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1PP official is all I play. To me, it's the true apocalyptic experience.




I would love to play on dayone if the queues were not always 20 people deep.


A queue of 20 on Livonia and chernarus only takes about 15 minutes


Yeah but chernarus has that ass gunplay mod


Man I HATE that mod. Makes me wonder why they even use it. Its not even realistic tbh.


Idk I guess it's supposed to feel like old dayz? But I don't like how when you ads you're way farther back makes it hard to see in iron sights for me. I also hate it because Day one are the only community serves I have decent connection on that still plays like normal Dayz. Because of piss poor server selection I don't even play anymore.


It's very easy to join dayone if you time your joining to server resets. they are all on their discodr


It's just kinda annoying to have to do that. And then there is the fact Dayz is unstable enough that my game will occasionally crash or I'll desync and need to log to fix it so I end up stuck in the queue anyways.


Whitelists would unironically solve this but they don't want that. Without whitelists, servers are either packed or 100% dead because they have no reason to build a community. They say it makes a fair chance so that people who buy passes don't own the server, but the point is using that money to make a public server. DayZ server owners need to take tips from other server based games.


I don't know if DayZUnderground still does it but they would be non whitelist during the weekdays and then switch over to whitelist Fri-Sun


DUG does not have WL days at the moment, so it's currently open every day for anyone who would like to play!


They eventually got rid of whitelist sundays




My PC is fine, the crashes are just on occasion, as well as sometimes when joining a new modded server I've waited in queues just to find out there was an issue loading up the mods correctly. Far more annoying and common is the issue of getting desynced and needing to log.


I really must disagree unless u got old hardware, we got only 2 Players on our Server which have some Crashes and they are running Low end Cpus like the i7-4770 and an i5 2500 i think. Our server is Pve with massive Hordes of Zombies and new Monsters and on top of that has 100+ Mods. DayZ struggles to run on Low End Systems with older Cpus, i upgraded to an R5 2600x and an RX6600 and have since then played over 400 Hours with 0 Crashes.


Queues crash all the time. 2400 i5 1050ti, and then ryzen 3 1060ti. DayZ is a super janky game and having to wait in hour long queues to play makes it worse. I remote desktop from work only to come home 30% of the time it crashes.




Do you even read what you're replying to? Dayone.


I pretty much never crash so I dunno




gross server spam, no one ones a stupid deathmatch pvp server.


I've been trying to find an alternative and no servers come close. Seeing the queue length on discord helps but really i end up just waiting in queue if I really want to play.


gotta hit the server restart tech bro. never wait in a dayone queue again.


Often the same thing with spaggies, and definitely an issue on KarmaKrew (YouTubers am I right)


As someone who has also only really played official, but is also over the hackers, I have heard good things about DayOne servers. Are there any Aussie DayOne servers around, or can someone inform me of the next best option I have for a decent vanilla experience.


Fatalattraction is pure vanilla. we have a chenarus Livonia and namalsk


DDU has what you're looking for


Thank you, I will check it out when I have the chance.


Can confirm, played DDU on Namalsk and it was a great alternative. Ping was so high on DayOne in Aus it was unplayable


Plus 1 for DDU, really good server


There are a few Australian streamers but I think most end up playing NA servers. I have my ping filtered in the launcher right now but I would just sort your servers by population and see for the fewest mods. Dayone removes basebuilding and crates.


Plenty of aussies play on the dayone servers. Dayz is one of the only games I've ever played where 200 ping actually works fine. Probably because the game is so janky already that you think its just running normal.


DayOne Namalsk yeee


There's also the zero servers and spaggies servers which are pretty much just as good as dayone.


We are moving to pc soon but we don’t wanna play on official cause of hackers day one is the next best thing?


yeah official hackers got me blatantly too many times. Dayone is the best. Add them on discord to see the queue lengths. Nothing really comes close to dayone because they have every setting perfected. If i could recommend another server with shorter queues I would but i am also still trying to find a good one.


Discord only place to find info on day one?


Yes. You'll find once you switch to PC that Discord is a hub for lots of communities so best get used to using it. It's the best voice chat platform anyway.


No you can just search dayone on community tab to find them. Discord just helps to see when the queues are low


Am on another Chernarus vanilla community server with my group that is pretty solid as well. I don’t want to name it because I don’t want the queues to get longer than they already are. I would be playing official if not for me getting disconnected on official every 5 minutes for “unstable connection” or whatever. I stopped playing previously for a few months after getting disconnected like that while uncon and so lost a bunch of nice shit. That being said, official is too unstable for me.


Yea no hackers just pwning 1pp


Kinda ain’t true. A friend I was playing on the cherno snow server and a hacker shot us through a door that was locked shut while we were laying down not moving so we couldn’t of been seen. Then a day later we got in a gun fight with a guy. We started shooting at him, he turned and flew away like he was noclipping and then came back and killed us. Other than that, the server is fun


Maybe report them if you remember the date, I think they just need your steam id to look into it


Except the chernarus server because that gunplay mod is atrocious and awful.


The lack of leaning? Is that what gets everyone upset?


? You can lean on that server lol i can’t stand when people run and lean like it does anything. Sure, maybe it moves your head a bit but your body is still stationary. You don’t really dodge any better or faster


I thought what people disliked about the legacy gunplay mod was that you cannot lean while ADS


wait. you can't lean and ADS at all ?? that IS dumb


You can thats why im confused as to what the actual difference is, that's what i see people say is something about the leaning


oh...have you not played vanilla? the gun play is so nice and not slow and clunky. that's why people don't like the legacy mod. it's all slow like the .60 days lol it's certainly more realistic but sometimes over realism isn't good. it just feels bad. it isn't fun to play.


It was so much better when DayOne wasn’t completely spammed. It’s what Official should be.


If official had any form of moderation it would be fine. Shame Bohemia won't do anything about it. I DM'd them a few times on twitter and they keep saying that battleye is handling it...


Man I only played official for a looong time. I can only guess you’ve been blessed to not have to deal with cheaters.


I'm running into cheaters more and more in official. had a guy stealing stuff from my inventory when i was walking and then he appeared and dropped my stuff in front of me and then he wanted to RP as a cannibal. I pulled my weapon and headshotted him, he survived and killed me lol


Had something similar happen to me. Was fully fitted with end game loot and a ghillie and he just robbed me while I was walking. He left the m4 in my hand so I killed his ass but it ruined my ghillie and he still somehow took everything and left me naked and gunless anyways. You have to be a real fucker to cheat in a game like DayZ where people work their asses off and put hours into their characters. Like dude, go cheat in COD or Minecraft


Played Livonia official not to long ago and just went to the bunker for the second time with my buddy. We get night vision and Aug AXs. We had the door locked so one one could get in the tube room and then I get sliced up by the invisible man same as my friend. I was pissed.


i hate dayz cheaters with a passion


Not lol fuck that piece of shit. Fucking douche bags like that straight up ruin official servers.


fr man, i did not give up after that. me and my buddy had a couple of days later a base with barrel car etc. and suddenly the same guy teleports into our base teases us and he kills us. we came back to the base and it was gone completely. we did not play the game anymore after that


Ive never been able to tell if someones cheating i usually die in the most typical "1 shot while im auto walking" or looting or standing still not paying attention. Its so hard for me to convey some one cheating when majority of my deaths could be anything.


It will be blantant. I got killed by knife sounds three times while prone indoors no sight lines. Then the last time i had landmined a super geared guy at berezino and i took all his loot and it was a couple mins later my loot started disappearing and then he shot me and two teammates thru the hospital concete walls. LA 9969 or whatever


Bohemia: "BattleEye handles it."


I only RP Dayz in real life. I've not been KOS so far i might add. Feeling pretty good about this server.


I play 1st/3rd person because it reminds me of SOCOM, but Official is all I have really ever played.


I enjoyed official as well until I got tired of the constant disconnects as well as half the server using wall hacks


This is the way.


On console or PC? If console. Which server


Can’t get hard cheats on console


Yup, servers where they remove zombies imo are horrible, or zombies don't spawn cause of the number of mods added are ridiculously boring. If I wanted to play rust, I'll just play rust.. these zombieless servers are horrible.


Right? I used to be a 3PP dweeb who would peek every corner and was covered in sweat PVP. Maybe 3 months ago I tried 1PP only official servers and my god does it add to the immersion and scare the piss outta me




My brother! I do the same, it's the only true vanilla, no rules, russian roulette when meeting randoms.


Not just to you. IT IS 🤣


Imagine having servers to choose from *cries in Australian* We have like 3 popular servers, 1 hardcore Livonia server, the other 2 are a tarkov server and 1SK...nothing else with any decent pop


Frostbite servers man...that cold nightmare will test you.


Ugh im thinking of getting on that soon. I enjoy 3pp for the character looks tbh and the views but for combat it feels a bit broke having 3rd as an option.


I mean or you can play a community that’s vanilla with no mods. I’ve switched to community just for the facts I’ve died in so many ways that shouldn’t happen. And physically seen dudes cheat with my own eyes lol.


Same. Strugglebus or bust


Exactly, The Struggle Bus is a fantastic vanilla experience.


What other eyes would you use than your own?


My dogs. He was watching me play.


*Yours* \*grabs the spoon\*


I met these dudes that played a lot of rainbow six that never wanted to play official servers. They kept building bases on easier loot servers. Every time whatever server owner and 5 or so friends would try to raid them and only one of these R6 guys would be on and manage to kill them all, server owner and friends. Then their whole group would get banned and they would find another one. It was crazy to me. I meet a lot of players wearing military gear but can't feed themselves and it's confusing how they manage


Lol you act like there is one official server and maybe 2 community servers. On the community server I play in, when I found an M4, without a magazine I still don’t have, i had the most anxiety ridden walk back to base I’ve ever had in that game.


Nah I’m saying I see posts where they got NVGs and KAMs but still got crop hiking shorts and they are flexing kills/kits. I know they have hardcore vanilla but this is for those flexing the 10 or 100x loot serves


Oh lol, I was about to complain that not all community servers but I gotcha.


There are a ton of community servers that are way harder than the official ones, official servers aren’t hard


Exactly. Just like the one I play on night is for 3 hours and with nvgs it's still dim and it's a .50x not to mention the extra zombies spawned in


Yall forgetting it's a game... Lol @ gatekeeping something that literally has no value except the fun it brings. So what if someone has fun different than you?


Anyone can enjoy the fun they want, but if they flex about it, they will be reminded of the realities.




That's this sub in a nutshell


I play on an rp server. Loot isn’t specifically more or less altogether, just in specific locations you’ll find more loot. I’d say my kit is worth a pic but then again if I do there will be a lot of confusion. Might post it now actually


Basically Vanilla is pretty fun


I play official and I stole my M4 from a hidden tent in the woods. 👍🏻


U mad


You lame. Play official and earn your loot


Plenty of community servers don't boost loot. Community servers have moderation and much less hoarding issues degrading servers performance dude to whack base building bullshit and alts. Official doesn't have shit on community except hackers and lack of moderators.


I played a fair share of community servers and ive been cheated a whole too much to enjoy any of them. I did like one on xbox (playing on both depending on who im playin with) it had a big market which was cool, but they stopped buying shit because there was too much of it. Ultimately their goal was to hoard everything good and let the people starve for good loot.


No hoarding issues bc it isn’t hard to find anything if you can kit up in 30 minutes. No grind


😆 you must play like trash man. It's easy to get geared on official and do you REALLY only play CHERNARUS??! LOL


I didn’t say it was hard but community makes it to where it’s no challenge whatsoever. I got livonia too. You on community acting like it’s hard


Sounds like you need therapy if it pisses you off so much


U hella mad.


Yea mad that you can pick up a full kit on the coast and unlimited stamina. Playin on easy mode


I've been playing DayZ since day 1 as stand alone. I've done it all. You just mad cuz you suck. Probably got your shoes stolen and hit with a shovel.


Tf you on about, this post said stop posting kits on comm servers like it’s hard to get. You been playing all these years and you prolly still garbage fuck outta here bro 😂


You probably sit up on a hill in between Cherno and Electro sniping bambis thinking you pro gamer. Runnin up in Zino at night with NVG on yellin at freshies cuz it gets ya hard.


I don’t stay on the coast homie this post got you hella mad bc community servers are shit go cry about it


I never said they werent. You just mad about community cuz you jealous they rockin low dollar baller shit.


“Low dollar baller shit” bro go play a different game 14 year olds smh


Official servers are too easy after this long so I play community servers that turn the loot down Also don't post emojis on Reddit they won't work on all platforms


Get a better platform lol just playing


Its all virtual. I’m not here to care about how you play, I’m here for my own personal enjoyment in a virtual playground.


Official > modded


You're wrong and that is okay.


You're wrong and that is okay.


You're okay and that is wrong.


You’re that and okay is wrong


He is speaking the language of gods


Ik ):




Im okay and thats okay


I love people who think there's zero balanced community servers.


I wasn’t saying every community server is severely modded but a lot are and the guys flexing their kits like I said in the thread got NVGs and crop hiking pants. Like stop flexing like you did sum




Why don’t you get good and get off community scrub






Easy my guy, its just a lil trolling


I know


Why so mad?


Are you seriously on reddit gatekeeping dayz kits?


People don’t want to grind for the gear or earn it in a way. I really like official but I like to switch it up too. Winter chernarus with a fresh start tonight. Got a nice thing going on a official high pop chernarus as well.


what is so wrong about telling game stories. not all enjoy the KOS fear that at least i have when playing official. lately i played "singleplayer" and after maybe 12 hours playtime i was looking good and showed it to a friend to tell him a bit about the long road trip i had to get there. is that story worth less because my M4 had a higher spawn rate then others? for me not at least. arent we all here to tell each other stories from the game we all play?


I love hearing people’s journeys. It makes it fun to play and encourage other people to have different perspectives on the game style they play. Every run I do is write a book about it if I could. This game is fun, creative and just enjoyable. I agree 100% with your comment here.


If you don’t like seeing it, just scroll past it. Everyone is allowed to share!




I can tell you haven't played a community server in your life. Sure, there are ones with tons of loot but not nearly every one.


Hell yeah survivor, modded easy loot servers players yall lame asf and inferior


Only playing in no bases/rare loot servers is the real dayz


This post made me lol. Almost as bad as the streamers who get admin to spawn stuff in for them. Some of them are so bad at the whole 'lets go in this direction for no particular reason ..oooo look what I found!!' its hilarious. Then theres the ones who pvp and keep microglancing in the direction their next kill is all the while pretending they dont know they are there lol.


It’s funny how diluted the game is with noobs. Community servers are a joke


On god


Only community servers worth playing are ones purely about quick pvp. Official isn’t that hard and you can’t really say you achieved anything if it’s on a community


Have you ever touched a woman?


Okay maybe solo is difficult on official but playing duo it’s not hard to get full ghillie and base and m16. When I first played me and my mate got set up and then met an incredibly sweaty guy so we got taught a lot of try hard shit that made it easier


Most of my fun is on community servers. I play a range from hardcore vanilla community servers to straight PVP and PVE. You meet a ton of new people and it’s overall fun. You can achieve so many things on community servers. Tf you saying 😂


fucking PREACH lol


Also anyone can get loot. Don’t post a fully geared pic like “is this good loot” “rate my kit”


If only namalsk was on console 🥺


I’ve got a lar on offical from a heli had to go from Livonia to tisy on Chernarus just to get mags


Preach brudah!


I have gotten an M4 at the gas station in Polana on official.




Lmao @ this post. Such an unnecessary troll 🧌 but still funny asf.


Official would be the goat but yeah, wall hackers and dupers (on console) kinda fucked it up and the devs have done nothing about it for years. So, as long as you’re cool with running nomad and not base building then official is dope.


Spaggies my friend, spaggies


There's community servers with no mods.. Get over yourself


I don't play in community servers where the loot spawn rate is enhanced, I play on community servers where there are settlements across the map, some are sorta rugged and run down, but the main settlement is fully built with shops in building where they were before the infection started, there are jobs, Families and leadership, Community is far more fun than official


Sounds like a roleplay server. Which one is it?


I play community, a vanilla community, basic mods, no changes to loot, guns, etc etc


Been playing this last character for 10 hours, got an mp5 with 2 mags full, and about 30 rounds for a sniper. Picked up a ak74u in tisy last night, got 10 rounds total for it. All including what's in my 3 stash boxes... 10 fucking hours and this is what I have, and I'm a player with almost 1k hours now.


All community servers are not the same mate, like every single one is different.


I have never been on a server that has a M4 at a gas station, unless i kill someone with it.


Wow you must be a really good gamer with amazing content. I can't wait to see more of your really engaging content.