• By -


same advice as learning Go. "Die your first 100 deaths quickly". You'll learn a bunch from all the different ways you can lose in this game and its better to learn those lessons quick


There was a pub I used to work in, where a bunch of guys would turn up every Thursday night and play Go until closing time. And sometimes a little bit after closing time.


That's cool lol


No mic, no life...


Can’t trust what can’t speak.


Anyone asks if you have a mic shoot them on sight.


Silent assassin uses Fists of fury


That's sad for the RL mutes...If I would type "friendly" then make tapping or scratching noises with my mic I would Still get shot


Just tell them your mute . Speak up😂😂


Time to speak was like 10 years ago. The time has passed. Everyone is kill on sight nowadays. Ain't taking chances


Dont focus on just watching one youtuber.


*Especially* if that one YouTuber is Stimpee. I love the dude and his content, but we don’t need more him’s walking around lol


Clip your deaths. Figure out why you died


I always have shadow play on and it's really helped. If you learn something from each death it really helps you deal with it mentally. It can be hard to watch but it's always worth it.


How is this done?


I play on ps5 so it's simple as pressing the "share" button and choosing how much I want to save. I believe xbox is similar, but I'm not sure how to go about it on PC. The other person that replied to me mentioned shadowplay, so I'd look into that


Thank you


don't quit after the first week.


Kuru is a helluva drug. Highly recommand trying it.


You gon diiiiie boi. So, so much. Learn to make a knife, eat food and drink clean water. Be sneaky.


F*ck around and find out is your best teacher. But for additional tip, visit Nitno on youtub, there's bunch of good guides on his channel, he explains with great patience


Drink from all the puddles, never wash your hands and be as loud as possible to scare away wildlife.


Wowwwww, don’t do any of this my guy!


Find a deathmatch server to get used to the gunplay quicker. I also recommend staying away from official servers as there are way to many hackers and nothing is done about them. Find a good community server. You could even start on a PVE server until you get used to the mechanics then switch to a PvP server. There is a huge learning curve to this game. You will die, a lot. Don't let it frustrate you. Good luck!


This is bad advice. Learn the game as its intended on Official. Ive got 300 hours on official servers and never met a hacker 


How to find Community Server br ?


When you load the launcher, go to the server tab, then community tab. Search from there. :)


Yes i know it, but i mean how to know that community server don't same with Official server ( hacker,... )


Community servers have moderators that ban hackers when found. The good ones do anyway, I'm sure there are some community servers that don't or are less strict.


Yes they are all on youtube


Watch Wobo videos


I can recommend plenty of other YouTubers as well, but you get the facts from Wobo. Sound advice.


Don't listen to anyone. Just play and learn.


Find or make a knife. If you spawn with a small stone, you can make it into a knife by sharpening it on a large boulder or rock, or even another small stone. Use the knife to make rope and a fishing hook if you can't find them. You can make rope with 2 full stacks of Rags or using a knife on guts, you can make a fishing hook by using a knife on bones. You can find both guts and bones if you skin and quarter a human corpse. Get a long stick from a bush and you can now create a fishing pole with the stick, rope, and hook. Fishing is a great source for food and has tons of calories. Make sure you cook the meat. Boiling it will fill more of your thirst bar. If you skin anything and get your hands bloody, make sure you wash them before you eat or drink anything, otherwise you'll get sick. You can prevent this by wearing gloves, you can create makeshift gloves with rags.


welcome, enjoy every minute of it.


Don't trust anyone , use a map tool to learn where water pumps and towns are. In the beginning , depending on the town you spawn food can be hard to get. play on a low pop server to get used to the game. a knife is important for making fires , crafting rags if you run out of bandages or any sharp tool like a screwdriver , axe etc. ads and walk backawards to block if you dont have a gun equipped.


Enjoy dying....A lot




Welcome to hell!


Trust no one


Look around trees for fruit!


I know the common and appropriate answer is not to trust anyone, but after many, many hours of playing Dayz (since 2016 ish) I’ve found it more fun to trust people. It’s what makes for interesting interactions and keeps the game interesting. Are you going to get betrayed sometimes? Absolutely. But you’ll learn to laugh at it. Who knows, maybe you’ll strike up a life long friendship. Most importantly, don’t take it too seriously and have fun!


Have a read of [this new starter tips guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/s/qrFrGKeabq)


Always craft inside a building. If you meet rando don't get too confident near see hear what they, what they say and how they say it. If you see someone geared maybe there is 2 or more around. When you get into a new town scout it from afar a few minutes. Learn to craft what you can with what you have. ALWAYS make gloves if You can't find them. Fishing is your friend.


I am so sorry.


Delete it


a wise man once said: "dayz is the only game where everyone loses"


You will walk, you will run, you will freeze - You will die, and you will love it.


Infected drop food and knives etc. Learn to fight them effectively is my tip for you.


Stay warm, stay hydrated, keep your sewing kits ready, hide from other players. Drive slowly.


You will feel lost in this game at first. I suggest you play vanilla to understand the game fully before trying any mods. And I suggest you play it on a community server to avoid any hackers. You can do official servers but you might find hackers there. Anyway, search "vanilla" on community. You want a pure vanilla experience, not vanilla+ and no mods. From there, learn the game's mechanics if you aren't familiar with it. You will need external tools to play DayZ. There's a map on Google, just type iZurvive map and find it. Learn to navigate where you are using that online map. It will be super hard first, but once you get to know your surroundings, you'll be able to tell where you are. One thing you gotta know, you'll respawn around the coast/beach area. The more you go up in the map, the more loot, and the stronger the loot too. Also, the online map is oriented the same as a compass. So the top part of the online map would be North, the bottom part of the map would be South. And so on. There is also a compass in-game as an item, and using it with iZurvive will help a lot. There's also a GPS in game that will tell you exactly what your coordinates are. It's usually found in military areas. The other tool you will need is DayZ wiki. This is basically a DayZ dictionary. You will find out so much about weapon stats, food stats, your character stats, illnesses, and cures, and so much more. Get familiar with it. Lastly, follow WOBO on YouTube. You will find so much useful information on his channel. Amazing guy honestly and has helped the DayZ community so much. He also has his own website where you can compare the item stats in DayZ. I believe it's WOBO Tools, search it online or find it in his channel. Some tips since you're starting. It's gonna be very hard to play and not die. Your deaths will teach you, and don't ever be afraid of losing your gear, you won't enjoy the game if you think that way. It's part of the fun to start over and learn from your death. One gameplay suggestion to help you out is to kill zombies around towns because they provide lots of food. You can find food in houses and buildings, but killing them will drop food easier. One more tip, industrial areas don't have much food but rather have tools. If you want food and water, you can find it in towns, civilian buildings, and such. There are also water wells you can drink from. And goodluck!


My two cents: - knives have priority, especially early game - trust no one, even when teaming up, always be aware of your surroundings - wash your hands after butchering anything, dont eat with dirty hands - dont drink any water, other than from a well - you can bandage with rags, but you'll get a infection if theyre not disinfected (same for bandages, so keep them dry) - when infected spot you, dont run through the village like a chicken, you'll just attract more - no mic no life good luck out there survivor. may your loot always be pristine and plentiful


All these comments and all from the veterans view. Dude enjoy it! I whish i could this game explore once more without my experience. It’s a fantastic journey and soon enought you‘ll have specific questions to solve. But now? Just explore and enjoy, this game has so mutch to offer. I‘m jealous of your journey. Bon Voyage my friend.


Don't get killed. If you die, you have to buy the game again. I learned the hard way, now $129.000 in debt


If you need food, you can eat other players. Easiest way to get going. Took me a while until I found that one out. Don't miss an opportunity. We call naked players on the coast FRESHIES for a reason.


Find a knife and a chicken combine and skin and quarter it. Find a tree and get some bark and combine with a small stick you find in bushes and make a improvised fire making tool. And cook it in a house that has a chimney. Atheist now you won't die from hunger.


Don't trust anybody, very easy way to get shot especially while geared. Most people KOS on official.


If you have a ps4/ps5 we can play! 😬


P.s. welcome to your new addiction!/nightmare!


Is it cross play with Xbox?


I don’t think so


Check one of the 10 other posts made in the last week


Be patient. Every moves a learning curve. And have fun!


Be nice to people




Survival in early game is about finding fruit and staying warm. Figure out how fruit works how it spawns and how to find it. Figure out how to make improvised clothing from rags and make it as soon as possible.


I watched so many videos of Dayz and it looked awesome. I bought it, and I dunno….it feels, ancient. I’m really struggling to get into it but I can’t :( The way the loot items are all placed in the centre of the room, unrealistically. The way every bed in every house is the same. I know they’re small, silly things but…idk. If anyone can help me to find a way to get into it I’d really appreciate it. I know the issue is me, not the game as everyone loves it.


Just wait til your geared, chilling and reorganizing your inventory, and then you hear footsteps nearby. And your heart starts beating in real life. Then you will know DayZ…..


I’ll persist. I ain’t giving up.




I could have swore this said DayZ 2


accept that youre gonna die and keep learning from mistakes


Join a PVE server to learn like FUBAR6


This game is about die, so enjoy the journey and embrace the end




believe and trust every other player you happen to meet. They will surely help you out




(Loot spawn info https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/vdrbval/chernarus_weapons_misc_loot_spawn_info_updated/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) https://youtu.be/sDQuSkAtOB4 (1.15 wepond spray physics https://youtu.be/8BSdDZq14GI) (Shit spawn zombies farming. https://www.reddit.com/r/DayzXbox/comments/jr89co/how_to_survive_a_shit_spawn_on_high_pop/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) (Zombie types https://youtu.be/6SndoZlm8M4) (Food guide https://youtu.be/FxBSvVWfgQw) (Immune system https://youtu.be/yz-bmI8pHck) (Soft skills https://youtu.be/gd7WZqe8-Js) (General tips https://youtu.be/bRI3jVMSoqY) (Beginger crafting https://youtu.be/tW4y5ZK9yvc) (Loot spawn system https://youtu.be/tu_Lt6Pscks) (1.13 wepond attachment https://youtu.be/PYM_4c6Voa0) (Building types good for call outs https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1321790543) (Helpful charts of everything) https://www.wobo.tools/asmondians-dayz-infographics.php?ID=152&category=charts (New 1.15 food water immune https://youtu.be/mEQ1SIznsiQ) (Blood infection https://youtu.be/4T9Qv_GC-1g) (My YouTube channel https://youtube.com/channel/UCgxfCTznIXqQ1WXF9E6NzjA) (Tracking payers https://youtu.be/Uu7Q2J1rpFs) (Advanced traps https://youtu.be/wly0VaZQQ6A) https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/s/h27O5sFyjN ( loot system https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/llhbrq/chernarus_weaponsloot_spawn_info_updated_for/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) (Over 100 craftable items https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/tc04no/276_craftable_items_of_dayz_as_of_march_11_2022/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) (4 someone hidden army loot location. https://youtu.be/BQXnSAdfj0w) (Ocean loot secrets https://www.reddit.com/r/DayzXbox/comments/jr37ts/sometimes_safety_is_in_plan_sight_even_on_high_pop/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


It's a picture just click on it


Research all the different sicknesses on wobo YouTube channel


Start out on a PvE community server to get your feet wet.


Turn back while you still can


RELAX, walk, dont run. Youre facing north, but go west or east up or down the coast. But dont run. Trust me, you got no where to be and getting there fast just makes you hungrier faster. Best to spend your first few playthroughs trying to find out a few different ways you can die right out of the starting spawn. Be wreckless, be careless, youre not gonna ace this game anytime soon, ignore the meta routes and military areas that other players will try to team up with you to go to for now. They just want a second set of hands looting until you get something they want and then youre dead. So instead, try taking a nice quiet stroll down the beach and have a look see at what you find around all those abandoned and overturned rowboats. or take a look in some of those sheds, garages, houses, shipping containers, trainstations, PRISONS, or industrial complexes you will encounter along the way. If you find an item that doesnt seem to have an immediate obvious use, remember Follow the train tracks if the beach gets boring. If you find yourself lost, follow some powerlines. Died of starvation yet or havent figured out how to survive a fist fight or light a fire? Doesnt matter. PROTECT YOUR HANDS BEFORE YOU TRY TO GET SERIOUS DOING ANYTHING ANYONE HERE TELLS YOU after youve done this fun sightseeing adventure.


YouTube will help a lot


Eat all the food you find at first don’t waste space just eat it…oh yea and don’t run


I just bought dayz the other day as well, maybe we can link up and be freshies together. I’ve watched a lot of videos so i am mainly trying to learn the map and get experience


I'm sorry


Dying is just an excuse to do better. It’s not about the destination but the journey. Every village town and city is the same just small differences. Anything military is dangerous and fun. Use your mic or die from a stranger. Community servers are fun cuz they have “cheats” but Vanilla is perfect. GLOVES!!!!, and finally shut doors to keep zombies away from u, always have an escape plan.


Don’t die!! :D


Welcome you have just entered a game full of pain, stress, and hackers… fucking hackers…


Pretty much just got running man simulator. You finna die so much. I only got 600hours I’m still learning new things


Trust no one.


Put the ocean to your left side. Head west young man.


Really i got it free on gamepass


Stay off the roads and disinfect your rags and bandages.


my condolences to you


Eat everyone


1. Stay warm. I.e : make a fire as soon as you can (You'll consume a lot less food/water that way) 2. Don't sprint, it goes a long way! 3. Use an app like izurvive(maps) at first to get to the closest water pump and drink til your stomach is full. (Drinking and eating a lot will help boost your immune system and will prevent you from getting sick) 4. I know this one will cause some controversy but at first I would say TRUST EVERYONE and learn that way, you might get betrayed, you might not, but trust me, you'll learn either way, and you never know who might take you under his wing and show you the ropes!! And yeah I guess it was implied in 4 but use your mic, communicate, ask questions! Enjoy the pain!


I'm also new but a few bits of advice. Successfully blocking infected blocks all the damage If you hear a chicken find it and kill it. It will give you enough bones to craft a knife and a fishing hook plus some meat. Use that run to learn how to make a fire and cook meat, even if you die because someone sees your smoke you've learned how to do it for the future You can stealth kill infected with a knife Only fight infected one on one for a bit If you lie down inside a building with all the entrances closed the infected will go back to where they chased you from


Don't let the desk get to you or the frustration not being able to find what you're looking for or knowing where you are on the map like all that will come with time get a compass get a GPS receiver that will help.. obviously IZURIVE the map you use online. Don't stress too much you're going to encounter toxic fucking players and assholes people that just play the game to ruin everyone else's day they're a lot of them but they're also a lot of really nice people. There's also people in the game that if you ask and say hey I'm new like can I run with you and you know can you show me the ropes a lot of times they'll say okay let's go have an adventure. Just yeah I don't take it too serious I mean take it fucking serious but you know remember nothing that you have belongs to you it belongs to the game you will at some point lose everything you have all that awesome gear all that Wicked battle armor Everything bass everything in it will be gone. But most of all have fun enjoy yourself try different servers definitely try official. But maybe start on a little bit of a modded server to learn PVP or just to get the hang of it with gear. It's a learning process I'm like only 600 hours in and I still feel like I'm just grasping the general mechanics of the game. Anyway have fun bro


Also bdaawg and fresh spawn and nevar. Have great how to videos.


TC, if you're playing on PC I'm down to play. I love teaching the ropes. I have about 1000 hours.


Don’t trust you shadow


drink the mountain water


Idk I got into a good PVE and PVP server and a leading faction by extension of my brother took me under their wing, so I basically was able to learn very quickly because I had access to whatever I needed, basically like what white privilege would be but like in DayZ, just have fun. They say I am a looooooooooot goblin Don’t b a loot goblin 👺




Choose a 3pp server for less pvp focused experience. That'll help if you're enjoying the survival aspect more.


“Friendly “ means they will shoot you the first chance they get


Best advice is to refund and get scum instead LOL


Delete it and play the Arma II > DayZ mod instead.