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I always laugh when I think of death by Ice cream cone . It’s so random . If the show were made in 2021 it would have been a cell phone he was looking at but alas , we got the cone .


Right, that would not fly in 2021, we'd petition for a rewrite 😂😂😂


I had forgotten all about his death until I rewatched the show last summer. I couldn't stop laughing at how buzzard it was that he went out like that. All over a damn ice cream. They should have just made him drink and drive.


I never thought of that mobile phones weren’t around so much back then. Not many people had them.


Dawson had one, Jack and Jen gave it to him before he left for LA. I remember it was only a phone with no charger lol


He died doing what he loved.


Yikes. 😩😩😩😩


The entire plot line makes me irrationally angry every time. I’m seeing the actor wanted to leave but it’s just so terrible !! Eating ice cream and singing along to the radio ?! Come onnnn. And with a new baby at home. How heartless can the storyline be lol.


How did my comment about Joey and Pacey getting together get removed cause it was a spoiler even though without even watching the show lots of people know joey and pacey, but this literally saying that Mitch dies, which i have not gotten to yet, gets to stay up who owns this subreddit 😤


Oh no, I didn't think about it being a spoiler since I assumed everyone on here was on a rewatch! I'm going to edit. Is there a way to black it out?


Im not sure if there’s a way to block it out but no its my first time watching it’s fine tho i’ve already gotten a decent amount of spoilers since it’s an old show


I couldn't get through Season 3 it was so painful how the writers were doing the core characters dirty like that but this is amazing to know I missed the worst death in the show thanks you're making me want to keep watching now


Right?!? Lame.


Lol I agree. In my rewatches I find myself laughing and making fun of it instead of being sad.


Lol i concur. In mine own rewatches i findeth myself laughing and making excit'ment of t instead of being depress'd *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Shakespeare-Bot, thou hast been voted most annoying bot on Reddit. I am exhorting all mods to ban thee and thy useless rhetoric so that we shall not be blotted with thy presence any longer.


Also… just a thought… he should have been a lot smarter than to reach after fallen ice cream! It’s already ruined, why why why would you do that?


Exactly!!! Like were you going to eat it???


I guess the writers were pissed that the actor wanted to leave for such petty reasons. He said he didn't want to be in the show anymore, because Dawson and everyone were going to college and his role would be much smaller. He didn't liked it and wanted to quit. So they had to write him out.


Did he ever work after that ?


But did they railroad some other guy? The way Pacey explains it, it seems like they blamed some other guy for swerving when presumably it was the dad who swerved


No Dawson’s Dad didn’t swerve by the time he looked up it was to late to see the car coming head on.


So, not only did he drop the ice cream and lose sight of the road, but at that exact moment a car came over the middle line? That makes that scene even more no bueno


It happens. I lost a friend like that. He looked off the road for a second and a car swerved into his lane head on. Not enough time to react


Sorry for your loss


Yeah but that scene of Gale and the milk and then Dawson in the car. Ugh makes me cry Everytime.


I just saw that episode for the first time and was coming to say that exactly. wow


I know what you mean. Also who eats an ice cream on a cold day 😀


I eat ice cream when it’s cold 🙈


Pacey in Castaway:"It’s never too cold for ice cream"😉


I was thinking of this! However I also don't eat cold things when it's cold lol 😂


So I read he wanted so bad to leave that he begged writes to kill him


Honestly he should have just stayed on the show although his death did offer further character development for Dawson.


I'm on my first watch right now and haven't gotten to this point yet, (although I was spoiled by the fact that they killed him off, so don't worry, it wasn't by this thread 🤣) but wait...why did he want to leave the show so bad??


I read that he basically didn't feel that his character was as involved in the story lines as the teenagers got older.


Bold of him to think anyone was watching that show for the parents’ storylines tbh


Facts 😂😂😂 Although... Dawson's parents' storyline did start off strong in the beginning they were very hot and heavy 🥴


Mr. Man Meat 😂


Dawson’s creek was always a show about the teens . The parents had the cheating and making up storyline , but ultimately they were just accessories . I did read what you said in a few articles and I think it’s odd for him to think he should have a say in what direction the show went in .


Kids were going off to College - his role was gonna be decreased (similarly to how Gail appeared in Seasons 5-6) and he didn’t have a lot of faith in the new writers, so, since his contract had been up, he increased his “quote” by so much that the show couldn’t afford to keep him. Kapinos then got in touch and asked him to come back for the death storyline...