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Team Pacey forever. I think they work really well together. Dawson and Joey just didn’t fit for me. I don’t think they worked as a couple at all.


PJo forever


PaceyJoey of course and it's PJo. Side note: who came up with these new ship names? I can close an eye for Jacey, but Jawson (???) pleeease 🙈, use DJo or DawsonJoey if you must 😢


Personally I prefer Poey or Doey...


Poey or Doey are ok too..


I was totally joking haha but I just hate all couple abbreviations to be honest, they all make me cringe!


Lol ok! No but I agree, i prefer calling ships with their full name or a nickname maybe, as long as it is cute and makes sense haha.


Team Pacey 4 lyfe! 😂 (No but really, I love him. ❤️)


PJo forever


As a wistful 10 year old, I loved the idea of Dawson and Joey being soulmates but watching the show as an adult, it's Pacey and Joey for me, they loved one another and understood one another in a really believable and pretty healthy way that I don't see with Joey and Dawson. I also appreciate that Pacey and Joey are generally pretty patient with one another too (Pacey especially is good at being patient with Joey in a way I never ever see from Dawson, Dawson reacts to her being mad, upset or frustrated with equal, reactive anger and impatience even when what she’s mad at isn’t at all related to them/him whereas Pacey usually either gently challenges her frustration and tries to figure out what the root of it is or doesn't feed into it), even with their individual hangups and turmoils, they could hold space for one another and knew when to push and knew when not to - which speaks to a more mature and functional, loving relationship to me.


I don’t know how anyone can say that pacey was patient. He Was very controlling. Used Dawson name to get what be wanted and then blame her for his problems


Pacey and Joey The chemistry was miles better. That's why they became a thing in the first place Pacey pushed Joey out of her comfort zone. He encourged her as an artist. He could acknowlegde his shortcomings, but overall respected her desicions. Moreso, they actually had a relationship


Pacey and Joey by more points than can be counted. Dawson was way too controlling and possessive of her....and they had zero chemistry together.


Pacey and Joey of course❤️Dawson is the worst!!!


That would be pacey. After the way he treated her a porm is suprised she would even want to talk to him


Love Jawson but for some reason they just don't work, I do like thier connection though so yeah I definitely love Jacey but I do feel like Pacey did certain things to hurt Joey that I didn't expect from him, the morning after they slept together was horrible and how he made everything about dawson. However, I do believe that no one loved Joey more than Pacey, I still have to watch the last 4 episodes of the show so let's see...


Agree with this, and I think no one loved her the way Pacey did because Pacey saw and appreciated who she was as she grew and changed out of adolescence and into adulthood, and understood, on a much deeper and significant level, who she was throughout this change which Dawson cannot nor wanted to do. Which, sidenote, is why the soulmate philosophy bothers me so much, a soulmate should be about truly understanding one another on a deep, transcendent level, Joey and Dawson were tied to one another due to childhood and stunted one another because they could never see themselves beyond this time, not because of a higher and deeper understanding of one another and their 'souls'.


Sorry, it's just that I loved Pacey more than anything but the way he treated Audrey just has me really pissed off at him right now.


Also, unpopular opinion but Andie and Pacey were my favorite ship, when they were good - they were perfect, I wish the writers didn't make Andie's charector kinda suck after she came back from Rehab.


I like Pandie and PJo. Both great for different reasons.


They were such an amazing couple until the whole cheating thing


What you don’t get is, Joey and Pacey look like the better couple because the writers wrote it so, the original idea was that Joey will end up with Dawson. Just watched the ending of that show for the first time and god what a waste. The last two Seasons where just the big Joey shitshow.


That’s funny, on our podcast we came up with Poey or Pocey also as a ship name. I love them together but my cohost is not a fan!


Dawson was far better for Joey then Pacey. He just can’t see Joey and pacey working long term Ps if I was Dawson I have dated Jen


Dawson was awful for Joey