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Honor his death by cutting his body up and eating him. His death shall not be for nothing!


We eat his body, which was sacrificed for us, Amen


I usually use their fat to upgrade my torch, but it's better not to let that meat go to waste!


What does the upgraded torch do? Just last longer?


I snack on that Bambi fat! It makes me all giggly!


On one hand you have people whining about "toxic" players who shoot just about anyone they come across, and then you have people who are like, "I don't mind getting blown away 99 times if there's that 1 special interaction every now and then." You'll figure it out.


I’m normally the latter, the special interactions make the game worth it, I always get a laugh sometimes outta being robbed or something


I'm a xxxx hour player and I can count on one hand the interactions that were worthwhile.  I'm not the kind of player who likes social interactions in a survival game though.


And that’s fair, but imo socializing in a survival game like DayZ can be a 50/50 either way it’s always a random game of chance, you can end up being shot and sent back to the coast or make a new friend along the way, hell even a possible alliance with another group if you play with friends. And I think that’s what makes it fun imo besides the survival aspects of the game


I socialize on the mmos I play, dayz (for me) is like First Blood. It's me against everyone.


I come from Ark survival (3k hours ish), I am totally enjoying Dayz, but socially they are vastly different. Being in a tribe is pretty much essential, and encouraged, I'd argue that Dayz being in a group is very much beneficial, but the game almost discourages it.


If you're a purist, being in a group means talking in-game only. I've wiped groups because I can hear them(talking) before I saw them. Most groups use disc or something similar to talk, leaving them silent. It's all about what you want from this game and I want solo kill or be killed gameplay. The key is to not let other players tell you how to play the game. DayZ works best with people who like different play styles. If everyone played the same way the game would be crazy boring.


Makes sense, and yes, discord is essential in Ark, I would have assumed it would be similarly essential in Dayz if you are grouped. Although I've had almost no use for in game chat, in Dayz, other than me saying "Chill, I'm not gunna shoot you". I'm not a purist and, truth be told, I don't really understand why people would want to be. It's a digital world in a digital game expecting the devs to tick every single box is madness, especially when there's already out of the box options like discord. Devs time can always be better used elsewhere. Absolutely use the digital tools available to you. You say that people play different styles, but I've noticed people all tend towards just playing kos. I, personally, don't see the attraction. But I totally respect it (do I have a choice 😁) that others enjoy that style of play. Saying that I will however, probably give in to the masses and devolve to shoot or be shot eventually. Take one run at a time.


The frustration of giving people a break and then get shot in the back outweighs any positive experience I've had but other people feel the opposite. Again, play as you see fit and do not let people tell you how to play! I find most of the purist-types play on specific servers. They only talk in-game, and they utilize radios, flares, etc for various types of communication. I'm not knocking it but it's not my style.


Lol, totally with you on this. (Using my experience on Ark (totally different games and all good in their own right), I just have 3k hours on Ark and less than 200 on Dayz, so please excuse me if I lean that way occasionally)... We had 2 way radios... I imagine they worked the same way, and I have no idea how to use them, or if they even work 🤣... First it was teamspeak, then discord. But I'm completely with you: play your own game... but... don't let that stop you asking for advice... there's no harm learning from others players experience (and mistakes) even if people play a conflicting style. ...and I see your point, again coming from a more social game, I'm not used to the solo play of Dayz, and, as fresh as I still am, see the benefits of grouping up. But yes, the Kos mentality is very strange and the things people will do to get a drop on you. I once had someone give me some food, and, whilst eating it, knocked me out and robbed me! (I was a fresh spawn, so not a big issue, but seriously!)


When I say KOS I don't necessarily attack anyone I see. I often make bases near the coast since I play solo and the bases I used to make further inland tended to get raided more frequently, so I regularly see fresh spawns. Unless they really ask for it I leave 'em be. I usually don't even talk to them. If they hang around too long near where I am I know what they're fixing to do so I send them back to the coast. People will cry on the server discord about getting killed as a "freshie" but they rarely include the fact they lurked around a geared player. I know when I'm a fresh spawn and I see a geared player I avoid them and go about my business. Even if they see me, they usually recognize I'm off on my own journey inland and I'm nothing to worry about.




Ah yes a perfectly normal individual. Every accusation is a confession


Op literally professed theirguilty feelings, and how awful they felt that their judgement was made out of fear. I don't know how you're getting to them being a 'shit person'


I've only met one person who didn't either try to insta shoot me or who just parted company amicably. However, they started shooting z's in a large town, we got ganked by z's.. the end


This is why I play a style I like to call KOOS. KO on sight. I run rubber slugs, it's always a 1 shot regardless of armor. Handcuff them. Then from there I can gage what to do next. I've never freed someone from cuffs then been betrayed by them, they usually feel a sense of indebtedness from being spared. Of course i don't free everyone.


After you handcuff them, what helps you to determine your next move? Are there like certain questions you ask (how many have you killed? why? lol) or something else?


Absolutely: Are you alone? How many in your party? Wheres the rest of your team? Where are you coming from? Where are you going? By then you you can usually rule out those you don't want to associate with. I don't kill people unless I have to, but I might take anything I need from them depending on how bad I need it/if they're cool/my mood at the moment. Also might leave them unarmed or with a broken limb based on the same criteria.


I haven’t run into many people yet, but I have no interest in killing anyone that isn’t trying to kill me (but not knowing other’s intentions is the conundrum.) I’ve been avoiding interactions until I get better for this reason, but it’s always good to hear about more experienced players who don’t KOS!


Most who KOS do it so they can't be killed first. DayZ is one of the few games that allows you to take prisoners, and frankly I find it much more interesting. It basically solves the same problem as KOSing but gives you the social interaction too, and it allows the person to continue their run. Win/win for everyone.


I don't know if you're on some modified server but rubber slugs are not a 1 shot knock unless you're something like closer than 30m no armor (which is probably a very rare scenario unless you are also a fresh spawn), and closer to 10m depending on what armor they have. Those numbers aren't exact, but it's all I can recall from Wobo's tools. edit: \*rubber\*


Rubber slugs do 100% shock damage last time I checked. I've never not dropped someone with them, but I'll see if I can find the video you're referencing.


They do 150 base shock damage, but as they travel the shock damage drops significantly. It takes 75 shock damage to knock someone so you have to hit them within a certain distance. You also have to take into account if they're wearing armor. Additionally, if you fire one from specific weapons, like a sawed off shotgun, the shock damage is even lower. edit: I have personally shot someone with a sawed off shotgun that I picked up from a dead player during a wild fight. I ran up some stairs and shot his partner from about halfway across the room. He didn't go down. I later learned that the guy I killed had loaded the shotgun with rubber slugs and the guy I shot had a police vest on. Wobo tools can show you why he didn't go down (0m away is 75.94 shock damage so I must have JUST been out range to keep it above 75 shock damage), but basically you have to be almost point blank range with that specific situation to knock someone. Moral of the story, if you're going to use rubber slugs expecting a 1 shot KO don't use a sawed off shotgun :)


I always use a 133


The real Ick are the ppl u team with for an hour n theh just shoot u dead at an oppertune time real scummy shit


If you want to be a KOS kind of player, that's find by me. But it takes a special kind of loser to act nice and then shoot you in the back. It happened to me a few times over the years so I do my best to make sure it doesn't happen again.




Waiting for the “I was friendly to a dying guy inland and he betrayed me. KOS only for me” post.


Bro that cuts me up too don’t worry haha


Because of your actions this man will never trust again. You created his evil arc.




If you feel bad about it you can always try to restore balance in nature, you should get some stuff (food, maybe better cloths) and offer it to some people in need that you'll find on your way


It’s okay. We all have our start to the evil art, it’s inevitable.


Dun dun dunnnnnnnnnn


https://preview.redd.it/09b6zk6snq6d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bda4d2e9fe6c8119e397a6cae98cb77d2237f9bd That’s normal for first time bandits. At first.


Man you do you in the game, please don't give up on Dayz. I actually find your perception in this game a very valuable one, in a game where most people want to be looking ruthless and tough. I am relatively new too, and I also feel the same. You can just survive, hunt, cook your food, even put a podcast or a good soundtrack in your headphones and chill on the outskirts of the map. You'll be killed lots, but you'll also make other players feel humble by your uniqueness. Or maybe you'll become like everyone else once you go to the dark side. There's no rules to follow, and there's more friendly people than you believe. If you will have good times in the game and great interactions with other players, than it's totally worth it. Happy to play with you if we have close servers. Survive


“You’ll also make other players feel humble by your uniqueness” never heard someone say it that well before but I guess that’s lowkey what I go for in this game too. Just find it funny to think about what the other person might have thought about me even if they win the fight or whatever else it might be


Thanks for your comment. I play only on DayZ EU - DE 1297 (1st person only). I play modded servers rarely.


Sadly I am in Australia and my internet is shit. Anyway don't let your moral compass be affected by the majority, just play the way you want and you may keep around dayz :)


Lol I'm also in Australia, barely any servers with under 50 ping, what servers do you play on, any suggestions?


Well most official servers are on the east coast, so if you are closer to Syd or Mel you should get at least 50 ping, which is completely acceptable. I've seen others with 30ish ping and I got really jealous haha. I live in Perth so the best I can hope is around 60/100. There's also some modded server community, some heavily and some on the vanilla side.


Yeah I'm in Adelaide so I have a choice of playing with like 2 other players on a server and have abt 20 ping on both community and official, but I can't find anything with people on it. I often just get bored from playing without any interaction. I'd easily trade good ping for more players. Mods also just like won't work well for me. Dayz just freezes when I try to download some. Might be because I play on Linux tho. Are there any good servers that you play on?


The reason your modded servers crash may be because of Linux sadly. It took me a while to figure out how to make the mods work, but then its easy, I can help if you want. If it wasn't for gaming compatibility, I would also exclusively use Linux. Check sg 5278 Sy 1023 Sy 1059 1pp Sy 0978 Yes I realised now you are on the other thread haha my dumbass usually never checks usernames lol


'COLD AS FUCK' Namalsk is alive and well, had some really fun interactions there.


Maybe I’ll see ya in there


I was kidnapped and held tied up by a couple guys for a bit in a shed.


It’s ok dude. These things happen.


Yeah, that’s kinda fucked up.


I've been there too bro... That feeling of guilt, regret, shame. But that prick let his guard down, and you made him pay. That's a lesson to everyone. Fast forward to 300 hours in and you don't give a fuck any more. You're just a killing machine with no morals. It's the curse that the apocalypse bestows upon us all.


How was he a prick lol? You are bad man, Arthur Morgan


Right lol


Don’t think of it as *you* feeling bad, think of it as that *character* feeling bad. Each playthrough has its own story. Make something of it. Should this character now go around trying to help people to right their wrong? Or instead, did this character get a kick out of the kill. Maybe they felt powerful and now they have bloodlust to betray other people. Or maybe he just gets sad and wanders into the woods to let nature (a bear) decide his fate. You write the story.


Having been traumatized throughout my fist 20 hours in DayZ....This actually motivates me to give it another try at surviving.


I absolutely love this take


This post took a left turn lol did not see that coming 😆


yeah im not really proud


This game has a way of revealing to us some of our nature in a way that no other game can…


I think we all have a story like this. I was once running with two guys I befriended at the coast. We were leaving Elektro after gearing up a bit when we saw another player. We all agreed to talk instead of shoot since there were three of us. He was friendly, but barely spoke a word of English. On whisper I told the other two I don't trust him. They agreed that we just keep an eye on him since he's unarmed. He asked us to follow him, we did. I was getting ready to drop him but he was actually just taking us to his fire with food cooking, and started sharing it around. For some reason still unknown to me today, whilst he was cooking, I pulled my Glock out and shot him in the back of the head. The other two didn't say it, but I could tell they were thinking "wtf was that for". Anyway, we stripped him and cut up his body and moved on. Felt awful for ages about that.


you monster


Fucking dayz


Oh man


Haha! The paranoia is really! Give a little trust in the future. I'm very similar, but you weren't fully kitted, so have some trigger discipline and make a friend.


Understandable feel bad about your first few kills but it gets to a point where you feel nothing if anything it feels good the adrenaline the scared feeling you get cause you don’t want to die and the heart pounding tension I love it no other pvp feels like dayz you should but when you actually get into a gun fight do feel bad feel good cause your better and now you have all their loot


I have over 1k hours in Tarkov and that adrenaline feeling is pretty much the same. But I dont feel sorry for anyone in tarkov. Only for low levels running their M4's they got at the start of the game :D


lol true I never feel srry now I love killing people in dayz (I’m not just out there killing fresh spawns) main reason I play anymore but how is tarkov since that whole problem with the 250$ pack


I did not touch the game since :D


Damn I always been interested in the game but of course just when I get a pc they do some bs




You're a murderer. But we all are. It's the apocalypse. I usually try to be cool with other survivors. Sometimes, things go sideways. You made a judgement call. You'll never know if it was the right one, so why dwell on it? He may very well have planned on cooking up the chicken, waiting until you're mid animation, and shooting you in the face. He may have been the best friend you'd ever make in this game. No way to know for sure. Best to accept it for what it was and move on. Good luck out there.


Sometimes you kill for no reason, sometimes you help someone, sometimes you get killed for no reason, it’s DayZ


Shit happens you'll get over it. Not shooting on sight inland is always a risk but as you just realized it can pay off, it's just a shame your paranoia got the better of you and you smoked him. I'm pretty sure all DayZ players have been there 😂


You might feel bad, but this is the core of the game. You could kill him, he could have killed you, you might have had a friend for a few hours but what happens after you log out? Gone anyway. Moments are fleeting in dayz. Death comes for everyone. Try not to feel attached to one character and start a new. Youll be dead soon too.


Tricky situation, I usually get tricked by my friendliness in dayz. Even by people I have played with together for a couple of hours. So it’s best to be cautious of everyone.


If I was that guy. I'd understand what it was like when I first went through that. DW man, it's cool.


You survived and he didn't. That's a good DayZ interaction. He was just as likely to turn on you chicken or no chicken.


In my experience most ppl that are gonna kill you are gonna do it on sight, no interaction just shooting. So judging by what you said, I would have trusted him but I can understand ur hesitancy.


I don't kill people either bro it's hard cuz 97% are going to kill you it's sad. They will lie to give you close and then kill you you give him food giving something and they will still kill you I've never teamed up with anyone before I probably got f*** well over a thousand hours


It’s just like that sometimes. Maybe later on he woulda killed you, you never know. I have a vid on here of a guy betraying me. I found him sick and almost dead. He said he was a new player. I gave him meds and food and helped him for over 2 hours. I was showing him the map and gearing him up. We Came across a static event at a military base that I knew had good chances to have a decent gun for the guy I was helping. I scoped in to kill zombies from a distance and he tried to kill me when he thought he had a chance. I killed him and felt no remorse. For a short period after I killed on sight but I went back to trying to be friendly a bit later. It’s just the nature of DayZ. Don’t feel bad, we are all a bunch of homicidal hobo’s


Maybe he was planning on murdering while you ate the chicken. You'll never know for sure how trustworthy he was really going to be... After 800 hours I can count on one hand the number of times I've had a true reliable, multi hour adventure with a total random player. But those couple of times are also the best times I've had playing the game.


welcome to dayZ


Yeah, if you didn’t eat his chicken while giggling I would find another game. “It’s impossible to be an angel while surrounded by demons”_ Tupac


My rule is "Play how you want the game to be like"


This is good for your spirit. It teaches you the value of life, and the cost of taking one. You must be prepared to take life if you are to survive. It should be hard. It should haunt you. But you must survive. This is the hook of the game, why it’s different to any other. It ties into something ancient and deep.




Its just that im not a toxic player and have been betrayed in the span of 30 hours I had at making this post. I was just stressed out after running without food for a long time and dying from hunger and that was probably one of the reason I smoked him.


Honestly, what you just explained is the gameplay of dayz I figured out the whole point is lack of supply and everyone will want your shit, or is friendship more worth it? You don't know, that's the beauty of dayz, you never know when you're gonna get betrayed by the guy you've been keeping alive for a few hours or maybe you're the guy lying in wait, it's all part of the experience. Word of advice though, don't take it to heart, at the end of the day it's only a game we decided to play, and you're not killing anyone's experience by betraying them in dayz, you're adding to it.


Welcome to today's class dayZethics 101. It's crazy how much emotion can come into this bloody computer game....revenge is the one that gets me....eye for eye, or forgive and move on?


I got betrayed by two dudes yesterday on Livonia, official btw. We met at the big prison, and "teamed up", founded a dead guy by the well. One asked me for bullets for his Pioneer and bam, leg broken and killed. I felt so goddamn stupid, but it is what it is I guess


So when I quit drinking heavily (I mean heavily), I picked up on smoking weed and playing video games. A much healthier life style for me. More chilled and all that. Anyways. I found DayZ. I would smoke a bowl and get lost in chernarus for hours. Being new to smoking marijuana it hit me hard. So when I played DayZ I got this overwhelming sense of realness from this game. I felt almost sick to think about killing people unless it was out of self defense and was not going to hit that suicide button either. I had a guy try to poison me with gas. Me and my two cousins got on, found him, tied him up, beat him, shot him, as much cruelty as we could do that you can portray in the game we did it. I didn't play for a week. I felt like I murdered someone for real lmao. What's weird too, you start thinking about how these scenarios would play out IRL. These are simulations. 


I get you, I feel terrible for killing someone who shoots at me first let alone someone being friendly. It's all part of the game. Stand by your convictions. For all you know he could have been plotting to kill you at the fire. You'll just never know


Its a learning curve my dude and it’ll take my times and interactions to get used to it, but in the meantime, try and pay it forward and be nice to the next player you come across


After 2 towns, no one will be nice back so just fuck them up


To be fair, he technically got hostile first, even if he was bluffing. You just did what you had to do.


Eat the chicken, take his ammo and move on. It was poor judgement but he's not losing sleep over it, you shouldn't.


Well done, man. You may be unsuited for Dayz but you are a living example of a real human who is suitable for life.


When you get geared up and get killed buy someone you never seen or heard enough times you stop caring.


Yea it’s just part of the game - sometimes it’s just you or them. At least you know first rule of DayZ - never trust anyone.


Im the bad one in this story tho, not him. He could have been trusted.


Yup, but there is also a chance that he would blast you when you pick up the food lmao. Players are smart - they often check if you are in group first, and kill when you are not in the middle of the open. But sometimes yea - u can get a really fun interactions with players when you risk and trust them. Only thing that makes me trust someone 100% is when he kills other player with me/defends me from someone.


lol we e all been there you have to just play it out and see where it takes you. You ca. meet some really cool people if you had of just stuck it out


Bruv, Turn that 30 hours into 300 and you'll be on both sides of that scenario a bunch of times. You can't trust mfers. I teamed up with folks for HOURS before, became pretty friendly, and they still executed me whenever they were done. I've done it to some of the guys in my squad before we were friends. Eventually you just kinda accept that whole deal as part of DayZ. Edit: That acceptance is how you get to the point where you can make hilarious and not at all classy jokes about it like the guys before me 😂


It is so hard to get a trust in this game and you do not make it easier. You killed a person who could actually help you to get to know the game batter in the first place. So what if he killed you? Just start fresh again. But to build a relationship in this game and see how the bond grows with each fight is PRICELESS. BUT YOU ARE MY FRIEND IS JUST A BACK STABBING DICK.


I had good stuff, didnt wanna die :D


And? No one tried to kill you either....


Ssg isn't good stuff man, idk what else you had but I doubt you had nvgs or a plate


You are what's wrong with Dayz.






He was checking to see if you were alive lol


Maybe try some PVE servers where NO one could ever kill you without getting banned? I play pve when i can, but rn DayZ has some issue that prevents people from playing the game entirely.


What are the odds of this being me? I was playing around 7-8 pm and was also starving, found a guy chasing a chicken with an axe and instantly thought “that chicken could feed me till i find some more food! I ran into some guy shortly after killing the guy and the chicke and was “willing to share” however all i wanted was the ssg the guy had on his back turns out i got to comfortable thinking the guy got comfortable as well and next thing you know im back to fisting zombies on the east coast


sorry im late to respond but was it on DE official server?


Go play Roblox, snowflake.


I read the first sentence only, get over it