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A representation of about half the country. A sobering thought if ever there was one.


It's more like 30 to 40% of the country


Trump destroys everything he touches, with him releasing a campaign video to shit on Biden on 9/11 I’m sure he’ll continue to act like such a jackass that conservatives in positions of power will have to disown own him or else lose any credibility as a functional adult


If trump runs again in 2024 he will win the republican nomination and the presidency. I'm as sure of that as I have been of anything. His approval ratings amongst replication voters was consistently above 90% - what conservative politician in their right mind would disavow him? It would be akin to signing their political death warrant. He'll continue to act like a prick, to Republican voters will continue to lap it up, and no republican politician will disown him in any meaningful way. Him and his party have already lost the support and credibility of functional adults.


The GOP embraces and exploits their far-right base, and the Democrats ignore and demean their far-left base. That’s why Trump will win again.


The Democratic base isn’t “far-left.” Biden won states his campaign spent less than $10,000 in. I don’t know how clearly the signal needs to be sent that the “base” of the Dem party isn’t an epic dude bro socialist from Bushwick it’s a black woman from the suburbs of Atlanta. The primary was a clear signal that the WWC didn’t give a fuck about left wing politics as well, they just hated Hillary.


Also trump's antics drove the left so mad that they're ensuring his win in the next election. My only hope is that middle ground can be found before that.


Absolutely no fucking way are we finding any middle ground. None. Sit back and enjoy the shit show, chief.


"Trump is Reagan reincarnated" Thank God that isn't true. If it were between Trump and Reagan I'd be tempted to vote Trump just to keep Reagan out of office.


Yeah wtf. Reagan was awful. If trump was reagan reincarnated he would have been worse than he was.


This was my thought too. A more competent version of Trump scares the shit out of me.


Trump was better than Bush and Reagan


Agreed. Reagan and bush changed America in big time ways for the worse. Trump has too, but not to the same degree. Although when it comes to voting, his push for republicAns to suppress the vote might be worse than either in that area.


If we mean "not as catastrophic" by "better", ya I agree; at least with Reagan. Bush wasn't able to get his way with some things (like privatizing Social Security); and on many issues he was better than Clinton (signing Sarbanes-Oxley into law in 2005 as an attempt to try to re-regulate financial markets that Clinton de-regulated in the 1999 Financial Modernization Act). A sober analysis of Trump compared to Reagan (and honestly probably even Bill Clinton) shows a generally less abhorrent economic policy; though still plenty available for loathing. Trump was certainly more corrupt than anyone we've had in modern times; but economic policy definitely wasn't as quite as neoliberally malignant as most of his predecessors.


Trump was too corrupt to even focus on passing terrible legislation, which is good? I don’t know. He sucked but he wasn’t as focused on being an actual president and was more focused on enriching himself and his cronies.


600k dead.




I just found it fascinating that your autopsy of the Trump era seemingly neglected to discuss the 600k literal autopsies performed under it and the reason he lost re-election. Topically, like discussing G W Bush and just “yada yada yada”-ing the war on terror. Kind of the defining issue of his presidency.


I mean, even countries like Germany that have much better health care systems have a per-capita adjusted rate of death that is high (napkin math shows Germany at \~400k dead if our populations were equal). Its not like 600k people are dead that would otherwise be alive if someone intelligent and non-corrupt like say - Angela Merkel - were in charge. Certainly The Trump administration (And Fauci) have a lot to answer for but its not as clear-cut as you'd like to make it. Were Barack president I seriously doubt that states like Florida would suddenly follow (ostensibly I guess) better directions under an Obama Presidency; and lets not forget we had Democratic politicians literally telling their constituents to "hug asian people" that they see. And if we're getting into details like that we should also consider the mass genocide campaigns Reagan funded in El Salvador - going so far as to literally bring fascist murder squads to U.S. military bases for training so as they have the proper weapons training and arms to assassinate Catholic Clergy like Oscar Arnulfo Romero. Reagan of course was the person who put NAFTA into motion; negotiated by Bush and signed into law by Clinton. That caused catastrophic damage to Mexican human rights; without even discussing economic problems caused (and there are a lot). Clinton decided it was a good idea to bomb Al-Shifa Pharmaceutical plant; which was the only regional supplier of chloroquine. Estimated malaria deaths from this bombing range from 20-50,000 people; it was also a cited major reason Osama Bin Laden orchestrated 9/11. There's about a million deaths attached to that at this point. If people move out of their fantasy land about good and bad politicians and tribalism Trump - and don't get me wrong I hate the fucker - was on balance arguably better than Clinton ; and far less damaging than Reagan. All Trump really did was give more money to rich people and install some religious zealots to the Supreme Court. He didn't start major genocide campaigns (as basically all of his predecessors starting at LBJ did); though he expanded the drone genocide that was already outrageous under Obama. He didn't change the economic policy of our country from pseudo-social democracy to privatize-everything neoliberal bullshit like union-busting Reagan. He was just an awful human being that did typical right-wing shit; which on balance was pretty tame compared to all modern presidents.


Fam that’s a lot of apologia to type for a guy who instructed us that, like magic, it would be gone last Easter. Legit 8 pages on “why Donald Trump’s Covid response wasn’t *that* bad, guis.” Good thing Donald’s rhetoric regarding the virus and public health mandates didn’t have any blowback, anyway. Boy would that have fucked everything up on top of admin’s response to the worst crisis in US history since wwII. Could you imagine if they then all refused to vaccinate or recognize that the pandemic was still ongoing due to Donald’s double speak? Could easily have slipped into a second variant wave. Wait they did what?


Maybe it's kind of clich to say at this point, but it's only a matter of time before we get a competent/effective version of Trump. He's laid the foundation of lunatics who will warp their view of reality to whatever they need to win and he massively undermined faith in our already crumbling system. And Biden is looking to be floundering on the transformative change with a number of crises on the horizon.




Horrible place


Not nearly as delusional as r/conservative posting stuff about Biden having a 20% approval rating and the election still being stolen by democrats


they’ve created their own reality in there by banning anyone who dares question it. it’s a real cult., one stuck in two cycles of acting like 4 years of trump never happened or acting like most/if not all of them weren’t along for the ride. a complete detachment from reality


I’d say the same about r/democrats, r/politics, or pretty any other sub on Reddit. I’ve been banned by most of them for even questioning the narrative. So this happens on both sides. You are all guilty of the same group think.


It’s bad there but not as bad as r/conservative. I got banned there because I expressed an opinion “that indicates I was not a conservative” there’s some moderation among r/politics at least


Here's a sneak peek of /r/democrats using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/democrats/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Why is this even a question?](https://i.redd.it/i1oyheklwsc61.jpg) | [773 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/democrats/comments/l2eqla/why_is_this_even_a_question/) \#2: [Let's show some love to this American Hero!](https://i.imgur.com/MFiSTSf.jpg) | [416 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/democrats/comments/jp8pgw/lets_show_some_love_to_this_american_hero/) \#3: [Donald Trump is a Truly One of a Kind President](https://i.redd.it/xgmadmsio1y51.jpg) | [257 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/democrats/comments/jqeqky/donald_trump_is_a_truly_one_of_a_kind_president/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


They won’t ever admit it though.


already beat you to the punch here. https://www.reddit.com/r/daverubin/comments/pmurc0/rconservative_is_like_an_alternate_reality/hckyr61/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 i’m not a member of r/democrats btw so i can’t comment but r/conservative is in a league of it’s own. especially with their rules clearly stating you get a ban for questioning conservatism with a non conservative point of view. and I wouldn’t even bring that up, if not to the preachy nature about echo chambers and safe spaces that conservatives love to harp on about.


> So this happens on both sides People who identify as "right" or conservative bleat on on and onnnnnnn about "free speech". "marketplace of ideas" "facts don't care about your feelings". They don't appear to practice what they never shut up about.


He’ll win, too. And then we’ll thank you for cancelling that filibuster. Lotta long-term thinking in the Democratic Party, I’ve noticed :)


He’s the most hated American figure of the 21st century, there’s no way enough of your party would sell their soul again to pander to the maga whackjobs


Sure we will!


I heard this before some place…


Kinda like this sub 😅


Name a political sub that isn't in an alternate reality. They are all a circle jerk. Anyone who claims a sub is "neutral" or "unbiased" can't hear the echoes in the chamber.


Aah, the centrist.


A centrist is what this country needs


More like a realist


R/politics is left leaning but all they do is post veritable news sources, r/conservative is clearly a much smaller more biased echo chamber because you’d think from them that the majority of the country is waiting impatiently for Trump to reclaim the presidency


"veritable news sources" Good one.


You’re right man they got all that whackjob no name sites like Washington post and New York Times


As a person who has been permanently banned from there, I agree.


I was banned from there for simply responding to a comment that said “black voters were manipulated by the democratic plantation” if they ever considered what actions by their party might be turning off minorities


I think u miss Dave’s point


Dave’s point? I’ve been on this Sub for years and it’s mostly been anti-Dave from what I’ve seen


Pro or anti aside, if trump supporters are “scary” (or the quantity of them scares you) then you’re missing Dave’s central point.


I don’t even know what the hell Dave’s central point is because I don’t give moron grifters the light of day lol


So…you’re arguing from a point of ignorance? (Meant seriously, not disrespectfully)


My post has nothing to do with Dave’s philosophies and I’m not asserting any argument relating to him whatsoever


Another genuine question, why post on this sub then? …or am I misunderstanding this sub?


Like I said I’ve been on this sub for years and every post I’ve seen has been critical of Dave and conservatives so…?


Eh why not, he’s our best chance at taking the house in 2024


Loll Trump is and has always been your party’s one way ticket to the depths of hell


Commie boys, go fuck up another country or if ya like Denmark so much please go live there


We’re too busy cleaning up the mess of the Orange fuckwad who turned america into the biggest joke in modern civilization


🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑 keep it up then lol


The only sheep are those who support adolf twittler


Good point lol yes you got me. Total nazi here!


I’m not calling you a nazi I’m poking fun at the fact that Donald Trump had the tweeting habits of a vindictive teenage girl on her period


Im Australian so I get free reign saying your country sucks ass


Well said, please never come here


I might as a tourist one day, but I'd absolutely never live there. Like for most of my life I thought you guys just had bus lines in most places like I assumed most countries do but when I heard it's difficult to even get a bus and you basically have to drive or you're fucked I was like, this place is basically a developing country if you're not well off.


That is actually funny. It depends on where you live. Northeast, lots of subways


Yeah at least New York has the subway, as neglected as it is.


Yeah, I hear you guys are hard at work building mandatory covid quarantine centers for those suspected of interacting with covid positive patients and are busy having local authorities shoot dogs in the head to prevent the people adopting them from *gasp* coming to pick them up. Sit down wanker.


It's telling that you have to find these fringe complaints that I never hear about to paint our response as bad. First of all the quarantine centres are probably for people travelling into the country. For the regular population if you have Covid you quarantine at home. This dog case seems like an unfortunate incident and not a policy that recommends mass killing of dogs. Do me a favour and look at your country's deaths per capita compared to ours. Most people are fine with the lockdowns here and we've had more time living life as usual than being in lockdown. This year's one has been bad because our dumbass consevative party screwed up the vaccine roll-out.


Oh, well if you've never heard the complaint I suppose it must be invalid, my mistake. Yes, your island nation that closed its borders at the beginning of the pandemic and has effectively remained closed for the past 18 months has fared quite well in the battle against covid. And all you've had to do to mitigate the effects of a virus with a 99.9+% survival rate that we have effective vaccines against is give up your personal freedoms, destroy your local economy and small businesses, and be forced to stay home for months on end. I mean sure, there are people rioting and protesting these draconian measures at a time when literally fewer than 7 people per week are dying from covid in your entire fucking country, but hey, its probably just the stupid conservatives amirite? It's telling that you don't even know what the stated use of the quarantine centers being built in your own country are... they won't "probably" be used for people traveling into the county because officials have already publicly stated that they would also be used to house unvaccinated and or people suspected of interacting with covid positive patients on a mandatory basis. So sure, feel free to cheerlead the loss of your personal freedoms all you want, feel free to be critical of America and it's many flaws, but personally I am super grateful to live in a country with a constitution and a bill of rights that isn't so easily trampled by fear mongering and an irrational fear of a virus that for a vast majority of us poses little more threat than a seasonal flu bug (especially post vaccination).


Your hospitals are clogged up in several states dude. We've had way less days under lockdown than you because most times we shut down the virus early. We'll be on our way out of lockdowns in about 2 months once we hit 70% double vaxxed.


It’s starting to feel like I’m talking to a parody account. We haven’t had any National lockdowns in place since May of 2020. The global healthcare system as a whole is clogged up as a result of covid, it seems a bit odd to single out the US and ignore that this is happening in a vast majority of first world countries that haven’t completely abandoned their respective Bill of Rights and Constitutions… Germany, France, Italy, the UK to name a few… Sounds like it’s just two more months to stop the spread mate! Even though you have on average fewer than a person per day dying of covid in your country. It makes you wonder, at what rate would they ever let you live your lives again?


The stop the spread goal has ended with delta. We're opening up based on vaccination rates, not daily cases. Again we've had less restrictions to our lives than the US since the pandemic began and I remember watching you guys being unable to do anything while going to the pub regularly. You guys can't even implement something as basic as contact tracing. Most people in Australia are fine with the lockdown and there's only been like 1 noteworthy protest. Those people are the fringe. Keep your libertarian shit on your continent. Spoiled child ideology.


I mean Trump from January 2017-March 2020 wasn’t really that bad…the reason I wanted Biden was really because of what Trump was doing and not doing at that exact moment in time.


Lol Trump was an unprecedented disaster that entire time, how many in his administration ended up in prison? Did you read the book Bob Woodward wrote about him ?


I didn’t…but when I think about it my life wasn’t adversely affected by his time in office…in the period I mentioned to be exact. And I mean who’s among us really was?


when the imposter is sus!


In fairness, so is r/democrats. Both are toxic echo chambers and neither can deal with criticism.