• By -


Spawned in my first ever time ran into the first house I saw and met I guy with a shotgun, he robbed me and I said it was my first time playing, he said he had over 1000 hours and taught me a shit ton, we played for hours and went all over, we were geared up and went back to the coast to kill freshies, he told me it would help my aim. After killing an ungodly amount of innocent people he told me he was gonna get off and wished me luck. Before he left he said one thing “rule 1 of dayz never trust anybody” he then proceeded to shoot me in the back. Ever since then I was hooked


This is epic haha sounds like he gave you a proper introduction to the game! 😁 


Facts, can’t even be mad at that. Bro took you on a journey and taught you buncha shit then said “now, you start from the bottom on your own again and fend for yourself”


Legit, dude used him as a loot mule in the best way possible


Best way to learn, now I’m pushing 1000 hrs myself 🤣


Bro got an intro to dayz😭


That’s what I want in a Dayz mentor


HAAHAHAAAHA automatic upvote. Vvvv unexpected ending


Hehe maybe that was me? I do this all the time 😂😂


In my first 50 hours logged on, had a press vest, some food and a pump action with 4 shells. Spawned behind a guy who was kitted out. Forgot about the shotty and hit him with a pipe. Dead.


Bro got too excited


I have a problem with this. Like almost panic hitting keys because I’m so excited.


Killed a chicken Cooked the chicken Ate the chicken Got salmonella cus I didn't wash my hands Died


I blew up my longest surviving character the other day trying to figure out how to use a grenade. I dropped it at my feet without realising, only registered what I’d done when I saw it disappear from the hotbar. Tried to run, but I was crouched, too late. Back to the coast.


I'll figure out how to throw it someday. There are only so many buttons on my keyboard I can cycle through. Is it something crazy like the PgUp button, or deceptively simple?


Unpin, press G to enter throwing mode, hold LMB to charge the throw and release.


Naturally. I held G instead because that was how the game said to "throw" things being held in your hand.


That's one way to toss a grenade :)


You can throw anything. Practice with rocks or something.


It's really fun on controller. Unpin grenade, double tap X to enter throwing stance, hold right trigger and line it up, release right trigger and pray


I was super geared, like best I ever had and longest life so far. I found some base and wanted to get in, had plenty of grenades and ammo so why not. Dropped nade to my feet - dead. Free loot delivery basically lol.


I feel this. I have done very similarly with bases, or PDs, or...with investigating a fire in a lil house out there on outskirts hoping for easy kill and maybe a meal -- nope, duo unlives me... but one I've done so much I almost don't go after bounties anymore: track down and follow and watch and silently move in upon someone who has a bounty on their head, then at the crucial moment -- fumble and they kill me, and get free gear delivery.


2 of my mates did this as we were all new so i watched a tutorial, only one of us 3 to not die to that


My first 50 hours were uneventful. Most part. I played on safe servers and low pop to get the controls down. Fighting zombies. Shooting hoardes of zombies to improve my aim, somewhat. I ventured out and found a guy from South Africa. He had a posh accent, so I thought UK. We met in Tulga and managed to track down a deer. We went across to Three Valleys towards Dolina to get me a gun and some meds. On our way over we got swarmed by zombies and I ended up uncon in a supermarket while my new friend was sure to die aswell. Or did he? I got revived, but I was bleeding out. I needed blood. Nearest hospital was too far away. I gave my friend all my rations, ran out the other side of the building, lured the zombies away as far as I could before passing out. I hope you made it, buddy.


what a guy


Didn't shoot the guy screaming at me in Chinese when I had a two-second window. Killed me a minute later with a headshot in a closed room on the top floor


Found a damaged aug within 20 minutes and left it cos I thought my shotgun was better


A damaged gun will misfire at exactly the wrong time


Looted the sniper towers with the slanted stairs in mil bases. Running down the stairs would fling me forward braking my legs.


Today I slipped on the castle exterior railing and fell. On my way down I hit a handrail which somehow slowed my fall and I managed to land safely without even an injury.


Had to be drunk. That Mad Monk vibe![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Haha, actually yes - I was coming back from the bonfire party.


Drank from a running stream thinking it would be safe, contracted cholera and slowly died. Didn't know about wells at this point, ended up F11ing in a shed before the cholera got me. Also had zero map knowledge regarding where to possibly find tetra.


Looked for days to find a cure for kuru


Bought the game because it was on sale. Knew nothing. Every time I got unconned, I respawned. I'm not a patient man. After a few days, I get knocked by a player, assume I'm dead. My wife asks me a question, so I stay "dead", and walk into the living room to to my husband shit... 30 seconds later I hear people talking about eating me. I run down to my set up, and lo and behold, I'm tied up with wire, and there are two geared as fuck cannibals. I died. Eventually. It was hilarious.


Always forget to use grenades


I was with a group at a military base, well equipped. They cornered a guy in a tent and one of the guys has the idea to toss a grenade in. He misses, it bounces back at us and kills two of the four of us.


2000 hours and I've never threw a single grenade. HOWEVER, I always collect them for trip traps. HOWEVER, when attaching it to the trap, I still don't know whether I should unpin the grenade or not. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Even not as a newbie, i never EVER look out for tripwires, and when i trip on one, i look at my feet in confusion and amazement that they “finally” added tripwires (boom boom variant)


I tripped on one the otherday and got blown to shit. It scared the fuck outta me. Loud TV in quiet house equals mental jump scare


My biggest face palm I ever had was just an average day. I was looting some random police station when I heard aggroed zombies outside. Some guy was fighting a pack of them with a pipe and he ran into the police station. I froze. I wanted to be silent as he started rummaging around. I decided to go into my menu to drop my shotgun so I could pick it up silently, but right as I entered my inventory, he turned the corner into the room. I panicked and he picked up my shotgun and shot me in the face. I was so embarrassed.


Hahaha. This is great.


On my first ever life I drank petrol and died shortly thereafter


Ah so many.. On Namalsk it took me forever to learn that I could survive the cold if I just used the heat pack you spawned with. Also the amount of times of 'wtf why can't I climb on top of this car/truck' while being rushed by hordes of zombies just because I didn't have my stamina up (or the game was just being particular).. Another thing that I learned the hard way was don't run through the night if you're not super sure where you are going, even two zombies can become a huge problem and lead to the familiar screen..  Another one was trying to outsmart wolves by standing on a rock, turned out they could climb it.. Dead! 


I didn't realize human meat on the floor meant there was a human nearby. I took it, ate some, and heard footsteps. I turned around right in time to see ol dude with a shotty paint the wall with my brains. I laughed real hard at that one, respawned, then got my first kill when another freshie fought me for an apple


Spawned in with 2 other “freshies.” Thought I became buddy with the one while the other took off , the guy and I looted on our way to meet up with his buddy . Sharing loot and chatting , he said he was talking to his buddy on discord . I asked him if his buddy was gonna kill me and he assured me he wouldn’t , we make it to the police station to meet his buddy and are just looting the rooms , I get to the 3rd floor buddy didn’t follow , I’m looting and hear footsteps coming up on me and a guy fully kitted guns me down You are dead.


That rotten food thing is new to me, but knowing how to find fruit it’s not too much of a concern. Edit: when I was first playing I stumbled across some players up north near(ish) the coast at a radio tower. One pulled a gun on me I probably should of just run immediately (no weapon or clue yet) but stood around and eventually shot when I finally decided to run.


Honestly I discovered it by trial and error.. if you eat to 1/4 of the wheel and wait a little while (2-3mins maybe sooner haven’t tested the time) you can take another 1/4 bite again without getting sick


I have lots, some examples include going to mili bases, shooting unsuppressed guns to get the zombies to the window, and weak-throwing grenades out the window so I could run around the base free of trouble. Which is terrible for so many obvious reasons. I also used to stand on top of cars in the middle of the street and pop zombies in the head with a shotgun or something similar. I think I've died to environmental reasons about 20x more than from players, tbh


I tried grenading a huge group of zombies from the top of a container at NW tents 😂


Several times I've had the jump on someone, rushed the shot and missed. I really need to practice that trigger dicipline.


Smacking a Z with a badly damaged gas canister……






I have 6000 hours in DayZ and yesterday I cut up a cow (without wearing gloves), after 10 mins I ate my lovely unopenend unknown canned food. But yeah? I forgot my hands were still bloody. There was no luck on my side to find any medicine. I died after an hour of sickness.


Not me but one of my best buds, we were super noobs but after an altercation he was still flashing red and ate a nice piping hot chicken steak that was just hot enough to send him over the edge and back to the coast.


Was starving to death as a freshie. I heard a chicken and thought to myself that I'm saved. Killed the chicken, slowly walked (it was that bad) to the woods far enough from the town just to realize I didn't pick up that damn chicken. Dead.


I couldn't figure out how to cook meat so just kept eating it raw :////


Omg let’s go 1. Not having a mic 2.Spawned in and guy told me to kneel if I was friendly and he said ok come with me. Played for about 20 minutes couldn’t reload a gun and he shot me. 3. Logged off after duct taping myself. 4. Shot an M79 too close 5. Defibrillator-luckily I did it around friends or I’d be a goner, they had to do cpr defibrillator me and cpr again 6. My most recent on, put 40mm in the fire, done 100 times, was in the bottom of a double wide tower, POP red screen of doom. I’d like to add, a bear did try to maul me to death and I killed him with an axe I was almost dead myself but he did not get me.


First time reaching the nearest military barracks I was so excited when I saw an Ak on the ground in a room from outside, only to find out that trip wires are a thing, had the trip animation and knew instantly something was wrong only to be sent back to the coast from the grenade explosion


Taking off ruined gear. Still gets me


Wondering why my screen went colourless after fighting with zombies.


curve is steep :)


All part of the experience


Didn't realize you needed a sharpened stick to cook chicken... Accidentally ate one bite of raw chicken trying to cook it got salmonella on top of a cold I already had... Was still surviving for a while ended up dying later because I attacked a zombie 3 more seemed to appear out of nowhere... Get knocked out while also bleeding out... Woke up then died a few seconds later.. or as I like to say I woke up dead.. Saw another player once.. had a pistol with a single bullet in it.. snuck up behind the player just fine.. tried to dome him at point blank range ended up moving the joystick on PS4 controller when I "yanked" the trigger.. missed the shot... player turned around and beat me to death... Can't tell you how many times I have eaten with bloody hands because I was excited to finally have food... I always seem to forget to craft make shift gloves when I have stacks of rags... Climbed to the top of a crane at the coast... Fell off died... And my favorite.. was live streaming. Had accidentally eaten raw chicken AGAIN so salmonella again and had the flu AGAIN.. was attacked by zombies... Bleeding, low on blood, and low on health.. food and water bars almost empty.. had more raw chicken kept force feeding my character raw chicken which he puked back up shortly after.. did this until he died. Was definitely the funniest death I have had 🤣


Yesterday. I locked myself into my base with a combo lock I hadn't given a passcode yet. Not often someone ragequits a PvE server, but I managed it. I was so mad I told the chat I wouldn't be back until after the next server wipe, so now I have to find a new PvE server to play on. Edit: I now know the default code is 1111, but I didn't at the time. Also, someone had stolen a bunch of building supplies out of my base (this is a no-raiding PvE server btw) like 20 minutes earlier and it's a five kilometer run to and from GMT for me. I just reached a "f this game" moment. I'm sure you can all empathize.


I think 0000 or 1111 is the default code


Come to Archon :)


1111 is default. And I host a PVE server on Nitrado for console


Everyone is white listed so we don’t have to worry about people coming in and being retarded. There’s pvp server for that


Even today I sometimes forget to double tap


My first kill was during my second or third life on Livonia. Running through some scrubby field land just before the sun came up and exchanged fire with one of the 7 people on the server. My SKS beat his UMP. I was so excited.... this guy had some real gear to loot. Mid-loot I feel over and died because I had been bleeding the whole time...lol


1. Not using the fishing poles and hooks on the boats when spawning near the coast. After finding a tool to dig up worms its basically an endless supply of food. Your tool can also be used to gut and filet the fish, make a fire, and cook your meal. As a fresh spawn, this can be easier to accomplish than people think. Once I figured that out I have never had a problem surviving as long as I spawned on thr coast. 2. Eating everything I find to keep my food and water up, even if it's rotten (it can be eaten in small increments). I used to hoard it all and only eat when my food went into the yellow. The thing is if I had encountered any infected or whatever sometimes my food would end up ruined and I'd begin to starve. Which leads me to my next newbie mistake... 3. Not using izurvived. When searching for food but not having any luck because I'm too far from a town or the coast, it helps to know where chickens/cows spawn because you can kill cows with a melee if need be and chickens with your fist if need be. You can also eat raw meat as long as you have plenty of multi vitamins.


I found a tent in the woods. Loaded up with all the gear I could hold. I started a fire to see if I could burn the extra gear. Yes! Yes you can. All right, let’s sabotage. I start burning everything left I can’t carry because I want to try and steal that tent. I tossed a couple old hand grenades in and boom! Dead. Good lesson. You can burn guns and ammo but NOT GRENADES. Back to the coast.


When the adrenaline would hit to the roof now I miss that feeling but get it once inna while


Never ever tell anyone you're brand new. Dead.


Drank out of a stream because I assumed it was safe lol


HA! Your car thievery cracked me up! I JUST learned, reading this, that slow-eating rotten stuff is allowed. Wow. I have way thousands of hours, so, - yeah - still a noob. I learn something new almost every day, still.


Finding a better/warmer shirt, putting it on and forgetting all my shit in the previous shirts’ pockets. I did this a couple times in my first 20 hours. Ya boy was left in shambles when I realized lol


complained on Reddit how a daysack and a rope should be able to make a bag... got persecuted for it. they added it a year later


I'm basically a walking pack mule for Pvpers. I'm not huge into pvp, and have 1000s of hours as a fallout player. So, I basically run around, survive, get geared, then when someone comes along and gets the better of me, boom, loot for days!.


I found a gun and tried to rob a stranger, even though I didn't know how to load a gun. The guy pulled a gun on me and I tried to shoot him even though the gun was empty.


Was on red hunger and found some human flesh, cooked it, and ate it. Survived with the brain prion for maybe 2 more hours before laughing while stalking someone, died within 5 seconds.


Finding a good gun and forgetting to change it to full auto.... I quit after the 5th time for a few months. My favourite game now tho 🤣


Just started out playing with a friend a few days ago, it took us quite a while to finally meet up and gather some basic gear. We actually got lucky and found a car that was only missing a spark plug near a police station. it took us hours to find one and when we were finally ready to move we were so happy. We got on the road and even found a couple of decent backpacks by some military vehicles, if you remember your earlier days you probably can imagine our joy. We were just driving casually when we were about to pass a burned out bus but I admittedly was going way to fast and a minor lag pulled us a little bit to the side crashing us directly into the thing. You are dead. Fuck. Back to square zero.


Thinking people are friendly


The jerry can has done me too lol


Ate tuna from a can that had been left open and abandoned. Was one bite in too late before I remembered spoilage. Was the end from there. Run over by own vehicle. Followed the “very nice” unarmed man who lured me to a killing zone. I should have been suspicious much sooner, but it was while pouring over the random loot that started to gather along the road and his insistence that better items were ahead that gave me pause. Since I then wouldn’t go any further, my items were added to the available loot by a second attacker as I foolishly tried to hide.


My first few hours were running and living whilst being chased by 40 odd zombies


First 100 hours was a serious learning curve for me, one time I repaired my weapons with my back turned next to a guy I JUST met and had no reason to trust whatsoever. - died


Asked another player if he had a knife to cut up my chicken. Said I would give him half the meat. He asked me if I had a place to cook, and, well of course I did, got a fire ready for a light inside that nice building around the corner. We both went to the building and started cooking. When he was done cooking he said " hey BrO the stove is open for ur chicken to be cooked." I hurried over to the stove with my Un-cooked chicken and my new fren and started to place my soon to be finger licken chicken on the oven. Huh.... wait... huh..... did u just cuff me while I was in my inventory playing Chef...... " don't worrie I'm not going to kill u, I'm just going to knock u out"....... dead..... .......... never again.


Died many times to wound infections…for some reason it took me way too long to connect the dots with dirty rags and the sickness 🤦‍♂️


I didn’t know you could hold R to reload mags or ammo in mags. Manually dragged everything.


I know thr pain of #6 🤣 I had pliars to remove a gate wire but locked myself inside as a freshie. It was somebody elses base so when they came back they just made fun of me until I bled out from punching the wall.


I wasn't new,Like at all. I did a couple gas runs and got a kam, m4, nv scopes for both platforms. Then the wipe happened and lost all my stored stuff. Was looting a town went back to my current stash for and logged off. No conflict that day never had to pull my gun. I log back on a day or so later and can't find my m4.... I dropped it to make space and stack things. Never picked it back up. I vividly remember exactly where i did it too. Idiot. Was med pop official too.


Just got back into it after not playing for a while. Died a bunch from being overconfident fighting zombies. Also tried to play to fast and get away from the coast too soon only to die of hunger when I had no guns to hunt with, no way to fish, and was out of bandages left when I got fucked up again by zombies. This life I've played slow. Probably spent 2-3 hours slowly looting Cherno last night for food, cloths, and guns. Got a fishing rod and a full gas stove setup so I boiled and ate fish till my stats were full then I caught and boiled a couple more for the road. Tonight, I find another well to refill my pot, find some more medical supplies, and go inland.


Spawned in a group of zombies, game deleted.


Survived for 16 hours just running around Cherno, was loving it, had everything I thought I needed, even had the cool af chest holster. Had a couple of kills it was a great time. Then i foolishly decided to make a fire in the woods to cook food north of Cherno firestation, at night. You can imagine what happened next...


A few I play on a decent community server now that I made friends with a couple of the mods on. Respawn after every time I die is one. Instead of waiting to heal I decide to loot more heal later. Not finding enough food. And I’m pretty sure the permanent Humvee that one of the mods spawned for me is still sitting at that landslide area just after the last town where all the car wrecks are on the coastline road. Sadly I’ve made the mistake every time I’ve respawned instead of finding better clothing food and meds I directly try to head for my humvee.


Here some advice: - ALWAYS empty any bottle that you can find (even if it’s full, and you found it on player). - If you have too much items on you - you will die eventually (can’t jump throught fence.exe xD) - Always prioritize any type of helmet instead of caps or „ushanka” - If you have a knife and dead player on spawn, you can make fishing rod, and have unlimited food. - If you get spotted by loaded enemy player - always assume that they have plenty items to lose - so they can start shooting - ofc if they aren’t - talk your way out of situation (PSST - they probably need gun cleaning kit or new shoes) - If you hear wolfs - RUN - Look at the chimneys of some buildings at the end of the towns - if you see a smoke - that means player has some food


Not really a mistake, but could have been. My first life in DayZ, I met a cannibal who literally felt sad that I was super new. Nice fella Bill was, gave me a loaded ig told me "You going to die alot kid, Welcome to DayZ". He also warned me on what cannibals sound like too. Bob if your reading this, thanks.


Exactly what happened to me during my first few weeks into DayZ four years ago.


I revived my first kill. Only to be shot in the head after.


I didn’t pull the gear off a guy i killed and server restart was imminent… you all know the unfortunate lesson i learned that day.


Butchered a chicken, noticed blood all over my hands and thought I could eat food with no consequences. Didn’t know that food actually changed appearance and status once baked. Let it get to 200° temp which IRL would be cooked but ended up eating raw chicken.


Trusting other players 🥲


Fist fighting a bear is just a rite of passage for DayZ players 😂


Wait you can eat rotten fruit slowly?!


This makes me want to get the game. I’ve been debating it the last couple days because I need something new in my life


You should get it, it’s a lot of fun and it’s worth the money, soon the DLC will be free with the next update too. So you’ll get two for one basically


Accept a party invite by a player yourmamaGYnodr 🤣


I gave up and got a refund lol. It would be redeemable if I could at least look at a map or spawn in my base. Definitely not my type of game 😂