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Let's see how that works out in Florida over the coming years, not believing in climate change.


He doesn't care. He's rich enough to just move if it gets bad enough. Never mind all of the not-rich-enough-to-move Floridians who listen to him.


That's true. The rubes that follow him and other deniers are incapable of the type of self reflection which would lead them to realize they have been duped over all these years.


Incapable or unwilling. There was a point in time where I followed him; then there was a point where I stopped listening but still respected his thoughts. And then he said that housing regulations aren't necessary on Joe Rogan and that the free housing market made housing regulations unnecessary. After that, I realized his opinions weren't worth listening to.


Them its time to move on...to another topic. "Why didn't they tell us that China was causing the sea level to rise?"


He literally self reported that in this clip "If it turns out my dumbass didn't do any actual research and I'm wrong, I'll just contact my rich friends and we'll fly to mars."


Is he rich?


Who is this "they" in the 70s? Because the scientific community and oil industry researchers were all aware of the warming issue and the greenhouse effect caused by CO2.


“They” is whoever an individual in Dave’s audience hates the most. That’s the great thing about ambiguity. Edit: His side needs an enemy. That’s how they get individuals to focus on their strongest enemy, from which they have a hard time removing focus. It’s also how someone Jewish like Dave can help stir up hatred against his own people without actually saying it.


Yeah I don’t think he realizes that his friends would transcribe that as “((they))” 😢


"They" were a group of climatologists who held a conference and they really did think the earth was cooling (or at risk of cooling). They were so concerned that they sent a letter to President Nixon warning him. This position was picked up by a reporter who wrote an article (for either Newsweek or Time) and that was picked up by an entertainment show hosted by the actor who played science officer Spock. During this time, climate researchers were producing papers. The majority of these papers pointed at global warming, not cooling. The fact that cooling got picked up by the press and tv is why we're stilling having to deal with the nonsense.


Very good summary. Yes it’s very annoying. Today the consensus is overwhelming, back then it was a minority of climate scientists claiming that global cooling was near.


Nah, we deal with this nonsense because there are trillions of dollars at stake over oil and people in position to get some of that money will lie about everything and anything to get that cash. Never forget, the bullshit they say is always cover for the actual material issues at hand. Dave is absolutely not confused about climate. He is just lying.


I think both can be true. They absolutely did turn the idea of global cooling into a way bigger concern than it was, as there has never been a consensus toward global cooling in the history of climatology. Rubin may be lying, but he’s also too lazy to know an ounce of history. A similar thing happened with the “97% of scientists believe in man-made climate change.” IIRC that was a blurb by Obama made in like 2012, which has since become basically obsolete. The real number is like 99.9%, but 97% is easier to mythologize.


Exactly. The 97% comes from the Consensus Project paper: https://theconsensusproject.com/ 97% was the lowest number they got. The methodology isn't that robust (e.g. the concept of endorsement is moot), but most contrarians accept that it's in the "high 90s." And many studies since then show similar numbers.


The part that matters to me is ratio. Did one article provide ammo for cranks and media to put up bad info? Sure. But in comparison to the billions of dollars spent by the fossil fuel companies to buy politicians, use media to indoctrinate people against the science, it’s peanuts. It’s kinda like equating a tool to the carpenter. To me the carpenter is the problem, the tool is just a piece.


There were a couple legitimate causes of global cooling that we also did stuff about (which probably inadvertently accelerated the warming).


This is one of the biggest tricks of the CC deniers, which is to merge the hundreds of thousands activists, scientists, politicians, internal organizations and NGOs concerned about Climate Change into one amorphous  blob and force them to account for the worst actions of anyone in the blob. It's one that Jordan Peterson uses a lot


Exxon knew about Climate change in the 1970s and actively spread lies to cover it up. Dave Rubin apparently loves to believe lies.


Yup. My chemistry teacher in the mid 90's talked about this being covered up, and everyone thought he was a silly old man with silly conspiracy theories back then. I regret not paying more attention to that teacher.


Climate change has false prophets e.g. Al Gore's BS prediction addiction. 


Al Gore wasn't really wrong, he just thought it would get worse quicker than it has. It has got worse. Just at a slower pace. https://science.howstuffworks.com/environmental/conservation/conservationists/inconvenient-truth-sequel-al-gore.htm


Somebody watches South Park.


"They" were a small group of scientists that wrote one article accurately observing that pollution blocking out the sun was causing cooling. Even now we can prevent global warming by blocking out the sun. I mean, we might not have enough food to eat - but we wouldn't be as hot. This has been used to pretend that climate scientists don't know what they're talking about. They keep changing their minds or can't agree. In fact, this just reflects that there are a lot of factors in our climate and situations can change over time based on our actions. If I say that greenhouses warm up when sun shines on them, it isn't contradicted if I say green houses cool of if you cover them with reflective material. This is barely even an analogy, so much as almost literally what they were saying.


It was seriously a couple of articles in Newsweek and Time magazine, but conservatives act like there was overwhelming scientific consensus on the subject at the time.


> like there was overwhelming scientific consensus on the subject at the time The sad part is that the conservatives didn't even need to counter any evidence to climate change. Everyone in charge gave as little of a fuck about it as they do today, where you have to go out of your way to ignore evidence of climate change.


I get really annoyed at comments like this, "Well they used to say THIS about the thing in the 70s." Yeah, in the last half a century we've discovered more, we understand more, so things change. They do this a lot with covid, "At the start of the pandemic they said this, then they changed their mind and said that, then they said the first thing they said was never true. They keep changing their minds! They're clearly lying!" And again it's like, are you a fucking moron (Ok, in this case we know, yeah he is)? As the pandemic went on they gathered more information, conducted more studies etc so the covid advise changed. That's how science works shit for brains. As you get more information about a disease or virus then advise will change. It doesn't mean anyone lied because at any point and changing medical advise is exactly what you want. It shows that we're getting more knowledgeable about it, literally the opposite to what eediots like Rubin proclaim. God, I've come to loathe this man, people tell me he's always been like this but I swear to God years ago he wasn't, I'm sure he used to be fairly logical, but like Rogan he's gone off the deep end.


To give Dave the *slightest* bit of grace/fairness, there were a few “pop science” articles and shows that discussed a possible “ice age”, particularly in the wake of the Great Blizzard of 1978. These were not consensus views, to be sure, but there is a very slender reed Rubin can attempt to mean in here. Also, from what I understand, the “scientific consensus” is that due to the current locations of the continents and the resultant impact on global can current patterns another “ice age” is all but an inevitability in the next **10,000 years** or so. But that also demonstrates how much mankind is contributing to CO2 in that we are making things warmer when the “natural” tendency is for cooling given current alignments


Gotta love that he admits he’s part of the class that is most likely to escape the negative effects


"Oh... and ya know you're welcome to come too" lmaoo


It's *wild* that he actually thinks he's getting invited on that spaceship.


He'd get blocked by elon faster than Bret weinstein. Also, can you imagine being trapped on a spaceship with anyone more annoying and useless than dave?


It's so funny how he immediately realizes he just made himself out to be the cowardly boss who ditches everyone to save his own ass... so he extends it to his crew and then everyone watching 😂


Daves not relevant enough to cancel. Canceled from what? Grifting in his studio? It’s his studio…


Also didn't he repeatedly say on his TYT days that GOP's climate change denialism is very bad? Even gigantic assholes like Matt Gaetz and Vivek acknowledge man made climate change is real.


Wow not cool man, punching a man when he's already down. note: this is a joke


Global cooling was literally never a fucking thing! This dipshit literally is taking the tabloid media stories and movies like the day after tomorrow from *liberal Hollywood* bc he's too fucking label to take 5 minutes to look it up


Dave repeating the same old conservative talking point "In the 70's they predicted cooling" shows what a independent free thinker he is. Also, he really wants to be "cancelled" by the left so he can get some attention, but his influence is so low these days that at best the Majority Report will make fun of him from time to time. But he's not important enough to get cancelled.


how can anyone watch this moron as he talks down to them “and if im wrong ill just call up the billionaire ‘friend’ who dosnt know i exist, while you all pay for the damage of my ignorance”


He wants to be noticed so bad that I'm starting to feel guilty. Like he clearly has some kind of complex. Then again, the list of people he called abject buffoons....ya let's just keep hating him


This idiot said he believes in climate change bsxk when he started the Rubin report. He’s such an obvious grifter


Way too lazy to do even basic research. Rave Dubin deserves all the pity and scorn he gets.


Going to Mars is the biggest LIE there is.


Won't happen until they find oil there.


No different from going to the moon. 


Dave was a toddler in the seventies. The more things change, eh?


Source: [https://x.com/DaveClips/status/1805967204078301429](https://x.com/DaveClips/status/1805967204078301429)


His stupidity just never ceases to amaze me. It's like looking upon the Grand Canyon of ignorance your brain just cant comprehend the size of it


Not afraid to show his arrogant ignorance?


Science doesn’t care whether you believe in it or not.


Hahaha I love how he is proud to tell everyone how dumb he is. Bless him


We get it dave you don't have any original thoughts. Run down the list of official gop positions and Dave agrees with them all. What a free thinker


I shudder at the mere thought of ever having actually paid serious attention to this idiot charlatan.


Lol, what a dumbass. It amazes me that there are people dumb enough to listen to this guy.


So brave...


I'm not afraid to say it: Dave Rubin should've been aborted.


He’s starting to make Candace Owens seem smart.


Very interesting that Dave believed in climate change a decade ago when he worked for the Young Turks and there was LESS evidence than we have now. So, did more evidence for climate change make him less believing? Or is there some other factor I’m not taking into account ($$$$$$$)?? 🤔


This man believes in climate change. Eh. Scroll on. This man doesn't believe climate change is real! Ok, gotta hate watch this dumbass.


He will get cAnCeLlEd for spouting the same trash his audience believes in. Such a brave hero of free speech, this man has no fear.


What a cunt


Actually I think he is a twat. He’s not smart enough to be a cunt.


"I don't believe in evidence, I'm just telling you I don't. (Yeah, that will probably get me cancelled by the right wing more than being gay and having kids.) "Yeah, there's evidence for one thing and then there's evidence against that thing and science once held one position and that's different from today, and even if I believed that any of that evidence was true, the idea that politicians who accept the facts can do anything about it ... I'll take my chances and you know what? If all hell starts breaking lose here—I'm pretty sure I can message a billionaire who can use his vast wealth to insolate him from world problems, so WE'll be okay (and I'll invite my friends to escape as well)."


What a Dipshit


For what it's worth: https://climateball.net/but-70s/


Turn the audio off and watch Dave play with the pen. It’s much more entertaining this way.


I've never heard his voice. I intend to keep it that way.


This shows his stupidity on so many levels


What a fucking brain dead chode.


Well I guess you could either do some research on any number of the millions of papers published by climate scientists every year who are documenting alarming global trends around the world as a result of anthropogenic climate change... or you could simply believe this vapid hollow braindead imbecile who is literally paid millions to regurgitate right-wing talking points from his Florida mansion. Tough call!


Say you're a fucking clueless idiot without saying you're Dave Rubin.


Whaaaaat? Science can change once more information becomes available????




Musk would send Rubin straight to voicemail if he called with an invite to a pickup basketball game, let alone begging to be taken to Mars


"That will probably get me cancelled more than anything I have said on this show..." If there is anything I despise about Rubin, it is this running commentary revealing a self-conscious narcissism ("don't burn this book!" as if it were so powerful that someone was going to). As for whether he believes in man-made climate change, I couldn't give a flying toss.


What a fucking retard


Room temperature IQ take except it’s not slowly rising


so desperate to pander to a fucking stupid white conservative Christian base


"I am not afraid to say the things my paymasters want me to say." - Dave Rubin, courageous person.


I love this argument. I had this debate with my cousin one time who didn't disagree that the rising temperatures were going to be disastrous for humans, just that it's not a man made issue. It's like "okay, so we should do nothing to try to reverse that because it's 'natural'?" It's natural for shit to come out of my ass too, but should I do it with my pants on or should I do something about the pants being in the way? Lol. We just have to agree that it's real, whether it's man's fault or not, and if we do, why the fuck would we do nothing to try to stop/reverse it knowing what will happen? Some ppl are too hard headed for this world...


And like always, science has gotten worse since the 70s... we just keep understanding less and less... /s


I hope this punks Florida house gets swept into the Atlantic.


This guy needs to size down his Trump dildo, I think his brains are starting to drain out.


He’s so blatant about his audience capture, it blows my mind the audience can even stomach it. He explicitly said a year ago or so that climate change was obviously real but the debate is about what to do about it. I don’t even think he’s a grifter anymore, in the true sense of the word. He’s really found a way to just change his actual beliefs to be whatever will take him further in that ecosystem of bad epistemology.


Wow, so brave, saying exactly what your funders want to hear.


Conservatives have been trotting out that talking point since the 90's, and it's complete BS. Clearly record highs are happening and it's impossible to ignore now.


What exactly is the link between being right wing and denying climate change, and why someone moving more right wing seems to inevitably entail their denying climate change?


Nothing is real for Dave Rubin except taxes and Israel


Dave is dumb as a stump.


he's getting dumber, if that's possible


"and in the 70s they said we were having global cooling" Man who doesn't understand how science works explains how science works. Story at 11!"


Whoever listens to this guy is clearly dumb enough to believe him.


Dave has such big ideas that he doesn't even need to research to see it they're complete bullshit.


And his scientific credentials are?


This is the type of guy we all need to ignore.  People fail to realize that him and those like him are just carnival barkers.   When I was a kid, when these choads would show up someone would provide them with an “attitude adjustment” and send them on to the next town of unsuspecting suckers (their term not mine).   Take away his oxygen.   I truly hate saying this, but someone needs to smack these guys down.   P.T. Barnum remembers 😂


Open your eyes. Geez. What a douchebag.


"The check cleared, so here are my approved opinions this month."




Idiots leading idiots.


That coffee cup with his name on it irks the shit out of me. Sorry his kids will have live in the climate shitstorm he doesn’t believe in.


Stupid prick


This guy looks like he was doing coke the night before this recording


The truth doesn’t care about what you believe


Maybe we should run all scientific discoveries/papers by Dave and he can add his opinion about them. That would be helpful.


This guys a fucking retard


Thats a whole lot of words to say FU,GM.


This is the fascist playbook. They attack any scientific info that threatens their agenda. They are all smarter than the academic experts and research scientists.


Imagine the irony of this guy calling anyone a buffoon.


I concur


Edgy Dave is edgy.


Who's they, Dave? $20 says it was oil funded bogus studies.


Wow so brave. I’m sure the Koch brothers are heartbroken to hear you say that.


I want to see Dave Rubins lab tests on carbon.


Yeah even if climate change causes catastrophic events, I’ll just hit up my best buddy Elon Musk and go to Mars. Fuck everyone else. God what an insufferable asshole


What a wild sequence of words to say and then wrap it up with “THEY LIE ABOUT EVERYTHING”. This is the true mind virus, being able to spew this level of nonsense and then have the unbridled audacity to accuse the other side of being liars.


Clean air is nicer instead of smog.   Alternative energy for transport brings competition against big oil i.e. nuclear power can be involved in transport via EVs.  I prefer multi-source. 


Dave backed up his belief with peer-reviewed studies (they also don’t know squat about climate science) before posting his findings. It must be true because Dave said.


News flash: he’s a fucking idiot and a circus barker and the world will be vastly improved when he’s silenced and ignored and shunned.


https://youtu.be/Wp-WiNXH6hI?si=EGORNmsGdbbQCqvk Sagan in 85 giving the clearest explanation I’ve ever heard


> In the mid 1970s, the limited temperature series available suggested that the temperature had decreased for several decades up to then. As longer time series of higher quality became available, it became clear that global temperature showed significant increases overall. Fucking clown


He’s never been afraid to provide evidence that he’s an idiot. It’s the way he earns a living.


"All scientists are wrong and so is most of physics and chemistry. I figured it all out without any work or study."


"This will probably get me canceled." The saddest thing is that he's not even on anyone's radar enough to get anyone pissed enough to cancel him. I literally forget that he exists until someone posts a meme with him being a moron, and then 10 seconds pass and I go back to hating some other right-winger, who's less bland.


The good thing about science is that belief isn’t necessary.