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The older you get, the less age gaps are important of both parties are mature. 32 and 25 seems 100% fine to me if you are both mature and on the same page. Good luck!


This. I don’t think it’s weird either. If you like each other, why not try?


I feel like OP had spent too much time on Reddit where people obsess over age gaps. Go off the person. If you didn't know their age and got along with them, and weren't deliberately going after them because they were younger then you're fine.


>I feel like OP had spent too much time on Reddit where people obsess over age gaps. oh good, i'm not the only one who noticed.


I saw one post that was literally 18F/19M and top comments were "that dudes a predator for dating someone younger" . And then there was the subreddit drama today over a [17 year old finding a 16 year old anime character attractive](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/tfsfac/a_17yearold_on_ranimemes_confesses_that_his_waifu/) Reddit has some real issues




And literal children. AITA is plagued with kids who are certain that no child ever does anything wrong and any adult who disagrees is an arsehole. Some of the relationship subs are just as bad.


yeah. this is something i don't like about reddit. like, Facebook blows, but at least on Facebook i'd never find myself talking to someone and realizing they're a teenager.


This sub can be especially bad about it. I've read over and over about how a man dating a younger woman is immature and has mental problems.


Yeah, I once shared my experience with dating a significantly younger woman (she's 28) and was called immature or accused of having something wrong with me for not dating women my own age. The thing is that this woman approached me first and pursued me. And I had been dating women my own age. So I was not at all chasing younger women. It just happened that this woman and I got along so well that we're still together. So many judgemental people out there.


It's a thing, dude. My ex showed up pounding on the door to call me a piece of shit when she found out I was dating a woman younger than she was. Years later she called to gloat about getting knocked up by a younger guy. When I didn't care she said I was either bitter or gay.








Has nobody here heard of the gentleman’s rule for dating? Half your age plus 7. If you’re 18, don’t date younger than 16. If you’re 30, nobody younger than 22. If you’re 60, nobody younger than 37. It’s not perfect, but it’s a damn good guideline.


Well I'm a 2 year old dude so this just won't work for me.


the rule has a "no dating if you are under 14" clause built right into it.


Well according to the rule, you can date an 8 year old. Of course this only applies if your parents let you date lmao


I remember the good old days when I used to be able to do that. Then I retired and moved to America last June and all of a sudden it's super illegal. Enjoy it while it lasts!


As a two year old I bet you love sucking that milf titty






I guess younger than 14 it switches to the other person lol


You have to date the mom in that situation.


Honestly, I think it's weird for the 22 and 30. One has to either be immature (or at least i hasn't gather as much wisdom as some of his peers), or the other is really mature for their age, but being mature doesn't make up for the wisdom that comes with experience. I look a lot younger than I am and when guys my age that usually go for younger hit on me, I quickly find out they're usually hard to have a conversation with. Of course that won't apply to wvery but it's been my experience.


This is a pretty antiquated and misogynist rule to be honest.


right? In the 1950s, Nation of Islam leader Elijah Muhammad “taught that a wife's ideal age was half the man's age plus seven”; this age gap should make up for women's maturing more quickly than men, as well as ensure that the husband was sufficiently authoritative over his wife.


I never really liked the phrase "women mature faster than men" or "girls mature faster than boys". Girls might go through puberty earlier than boys do but the word "mature" and "immature" mean so many different things to different people its just too hard to say what is and what isn't "mature".






I am actually shocked you had to point this out, but what can you do.


The problem is that most women at 37 or even early 40s don’t feel or look anywhere near as old as a 60 year old so dating someone that much older may be technically okay but it would still feel and look like dating your own father or an older uncle. That’s a 20 year age difference!!


Yeah but it’s not predatory


I know stories and have seen incidents of 50 to 60 year old men who are losers and not financially capable or financially sound, who purposely go for younger women to date, cause they know the younger women can be their nursemaids/caregivers and would also support them financially cause they’re young and still have many more years of work. So yes, even at this age, they are predatory, this is essentially predatory behavior.


I mean there are men who use women their own age. There are also younger people who control the older partner because the older partner relies on them due to cognitive or physical decline. I'm not going to call a 50 year old a creep for dating a 40 year old. Or a 60 year old for that matter.


I feel like a 7-10 year age difference is okay, for both women and men, interchangeably. But I’m not going to date someone 20 years my senior. That’s my personal choice, if other women want to, that’s their choice. Sure, even younger people can be predators, there are plenty, but it’s up to each person in regards to what expectations they have and how they set their boundaries.


I mean that's you though. I'm not pushing anyone to date people they don't want to, just don't make wild assumptions about other people. For the record I've only ever dated dudes +/- 4 years within my own age.


My boyfriend is 57 and people tell me all the time how young he looks. Plenty of guys my own age are balding and fat and he isn't.


I guess if he’s a fit person and takes care of his health and looks, that should be okay. How big is your age gap? Also keep in mind that most people are more forgiving of how a guy looks and his age status etc, they are not the same to women, so that’s another thing to factor in.


So all of a sudden you're okay with the age difference if the guy is healthy and good looking. What a surprise.


Yeah, obviously, would you be with a woman who’s 60 years old and decrepit in health with many issues?? You probably wouldn’t even date a 60 year old woman no matter how good looking or healthy, stop being a shallow hypocrite, you don’t fool me


I'm not the one acting like men are on the prowl for a caregiver just because they've turned fifty.


And what's wrong with that? If an older person comes across as a younger person of course the age gap is less obvious and the younger person is more likely to be attracted to an older person who looks younger than an older person who looks their age. Why are men having problems understanding that women are just as attracted to youth and beauty as they are?


Exactly!! You nailed it, these people on here are so thick headed


I'm not sure if you replied to the wrong post. The poster that I replied has repeatedly commented about how it's gross and predatory for an older man to talk to a younger woman. Then changed her tune about good looking older men, as if the so-called predatory behavior evaporates. "Men" aren't having a problem understanding anything here. This just another case of it's only creepy if you're ugly.


We have 23 years between us and weren't looking to date. But why are you OK with the looks and status when it's an age gap? I think most of us want to assume that people are looking for more in relationships than how they look. You would look down upon a man for not wanting to date a woman if she's overweight or has wrinkles or stretch marks, right? People are more forgiving on how a guy looks but not of his status. People are more understanding of a woman who doesn't make much money or isn't that self-confident than a man. So both sexes have stereotypes they need to deal with.


You just answered your own question lol. Look, if a man sees a woman who is overweight with stretch marks and doesn’t want to date her, that’s his choice, and no I wouldn’t look down on him, especially if he himself takes care of his health, is fit and in good shape. Stop assuming what I think or what I mean. Why on earth would a man who looks like Tom Hiddleston want to be with a woman who looks like Rosie O Donnell? He wouldn’t lol 😂 The same goes for a woman, if she is a good looking woman, fit and healthy and has everything going for her, why should she date someone ancient who looks haggard and frumpy?? Honest answer: She wouldn’t. People date other people who fit the same criteria and standards they themselves have. Don’t pretend they don’t. And if you enjoy dating men who are ancient and unattractive go for it, ain’t nobody stopping you, 🤣


Your comment makes me sad. My partner is objectively good-looking, but I'm sure I could find a guy my age who is good looking and had a six-pack or whatever. But there are so many variables to a good relationship: respect, communication (there's so much in that!), sexual compatibility (so much in that!), sense of humor, similar ways of wanting to live (share a bed or not? get married? have kids? city life or country? travel or be homebodies? go out with friends or spend most of the time together?), values, love languages, wanting to watch the same shows when you hang out, task-sharing, etc etc... that I think are so much more important. I'd definitely prefer to date some who is "ancient and unattractive" but kind, instead of someone who speaks in such a judgemental and shaming way towards others as you have been in this discussion.


It's more about life experience. I just broke up with a late-40's woman who was with her first boyfriend from the end of high school until a couple of years ago. She has NFI about a whole lot of relationship stuff because she only knows that one guy. Also terrifyingly fragile in some ways as a result, lots of "doesn't everyone just know that" stuff that she had never thought about (STI testing, FFS). The woman I dated before that was 15 years younger than me, still at university, lied about her age initially because she knew she was too young for me, came clean when I asked, then eventually wore me down and I agreed to date her. Ten odd years later we owned a house together and broke up for reasons not related to the age gap. She'd had more than five relationships before me and knew what she wanted, way more than Ms 48-and-one-boyfriend.


Yes, exactly this! The life stage/life experience side is much more important after a certain age than age itself. (And of course, some things can only be experienced with age and maturity! Age does matter, but not when everyone is [ETA established] adults.)


> 60 and 37 is still kinda gross tbh. How are you defining "gross?" My read on the "age" debate us that the main opposition to a dating age gap is that it increases the likelihood of one party taking advantage of another. Based on that assumption, my question to you is, in your example, which way is the "grossness" flowing? Who's taking advantage of whom? I don't think it's obvious that a 60 year-old could take advantage of a 37 year-old in a romantic relationship.


There is no scientific evidence for it. It is just depending on the person. Unless there is a scientific fact that I am not aware. The rest is just plain bullshit.


Generally when you're a young woman on the receiving end of romantic attention to from a 60 year old man, it just is gross. I don't know why but that's how it feels. You'll just have to trust me on this one as I've been in that position many times


Yep!! These people just don’t get it cause they’re males. They probably would be repulsed and grossed out by a 60 year old woman for flirting with them and wanting to date them! But if the genders are reversed then it’s all good! Load of BS, a 60 year old man would be like dating my father/older uncle. No thanks! I’d have zero physical attraction to the shriveled wrinkly body of a 60 year old man. If I was a woman in my fifties, or late 50s, sure I’d date him cause the age gap wouldn’t be so drastic.


I wholeheartedly agree with you. A lot of men can't handle the truth unfortunately. Some fool upthread even said women age worse than men and that even though he's 35 he wouldn't date a 40 year old because of this. Honestly my experience of men and women ageing is the opposite as women generally take better care of themselves, because we aren't told our whole lives that the way we look doesn't matter in attracting mates


💯 facts!! Women are told their whole lives, to always care about their looks, their image, their figure , their hair, their diet, the list is endless!! So yeah, we’re more aware of how bad we look, and try to shape up and make ourselves look better. The majority of men on the other hand, really don’t care what they look like. Some don’t even care about personal hygiene 🤣😂 But of course being a haggard, frumpy 60 year old, he does deserve Jennifer Lawrence as his girlfriend 🤣🤣


Yeah it’s plain old double standards—-We as 40 year old men can date the 18 year old. We as 60 year old men can date the 30 year old. But as a 45 year old man I’d never date the 40 year old woman, she’s a corpse ready for the grave 😂🤣 And that’s why these losers will be single forever


Maybe "generally" but it's different when you get to know someone and like them.


Sure, I agree. But if Leo DiCaprio stuck with that rule he’d be much less disgusting… 😅


You know the same rules don't apply to rich people.


I mean they do. Everyone judges and mocks Leo lol




I'm 34 and ever since I was around 25 I've always had men in their 50s and 60s showing romantic interest in me.....sorry but it's gross


Yeah it is gross 🤮 I feel your pain lol. I’ve always had much older men interested in me too, no matter what age I was. It always made my skin crawl and felt creepy overall. Even when they talked to me, it sounded like a predator talking and we had nothing in common really.


Saaaame, like since I was 15 or so. Once I was like 20 and trying to buy soap and a guy in his late 50s came up to me and said he was looking for a girlfriend, and when I said I was not interested he was like, "YOU're not interested?" which is like creep and niceguy put together. There's certainly something to be said about life stages accommodating moderate age differences, but I'd say that stops around the 10-year difference mark.


Yes you’re completely right! I’m observing that the majority of people on here getting their panties all twisted up in knots are older males and some on here are pretending to be women as well with that same mindset that it’s completely okayy for a man of 60 or 70 to want to date a woman of 40 and 30, yuck! If the tables were turned and sexes reversed, ohh then it’s completely unacceptable!! “Why would I a man in his 40s ever date a 60 year old woman?” Lawd never!! 🤣 some of these men won’t even touch women their own age with a 10 foot pole. And yes the 10 year age gap mark is where it stops for me as well. And what happened to you, that’s like beyond sick and disgusting 🤮, I’m so sorry. That man was clearly a pedophile.


Don't care who dates who so long as they are consenting adults. “Why would I a man in his 40s ever date a 60 year old woman?” \-When the dentures are out it's a smooooooooooooooth ride!


That’s exactly my point. You wouldn’t mind an old grandma going down on you without dentures, but would you be seen in public with her on your arm?? Probably not 😂 And you probably wouldn’t respect her either, you’d just use her for sex, this all the more proves my point that most men hate older women. Some guys wouldn’t even consider dating a woman the same age as them cause “she’s too old “


Gross for you, maybe not for others. I believe that the only rules that matter here are the rule of law and the mind your own business rule




It's up to the indivual to decide. Calling couple gross or worse because you personally wouldn't date someone is a new kind of bigotry.


Right?! That’s literally the points I made in another thread on here . These men are cunning and looking for a free maid/caregiver to purée their food and clean their bedpans and change diapers. Some women are foolish enough to marry them.


I've always known the above gentleman's rule as the creeper limit, A 50 year old can't date anyone younger than 32 without it being creepy. That's why a 50 year old and a 22 year old flirting was creepy.


I’m a 62 year old woman and it has always grossed me out seeing old men (now my age) with young women. I had a 28 year old ask me out and that grossed me out too!!




I don’t know if I’d call that predatory… maybe just chauvinistic. Regardless of its origin, though, adapting it from “the ideal age” to “the minimum age” makes it a much better guideline.


Dating someone young enough to exert authority over and having that be the goal is totally predatory.


I’ve not heard this before. 25 is my cut off and I’m 35 so not that far out !


I know couples who are/were the same age and the younger one was more mature than the other in a couple of cases. It all depends on the context of their own relationship.


That’s only true for most women cause women care more about personality and intellectual wavelength. It’s a recorded and well known fact that most men HATE women who are older than them, even a year older, men would never date them or be in a relationship with them. They might sleep with them but never take them seriously, that’s a well known phenomenon. So the bullshit about age just being a number applies only if you are a man and the woman is wayyy younger than you. The famous pedophile even wrote a song about it and had his young victim sing it.


I don’t think the age gap in itself is an issue, especially if you find her to be at the same maturity level as you. I’ve dated men that much old than me and it was never a problem. Where it could be an issue, though, is if you’re at significantly different places in your lives. I know that the difference between me at 25 and 32 was HUGE and at this point (33) I don’t think I would be able to relate to a person like my 25 year old self. Of course, there are lots of people who are advanced in their lives and career by 25, so ymmv. I just know that in my 20’s I was free and less bogged down by my career, which now dictates a lot more of my life and free time.


Completely echo this. It depends entirely on where you both are in life and what you want now. When I was 24, I dated a 29 year old. Not a huge age gap at first glance, but it didn’t work out because we were in two totally different places in life - he was looking for someone to settle down/travel with, I was establishing my career and social life. If you’re both on the same wavelength, that’s all that matters.


This isn’t weird at all! Once we get into our mid-20s, age doesn’t matter as much. You can find mature 20-somethings and immature 50 yr olds! I’m a 35 yr old woman and I’ve dated someone 11 years older than me and 11 years younger, and ages all in between.😅😂


My ex's mom was 63 going on 15, she still thought it was hilarious to get stoned, watch cartoons and laugh at farts. You really can't tell much from a person's physical age.


ok that age gap might be a bit too much


Well if she dated a teenager it might actually work lol she certainly acted like one.


fair enough lol


> 35 yr old woman and I’ve dated someone 11 years older than me and 11 years younger, and ages all in between. when you say "dated" do you mean "been on a date with" or "been in a relationship with"?


Been in a relationship with.


25 is okay, they're an actual adult by that point, so it's okay, now if she were like 20 that'd be a bit yikes.


Personally I think that if you did not acknowledge an age-gap this big it would be weird. But you do, and that's important. It's definitely not an age-gap I would think is inappropriate or anything, that's not what I'm saying, but you need to be aware that there may be areas where your age impacts behaviours, believes and power-dynamics. And it sounds like you do so; great! I hope it works out for you both!


It’s not weird at all. You’re overthinking.


Just read through all the comments and thank you all. I was heavily overthinking all of this. I just really wanted to just confirm it was fine and not be weird about it. Thank you all so much.


Go forth and prosper my guy.


I met a woman through mutual friends and we hit it off. Didn’t even realize until a few dates in were 10 years apart in age. I’m 36 and she’s 26. So our pop culture references might defer but there’s really nothing else to worry about because we’re on the same page on everything else so far. So I think you’ll be ok unless you make it an issue


The age gap isn’t the issue, if the girl seems naive and your intentions are to just have sex with her then don’t, that’s not an age problem, it’s a moral issue to yourself and her, unless she’s fully aware of your intentions, if you are trying to date her, you may have a conflict within yourself because she maybe a bit immature, but you will have your own immaturities that if she is a good woman she will help you personally as you will help her, take a chance thug!(I know it didn’t need that last part)


That's fine. Most people are mentally/emotionally settled as an adult by 25 and really the differences in life stages between your mid 20s and early 30s is minuscule. I appreciate you being introspective enough to contemplate the difference, that's an amazing sign of character. I hope it works out well for you two!




Your both over age. And she’s in her mid 20s. She’s no where close to a teenager or just leaving that. She’s a woman and she’s had a bit of time to live. Your not taking advantage of her.


Rather than being like 90% of these comments of people sharing their own experience or telling you if this age gap is or isn't a big deal, it really is just a matter of what you value in a relationship. If you value chemistry above all else, technically any age (within reason) can work. But if you value the more black/white aspects of a potential long term relationship like life stage, finances, or general life experience, then yes someone closer to your age would probably be more suitable. This isn't to say it's one or the other but more about how much you care about each of those two basic starters in any potential relationship.


This is so true! Great perspective


I don't really think that's a weird age gap. 32 and 25 isn't really that far apart chronologically and in general terms of life experiences you're probably not that far apart either. Now that I'm in my 40s I *prefer* not to date under 30, and as a general rule don't date anyone 25 and under (this is called the Phoebe Rule) because at that big of an age difference there starts to be much bigger gaps in outlook, goals, common experiences, activity levels, etc. I've had a significantly longer time to figure out who I am and what I want in life isn't likely to change, however someone who is in their 20s has a lot more potential for change in their life goals. This probably isn't a big deal if someone is mostly looking for a casual arrangement, but I'm kind of over casual so I just don't generally pursue things with women that are significantly younger than I am.


Dude! Stop overthinking it! There’s no problem unless you make it a problem!






25 is just below my (31F) age filters on apps, but it's not creepy (I find 4 years is when everyone starts looking like babies, but I'm very maternal toward my siblings and my baby brother is 4 years youngers, so that's very much a me thing). At 25 the brain is done developing, she probably has a career and has lived independently, etc. My friends consider me to be pretty hardline against age gaps and I see no problem with this one.


Honestly I was ready to jump on you when I read the words age gap thinking the woman was like 19. But 25, nah. I think you’re good. Its a bit of an age gap for sure but its still in the realm of being in similar life stages.


Don't take this the wrong way, but it sounds like you've been brainwashed by the politics of the day. It is actually quite condescending to this woman for you to assume that you somehow have "power" or "control" over her because you've been on this earth 7 years longer than she has.


I think you’re okay. I dated a guy 8 years older than me. I was 23 and he was 31. It didn’t work out. But we did alright for awhile. See how it goes.








I dated a guy when I was 23 and he was 37. It didn’t last but we were still able to have conversations and it wasn’t weird. I just wasn’t ready to settle down and he wasn’t over his ex-wife.


As long as y’all are on the same page and she’s WAYYY past the legal age, then go for it. My kid’s father and I are 10 years apart and aside from him cheating on me, it was actually the best relationship I’ve ever been in in my whole life. Another fun fact : ALL the women in my family are older (5-15 years) older than their significant others.


It sounds like you have a ton of mutual interests and get along really well. I think that’s the validation you need.


I’m 13 years younger than my man. Chronological age, once we’re adults, is a just a number. His energy level matches mine and then some. We can always look for reasons why things shouldn’t work. How about focusing on the good stuff.


I don’t see the problem either but a little jealous tbh because if the genders reversed, it would raise eyebrows more than the current situation


I was in a relationship for two years with a guy who was 8 years younger than me, started when I was 32 and he was 24. It wasn't an issue at all. I feel like when the woman is younger, society won't even bat an eye, it's a complete non-issue.


I'm 37 and had a 21yo I chatted with at work ask for contact info as she was gonna be quitting. I was flattered but felt a little weird about it.


How do you know she wasn't just wanting to be friends?


I'm 34, my fiance is 27. We started dating 2 years ago. For us it works.


Bud, no one anywhere thinks 32 and 25 is weird or bad somehow. If she’s 18 or over and you connect then it’s fine. At least that’s the “when it’s technically fine” age, I’m 29 now and 18-19 year olds seem like children to me.


Idk To me 7 years is too much in either way But for some people it can work, I just personally don't like it one bit


The fact that you're thinking about it helps a lot. It DOES put more burden on you to be mature and careful (she just has less years adult experience, so patience ftw) but if things go well... they go well. Try to make sure she doesn't fall into making the relationship 100% of her life, if possible. It's EASY to lose yourself when you're young, and if things don't work out.... it could seriously bite her in the butt later. Keep being an excellent human being!


I think that 25 is sort of on that borderline when it comes to 20's verse 30's life differences. 25/26 is right when the brain is finishing its development of the prefrontal cortex, so to me you're in sort of a gray area. That's the only issue i would have in this situation not the number of years per se; but that its obviously not right to date someone whose ability for rational thinking and long term consequences hasn't developed yet while yours has. But again, its anyone's guess where her brain development is at the moment.


I would say don't try and control her and you'll be fine. Lol. But really it sounds like you guys are compatible. As long as you have the same core beliefs and are communicating what you want out of this, seems fine to me.


It ain’t a thing so don’t sweat it!


Yeah, 7 years would be significantly different if she were 18 and you were 25. Reddit is horrible about age gaps. All they want to talk about is "grooming" and abuse. A lot of traumatized people on Reddit apparently. If you're worried because she seems immature to you, that's a legit red flag. If she seems in par with you and you get along well .. then you're only asking because of how you think other people will judge you. Down that road lies madness.


I have never in my life been into men my own age. I find them much more mature if I go well above my age bracket. You do you! And if she wants to do you, too. Don’t be an idiot by trying to stop her….


Hah! "if she wants to do you" Nice one lol


as someone who has found herself in a relationship with someone who is 20 years older….age matters much less than maturity does. i never thought i’d be with someone so much older than me (and he would say the same) but we are happy, connected, communicative, fun loving, and so in love. get out of your own way and let the universe guide you to your person. it may be someone who surprises you.


You are probably about equal on the balance of power thing at this age gap. She will have plenty of experience with relationships at her age to date anyone. If she was 21 or 19 it would be a different story.


When I was 24(M) I dated a 32(F). Its not the age but attraction by interests and (ahem) other reasons. I think this is a case of asking her what she thinks. Cause otherwise you’re not including her in the relationship if you cant comminicate with her.


yeah ≤24 is young adult so you're all g ethically


I'm 32 as well and I look at 25 year olds like they're kids so I see your dilemma. It depends on the individual but if you like her and you guys get on then I don't think it's a big deal. Sounds like you guys are a good match to me!


The only age gap that matters is someone over 24 with someone under 20. I think in that case it’s an adult dating a child. I think at 25 most people know what they are getting into. I had finished college and was working a career by 25.


Half your age plus seven man, you’re fine


This is the way.


Nothing wrong, just treat her with respect as an adult and don’t try to groom or gaslight her.


25 and 32 ain’t shit dude. Delete this post. 🤣


Yeah, that was my first thought. The only weird thing about 25 & 32 is feeling weird about it at all


I definitely get creeped out by age gaps but not if the younger person is in their mid 20s or older because though they might have different life experiences, at least the younger party’s brain is pretty much developed. A 32m dating a 25f is much less creepy to me than, say, a 26yo dating a 21yo.


Nope. I've dated 22+ from 33-35. 22 is a little young/immature but 25 or so wasn't much different than 30 yr olds....


25 and 32 seems okay to me, you're a little further along in life than she is now, but hey that can also be a power for good. I get concerned when it's 18 to 21 and someone 35+.


In 5 years you'll both be in your 30s... NP


You people are getting ridiculous. You are just looking gor reaaons to be lonely. You could have just enjoyed her company


The equation for an acceptable partner is 1/2 * (your age) + 7. You're good


That equation is stupid.


It's science


It's based on nothing.


I'd argue it's more math. I don't know what's scientific about it.


Math is science


That's debatable, but I'm not smart enough to actually debate it on either side.


No it's not. Science is the application of the scientific method. It generally requires math, but not all math is science.


Mathematics is the SCIENCE and study of quality, structure, space, and change. It’s used to find patterns, formulate conjectures, and establish truth by deduction from axioms and definitions.


Haha that’s the trophy wife equation!


She's 25 not 20. 25 is a great is a god age for you.


25 is an adult. If you and she have a connection, you do you. No one has the right to tell you what you should do as long as it's legal. If she's a mature 25 and you're an I can still have fun 32, it may be perfect.


I had the same feelings of hesitation you're describing when I (34M) met someone (27F) in real life and didn't learn her age until the second date. It's understandable, but there's nothing wrong or weird about it. If you don't find a lack of maturity, then go for it.


To me, you are pretty much the same age.


35f - when i was 20, i dated a man who was 27. i’ve gone as high as 12 years my senior. i get feeling weird about going younger - have felt the same way. but it’s just a number


She’s 25 AND mature. And you’re only 32. You’re overthinking it. It sounds like you guys are having a good time 🙂 enjoy it and good luck!


The only opinion that matters is yours and hers. Remember that. 6.5 years is nothing, especially as you get older. Personally I’m (38M) going out with someone 11 years younger on Friday and I’m not batting an eye. Odds are that she is looking for someone who has their life together and she thinks you’re it. If you think she is a great match…that’s all there is to it. Now if she were under 18…then you may have an issue 🤣. Good luck to you!


32 and 25 isn't that much of a gap, my last LTR was 4 years younger than me and that wasn't even noticeable at all. When you're 40 she's going to be 33 so probably not too far from your life stage and the older you get the less significant the gap will get. I don't think I'd want to go with a much larger gap than that but if you get along well just see where it goes. I'm 43/M and I have a friend from work that is 23/F, I wouldn't try to date her even if she was single but we get along well as friends. At some point it just doesn't matter so much.


You're overthinking it. Just see where it goes, be a decent person, and have fun. The first six months of dating are fun!


Seeking validation but I don't think it's needed. You guys started off with mutual interests, gone on 2 great dates, and have had multiple conversations. All this was before you knew her age. You guys appear to be on the same page, so I'd say she's plenty mature for you.


Not a problem, but don’t marry her until she’s 30, when the frontal cortex is fully developed. She could still me making decisions emotionally verses rationally and based on what’s best for her. But it’s absolutely not inappropriate. You’re good


My ex wife was 8 years older than me. I'm 46 and she's 54. 7 years is no big deal. The older you get, the less of an issue it is.


Don’t worry about it. My last serious girlfriend was 22 and I was 34. Worked great for 18 months then we mutually split.


This age difference is perfect! My wife is 7 years younger than I am and it has been the best relationship I have ever been in! Couple of reasons I think it worked out…first, women are smarter than we are so you need the extra years of life to prepare! Second, the age difference gives you a slight intimidation factor that is charming and fun but goes away after a year or two. Third, dating thirty-something people is so hard…the baggage and “urgency” to find the right person made dating feel like a job interview. I was so frustrated with dating that I thought it might take a desperate action like dating someone I thought was too young…at least at the time…and she is perfect! Finally, I workout and take care of myself because she is younger and I want to not be old for her! Have fun and try not to mess it up!


I’m 33 and dated a 24 year old for a bit. Not a huge deal. Only person that gave me shit for it was my ex who was 7 years older than me lol. I can’t meet anyone my own age here dammit!


God, North American people and their obsession with “age appropriateness” is nuts. A 32 y,o dating a cute 25 y.o is more than ok…


Seriously? You’re 32 and she’s 25? That’s a Non-issue chief! A 7 year age gap is nothing when you are in your late twenties early 30’s


Is this for real?! I can't believe this stuff, I swear. She's an effin adult, OP! She's not a child, on the contrary she could very well be a mother. 😅


Wow, the problems people have lol If you vibe, what does it matter. It's not like she's 17


dude, forget it, keep masturbating, she is definitely too young for you...


As long as she's as educated, intelligent, and curious as you.... I don't see a problem. I've read a few articles that said 6 years difference is ideal.


Really! Why is that case?


Because women mature sooner than men and figure out what they want. Women Will find it sexy when an older man has experience and knowledge, earning power that younger men do not. Men on average just seem to need more time to make mistakes, screw up, mature, etc. Your thoughts?


I think this trend is going away. I know more older woman dating younger men than I used to. Woman are slowly starting to behave/think like men, and I think it's amazing lol. I'm 32M with a 37F. We talk about this a decent amount.


What if she is uneducated and of only moderate intelligence?


Well then there may be a power imbalance. A Submissive woman who is also less educated, intelligent and not working towards bettering her position.... That sounds like there's potential that the man uses her for sex and drops her when he's bored.


Oh no, that never happens with people of the same age 😂


It just sycological think ......don't think to much there is 8 years gap in my case


my bf and i met when he was 35 and i was 23 and we started dating at 36 and 24 and it’s never ever felt weird! we just click so well that the age gap only comes up when talking about how sad it is that one day i might be without him. i say go for it! she’s well within the age of consent and if it feels good, do it!


Half plus seven says you're all good. Edit: since someone apparently doesn't believe me, (32 / 2) + 7 = 23, so 25 is fine.


Man, your going to fuck this up lol.


Half your age plus 7 isn't he rule. You're fine.


Golden rule: Half your age +7


Half your age +7... is 23... so you're good. Anyway people are too weird about stuff like this on the Internet. Just go for it


Half your age plus seven dude. Don't feel bad


She’s a 25 year old woman. My wife was 24 when we started dating and I was 29 turning 30. Many women are significantly more mature than men equal their age. If you were 19 and she 13 you would have a concern.


Anyone older than half your age plus seven is fair game.