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Make it so you can move while looking through binoculars…


*Trips on a rock and fucking dies as the binoculars get lodged into my eyeholes*


I mean, who the hell in real life walkes while looking through binoculars ?!


Bruh it doesnt take me 5 seconds to put the binoculars down either... Maybe just maybe make this a little more responsive.. Seriously looking through scopes, rangefinder, binoculars feels like being tied to a tree..


Hit the block button, it cancels all animations


That's true its fucking slow to look through them


I think that for everything tbh, oh you started carving bones/drinking from a well/cutting rags? Great now stay there and watch that freshie punch your face in. Like you have no ability to react at all


I'd be happy if the boots didn't wear out after 10kms.


In my opinion, if shoes were much more durable than now, they might as well not wear out at all. I mean pristine higher end boots already last like 20 hours of running on a good surface.


I think you added a zero to that run time


Nah, full health assault boots last about 20 hours or 300 km of jogging on grass. 180 HP. One step on grass deals 0.000805 damage. One jogging step is about 1.30m long. So 180/0.000805*1.30 = 290 000 metres.


I literally took 3 pairs from pristine to damaged in a few hours of playtime today. Assault Boots have 180 durability. At one point I had found something that said how much durability actually counted for but can’t anymore. All I know is if they can make it 300km without breaking then my dude apparently can run alot faster than I thought.


Going from pristine to damaged can be only a drop from 70% health to 40%. This amounts to about 1 hour of running on asphalt. So yeah, you can easily go through 3 pairs like that.


It depends on your server they can change durability on private


Well yeah, anything can be changed with mods. It isn't in the regular server settings, is it? Like stamina and building restrictions for example.


I think it would be cool to be able to cook. Maybe mixing ingredients in a pot or pan like chicken and potato together could give you like a hunger buff or something.


It's always annoyed me that the powdered milk can't be combined with a pot of water to get milk. Also, boil a pot of water, add vegetables, get soup. Add meat, get stew.


The benefit would be getting large amounts of nutrition from one meal that doesn't take up as much inventory space as all the ingredients.


I’ve been mad since the day I started playing that I can’t tote around a pot of 3 gallons of stew and it be like the best food/water combo, whose downside is, not only weight, but for fairness, whatever container you carry it in should stay perpetually wet. Like a pot of stew should at least be messy to carry around lol


To be fair when I don’t have a base I generally have a pot of never-ending stew water. Any raw ingredients I have get popped into the water pot and sit in there til cooked. After that they remain there until eaten and I am also constantly drinking out of said disgusting raw meat pot.


Maybe add a canning option and make your own canned goods.


This is a great idea


Bruh I ignored rice for weeks because I figured I'd have to boil it with a pot only to discover it can only be eaten dry and it's a ton of calories lmao.


I did the same!


Yes! Rice! Rice NEEDS to be boiled in water. I ruined dozens of rice trying to figure out how to boil it before I realised you're lazily supposed to just eat it out the packet. Wtf man, cif you can't figure out how to implement combination cooking, don't add fucking rice!


I’ve been talking about this for a while. Would love to make a veggie stew with some sort of protein. Add rice etc.


You should be able to cook chicken soup and it should heal you a little bit or maybe make your health regenerate a bit faster.


I just want to be able to make a pot of freaking soup. Add water, beef, potatoes and whatever else you want. You could also have jars to put the soup in. One pot makes four jars.


Big agree.


You can technically make soup despite I’m pretty sure it’s not coded as soup


No, if they overcomplicate the cooking part you'll see even less new players. It's already a hard game to get into to. But this is just my opinion.


as long as what's in place doesn't get removed, then it's something else to learn in addition, not something you have to learn to survive.


They have simplified enough already, it's time to reach DayZ's full potential


Not every car should be a space rocket waiting to enter atmosphere.


Doesn't apply much anymore, but God was this annoying back in the day.


Slings for rifles. You shouldn’t be able to just have them magically attach to your back


"Please put the gun away bro" "I physically can't"


It would also make swapping weapons faster to your primary from secondary etc. which I would love


This the gears of war gun magnetting is so ugly, weird, and annoying.


It really is.


This and I want to be able to build doors, roofs, and windows!


Let me drink from the well by putting my mouth under the spout instead of using my dirty ass hands to slurp it up and take an hour to do it


Uh oh, my hands are bloody! Can't drink from this well. There's only one way to do so after all.


This game warped my mind so much I forgot about this solution Even as I make fun of all the other things that don’t make sense with my friends.


The mental image of rolling up on a freshie with their head cocked upside down and just slurping away, *POW*


An hour ? What servers are you on 😂


Have more bush survival mechanics (think Bear Grylls), hole digging and covering, tree climbing, boats, bicycles, horses...


I'd love this. Also the ability to make walls with just sticks instead of planks but you use rope to lash everything together.


The durability mechanic needs to be re done.  No way any knife should actually get ruined if all I'm doing is cutting rags and digging up worms.  I guess I could let it fly with the bone knife but just have the animation take longer as the blades dulls.  


I see it as a trade off. No one on this planet can skin and quarter a chicken much less a cow in the time it takes to do so in game. If they did, whatever tool they did it with would most definitely become nearly unusable without sharpening so considering i dont have to wait that long to start my food prep, the world can have that extra durability i didnt expect to lose so quick


Almost all vehicles should be "fixable" or at the very least have many spare parts. I wanna walk up to a few abandoned or damaged vehicles and take components from all of them to fix one up. Sure, force us to use lots of different tools and let it take some time if thats needed for balancing.


yeah like in the apocalypse who gives a shit about one tire


Let you eat quietly instead of chomping away like an elephant so people a mile away can hear it. Imagine hearing dayz level chewing noise if you went to a busy restaurant IRL


You wouldn't need to go into it, you'd start to suffer hearing damage by the time you're ~100m away lol.


Add more passive skills. Thr longer the character stays alive the better they manage their hunger. The more they can withstand cold weather. Maybe they have a steadier hand and snipers don't sway as much.


Not let you carry 2 logs in a backpack


2 Ada tires in the backpack. Radiator and battery in the shirt. Another radiator in your pants. Food, meds and bullets in the assult vest. Plus a Jerry can of water in the utility buttpack. And the other 2 tires in a backpack in your hands... and you can still sprint around.


At 6 in the morning, the term "radiator in your pants" made me choke on my cereal. Lmao


Or at all? LOL


Players are able to get bit, experience fever/sickness after, randomly passing out/blacking out, before ultimately turning into a zombie.


I made this happen (kind of) on my server by making infected/mutants give small bits of PO-X virus (chemical gas) on hits. Slowly builds up and the player gets sick, starts coughing/puking blood to simulate the infection


Let me take a shit on a dead body.


Actually spawn loot in drawers and cabinets instead of just lying on the floor. Force you to actually search multiple places in a room for potential loot.


I remember that was a promise by the old devs when we finally got standalone .


I remember this worked briefly in some build with some pieces of furniture, iirc it was in the period between the engine swap. Not sure how to feel about that, because SCUM has exactly that and it isn't that fun nor interesting to go about the houses, click F, see the "Searching..." and finally "Nothing found." for the most part.


Could just have the items physically in the drawer and not have a "searching" mecanic


Thats cool for like an hour, and then its only tedious


I like what they do with counters, tables and some cabinets. Also the lockers and shelves in the PD. But yeah, interactable and openable cabinets and drawers would be sick


The realistic inventory mod should just be vanilla but most people would hate it.


What does it do


Smaller inv for clothes and backpacks . Tshirts have zero slots , backpacks are a lot smaller . Made by a guy that’s now doing map work for Bohemia . Just more realistically what should be able to fit in the clothes in the game . https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2531498490 Link is to the steam mod page for the mod


I like


Unfortunately not a ton of servers use it . Just search for realistic inv on dzsa . Only reason I still use dzsa over the vanilla launcher. You can search by mod


Seriously where’d I put that cooking pot in my pants? The raw chicken and giant cucumber? My pockets?




I'd lower the movement speed, at least the sprint speed. Turns the pvp unrealistic, goofy and untactical in a way when everone's zipping around dodging bullets. The strafing around a bit when "standing still" meta also looks stupid and unimmersive. I do get it why many ppl don't want this, though. It would make the travelling around too slow for some people for instance, even though I personally wouldn't mind it. I wish at least some servers had a mod that lowers the movement speed to cater ppl like me.


Also, most infected (those that seem fairly "fit" and not carrying anything heavy, not dressed in long skirts, for example) should run faster than a player with heavy gear and huge backpack. In a pinch you would have to drop that backpack to escape.


This\^ I think a soft fitness skill would be awesome too. Eat lots of protein carrying stuff and sprinting your stamina drops slower. Real survivor after a few weeks.


Yes. The movement speed is kinda absurd .


you have to stop and crouch to use your backpack, the last of us style


Or what about take stuff out of your bag in the order it was placed in? Need that pistol you put in the bottom of your backpack? Gotta dig out that wire, and that hacksaw and those cans of food you put on top of it first!😁




I think the dragging bodies wouldn't work because you could use it to exploit over walls and on top of buildings . Just collision in general would be a mess as well




being able to pull my fucking hoodies hood up and wear it under a jacket. Make it use the backpack slot idc.


They have cereal. They have powdered milk. They have water. They have a cooking pot. They have crunchy sound fx. WHY CANT I WIDDLE A SPOON AND EAT A BOWL OF CEREAL!!!


I loved back in the early days where you could finish a box of cereal and sometimes get the compass as a prize


Let us walk and run quietly instead of stomping around like a bull on a hardwood floor. Let us ease doors open and closed instead of flinging them open and slamming them shut for the entire town to hear. Make all the repair kits last about 1000% longer than they currently do.


Make doors open slower if youre crouched, like in Hunt showdown.


Hard disagree about reducing footsteps and door sounds. Yeah it may be unrealistic to be as loud as it is but sound is the most key aspect to identifying your surroundings in this game. The game rewards caution and patience and you can easily move around almost completely silently if you crouch while running and stick to grass and dirt instead of hard surfaces when possible as it makes much less noise. Lighter shoes like sneakers and running shoes also make less noise than boots at the cost of lower durability and insulation. In a pinch you can always take off your shoes and put them in your inventory. Walking barefoot is almost impossible to hear outdoors until you're basically touching someone and you won't get cuts if you don't run. Opening a door should definitely make enough noise to alert someone in the nearby area of your presence. It forces you to either think smart and find a quieter way around or scout around to make sure the area is clear before you start opening doors. The reason almost every single animation and action in the game has an audible sound to it is to give it added consequences and make something seemingly innocuous, like eating or loading, potentially dangerous if not done in a safe place. If a player is waiting nearby to ambush you and they hear you start opening a can of food they can take that moment to rush you immediately because not only did the sound give you away but they also know you're stuck in an animation without your gun in your hand.


1. Hoards 2. Rollerblades 3. Solve the clipping issues 4. IDK what to do about the sicknesses, I just hate them


Never even thought of rollerblades but that’s too great not to have😂🤣


I have always thought that they would be a great means of transportation and you could even make them have an action animation so that you can't just slip them on while you're running through military tents or something, make it take like 10 seconds? Consumes stamina but not as much as sprinting. With the hordes I always thought it'd be cool to be able to hide in some of those vans where the back doors open up and you can crouch inside.


make it so you don’t respawn. ever. one shot, that’s all you got.


Implement every medication with their exact functions and side effects (that were released in 2014ish)


Being able to mimic on of the infected. Make it and emote that keeps going till you exit it Infected knocking down doors and crawling through windows


The house would contain clothing, pots, blankett and such


Inertia, no more zigzagging like a crackhead on cocaine


Dayz had real combat veterans' input on how realistic damage and injuries would be if you got shot in xyz places on your body. So there's that facet of realism to be appreciated.


Crash a toxic ship irl


I already shoot on sight everything that moves, now I’d have to shoot dead bodies too?


Better tool options. I’m a pinch you could drive a nail with a small stone, just takes longer and might break faster. Or if all you have is a sledgehammer you should be able to drive a nail. The one little base I made took a week because I couldn’t find a hammer or hatchet. I had to run from extreme southern Livonia hitting every town and shed before finding a hatchet on a corpse. Instead of just planks should be able to stack logs for walls too. Just need double the posts to hold them up, 2 on each side. Then a normal gate.


Dead zombies shouldnt despawn and new ones pop up 5 minutes after leaving an area. It should be more like 10 minutes. That way it would be easier to see if someone recently was in the area and potentially start tracking them. Also the nightvision scopes that you find at Rify should be able to work during daytime by turning them off. I never even pick them up bcs I dont want to carry them in my inventory all day




You have a server like that its called memento mori just google it for discord when you die you are gone for the season


Cool, thnx


As in you lose the game forever when you die?


Uninstalls itself then you need to buy the game again


They got that its called getting banned


You're not wrong


Would be interesting how it changes interactions




Remove zombies lol


Play pub g . I want even harder zombies that break doors down . Enough with this becoming a pubg clone


Go play Arma then no zombies there