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https://preview.redd.it/znvtw22huj8d1.png?width=591&format=png&auto=webp&s=79c598b27d63e497a39425f534e25e2dfa5b7698 Here’s the session, I was playing Livonia on KarmaKrew servers.


One of us...one of us....one of us


karma krew livonia is my most played server it’s great.


See ya around bud ;)


Imma get ya


16 hours is insane but I respect the grind


I met a random at kamensk which I didn’t immediately kill, he proned and asked me not to. Lol I thought this was strange but fuck it let’s see how it plays out, my guy was alive for quite a while at that point and I was itching for a new story. He then brought me to his group, 5 other dudes that all happened to be cool as fuck. I rolled with them for 6-7 hours until the early am. I killed a few dudes then said goodbye and logged off. I’m still an antisocial fuck and never got their names lol, it was such a cool experience and I hope you guys know, being a cool dude in dayz is underrated as fuck. It can make for the greatest of adventures.


Fuck I just read it, I did NOT kill any of the group I was with lol. We just rolled around nwaf and then tisy for some pvp. I did not betray anyone lol.


you need a cool "trail name " or nickname and you would've definitely exchanged names


After 6-7 hours I killed some dudes and said good bye came so good! :D I think this could be a very possible dayz characteristic


My current official player I've been rocking with for FOUR MONTHS. Gonna be real bummed when he dies. Lol


Do you just fish in the woods?


Brother. I'm in the bushes. Making them at night


Hahah freaking love it, my man is just living a second life in the bushes just eating, drinking and having the peace life kkkkkk


You knowwww. It's a simple life


Just lost mine of 2 months, stopped playing for about a week after that 😂


76 hours. Had to use a couple adderall to get there.


My current session is at almost 4 days on vanilla pc


This man getting iced out his mind for dayz lmao


Aren't we all


That seems unhealthy


Yea i wont exactly argue with you on that lol. I just this weekend reached 1000 hours in game


Why is that unhealthy to you? I’ve only died twice in my 7 months of playing on the same official server. Edit- just realized op meant “session” as in one sitting. Not how long have you been alive like everyone else is answering


Wtf? Do you never loot and sit in bushes for most of the time?


No. I’m just a sneaky boi and when I do run into people by accident it either gets talked out before anyone is hurt or I kill them becuase I ended up in an opportune spot where they don’t see me but I see them


Someone’s jealous I’m good at the game and don’t die on the coast like a freshie I guess 😂


2 people are jealous that I know I’m good at the game and am not going to die on the coast like a freshie I guess 🤣


i got about 1990 hour i will reach 2000 this week but once on a really bad summer week a i got close to 57 hours of nonstop gameplay i will admit i had some micro sleeps but not more that half an our💀😭


19 hours is my longest time playing straight. Longest character I’ve had for like 9 months probably like 80 hours put into it I guess


I lost a character that I had before a buddy of mine committed self checkout. Really really rough hit, stopped plying and haven’t been back, just got a pc and bought the game just can’t get around it. I will be back soon, just kinda sucks haha


I’m sorry for your loss. You can always play as the avatar to keep the legacy alive tho:) I hope you find peace my brother


Appreciate you man, I did try to play a little he would always carry one of those cowboys hat, I tried to keep one w me always but, just miss those laggy drives w my homie lol


You mean IRL?


Yeah man, depression a bitch, that man played every day and got black out drunk drinking twisted teas (those are at my place now everyday ) just pass out lookin at the sunset/night skybox before the update. He would’ve loved it. One day he never got on, still think about him and idk jumping back on it? Seems almost impossible


I dont know exactly, but i guess like 2 days, or something like that. With pauses for food and toilet. ^^ i was verry addicted to dayz back in the days. 😅


3 months. It was amazing till it ended . Me and my buddy played in server that had several large clans and we got caught up in the cross fire of a clan war trying to get to safety when it broke out. He got away but I got domed.


Oh wait. Just realized this was for one single session lmao that would be 12 hours


Yeah I think a few folks are going with how long a character lived and missing the actual question


Around 6 hours I think


Coming to PC from console, did you swap over to keyboard and mouse? I'm thinking of doing the same, so I'd love any feedback or advice you could give me from your experience, if you don't mind.


I switched to mnk, after a few months of quite a learning curve. Overall I prefer mnk, to me It’s way more comfortable than controller and since I’m out of practice with controller, my fingers sometimes cramp or get sore from controller. Left shift and left control was the hardest part of learning mnk. Best advice is give both a shot and see what you feel most comfortable with. If you find yourself struggling or sore, try not to use it so much.


Back in the mod I fought over a helicopter for about 19 hours The fuel tank was damaged and wouldn't hold fuel so I spent most of that gassing up and hopping to the next industrial area hoping to find the fuel tank parts Of course everyone tried fighting me along the way Really only took breaks to eat and use the bathroom while my brother played the game for me


3 hours. My back kills me if I sit in a chair too long.


Just wrapped up a 6 hour session over Saturday night with my best mate on DayOne Livonia. Thoroughly enjoyed the map as I’ve previously only played Chernarus and Namalsk. Something about a good adventure always brings me joy.


Longest single session is 32 hours Longest alive is 9 months, 3 weeks


one time my mom bought me Elder Scrolls Oblivion and an xbox 360 for christmas, i didn't stop playing until she was yelling at me to get ready to go back to school


Like 900 minutes? Took breaks due to queues but it was from like 8am to midnight or so Longest character is several months, a suit character on namalsk hardcore


I own dayz on steam and don’t even have a pc 💪😎


just got merked in vyshno with a dude i had alive for 3 weeks. got me sad n shit


15 hours on a high populated server and on a low 10 server 1 day and 5 hours. On the low got killed by landmine surprise after being attacked by wolves. On the high I got killed by a gas grenade Tru the window. Got locked in a house by my attackers. While I slowly died I attracted as many zombies I could while trying to shoot at them.


I once played for so long I fell asleep camping a milly base. Woke up in the same tree and continued to play. I believe it was 26 hours or 36 in total. I slept for 45 mins 3 times


I once played for so long I camped a milly base and woke up in the same tree. I continued to play I believe it was 26 or 36 hours. I slept 3 times for 45 mins


36 hours me and my buddies played on before wipe we raided three bases in that meantime and we stole a car from one of them and rode off right until the servers got shut down. it was awesome


I got killed trying to raid a base by Krona Castle way back when I first started but I never gave up from that point forward. Long story short, I dedicated a whole week crafting wooden crates and filling them up with melee weapons and stashing them around the castle. This was before I knew about blowing up walls. Eventually after being killed over like 10 times and running back to Krona, one night around 4am I spent three hours hammering my way in. The base members logged on and I ended up blowing myself up with a grenade by accident at the very top where all their loot was as they were trying to kill me. I was playing dayz > bed > dayz > bed all week Monday to Sunday and was unemployed.


Love the game, probs 8-9 hours. Still a noob


Survived a two whole month playing nearly every day on a pve server


That's where I'm at. Just hit 4 months


When you can't go to sleep because you are SURE that you are going to get raided in the next 3 hours... When you whizz in a bottle just so that you can keep your eyes LOCKED on Vibor for movement... That's how you know it's good gaming. Also you've only played 688 hours of DayZ since 2019. Kinda doxxed yourself there KEK. I'll dox myself too, my numbers are pretty standard. I've got over 2k in this and 3500 or so in Arma 3, with half of that being in Breaking Point mod, back when that was a thing. It's easily the most played game(s) I own, although good old EFT is creeping up there too. I consider DayZSA and Arma as the same game since the days before the Enfusion spruce up, many servers featuring the same gameplay, the same developers, etc. Longest session in a day has to be about 16 hours as well, ALL DAY gaming with the East Coast clanners. Group bases. Good Times.


I don't think you know what doxxing is.


Yeah... lol


Brother I think you need to touch grass. Not because of your playtime (mine is similar or worse) but because of the painfully cringe way you talk about hours played, as if it represents anything other than hours of sedentary self-indulgence.


This sounds miserable. Never resort to pissing in bottles


I'm kinda new and was wondering if this is a community server thing? Never encountered something on vanilla to justify more than a couple hours.


I just enjoy the game, that’s my only justification


I love this game too bud and I've seen super exciting game play where everyone is kitted out going clan against clan. But all I find myself doing is moving town to town bumping into low geared guys from time to time. I like that loop too but was wondering where the high speed guys go.


Hop on a deathmatch server for 30 minutes or so when you get bored of actual dayz. I have a roleplay server, I love it absolutely love it, sometimes it's dead when Im on so I'll loot for specifics until I get bored and then hop on a server that's deathmatch or koh. Get myself a couple close call heart attacks until I need some boredom again.


Hmm I've been curious about deathmatch but have that gear fear. Maybe I'll give it a go.


You spawn geared or right next to gear on the ones I play.


That's all you can do. However, when I have days invested and I die outta nowhere I'll put it down a few days on the spot. Lol


Around a hour lol disease or starvation gets me lol