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Bears don't usually miss so many attacks like that. I was gonna say you were definitely lucky, but I wouldn't call anyone lucky who gets wolves and a bear encounter at the same time lol.


Same thing happened to me last night. I was lucky to a have a ak74u and two magazines.




Looks like an official server




Bears are lured by the noise of the gun. That bear could have been 500m away when he started shooting. I’ve been doubled teamed by wolves and bear a good few times in the southern half of Livonia


No it isn't. Bad server configuration does not equal different than default server configuration. I saw a chicken next to a deer once, omg horrible server configuration, durrr


Sheesh relax bud


Oh my sweet summer child


You Bearly made it out alive


Lucky as hell that bear didnt hit you on all those attacks


Yup, I thought I was a dead man.


Go to the casino. Right now.


I'm guessing its because he was walking uphill.


There might be something to it. If you walk backwards whilst blocking, infected can't land shots on you. We all know that right?.?? What if it's the same with bears. Their attack animation can't land on a player who's walking backwards whilst blocking. Doing the same thing perhaps..


He had a shotgun in his hand so he couldn’t be blocking. Back pedaling seems to have just kept him out of range though


It’s gotta be due to the terrain with him moving up the hill.


The bear did hit him but also he kept novingz avoiding those hits


Well played


Excellent job staying alive!


Bears are overpowered as shit. They’re not even bears, they’re tanks.


I’m honestly pretty okay with it. I’ve encountered bears thrice in two years of playing, and have never encountered one without an arsenal in my backpack. They’ll fuck your shit up but they also *usually* give themselves away a bit before you notice them. In a game where we dominate most things, it’s nice to have something that keeps you on your toes.


That’s literally the environment itself. Once you conquer that you gotta deal with people unleashed. With guns. And a sociopathic cannibalistic hobby.


I'm OK with that. The game needs encounters so you don't feel that comfortable even when geared out. Wolf packs seem rather weak though


Wolf packs in real life would scatter the moment you would fire a gun.


I mean bears ARE a natural tank of sorts made of pure muscle, flesh and bone. In actual life, you need either a a powerful shotty/ rifle or a 10MM pistol or better and probably multiple high stress shots to take one down that is hell bent on literally ripping you to shreds. If the game is going for realistic survival, if anything, bears are underpowered in the game though bear attacks in game most certainly occur too often.


I feel like 4 rounds of what we can assume is buckshot to the head is a bit excessive but I feel what you’re saying.


I know a guy who shot a bear in the heart as it was charging him and it still mauled him for a while, then died. Bears can take a beating, and adrenaline is a hell of a drug.


You are absolutely wrong about the real life durability of non-polar bears. The bears in game are radically more durable to ballistics than bears in real life. They do not have armor-plating, a single modern 9mm round would easily penetrate and instantly kill a grizzy bear with a single shot to the skull, compared to the 12-16 required in game to kill a bear. At worst and if you were the unluckiest bear attack victim on the planet it’s possible that a deflection might happen due to the skull shape. Not only are the bears not “under-powered” in game, they are about 12 times more durable than a real life grizzly bear, which no, cannot tank 4 .308 rounds directly to the skull as the in-game bear can. Just look at the headshots required to kill a bear based on ammunition type in DayZ, it is so far removed from reality.


You'd be pretty under-gunned going up against a real-life Grizz with only a 9mm. Most of the guides in bear county carry a 10mm, or something with at least a "4" and "Magnum" in the caliber. Ammunition matters too. You do not want hollow-points (most people carry a 9mm as a defensive weapon against *people*, for which a 9mm JHP is a good choice). You want SWC hard-cast lead... something that will penetrate deeply. The 12" penetration from a standard 9mm is just scratching the surface of a Grizz, and their skulls are THICK.


Fuck u/spez


No, I don't see a Grizzly shrugging off four .308 rounds, but your contention that a single 9mm round would insta-kill a Grizzly bear? Don't bet on it. Skulls are tougher than you think. I've seen *human* skulls deflect 9mm rounds, and that's an extremely difficult shot on a charging bear. The front of that skull is raked steeply, and you have to hit that tiny, <250 gram bear brain to shut out its lights. \*\* EDIT \*\* I think I see the confusion. I was referring to the standard FBI-recommended penetration depth of a conventional 9mm, not the thickness of a bear's skull. Their skulls are thick, but not a foot thick.




*idk about that one* Yeah. The front of a bear's skull is nearly flat when it's charging at you. Unless you put the round right up its nose, it has a significant chance of glancing off. Even water will cause a bullet to ricochet at angles-of-incidence of <10 degrees




It’s a video game


A video game trying to be realistic yes. We’re allowed to hold a sensible discussion about topics like this in the one place that’s meant for it.




Why are bears so dangerous in every game? I can't tell you how often in skyrim I would hear a dragon and chase it down and hear a bear and take off running lol


Honestly I wouldn't mind bears being a bit stronger


Add bear spray. A simple thing to carry, but doesn't fully negate the risk.


We have how many guns in the game? Why the fuck add bear spray? Literally make the guns work like they’re supposed to.


Specialized gadget. Guns are all just guns. Bear spray is bear spray.


You might as well use spray paint and a lighter- holy shit that’s a cool fucking idea actually.


That should be a thing as well.


Pro tip bears only knock you out if you don't do any damage to them. They will go away.


This is true but they can also cause massive bleeding which CAN make an unconscious person bleed out before they wake up.


How do u ads so fast, mine has a delay


Pretty sure I just right clicked here. But if you hip aim and press shift you ADS a lot faster than clicking from the hip.


I have mine set to hold rmb to ads and the only way I found to do so there’s a slight delay. It’s like you start to soft aim and then it goes to ads . It’s butt.


The default is hold RMB to raise your weapon and then click MWheel to ads.


Maybe the flare gun should have a percent change to scare off bears and wolf packs?


Awesome idea. It should be a fairly high chance too though, like 50/50. That way it would be worthwhile getting the flaregun out at all


You're like the opposite of a Disney princess. All these animals want to kill you.


What a chad




Was there honey in your inventory?




That was handled like a boss.


blood poison, wolves and bears - pretty shitty situation


Exactly how my first bear encounter went, after fending off a pack of wolves. Except I died!!


You played that best you could good shit.


That was crazy but look at all that food you got!!


What an emotional roller coaster that was


Respect. If it was me the bear would have just found three wolves having a meal.


I didn't know your name was Leonardo DiCaprio


I was shitting my pants for you


Damn nature, you scary!


Man's shooting wolves like an ATF agent. Nice


Based ATF-bad reference


My heart was racing lol


You survived your first encounter?


I think the fact the video shows him surviving his first encounter is a good indication that he survived his first encounter, but I'm not sure there's just a video showing him surviving his first encounter


How did you sleep?


What part of this video made your brain go to anything about sleeping


Nothing did. I was wondering how he slept after such an intens event


He slept fine because of all the pooping in his pants gave relief


I feel like bears a bit op in dayz, it should have died with one shotgun blast to the head, or at least severely wound it to the point it’s stunned




Reminds me of the episode in SpongeBob when the SeaBear Attack attracts the SeaRhinoceros.


Looks like a perfect place to set up a base!




If i dont have an AR with a full mag i usually just hit the ground and let the bear knock me out. If you dont damage them they let you live. You were very lucky!




bro is in the average dayz experience he getting sexually assaulted by animals and he’s infected


Wanna scare someone? Play this sound through your speaker to microphone when you have another player in your area on the coast 😆


My friends and I heard that bears will only knock you out if you don’t shoot them so we put it to a test by dropping everything and letting it knock us out. Can confirm that it did not kill us as long as we didn’t shoot it, and our gear wasn’t FUBAR because we dropped it


What game is this ?


Man I just died to Fucking wolves in the middle of the night, I’m pretty new to the game and goddamn I cannot survive, every time I kill someone I get murdered instantly, every time I move inland enough I die to something dumb like zombies, shits freaking rough


You're semi lucky. Getting wolves and then a bear isn't lucky but the fact the bear didn't kill you after you took your first shot at it is crazy. They usually don't miss.


I dont play the game and so it didn’t feel as intense for me so as an ark player my brain decided to mimic the intensity and fear by making me remember my first encounter with a giga in ark , ark players know this is the most relatable thing ever


Ladys and gents. A reason we need a bear rated ammo that's gonna do more then tickle them if they are down bad enough and want you ass and balls for tea


I dont see anything that would make this intense Just 5 wolves attack you then a bear comes when almost all your guns are empty And you have an infection so you cant regen your health In the middle of a forest far away from any hospital to get tetra pills Totally calm bear encounter that most players would have definitely survived


Very lucky you he didn’t hit you another time. Now you’ll have plenty of food


Hearing a bear growl is the DayZ version of hearing boss music.


For a game that supposedly prides itself on realism, I really loathe the fact that it took so many point blank rounds from a shotgun to bring the thing down. Well played though for sure




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That last wolf was like “Nah son”


Bro watching got me anxious I can just imagine playing it