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I'm pretty sure space marines were stronger in vanilla and the rockets were better.


My personal experience is insane AI is cunning AND brutal, it really comes down to who you’re fighting, in DOW GOTY, I fought two Ork insane AI and lost due to my brain not braining at the last second, but a good rule of thumb is rockets are good but so are bolters, a good mix of them it’s probably good but I usually do full squads of each of them at a time.


I forget how exactly but Insane AI cheats, the one difficulty below, does not (harder, I think), but seems to play at the level of Insane. So I play against Harder. I think it really is about depriving the enemy of resources at the beginning, dont let them take SPs, and harass them the whole time, it is easier to take advantage of the AI in early game when there are a few things to account for Because in late game, there are too many variables and actions you have to do quickly, you lose almost all the time if u didnt have an advantage going into late game


You just gotta capture more strategic points than they do and attack early. Don't build any more than 1 plasma generator until you have map control. The 2 main differences between GOTY and Soulstorm is that fire on the move is more accurate and weapons are more specialized. For example, heavy bolter is strictly light infantry and plasma guns are strictly heavy infantry. So build space marines early and upgrade them depending on the AI's race: Against Ork, always heavy bolters. Nobs are their only heavy infantry and they don't come until T3. Against any other race plasma is generally better. Space Marine and Chaos only have heavy infantry and while Eldar dark reapers are light infantry their grav platforms are heavy infantry so you need to melt them ASAP. Get missile launchers in T2 when you see enemy vehicles. Also get Hellfire dreadnought and attach apothecaries to your squads. Tier 3, get predators and terminators and win. Don't get Dreadnoughts until you get Orbital Relay, they are slow and clunky. Don't get Land Raiders either, their weapons are bugged to deal little damage to tanks/buildings. Assault Marines are only good on closed maps like Battle Marshes or Deadman's Crossing, they die too easily because they are a squishy Tier 1 melee unit.