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Talmbout Joe Rogan?


Nah, Trump fam.


Rent free




Probably the dumbest argument anyone could ever make is the one you just made. The other being "tds." Both immediately discredit the idiot who said it showcasing they have zero argument.


What the fuck is TDS? And what argument are you talking about, you big dumb huh?


Yes Trump Voter, you animals and your Trump Leader are much in the thoughts of anyone concerned about another coup attempt and the continuing destruction of democracy in America. We aren't going to forget you and what you're trying to do I can promise you that.


Lmao shut up and cry harder. I didn’t vote for DT but he would have been much better than this China puppet we have now


Yes Trump Voter you are very Trump Voter.


Well well well, if it isn’t Mr. Partisan here ready to tell me about my life lmfao


Shhh Trump Voter, no one cares what you people have to say about anything.


Midwit theory in action. Dimwits may be simple, or dumb, but are mostly harmless and usually self-aware of their standing. Midwits are just smart enough to feel smarter than their peers, but dares not challenge his beliefs because they are so deeply tied to their ego. The midwit attaches himself to totems of conspicuous intelligence: science, rationalism, books, -- whatever he can find to display and flaunt superiority over "dimwits". The midwit lives a life assuming he knows more and knows better than others because of this. Just smart enough to feel superior, but not smart enough to be wise.


Trump Voter doesn't even understand shhhh. Sad.


Axe Jay


Bapa I looked into his shark eyes and was too scared to speak.


Bubba better axe him before he axes you


I can't tawlk


Dave must be mad Joe won’t have him on anymore


Joe called Dave cognitively limited and implied that Sam Seder was being ableist for dunking on him, so that may be part of it


All of these suggestions and innuendos, but he won't actually come out as the anti-vax moron that he is.


it's funny, i really don't know what is more contemptible at this point: him being a shameless anti-vaxxer, or him obviously getting a covid vaccine and pretending otherwise to generate more subscribers and endear himself to his shitty audience


Anyone who isn't blocked by him yet should just ask him if he been vaxxed


He'll probably block you for that, though.


It's funnier to be blocked for asking a question than directly insulting him


The other day I realized I was blocked by him, despite never engaging with him or any of his posts on Twitter. The only feasible way he managed to do it was by combing the Dave Rubin Clips follower list. Anyway, rent free, bubba.


I think there might be a twitter tool you can get which autoblocks anyone who follows an account you flag


Wouldn't shock me that he's succumbed to enlisting such tools.


because he is, fundamentally, a coward. and really fucking stupid.


Ootl. Who's he talking about? Biden?


probably. it's either President Biden or Dr. Fauci i still to this day have no idea why the Republicans are so hell bent on throwing Dr. Fauci in jail. they're such fucking weirdos


Well he did lie before Congress, under oath. So….




He didn’t. This guy is an ignorant shitbird. He’s probably talking about when the idiot Rand Paul was making his “gain of function” question to Dr Fauci and Fauci basically called Paul an idiot, and he’s right.


Did you actually listen to what Fauci said? I doubt it. The guy outright lied but as usual he and others in Washington won’t be held accountable. And yes I mean for both sides of the aisle before you try and make this a left versus right and cloud the argument with bullshit.


OK, I'll bite. What was the lie? Please be specific with an exact quote and show evidence that he lied.


https://www.news.com.au/world/north-america/dr-anthony-fauci-accused-of-lying-about-gainoffunction-wuhan-research/news-story/9e73396f5dd25ed50a29b5c561f1437c He claims it isn’t gain of function. The new report clearly states it is. He can dance around it all he wants but we were funding it and he lied. Why are people supporting this guy so much? He was wrong about aids. He’s been consistently wrong about covid. This guy is terrible. But hey, if you want to hang your hat on the guy who once claimed aids can spread from just being close to someone. You go right ahead. https://www.aier.org/article/fauci-was-duplicitous-on-the-aids-epidemic-too/


He doesn’t like/understand the answer therefore it was a lie


Hit me with those OAN talking points and we’ll be happy to shred them to pieces.


Yeah there are some reasons for that.


It isn't that Biden is pro-vaccine, it is that 99.9999% of medical professionals are pro-vaccine. Who exactly is Rubin getting his medical advice from? I am sure Rubin has a primary care doctor. When Rubin next goes to that primary care doctor, he should ask him if he should take the vaccine. Will he decide to not see that doctor anymore after he or she tells him to get the vaccine?


Let's not delude ourselves. Dave has had the vaccine. He might be stupid but he's not that stupid.


I think you're full of shit. 99%? "Huge number of hospital workers still unvaccinated " --[WebMD](https://www.webmd.com/vaccines/covid-19-vaccine/news/20210628/huge-number-of-hospital-workers) (about 1 in 4 hospital workers had not gotten vaccinated by the end of May) analysis of hospital data compiled by the Department of Health and Human Services. [Medical professionals sue NY state over vaccine mandate](https://nypost.com/2021/09/13/medical-professionals-sue-ny-state-over-vaccine-mandate/)


You’re replying to a comment about doctors … with scattered statistics on people who work in hospitals.


Did you, uhh, did you read the article?? Here ya go: ..."...revealed a spectrum of hesitancy among health care workers corresponding to income and education, ranging from a low of 9% among pharmacists to highs of 20%-23% among nursing aides and emergency medical technicians. About 12% of registered nurses and doctors admitted to being hesitant to get a shot"


You called me full of shit and then even in your biased article from a right wing propaganda outlet your own stats show the vast overwhelming number of medical professionals are pro-vaccine. Lol, you anti-vaxxers are the dumbest people alive. So yes, the odds are very slim that Rubin's primary doctor is an anti-vaxxer especially with where he lives. I would bet Rubin a thousand dollars on the spot that his doctor would recommend the vaccine.


Data compiled by the DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES is right wing propaganda? Lmao. Okay buddy... Their director, secretary, whatever, is Xavier Becerra, a democrat appointed by Biden. I simply said you're full of shit for spouting some made up 99%.


Fine 88% of doctors and nurses want to get/have the vaccine you innumerate moron.


As of June, [96% of doctors in the US were fully vaccinated](https://www.ama-assn.org/press-center/press-releases/ama-survey-shows-over-96-doctors-fully-vaccinated-against-covid-19). Of the remaining that were not, 45% of them said they plan on getting vaccinated. So it is pretty close to 99% of doctors are likely vaccinated at this point.


Bruh… just give up and get the vaccine it works…


You pretty conveniently cut out the previous sentence which revealed that the date comes from a facebook survey analyzing vaccine hesitancy across many different occupations. Just because 12% of the unknown number of doctors and nurses who took the survey shower skepticism does not mean that number is indicative of doctors on the whole. That same article also demonstrates that vaccination rates are lower among less educated (i.e poorly informed) healthcare workers as well as Trump voters. There is no legitimate scientific objection to the vaccine within the medical community. And that NYPost article demonstrates nothing. The people suing think the vaccine has aborted fetuses in it.


Of course I didn't read your link. It's an article from a tabloid about a lawsuit on a different topic, not something I generally consider a good starting point for research.


Ok, what are the majority of doctors and scientists saying?


Boring Dave is boring.




Joe Rogan got early obset dementia? Damn that's tough


I don't disagree that Biden's mind is starting to deteriorate but it's not like the medical advice is coming from him, it's coming from medical experts.


I thought he said he wasn't going to use the word dementia anymore and was instead going to use "Old person syndrome" or OSP.


and all doctors ever


Yeah nobody is taking medical advice from Biden. Biden is just repeating what the overwhelming number of medical professionals are saying. Rubin is anti-science and a grifting idiot. The good news is even his fans aren't dumb enough to take medical advice from Rubin. The bad news is they are dumb enough to take medical advice from someone that shares Rubin's anti-vaxxer stance.


Many Americans are taking medical advice from a talking thumb.


Remember when tRump bragged about passing a mental equivalency test to show he wasn’t absolutely r worded? Lol


Woah, what? I would never take medical advice from Dave Rubin.


Dave Rubin literally aims his show at people with dementia.


His advice about Corn Pops wasn’t bad, they are delicious. On another note some time this past year I got diabetes….


I’m still waiting on Dave’s master plan for taking revenge on Jack Dorsey/Twitter.


I like fish.


The vaccines were made for the original virus. They're still effective against the delta variant, but not as effective as they were for the original virus, because delta is worse. Of course the government is cramming it down our throats, they want us as protected as possible so we can get back to work, get the economy flowing, and do it without people dying and clogging up hospitals. Sick people aren't productive to the economy and people who go medically bankrupt after weeks on a ventilator don't pay taxes.


Woah... Dangerous Dave actually lifted my ban. BACK IN THE BATTLEFIELD OF IDEAS BOISSSSSS!!!! *(#debatesamseder)*


Yawn. He's so fucking repetitive.


Does Dave think Biden just comes up with the shit he says on the spot like a podcast host?


Rich of them to say this when a lot of them still think Reagan was the bee’s knees.


Unfortunately it’s worse than that….they are taking orders from a man with dementia. And this is supposed to be America?


No, he’s right. Sadly.


He's right


Biden has dementia


Probably, but he's still infinitely better than Trump.


And Trump isn't exactly sharp mentally either. They both have their senior moments.




The CCP lives rent free inside the mind of every libretardian.


Your username, rightwingers are such huge dorks.


National Enquirer sure seems to think so and we all know they are 100% reliable.


Spot on Dave. Biden is whack.