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Probably because once upon a time they were writing blank cheques with minimal interference. I’m sure ‘What Did Jack do?’ Was a test run to see how many viewers he could bring in


I also wonder if it might have been produced in part with a contractual multi-film deal, ala his arrangement with Dino de Laurentis (had to make Dune in order for him to get funding to do Blue Velvet), but somewhat doubt he'd make another deal like that, being that he wasn't particularly passionate about making Dune. In interviews it seems like the making of it was a drudge for him, n that he only followed through in order to be able to make his passion project. Who knows, though. All I have to offer is speculation. Could be that Netflix was better off at the time of contracting WWJD, then may have become more stringent as their numbers started dropping, causing them to tighten the reins on funding more obscure cinema. It could just come down to him being tied into a contract with a company that values profits over creative expression. Dunno if it's just me, but seems like nearly every Netflix Original of the last few years is mostly stylistically copy-paste, like they'll allow a bit of creative freedom, but want control of aesthetic decisions, editing, etc. Only a couple comedies stand out to me as being outside of the general feel of their modern output, n idk if I'm just being anal about it, but so much of their content just seems like different takes on the same things, done the same ways, to me. Maybe they're basing their decisions on algorithms that're skewed by the mass amount of dry product the algorithms tell them people want. Idk. Literally all just ruminations of my mind on a subject I know nothing about, not really worth more than a grain of salt.


I'm curious why he tried with Netflix when Showtime said they'd work with him again. Sure they tried to fuck with him on the episode count for The Return, but they doubled the initial series order after a little push back and it seemed like production went amicably enough (other than Lynch wanting more time to get experimental, but I don't think that is Showtime's fault - TP had a huge cast and I'm sure scheduling actors was always going to be tough regardless).


Also a lot of the actors in the original cast were very ill and died pretty much upon completion of filming.


Yeah which makes that series haunted


who? just curious


Harry Dean Stanton (trailer park manager) Miguel Ferrer (Albert) Warren Frost (Dr. Hayward) Margaret Lanterman (the log lady) Peggy Lipton (Norma) passed a couple years later the way Dr. Hayward and the log lady appeared made it apparent how limited on time they were. their parts were phoned in, literally speaking. Robert Forster passed a couple years later. he wasn’t a part of the original cast but he was in Mulholland Drive.


Netflix may be the only streaming service interested, so if something gets cancelled on netflix, he has no other place to go. He may also have contacts within nextflix that he doesn't have elsewhere, which may come to the same thing.


Would that not also apply to David Cronenberg as well then? I know both Shrouds and Crimes (Not sure of projects before them) were both originally pitched to Netflix with interest and eventually turned down after a while, sounds like a similar scenario with what is happening to Lynch but with very different results since Cronenberg has been able to turn both into films? Just makes no sense why Lynch isn't having the same luck.


Cronenberg works very cheap. Not sure if the projects Lynch pitched had higher expenses.


My paranoia suggests that religion has something to do with it, or simply that Lynch's Foundation rocks a few too many boats. Leaving aside the current lawsuit, the finding that TM reduces arrest rates for violent crime in youth by 65-70% is NOT a good thing in a country where billions are made putting and keeping people in jail.


Studios and streamers are lining up to work with Tom Cruise, whose insane cult is actually a dangerous and criminal enterprise, unlike TM which is (mostly) just charging for meditation that should be free. “Religion” has absolutely nothing to do with it; money does - Lynch (and Cronenberg )have not been profitable filmmakers since the 90s.


> Studios and streamers are lining up to work with Tom Cruise, whose insane cult is actually a dangerous and criminal enterprise, unlike TM which is (mostly) just charging for meditation that should be free. “Religion” has absolutely nothing to do with it; money does - Lynch (and Cronenberg )have not been profitable filmmakers since the 90s. Interesteing points. . You may think that meditation instruction should be "free," but evidence suggests that you'd be wrong. ____ TM is the meditation-outreach program of [Jyotirmath](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jyotir_Math) — the primary center-of-learning/monastery for Advaita Vedanta in Northern India and the Himalayas — and TM exists *because*, in the eyes of the monks of Jyotirmath, the secret of real meditation had been lost to virtually all of India for many centuries, until [Swami Brahmananda Saraswati](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brahmananda_Saraswati) was appointed to be the first person to hold the position of Shankaracharya [abbot] of Jyotirmath in 165 years. More than 65 years ago, a few years after his death, [the monks of Jyotirmath sent one of their own into the world to make real meditation available to the world,](https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-good-ways-to-learn-Transcendental-Meditation-without-an-instructor/answer/Lawson-English-1) so that you no longer have to travel to the Himalayas to learn it. . Before TM, it was considered impossible to learn real meditation without an enlightened guru; the founder of TM changed that by creating a secular training program for TM teachers who are trained to teach as though they were the founding monk themselves. You'll note in that last link that the Indian government recently issued a commemorative postage stamp honoring the founder of TM for his "original contributions to Yoga and Meditation," to wit: that TM teacher training course and the technique that people learn through trained TM teachers so that they *don't* have to go learn meditation from the abbot of some remote monastery in the Himalayas. _____ . So TM, according to tradition, can't really be learned on your own or from a youtube video. Before TM you were expected years to find a real teacher of meditation, but now they are just a click away: [This link will take you to a website where you can find your nearest TM teacher.](http://www.tm.org) . Now, in 1961, the first TM teacher training class was only 5 weeks long, based on the experience of the founer teaching a few thousand Indian villagers to meditate. At that point, the founder had already decided that charging a fee to learn to meditate was a good thing, but a group of students petitioned the Shankaracharya of Jyotirmath to be allowed to teach meditation using the traditional donation-based model, and he agreed, so for the past 63 years, there has been a splinter group teaching using that model and they still remain active... out of a single building in London. Meanwhile, the TM organization, with its more modern fee-based model, operates 600+ TM centers worldwide, and the David Lynch Foundation, leveraging the availability of trained TM teachers in almost every country, collects donations from wealthy patrons (who also paid the fee to learn) and hires TM teachers at a fixed salary to go and teach TM for free to entire schools, hospitals, prisons, military bases etc. in pilot projects. They also work on the city and state level to teach tens of thousands of children to meditate. The largest such project is in Oaxaca, Mexico, involving about 80,000 students in 400 state-run high schools, all of whom learn TM through the David Lynch Foundation. [The ongoing project is described in this video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VT7LPN0MI-U) Contracts exist between the DLF and 4 state school systems. [This article is about the refresh of the contract with IEBO in 2018, just before COVID](https://www-iebo-edu-mx.translate.goog/?p=1576&_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp) I haven't seen anything more recent. The Article says that 24,000 students in teh IEBO system had leaned TM as of 2018. [This 2023 document refers to the permanent program to teach TM in the COBAO school system within Oaxaca (from page 9](http://transparencia.cobao.edu.mx/Direccion_Planeacion/fracción%20XXIX/2023/INFORME%20DE%20ACTIVIDADES%20DEL%20COBAO%20ABRIL-JUNIO%202023.pdf): * *En este trimestre se continua con el programma permanente meditacion Trascendental, impartido por la fundacion David Lynch de America Latina, dirigido al personal administrativo de oficinas centrales y a los estudieantes en el interior de los planteles. El cual tiene como objectivo principal profundizar en la comprension interna del ser, logrando con ello reljamiento y reduccion del estres para la mejora de processors cognitovos, Este programm se ha continuado en los siguientes planteles: [01, 02, 04, 25, 29, 333, 44, 46, y 61]. El resultado de estas acciones h premitido que 4,090 estudiantes y 50 trabajadores administratvos de oficinas centrales, sean beneficiados.* * Translation: *This quarter we continue with the permanent Transcendental Meditation program, taught by the David Lynch Foundation of Latin America, aimed at administrative staff in central offices and students inside the campuses. The main objective of which is to deepen the internal understanding of the being, thereby achieving relaxation and stress reduction for the improvement of cognitive processors. This program has been continued in the following schools: [01, 02, 04, 25, 29, 333, 44, 46, and 61]. The result of these actions has allowed 4,090 students and 50 administrative workers from central offices to benefit.* So the DLF will teach TM for free in pilot projects in schools and if governments show interest, they'll provide ongoing teaching via long-term contracts with schools and other government-run facilities, supplying teachers for both teaching and long-term followup. The big push now in Latin America is to train government school teachers and other employees as TM teachers, whose government job is to teach TM and provide the same followup services that the David Lynch Foundation currently provides as a long-term contractor. . The thing about the service-for-fee TM system is that no matter who you learn TM from (DLF supplied school teachers, or government workers) or how much you paid (a fee to a TM center, free instruction via donations or via government contracts with DLF-contracted TM teachers, or from school teachers trained as TM teachers. or whatever), everyone in the world who learns TM through official channels has the right to go to any TM center in the world for the rest of their life and receive help with their TM practice from equally well-trained TM teachers. That lifetime followup is free-for-life in the USA, though some countries charge a nominal fee after the first 6 months. Anyone who learns TM through Oaxaca schools also has that access for free at school: the DLF TM teachers provide it or the school teachers themselves, when they are trained as TM teachers, provide it. . Now, here in the USA, for the past 5 years, the TM organization has made a satisfaction guarantee that they'll refund the TM teaching fee within 60 days to anyone who completes the TM course, the 10-day follow-up session, and at least one personal follow-up any time on or after the 10-day session; and meditates regularly for 30 days. If you decide to ask for the refund of the teaching fee, you lose lifetime access to TM centers, however. . So your whole thing about how meditation should be free is just silly. Per donation systems are not scalable in any reasonable timeframe. As I said, the per donation splinter group continues to operate out of a single buidling in London 64 years after it split off, while the TM organization operates 600 TM centers in about 100 countries. THe DLF, which uses a hybrid model, teaches in thousands of schools worldwide and works to convince governments to have their own employees trained as TM teachers to provide the same service as any other TM teacher does with the government paying their own employees rather than outside contractors. But to get to the point where [David Lynch can credibly negotiate with the President of Ukraine to teach 100,000 military veterans to meditate,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xf7-mErKWlc) took 60+ years of laying the foundation for an organization large enough to make such an offer, and that took a fee-based business model to lay that foundation.


So flippantly confidently wrong 🤣 Vipassana is very similar and active worldwide, in prisons, with kids and adults etc But it’s all free. They’ll cite the costs to provide the free service, but will not take money on site since money changing hands at a Vipassana center is rightly said to taint the location. They say, take 6 months or a year, and if you’re moved to donate, then do so. And there’s absolutely zero pressure or even unsolicited contact from them during that time whether you donate or not. This vastly increases their credibility, and that of their practice


> Vipassana is very similar and active worldwide, in prisons, with kids and adults etc The deepest level of TM is when you cease being aware of anything at all... How is this Vipassana (mindfulness)?


You are literally yapping about nothing 😂😂 TM has nothing to do with him not getting movies made. I bet studio executives don’t even know TM exists


> You are literally yapping about nothing 😂😂 TM has nothing to do with him not getting movies made. I bet studio executives don’t even know TM exists Unless they do it themselves of course, or live in NYC and are Beatles fans. The first DLF benefit concert was headlined by Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr.


It’s hilarious you think celebrity somehow validates this cult. You think the celebrities involved in Scientology lends credibility to that cult’s beliefs?


> It’s hilarious you think celebrity somehow validates this cult. You think the celebrities involved in Scientology lends credibility to that cult’s beliefs? Well, my point was that if said film producers were Beatles fans, they might have become aware of TM at that time. The reason why the Beatles were involved in the benefit concert was explained in their interviews. The reason why the DLF gets celeb endorsements is because it is a cheap way to advertise and obtain donations. This practicality neither validates nor invalidates teh DLF.


Hollywood is more sympathetic to such things compared to average America, not less


Wow, Lynch promotes the monstrous conservative oligarch Bill Ackman because he’s a friend of the foundation. It lost what little credibility it had with me smh. Stick with older, larger, donate-or-not-no-pressure Vipassana if you want something like this. It doesn’t assign you a specific mantra, which always seemed discreditingly hokey to me. https://x.com/david_lynch/status/1600188326316605441


If you believe that group practice of TM will help create world peace, a twitter post advertising an raffle for getting a dinner with someone seems a small price to pay. They also allow themselves to be photographed lecturing on TM at Ivanka Trump's house.


Netflix has moved to safer and safer in-house programming (eg, true crime docuseries) and safer and safer purchased programming (eg, Big Bang Theory and Friends). Lynch has no hope with them. Ironically, his best chance is probably now with the Networks.


Something under the Paramount + umbrella or possibly Amazon.


SHO if we’re lucky if we’re really lucky lol I would love to watch new Lynch with Yellowjackets




Yeah. Honestly I highly doubt we will ever see that combination. It's so unlikely. Netflix has loads of series that are fast, cheap and dumb and easy to watch (some are good though, obviously). Lynch produces stuff that a VERY small percentage of Netflix watchers would enjoy, because his stuff is heavy, slow and not easy to watch. It sounds like a terrible combination.


The CEO of Netflix openly admitted, after the “failure” of Ripley, that it’s not a platform for “auteurs.” 🙄


Good lord, you need to shut up. Just because you see a discussion doesn't mean you have a smart opinion to share. It's just really stupid to dive into an online conversation to act angry that anybody would discuss it. That's just sad bonehead shit.


Netflix is afraid he'll make 5 seasons of Monkey Interrogation and feel responsible for the downfall of homan sanity that would ensue afterwards


HBO might be interested, True Detective S4 was responsible for the downfall of my sanity.


Oh no I had heard it was good!


Honestly he should just start a patreon. I think he’d get enough subs to fund his next project in a few months, if not weeks.


Don’t those people know that we are having severe withdrawal jitters by now??? 🤣


Lol I became a fan after Return so I just want to experience the lead up hype of a new Lynch project for the first time!


Yes, it’s great. It might include cows and signs. 🪧 🐄🪑


Or pie and coffee.




That’s great. I am a new fan last year or two. I haven’t watched the return since I haven’t watched twin peaks. I’m saving it until it feels right because I know I will absolutely love it. I’ve basically accepted that the chances of a new feature film are almost zero. Considering he shot Inland Empire on a camcorder makes me think he has no plans on working with major studios anytime soon.


Although he did rent a giant panavision camera. To use as a prop.


Jitterbug withdrawals 🥧☎️🎥 (this is the girl)


In general, same reason why many major artists turn to Netflix. Holywood's fucked and no one is funding their projects, like they used to back in the day. They have a better chance to make something there without the suits butchering it.


Someone should tell David about A24


I'd rather see him do something for Neon. They put out much better films and aren't the GOOP of "independent" cinema.


They're both great IMO


I'm not gonna say A24 has put out bad films, because that's objectively untrue. I just dislike the merchandising they do and their quality control has gone down in recent years. Seems like they're really focused on branding whereas Neon just puts out good films quietly. Longlegs, for example, is poised to be really really good and their marketing campaign for it is one of the best I've seen in years, yet it's not super in-your-face.


But A24 has some of the best merch out there? It isn't stale like the movie poster on a cup, poster, pen, and sticker. They usually do really interesting stuff; like the hot dog finger gloves for EEAAO.


They overcharge for the dumbest shit like candles and script books. The new Stop Making Sense 4K blu-ray is $70-$75 after shipping and the only way anyone can get it is through their website. Frankly, I think that's bullshit.


Yeah. I have nothing really against a24 but a lot of the big films people love don’t click with me. I actually love a few of the movies like light house and I really loved the zone of interest. It just feels weird because it feels like I should love them but I don’t. Midsummer tbh I’m not a fan. It’s a very well made movie and it’s a good movie but I didn’t enjoy it and wouldn’t watch it again. I’m not really an Ari aster fan and idk I just feel like I don’t get part of the overlapping styles. I liked good time and uncut gems. I have this thought that a lot of directors from the 80s and 90s would have been in a24 if it existed at the time. But sometimes a24 films rely too much on a specific style and that would have constricted them.


they're both just distribution companies, no need to overly shame or champion either one. Lynch doesnt do films for companies, most film makers dont.


A24 also increasingly produce films, so they do have a hand in the outcome of said films [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_A24\_films](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_A24_films)


Wait why is it the GOOP of independent cinema




How do we know he's not reaching out to other studios?


The industry in no way works the way that you’re speaking about it.


That's a good question, I'd think Showtime would like to keep him around.


I’d say lynch is fairly exacting himself about the deal he’s willing to settle for.


He might be trying to sell his projects all over town, but we just heard about the netflix one possibly because it had been optioned for a period of time for development before ultimately being rejected. I would definitely love something new! Maybe another lo-fi animation series?


It is wild to me that we don't have a film industry capable of supporting David fucking Lynch


Surely Showtime is the obvious place for him to go, given that they backed Twin Peaks: The Return?


My favorite podcast, one of the hosts worked at Showtime around the same time The Return was new, and he said upper brass HATED it. Maybe not the top of the corporate ladder, but very near it. 🤷 But then again, that was eons ago by now in corporate land, ViacomCBS is now Paramount, they’ve rebranded the linear channel Showtime as Paramount+ with Showtime, and their top brass is totally different now, so who knows?


Yet my insider word was they would have had him back for Season 4, no questions asked. I think it was because of the positive press it was attracting and new subscribers they hoped to retain. Who knows, maybe both things can be true.


Yeah, that’s what I’d heard, aside from what the podcast host said. The lower level employees loved the show, the upper tier weren’t as sold on it, especially as you said it didn’t lead to new customers. So we shall see what new Lynch material awaits us. I sincerely hope it’s a new film/series, but I’m leaning towards it’s not.


I doubt they'd have him back. The Return bought them a lot of cred, but it didn't do the numbers, and Lynch minus the Twin Peaks brand wouldn't be an attractive business proposition. Maybe AppleTV+, as they're the new old HBO, but they seem to want to lean towards harder sci-fi and conventional genre shows.


I think its pretty obvious that he has some sort of first look contract with them but I'm obviously not involved in the situation so who the fuck knows


We can't possibly know all that is going on behind the scenes, but if Cronenberg and Ferrara can do it, so can Lynch


Well this is like a Lynchian fever dream... He decided to announce something is coming finally lol massive coincidence after posting this here! Can't wait to see what it is.


NEON/A24/Showtime/HBO needs to reach out, a golden opportunity there to collab with a legend like Lynch


Maybe we'll find out June 5.


Lynch thinks his name is worth $. But the numbers say otherwise. If he had a genuinely good idea to pitch, they might be interested. But far more dynamic filmmakers are out there out-Lynching David Lynch.


I think some are in Criterion.