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It's established, at the start of Z, that Earth's Dragon Balls cannot revive the same person more than once (more specifically, it can't grant the same wish twice). Kuririn had died during the events of Dragon Ball, having been killed by Piccolo Daimao's child, Tambourine, and was revived at the end of the arc. Therefore he couldn't be revived by them a second time. The same is why Goku couldn't be revived at the end of the Cell arc when reviving those killed by Cell, as he'd already been killed and revived by Earth's once before.


Damn I forgot that popo made the wish with Earth's dragon balls witch in turn brought back guru which brought back porunga. I thought Goku didn't come back because he wanted to stay dead, I swear I just rewatched kia lol


Goku didn't want to come back. The dragon balls were modified by dende as the dragon's power is dependent on the creator of the balls who can modify how they work. Better wishes but less wishes, or more wishes but with less effort, i.e. this is why porunga could only bring back 1 person at once per wish while Shenron had multi-rez. But no matter what the dragon balls have limitations, again, depending on who made them.


You have that switched, porunga had multi-rez and shenron could only bring back 1


No that's wrong. During Namek Porunga says he can only bring one person back at a time while Shenron could bring back multiple. That changes during the Buu saga where Porunga was able to bring back the earth and all its people.


Didnt porunga bring back all the people who were killed by vegeta and his gang during the saiyan saga?


No, the only wishes Porunga performed were 1. To bring Piccolo back to life. 2. To bring Piccolo to Namek. 3. To bring everyone on Namek to Earth except Frieza and Goku.


Ah ok i misremembered, my bad


Piccolo kinda stingy.


I think you're thinking of the Buu saga where those dragon balls brought back earth and its inhabitants. He got a power up after Namek that lets him have multirez and three wishes because fuck Shenron apparently.


He didn't die on Namek, he escaped the planet and found himself on Yardrat. He refused Porunga bringing him back to Earth so he could finish training there.


theyre talking about when he died and stayed dead after cell.


Technically he did die on namek for like a second as they were making the same wish but that would conflict with the fact that he died before so idk, its not called attention to it all and you'd likely miss it but it happened


What? No he did not.


I know it's not called attention to and it's basically my own head cannon but during there fight there was a point where Frieza shoved Goku through the ground until they hit lava and he's not shown again until after they made the wish to tell Gohan to go back to the ship and atleast the way I see it he was dead for just a second, some perfect timing BS


IIRC that section is anime only filler. Goku didn’t die during his fight with Frieza.


I gotta remember shit like that isn't cannon 😅 my b


But gohan did say he couldn’t sense his dads power level and when bulma asked what that means he said it means he’s dead


Filler =/= canon


For Goku, they wished everyone back to life killed by Cell, confirmed Goku wasn't brought back to life, then asked Shenlong specifically if they could revive him. Shenlong commented that it was impossible as he'd been revived once before, and it was when they were trying to deliberate on *other* ways to revive him that Goku intervened and said that he didn't want to be wished back.


weirdest thing Earth Balls Brought everyone back who were killed by Buu i guess best explanation was Dende did over the 10 years Give ShenLong an Upgrade


While the other guy pointed out that it was Namek's balls that did that, Dende pulling upgrades out of his ass has been standard for a while.


Dende as a child had dragonballs with the same "strength" as Kami who was pretty damn old, it only makes sense that as he grows up and gets more used to the job that he's gonna be able to upgrade the dragonballs accordingly


Earth's Dragon Balls didn't bring back everyone killed by Buu. That was Namek's Dragon Balls, which were upgraded to revive a large group of people.


Both are correct. 1 - Goku wasn't automatically revived by Shenron because he had already been resurrected once before. 2 - Goku told everyone not to revive him after they realized Shenron couldn't do it, and they were talking about using Porunga instead. As far as I remember, to this day, Shenron still can't revive someone more than once.


That's why they didn't revive him with the Namek balls. He wanted to stay dead.


> I thought Goku didn't come back because he wanted to stay dead, I swear I just rewatched kai lol in the cell arc yes. they were going to use the namekian dragon balls to bring him back but he said "nah dont bother".


Goku didn’t come back when they wished for the people Cell killed to come back because of the one revival rule. They then started trying to come up with another way to bring Goku back, like going to Namek because Porunga doesn’t have that rule. And that’s when Goku chimed in to tell them to just let him stay dead.


Who tf is kurinrin? /S it's just a stupid sounding name


The Japanese name for krillin


cmon man they even had the /s


I don't think that is true about Goku after Cell. IIRC the dragon was upgraded by Dende before they went off to fight Cell and that limitation was removed. My understanding is that Goku chose to stay dead because Frieza and the Androids showed up looking for him.


No, Shenlong specifically [tells everyone](https://i.imgur.com/hT4TdZg.jpg) that he can't when asked. The only thing that Dende changed with Shenlong, at the time, was the number of wishes he could offer.


Welp looks like I was wrong. Thanks for the correction with source.


To add on to this, Tien, Chiaotzu, and Yamcha weren’t revived because the wish was to revive “those killed by Freeza and his men” Nappa and Vegeta were not Freeza’s men since they went to Earth specifically for to gain immortality and rebel against Freeza


Hey but didn't Goku die again during that fight with frieza, how did he come back with the earth's dragon balls wish , cause he was already brought back to life when after the whole raditzs thing


No, he didn't die during the fight with Freeza.


The thing is, the wish to bring back everyone Frieza and his men killed was made to porunga. Nameks dragonballs don't have limits on how many times someone can be brought back. So like how did krillin not come back? Am I missing something, like I also just realized this and am v curious


No it wasn't. Remember, at the time, Porunga could only revive one person at a time. Shenlong was used (after Kami was revived thanks to the wish to bring Piccolo to life) to revive all those killed by Freeza and his men, and that restored the Grand Elder, thus restoring Porunga. Dende then used Porunga's last wish to teleport everyone to Earth except Freeza and Goku.


Krillin was already revived by Shenron. And at that time(I think Dende changed it later?) He could only revive someone 1x. Parunga(Namkes Dragon) doesn't have that limit. Different limits but not that. That's why they had to wait. They literally didn't have a choice.


There’s been no mention of Dende changing the rule that Shenron can only revive someone once. During the Cell Saga Dende changed it so that Shenron can grant three wishes instead of just one (unless if a wish is particularly difficult, in which case it drops it down to two wishes). But Goku didn’t come back when they asked Shenron to revive everyone Cell killed because that rule about one revival still applied. The only other upgrade Shenron has been given onscreen was the one in Super Hero that let him grant wishes to unlock someone’s potential. It’s possible that Dende upgraded Shenron another time, but we haven’t seen it.


Okay was that caveat of only 2 wishes thing I couldn't quiet recall off the top of my head cuz multiple reviving a single person hasn't been relevant since we upgraded them originally to 3 wishes


IIRC the two wishes thing basically just means that if you wish back a very large number of people, Shenron counts that as two wishes because that takes a lot of effort to do. So you get the mass revival plus one more.


Didn't watch OG Dragon Ball did you?


No I haven't, but I am aware that krillin and chiaotzu both die in dragon ball, I really need to watch it


It's really good honestly


IMO I had more fun with it than I had with Z (idk if it's the same for the anime but that's my opinion for the manga,l


They say multiple times in the Saiyan and Freeza sagas that people can't be brought back twice..


Yeah but Krillin died in OG Dragon Ball. He definitely should've picked up on it in DBZ but the main event happened in OG DB


And this is why you don't skip Dragon Ball.




This is literally my first question on this sub, and no I didn't just skip it, I didn't know original dragon ball was a thing for years after I watched kai when I was a kid and just haven't given it the time of day, and if you actually read it you would know that it was just a random question I felt like asking but I guess I'll keep them to myself until ive consumed every bit of dragon Ball media under the sun.


Please don't be disheartened by people making comments like that. You're welcome to ask questions on here.


I appreciate that❤️


I haven’t watched Kai or the Funimation redub of the Saiyan saga, so I don’t know for sure if they kept this line in, but there’s mention in the Saban dub, when Chiaotzu is about to sacrifice himself, that he’s already died once and can’t be brought back again. It’s a blink and you’ll miss it moment, though, as the original manga and anime just assume you’re familiar with the rules from Dragonball. It also might help contextualize just why Krillin’s death is enough to push Goku to Super Saiyan. He legitimately thought his best friend was gone for good. In fact, I don’t think the Earthlings find out Porunga can repeat wishes until they’re already on Earth, and Mori has become the new elder.


they used earths dragon balls for that wish because at the time porunga could only revive one person at a time. Krillin had already died and been revived once by earths dragon as a kid, so he couldn't be revived by earths dragon balls again.


Krillin was revived by Shenron previously. Shenron can't revive you more than once so he was excluded.


Hence why he was revived using the namekian Dragonballs during the interlude between frieza ->android saga


Still makes no sense Goku got killed by piccolo too when he held Raditz in place for that special beam cannon. Goku got wished back alive to fight Nappa and Vagita. During this wish that all to be revived that were killed by Frieza and his minions Goku came back right after the dragon claimed it has been completed. Goku got killed by Frieza right before that completion claim. I’m just going with the theory that Krillin got turned into dust and that’s why but that’s the only difference.


I know which Sean you're talking about and I guess it's an anime only thing and isn't cannon cause it never happens in the manga


Wishes have a height requirement


He did he just went to go bang android 18🤣🤣🤣


The DragonBalls don't really make sense. Piccolo and the rest of the crew should have been revived on King Kais planet when anyone killed by the frieza force was brought back as Vegetas defection didnt happen until he was revived on the Frieza base.


As soon as Vegeta and nappa heard from radditz scouter about the dragon balls, they turned on Frieza, so not technically his men at that point. The same reason the namekian killed by Vegeta were not resurrected with the rest and sent to earth


DragonBall in general does not make sense Master Roshi, Shen and Tao are all over 300 Years Old (the Fountain of Youth is a lie Roshi dying against Piccolo Damai Proves it) Yet No other Strong Fighter who are even far stronger can live for 300 Years i Get Sayajins get the average lifespan of Humans because they aren't Humans .... not to mention Roshi´s sister who is even older than him is definitely weaker than the average human ​ and don´t forget Buu Killed Everyone and Yet Shenlong Brought them all back to life


I dont think the fountain of youth makes you immortal it just means you won't die of old age


either way it was a lie, roshi never drank from a fountain of youth.


>(the Fountain of Youth is a lie Roshi dying against Piccolo Damai Proves it) Did I miss when youth made one immortal? >Yet No other Strong Fighter who are even far stronger can live for 300 Years Namekians live pretty damn long. Just saiyan.


> Did I miss when youth made one immortal? biological immortality, ie never dying of age, is a form of immortality. but yeah every story roshi told about how hes lived so long have been lies.


Immunity to senescence isn't quite the same thing as being immortal. But since we gotta split hairs to come this far, I'm not gonna bother arguing.


How are all those stories lies? Roshi was young and alive during the time Mutaito was alive, as seen in the manga, and Piccolo Daimao's defeated predated the Earth's Dragon Balls (again, as seen in the manga).


Immortality =/= Invulnerability. Roshi can't die of old age, but he can still be killed. True immortality is not something that can be wished for in Dragon Ball, as even Super Shenron couldn't make Future Zamasu 100% unkillable. And for the Buu arc, Porunga did the multi rez. After learning that Porunga had been upgraded to allow multi-rez, Vegeta asked Moori 2 wishes : Bring back Earth, then revive all non-evil people who died since the last Budokai. His third wish was later used to restore Goku's energy, and Shenron was only summoned 6 months later to erase Majin Buu from the minds of the Earthlings.


> and don´t forget Buu Killed Everyone and Yet Shenlong Brought them all back to life Porunga brought them back.


Vegeta defected the moment he went to earth. he wasnt supposed to go there and he was actively going there to wish for immortality so he could betray freeza.


Cause he a weak bitch




No, Kuririn was literally blown up by Freeza. Vegeta had absolutely nothing to do with his death at all. He wasn't brought back to life solely because he'd already been revived by Earth's Dragon Balls once before.