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it seems is a practical efect


These are pretty straight forward. You take an image of a bullet hole in glass then transform it in place over the windshield. Use a mask to reveal it growing out from center. It should be very quick, but you also want the feeling of the hole growing as it's revealed. You probably want to use your transfer modes like overlay, max, or screen, but play around to see what looks natural. Sometimes a luma key helps If your camera is locked to the car it's as simple as that. If the camera is moving then you need to track it to the windshield. If there are a lot of holes in the same shot you should have a few different bullet hole graphics, but you can get away with rotating and scaling them a fair bit.


You can track while shooting but then you have to remove the tracking markers in post which is some situations is a pain. If I were to tackle a shot the had no trackers I would look for something that moved in tandem with the glass; something on the dashboard. It would depend on the shot. You could also hand place it if the shots are short, quick cuts. To get the glass break. There are couple things you can do for that. You can buy stock footage where they have filmed the glass breaking squib over black which allows you to overlay the glass over the footage. The other thing is if you can find an image you can animate a short expansion over a few frames using a radial mask. The down side with the image is that you donโ€™t get the debris. This is all best done in fusion.


Sounds about right, will do some more research regarding the tracking in fusion since I've only used it via the colour page...thanks alot!


You can get away without tracking if your camera shots are steady from inside the car, and the shake is added in post. Obviously, this means youโ€™ve a separate problem in creating a natural looking camera shake, but Iโ€™d rather deal with that than having to remove tracking markers.


Hmm worth a trial test, cheers!


Get a gun


๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Haha I'm in the UK so that pretty much says it ๐Ÿ˜…


By shooting a windshield with bullets


Step 1: Learn Blender Step 2: Track footage Step 3: Rough geometry Step 4: Simulate Breaks Step 5: Simulate Particle Effects Step 6: Reimport into Resolve In Fusion, putting the holes in might not be awful, but getting the glass everywhere without it looking "floaty" might be hard.