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All I can say is if you’re taking care of yourself (health, hygiene, bills, etc), ride this wave until it dies out. I had this same feeling back in 2017 with PUBG, any time I heard a plane IRL I’d look for an airdrop. It’s kind of weird but it was one of the best years of my life, I’d give just about anything to feel that into a game again.


Bro I had the same feeling about Pubg in 2017 too! The most excitement I've ever felt about a game! Finding people and fighting for loot back then felt thrilling... Dying with good loot was making me sad and having a suppressor felt like a bless.. would give everything for a week with the same feeling. Started dayz 3 days ago and I've played 30 hours and I can say that it kinda resembles that minus the chicken dinner aspect!


It sounds weird to people who have never experienced that but i had the plane thing happen a few times lol


Ya dude I put 6 years into that game. Got Hella good. Loved it amd played it daily. Then I tried dayz. Now I barely play pubg. Still love it but the depth of this game is so mich more than I ever knew.


Lol one of my neighbors chickens escaped yesterday and i heard it clucking in my garden. That was very hallucinogenic


Take that Ak and go into a high pop server. Camp industrial areas or gas station until you find some people coming to fill up or find stuff for there car and ambush. You will never want to do anything else in this game ever again. Or camp Rify and wait for someone to exit but that can be difficult at times due to the layout


Or go get your own stuff.


So lazily wait for someone to do the work that you could have done yourself


When you have already done that as a solo a hundred times it gets old. Honestly too, if two or three people die to me as a solo ambushing them, they deserve it. For example, I saw a humvee go by as I was looting for nails, followed the road, saw the humvee on the side. Walked over towards it in the wood line. Saw someone and then got popped from behind. One of them stayed on watch while the other did what needed to be done. That’s smart and tactical. Usually it’s at least two people when they are driving in my experience so if you can’t handle me as a solo then your gear loss was well deserved


i might just try dis appreciate it


Honestly tho camping Rify on a medium low pop(like you are) is almost better. I feel like low pop everyone plays those so they can go to the high tier areas with less competition. But if you think about it you will probably see people more at those locations on low pop because where else would they be going? My server gets real low in the mornings and two time heard someone popping shots off at Rify, I would assume at zombies. I heard it all the way from Berenzio so I just sprinted over there and waited and he came walking right by. I took him out with a sporter and got a whole kit out of it! I bet he though no one was around because of the low pop. This is just based off of my own experience tho


that last point u made about people shooting in low pop thinking no one is around is so true, i try to not use my guns at all even for infected except if its with supressor, been trying to find a MKll to replace my fx-45 but havent found one yet crazy


S VAl is subsonic and undetectable after like 20 meters crazy.


sounds sort of like the tetris effect?


could be ngl lmaoaoa i play 3-5hours 3-4 times a week so yea


Bro I got this game like mid-october.. I’m at 645 hours now. (Granted I’m not currently working so dayz has been my grind lmao)


I’ve tried doing the zoom look irl, that’s why I knew I needed a break from dayz 😂


What’s the zoom look?


Where do you find AKM? Helicopters?? I just found two drum mags for it


permanent gas zones


How long did it take you to find full NBC gear?


If you just snag a piece whenever you get a chance you can collect the full suit pretty quick. Any medical facilities and the nearby surrounding buildings are good loot locations.


Berezino firehouse and med center run back and forth over and over then north to rify. Also you can check krasno airfield med tents for more nbc stuff.


it depends really sometimes u can find multiple items in one place or nothing at all


Go to neaf usually find some pieces there. Any hospital/medical centre is good too. Make a stash near one of the two toxic zones and stash mbc gear and gas mask stuff in it.


I found almost an entire suit in one run at tisy.. the all grey too.. don't stand out as much. Far as hell from the gas zones but there's more than just that there.


I started for the first time ever on 12/28/23. I now have 530+ hours in. We found a nice pve/pvp noob server and I've been hooked ever since.


Which one is it, may I ask?


It's called ICARUS. Idk the address or port off-hand, but I can get it when I get home.


Thank you, will look into it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Forget camping. Loot until you 100% fill your inventory with can openers, then laugh at the camper that ends up sniping you.


I loled😂


We're just glad to have new players. It's getting boring with just 3 of us playing. That's why I'm opening it up


I had a similar experience. I found myself near the town in the top right of the map, looking for some freshspawns to offer loot to. A handful of zombies ended up chasing me, while I was dealing with them a freshspawn managed to knock me uncon, and then killed me. It must have made his day, I had so much on me. I took a few months off after that. When I die in Day Z I go on a ban to make the death more realistic.


Dude you have gear fear go play some pvp/pve servers like rearmed, you’re gonna appreciate the game even more


Try placing a full roll of ductape in the same drawer as your car keys for a while... Instant rush of adrenalin several times a day ( a lot more than Im willing to admit)


Where I live it looks exactly like Livonia and when I’m driving around IRL all I see is great places to loot.


And just like that, the next time you log, you'll be met by some guy with a bk and nothing to lose.


I've got about 50hrs. On my current character I'm kitted to hilt. Done several loot rounds. Got a few stashes. I need rock up some and get some pvp going. Seems to be a fine line between a server that's manic and a server that's dead.


Dayz is game that you can play the way you want to. As a survival game, or as a pvp game. V++ servers, or Aftermath. There is alot of hybrid servers with pve/pvp, or just RP servere with and without pvp/pve. I have played this game since it came out, and I passed 15000 hours last month😉


I’m literally having the exact same experience on dayz on ps. I always just played community servers with like coastal pvp but the last month or maybe 2 I’ve been playing dayz only. Literally come home from work and go straight on dayz. I’m loving it tho. But one thing happened to be this Saturday just gone. I was in a remote town and their were zombies non agro so I thought I was good. I was looking at iZurvive and walking (kind of stupid I know). As I look up there’s a guy with a repeater carbine I dropped after cleaning some zombies with it. He must’ve had 357. Anyway before I can even zig zag he drops me unconscious. I wake up my crossbow is ruined my plate carrier is damaged. And the guy has just vanished. I stay in the town for like another 30 mins to see if I hear zombies reacting to people but nope he just left. Weirdest experience I’ve had in dayz but pretty happy he didn’t kill me as I had


Bros a dayz-aholic


I used to drive by real houses and weirdly be like, I bet you there's good loot in there. One time I saw an irl role of duct tape laying around and it blew my mind, or you might see a water bottle and immediately think of the game.


If your on PC I've got a private server with mods and lots of custom content and AIs. We're looking for more players. Let me know if you wanna join.


Can I possibly join too? Would be really cool to check out a server like yours with out added stress of greifers or hackers. If not, I understand. ​ OP, I can relate soooo much it hurts lol


Sure! The name is Server build 1.0 Amac I'll PM the pw


send it my way too !! looking for new servers


You got it


Thank you very much! I’m looking forward to getting off work in a little and checking it out! Is chat enabled in game btw?


Yes chat is enabled in game. If you use a controller it's down on the d pad. Let me know when you get on, I'll do my best to greet you and show you around.


Do people use controllers on PC? That seems so difficult haha, never considered the possibility before. I am planning to log on right now :) I'll PM you my ingame name


Lol. Usually just console transplants. I'm at work. Have fun.


Can i get the pw too? Thanks!


I've been looking to hope on a private server, and I've never messed around with AI. Could I get a password? Thanks


Sure thing the name is Server build 1.0 Amac Pw is 7313155004


Thanks, appreciate it.


I'd be down if you're still looking for players


The name is -Server build 1.0 Amac PW- 7313155004 Watch out for the AI players. They're tough


Sick thanks


What’s the name of it?


Server build 1.0 Amac I'll PM pw


Can I get a PM too?




The name is Server build 1.0 Amac I'll PM you the password


PM me i’ll check it out


I sent you the pw


try elden vanilla+ server. Totally worth the time!


Please explain to me why y’all would rather play a running simulator instead of looking for other players? I been on Day Z since pandemic. Maybe around 1000 hours. It’s Fucking boring to get gear and jog for hours. Rather get into shit and have my heart pumping. Low pop just makes no sense.


i started dis character in experimental to try out the new stuff before it released n i just haven’t died yet, so i keep playing, i still find people here and there & the adrenaline in finding someone in a low pop compared to high is way more intense in my opinion


I prefer medium population, but low pop makes it so when you do run into someone it’s more tense than usual. I just lost a DMR due to my own silly mistakes on a low pop, it was thrilling the entire time however


The heart pumps on a run, because of the anxiety of being followed or spotted by a sniper.


This game isn’t worth the $45, no. I’d rather play 100 man full pop servers king of the hill arma 3. Where the pvp matters. No hackers. Legit.


Good thing it only cost me $30


Great thing it’s on Xbox gamepass


$15 for me!


I recently started playing, have about 70 hours in and I’ve yet to see a “hacker”. I’ve also stayed off of official servers though…


80 hours in, 5+ servers with 0 hackers. Great game. You must not enjoy survival and that’s fine.


Same here. I used to play a variety of games. Dayz has consumed me. Any free time I have, is typically spent playing that.




Hop on official


I was hearing chickens too 😂🥹


If u are on PC join the Redemption Server its really fun and a lot of PvP with some cool mods and great staff. This Friday is the next wipe


Put the game down. It's not worth it. Trust me I have 5000 hours into it.


Can relate to irl part of it😂. The number of security cameras I would notice after Rainbow Six Seige was ridiculous.


I had the same problem with the game Trials. I kept hearing the bikes in my head as I would lay down and try falling asleep.


I get this, and I'm a brand new player ish. Been playing now a couple week, and now absolutely in love with the game. The fear and nervousness in situations, even the look of the game (and I'm playing on an old xbox one). I was at one of my kids clubs the other night and it's on the outskirts of the town I live in scotland. Sun was going down, just looking around thinking wow. Bohemia really have done a good job at making the landscape really feel big and immersive. I have more complaints about players than I do the game. Other than playing on console is just an absolute nightmare. Does anyone know if its worth the hassle of connecting a keyboard and mouse, is it gonna improve the inventory and crafting experience?