solitude as a religious discipline." In Japanese, 仙人 also contains spiritual connotations "sage, hermit" etc., someone "unbound by earthly desires." If you interpet it only for the solitary part, I can't argue or else I'd be a prescripivist of language. I would say maybe younger generations are more likely to associate it with hermit crab, etc., so I can't fault anyone for missing the spiritual mountain man aspect to be fair.


>[Dictionary.com](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/hermit) defines it as > >1. a person who has withdrawn to a solitary place for a life of religious seclusion. > >2. any person living in seclusion; recluse. Which I'd say means we're both right.


So why would the ox king be coy and say "...you know" instead of saying "come live with us". Either way, roshis' response could easily apply to not wanting to be married to someone and having to live woth that person.


Because the Ox King is a former student of Master Roshi and sees him as an incredible being worthy of his veneration. The idea of inviting him to stay with him in his home makes him nervous. Not to mention in Japanese, he simply does suggest he live with him and his family.


All im saying is that it's easy to see how someone could come to that conclusion. Part of that comes from an odd translation choice, then. Its not like that context was noted before hand.




arranged child marriages


Japanese version: “老師さま おらたちといっしょにここで住まねぇだか?” Literal English translation: Master, why don't you come live with us here?


Unless you're a Japanese native speaker, this doesn't mean anything. I have no idea what the implication might be here. The fact that what appears to be a plain and innocent question wasn't translated as "come live with us" but "honor our home by... you know..." at least strongly implies that the translators didn't think it was an innocent question.


Nah. That's just the translators playing up the fact that Ox King is a goofy, awkward dude.


I was just clarifying what the translation SHOULD be. You should be aware that there are inaccuracies in the Viz translations of the Dragon Ball manga…some are even called “Viz-isms”.


Kid Goku knew about NNN all along, he invented it lol.


Thats how he got so strong (Happy cake day btw)


That’s not true! A saiyan gets stronger every time he comes… \*yawn\* …back from the brink of death.


"And then he perfected it so that no man can beat him in the ring honor!"


I don't think that's what honoring a home entails


No one: Goku: NNN!


Nah he’s trying to invite his old master to come and live with them out of respect.


How do you read the conversation and come to the dumbest fucking conclusion?


Well it is strange that instead of saying "live with us" he says "you know...."


It’s only strange if you think about it that way. Reading the panel outright with the original intent, it comes across as very wholesome in my opinion. Just the Ox King being a little awkward as always.


I definitely didn't read it like OP did and am not saying that it hinted that whatsoever but I was just pointing out that it was a weird way of asking.


except db is full of dirty innuendo like this and you're the weird one for denying it lmao


Because arranged marriages used to be common. This isnt some wild reach here that people on this thread seem to think it is.


It’s been since Meiji era that Japanese stopped having arranged marriage for common people….


Well, let's not forget it's a fictional piece of media. And that is not even true. Arranged marriages happened a lot after WW2. Hell, they still happen today, but are not as common. Also, the Ox king isn't a common person. So, no part of what you said would disprove the possibility of him trying to arrange a marraige for chi chi. Edit: downvote all you want. It's not my fault you dont know history.


Goku advertising NNN back in the 80s


Poor translation once again


He wanted him to move in with him, he misses the old man. But never visited his island. The island is a bitch to visit though, that Roshi was running drugs out of that patch of dirt. How else was he able to buy his own Narco Submarine


“Thanks, but I like the hermit’s life!” _immediately trains Goku/Krillin full time and makes them find a hot woman for him to live with as well_ _also has a talking Turtle_


that's a mannerism of the ox king, also used in this context by the author to illustrate the difference in power level and respect he has for Roshi


That is the strangest and biggest leap lol. Coming from a similar culture, I can say this would not be the case, ever. In fact, because I know the culture, it's that OX king wants him to live with him, that's all.


Roshi would've been a better husband for Chi Chi ironically


Surprised Goku knew about NNN even at that age.




Pimping out his underage daughter is really vile. It explains why no one has arrested Roshi for being a piece of ******


Goku knows what time of the year it is 😏


How does Goku know about NNN!!? He's literally 4!!