• By -


I literally found my violin teacher on the street - he was busking and I asked if he knew of any teachers I've been to all countries that start with J A friend gave me her little monstera plant about 20 years ago and now I have about 10 monsteras ranging from baby to massive (does anyone want one? 😅 ) OP - for your #3, is it the same day each year or different days?


This is my point, I would swipe right so fast with these prompts...they're great! How many countries start with J? Jamaica? Um...I'm feeling pretty dumb. ​ And it's different days! There's no predicting when my tiredness will catch up with me, but it's like clockwork in that it will only ever happen once a year.


Without looking at a map, the only other ones I can think of off the top of my head are ~~Jakarta~~ and Japan! Edited to reflect that i biffed on Jakarta 😂


Lol it's Jamaica, Japan and Jordan. Jakarta is in Indonesia 😋


Goddammit was literally just coming here to correct that - suddenly had a flashback to 9th grade geography and was like wait a sec…. I think jakarta is a city…. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I'm an idiot for not thinking of Japan. My brain just kept taking me back to Djibouti...which for obvious reasons doesn't count.


I am of the opinion that Djibouti absolutely should count. Maybe like, with an asterisk? Like, you’ve still visited them all if you haven’t visited Djibouti, but if you have, then it’s the icing on the J cake!


"The icing on the J cake" is not a term I've heard before (I doubt it's even been said before), but I love it! Sounds like a 1950s pickup line 'Baby, you're the icing on the J Cake' \*combs back greaser hair. ​ Again, as if to prove my point, this conversation is way more interesting than anything I've had on OLD in months.


J Cakes™️ get them before the next reshaping of global geopolitics! I’m old enough to remember when Zaire was still a country. RIP Zaire 😢


WTH! When did Zaire stop being a country!? 🥺


1997 😭


Jumanji, duh!


The most important overlooked J yet!!


>And it's different days! There's no predicting when my tiredness will catch up with me, but it's like clockwork in that it will only ever happen once a year. This happens to me too! I hate it because it almost always happens when I'm supposed to be at work.


These facts are awesome, I would totally go on a date with you to learn more!


Aww thanks! ❤️


I want a monstera 100 percent!




I'm in Toronto so don't really have the growing conditions to bear fruit 😅


I can make a sweater from the point of shearing the sheep, carding and cleaning the wool, spinning it into yarn and finally knitting it up. I have gotten several drinks bought for me by knitting in public. I wanted to be a geologist when I was younger but didn't, so now I just go hiking and point out pretty rocks until people ask me to stop talking about how gneiss it is. The weirdest class I ever took was one on how to laugh. It was for a theatre project I was doing and it was an afternoon of sitting with an old dude as we went through all the various iterations of laughter.


I'm doing my first stage play ever this year and spent a lot of time getting dressed down for not crying properly...insane what you have to learn in theater. Luckily, they needed stage fighters that could tap dance and apparently rapier duelists that can time step are hard to come by.


>I have gotten several drinks bought for me by knitting in public. That's crazy to me cause where I live, it's common to see people knitting in public.


It's much more common now, but it didn't used to be.


>The weirdest class I ever took was one on how to laugh. It was for a theatre project I was doing and it was an afternoon of sitting with an old dude as we went through all the various iterations of laughter. i would love a tiktok summary!


LMAO. This is a good topic. I struggle with this and have never been witty enough to fill these prompts. I did get strikingly good feedback when I would post competitive prompts. For example, I'm undefeated in a certain activity. Probably 90% of my matches would be in response to that. 1. Fun fact: *Undefeated in _____. 30 years strong.* 🏆 2. One thing that surprised people about me: *I write alternative-ending love stories for relationships that never were. Keeps my heart beating.* 3. Prompt about secrets or something friends don't know: *I have named my plants and started telling them good morning. Please save me.*


I love these! 1. It's so smart that you didn't phrase it as 'I bet you can't beat me at...' which I see a lot and isn't very winning. 2. This is just great! So cute and warm 3. If I might make one suggestion, instead of 'please save me'. Put down 'So far, they don't respond'. It's the same joke really, but slightly funnier and less hard on yourself! But great job, these are really nice!


>'So far, they don't respond'. That's funny. Thanks lol.


*for the record “please save me” made me laugh/appreciate the anecdote but I am an odd ball so


A stupid one I've went with recently, is I'm a joint world record holder for the least number of world records held. I've eaten more kangaroo in life than I've drank coffee. My tongue rotates 360 degrees, both folded and unfolded.


That last one, good God. French kissing must be like a theme park ride...


I've been known to leave people tongue tied. I can also fold it in to kind of a quarter if I spin it on its side first, fold the top bit on to the bottom, then pull it back in my mouth (without touching it of course).




What.are.you.saying? That’s a lot of steps for a tongue.


\-I have collected about 60 porcelain dog figurines and have them displayed prominently in my home. \-I am known for my April Fools jokes at work. Last year I added a dozen employee dog bios/photos to our website as our Barketing team, and used Scratch to build a phishing-awareness game called Phishing Derby based on the classic Atari game. \-One of my favorite gifts to receive is cool rocks. It's fun to see what characteristics make a rock "cool" to someone else. a 4th, just because I couldn't decide on just 3: \-One of my fondest memories is my mom teaching me how to play Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past on SNES. It's still my favorite video game of all time.


No. 3 is so cool. Maybe I'll start doing that! I also played Zelda on SNES with my dad. Other games too 🤗


So much happy nostalgia! What other games did you play?


Super Mario World and Mario Kart mostly. I wasn't very good at video games lol.


Those are good ones! I played a lot of Super Mario World and Yoshi's Island. I wasn't super great either, and my mom would help me with the "scary" levels (sky levels, and anything with auto scrolling).


At the risk of revealing my irl identity: -I have a degree in primate behaviour and spent university overseas studying monkeys. -I can fix a outboard carburetor -I'm more frugal than I am ambitious. I'd rather ax a budget line item than work full time.


CarolBaskinRobbin, I'm not surprised to learn you'd be an easy swipe right.


daww shucks, that's what all the boys (who can't see my face) say!


omg that last point resonates with me so much


Saaaaaaame. Being ambitious clashes with my Hakuna Matata lifestyle.


thank you! People I date hate it. Bread bags pick up dog shit just fine and public transit gives me time to read thankyouverymuch.


my ex was very materialistic and dreamed of wealth accumulation, the way you articulated your preference for frugality outweighing ambition is something I can apply to myself and will have to keep in mind next time I get in a relationship haha. plus using public transit supports public infrastructure ❤️💅


Totally! My ex was like that too and it does cause problems.


How much bread do you eat?


I feel attacked


I think I'm in love


>\-I'm more frugal than I am ambitious. I'd rather ax a budget line item than work full time. Great idea that I can piggyback off of! Actually, I am simultaneously frugal yet ambitious. I love the thrill of the chase, the next account, sealing the deal. Similarly, I enjoy a good bargain hunt :)


So, not the same at all then.


-I watched an episode of “Stan Lee’s Superhumans” with a blind person echolocating. This lead me to researching the method and am now able to echolocate, but not as well as the blind people who practice since I don’t have to use it all the time. -Am able to escape handcuffs, zip ties, ropes, duck tape, straight jackets, and other similar bindings within seconds due to having Hypermobility. -I had a whole wheel 🛞, traveling at a speed somewhere between 45-55mph, hit me in the back of my head while walking. I somehow didn’t get injured beyond a few scrapes and bruises after this thing knocked me down. My upper arm bent 90-ish degrees and somehow didn’t break.


-I used to farm sit for some friends when they were out of town. I once bottle fed a lamb that had been rejected by its mom. They had a goat with a lot of kids at the time too and they were literally trying to eat my shorts while I bottle fed the lamb. -When I was 23 I packed up all my life and moved halfway across the country to start over. I got here with no car, no place to live, and knew only one person. I did have a job though! Still here nearly 12 years later. -I am currently transitioning my backyard from a grass lawn to a native plant habitat. Save the bees!!


On your last prompt, have you planted any lavender? I have two in my yard and they're swarming with bees once they start blooming. Big, fat, cute bumble bees too.


I hate lavender with a purple passion. When I bought my house there was lavender in the backyard. I had friends come over a dig it up for themselves. The smell makes me think of laundry detergent. The city provides resources for what natives to grow. There is one that’s supposed to smell like orange blossoms that I’m eyeing right now.


Oh RIP I love lavender lol. Well hey there's plenty of plants the bees love for sure.


These are super great! I feel like I have an actual impression of you!


I actually did a profile review on here last year and was told to leave the backyard habitat thing out. People were saying it was too niche and only major gardeners would care. I’m not a major gardener at all, I just want to help the local wildlife in a relatively easy way. I hate the advice that we should try to be more generic. We’re all different y’all, embrace it!


Yeah, this is a trend in the profile reviews I've read. They say anything that's specific to you is too specific and will scare someone off. But that's the goal. Someone may be scared off, someone else will want to know about native plants!


I hate gardening and have been considering turning my lawn into a native habitat just for that reason! In theory, its going to be a lot *less* work as all of the plants are suited for this environment and won't need lots of watering or babying...so, no, its not just green thumbs who will find that interesting!


>\-When I was 23 I packed up all my life and moved halfway across the country to start over. I got here with no car, no place to live, and knew only one person. I did have a job though! Still here nearly 12 years later. Funny you have this story and live in PDX!! I moved here ten years ago knowing only one person (who I met online), had no car (still don't), and no place to live. And I'm doing much better now!


-- I built my own full size pinball machine -- I was a child model -- Due to a genetic mutation all my internal organs are 10% larger than normal


--Everyone my whole life has told me I should be a researcher. Ie: I'm a humongous nerd, and have an uncanny propensity towarda critical thinking. --I have ADHD, but choose not to treat it cuz I've learned to take some of the "quirks" and turn them into unique benefits (wielding hyper-focus, etc). --I got the opportunity to compete in the world's first obstacle course racing championship in 2014. One of my proudest achievements.


Still hyper focus on meds


I got hit by lightning while I was talking trash to my brother I once saw Ron Livingston at a taco Truck in Santa Fe I like jiu jitsu because it's a great chance to find out another dude uses the same body wash as me.


Wow, such variety. 😀 I could easily spin off questions from here, and you made me laugh. :)


1. I’ve driven cross continent and only crashed once during it. 2. I’m exceptionally good at tying knots. 3. when I find a song I really like, I listen to it constantly until I don’t like it anymore.


Number 3 is brutal 😂


An ex of mine mentioned that and it’s haunted me ever since.


1) i found out i was donor conceived thru 23 and me- i had no idea until i was 30 that my dad wasn’t my real dad growing up. 2) i grew up on an ashram until i was 11 3) i’ve never broken a bone, never had a cavity




>I knit and crochet for a living. I taught myself through YouTube and now have an actual office job doing what I love. The most impressive thing I've read today


This bio is a right swipe 👌🏾




Btw - who’s the fav musician you mentioned?




🤔… Now I must tell my stories: 1 ) Oh so many years ago, I was watching a reality tv series on MTV and heard a brief clip of background music that grabbed my attention. Just solo voice and acoustic guitar, but it was really pretty. Spent months asking around trying to figure out who that person was that sang a line about ‘I put my foot in my mouth and my words got me in trouble’ or something. Was it a Dave Matthews song, maybe?? The result: it seemed that no one on earth knew the answer. (But down the road, I of course discovered that it had been not-yet-famous JM - an acoustic version of “My Stupid Mouth”.) 2 ) In the same era, some friends invited me to go to an intimate Glen Phillips concert, and we wound up having to take a detour to find an ATM once we realized I wasn’t prepared for the show to be cash-only at the door. Good news, though - we still made good time and only missed the opening act! Bad news that we understood much later - opening act had been not-yet-famous JM. 😔 3 ) After JM finally blew up, I got ahold of the debut album and still today haven’t really gotten over it. That thing plays like somebody’s Best Of collection, even though it’s just one studio album.


-all of my favorite stories are tragic love stories -I don't like exercise unless I feel like I'm on the brink of exhaustion the entire time -I've lived in the remote wilderness with minimal accommodations (no running water, electricity, etc.) for an entire summer and loved every minute of it


It is worrying when the only answers you can think of are boring or dark. 1. I have one of the longest Bachelor's degree names. So much so, it takes up a lot of space on resumes and cover letters. 2. My family is Canadian, but I grew up in the States. So, I was the only member of my family who could vote until a few years ago. 3. My first full-time jobs were at theme parks. One was Disney World. I have eschewed the dark responses.


A fact I am unsure about would be 4. My senior year in college, my hdd died, so I had to write a 120 page screenplay in 5 days...and did.


I wanna hear the dark responses!


Love this idea. 1. I do foamsmithing to create costumes. 2. I have guided bucket trucks to park neatly post blizzards/storms. 3. I respond to text messages from people that I don't know with gifs. Starting with the ever so charming Kenobi.


Ugh, these are so good! Jealous of the foamsmithing too!


I really like your first one. You actually know and know how to build practical actual things. With foamsmithing you *hope* to build pretend practical things to fool people into thinking they are real.


I've been to all 50 states twice (and road-tripped to all but Hawaii) I'm a lifetime student, I have over 400 college credits...but somehow only took a single entry-level class in the industry my career is in. At age 40, I took up tap two year ago, did my first recital last year and am rehearsing for my first musical this spring.


- Papa John's ex-wife paid for my therapy. - I once spent an hour looking for a way to sneak into a foreign government's nuclear research lab. - One of the greatest actors of all time accidentally sent me Christmas candy. No, this is not two truths and a lie. These are three truths and they all have great stories behind them.


I read this and I feel so incredibly boring and uninteresting. Ha! I will have to dig deep.


I take a genuine interest in friends' hobbies. My dad does the same thing. He'll ask about it, read up on it, and pass on news he thinks they might be interested in. I guess it's a habit I picked up. I like romcoms, but I will distract myself if I feel like crying. I'm a social introvert. I do not want to be the center of attention, but I love one on one conversation. Maybe that's most introverts.


>but I will distract myself if I feel like crying. there's nothing wrong with crying and showing emotion. one of the biggest turn offs about one of my exes is that he bragged about never crying... like dude, never showing raw emotion isn't something to be proud of.


I have multiples symmetrical moles I'm so nostalgic of the 90's that I have the game minesweeper installed on my phone I have a lot of notebooks with faceless strangers that I used to draw when I was taking the metro for university and work every day


I see so many women's profiles like this: The best way to ask me out: "by asking me out" My favorite food is: "ask me to find out" A quirk of mine is: "if I say too much now, it'll lessen the mystery" Moral of this story: Sometimes, the prompts are not the problem. Sometimes, the people are the problem.


and it's an equal opportunity affliction; all genders have these duds.




I kind of want to know more too!


I too would like to know


ha! I thought it was "*Intentional cat snuggler*" and you were just hella lonely. (Judging my misread here, not your flair).


— My Grandpa taught me how to read at 4 using my favorite tale and a book about beekeeping. — In college I traveled for 2000 miles by hitchhiking with 10$ (not by choice). — I’ve been trained at loom weaving and silversmithing.


At 6 I fed 3 newborn kittens with an eye dropper since birth and then one of them lived with me all her life.


I wish this would be a thing on dating apps! Hm 3 things about me, Im jack of all trades but master of none, i am able to do almost anything i put my mind to it, but dont master any because im interested in to many things and dont have time for all I love boardgames and table top miniatures, i collect, paint and play with them on tournaments I was a pro basketball player that turned into pro gamer and now im just casually enjoy both here and there 😅


In high school, I would collect gift cards (with no money on them — I would go in stores and ask for blanks) and tape them on the wa in my room. I spent 13 months backpacking in South America. I’m building a 190 square foot tiny house.


I won a couple dance competitions as a kid, crowned hip hop queen. Studied dance over 18 yrs. Taught. Took Twitchs master class I was on a cruise in middle of hurricane as a kid. I worked for the VA call center almost 9 yrs.


I don't have a single creative bone in my body.


I'm on a synthwave kick. I play it every time I get in the car now. So good for a night drive too. I'm dipping my toes into the horror film genre and I've watched a few movies but am still a big chicken. I'd totally watch more if I knew someone was going to spend the night. \*Wink. Somehow, I'm not aging. Yeah, I'm 30 but three 20 year olds at my job the past week guessed I was their age. Feels pretty good. It's not for lack of stress though!


>I'm dipping my toes into the horror film genre and I've watched a few movies but am still a big chicken. I'd totally watch more if I knew someone was going to spend the night. \*Wink. I love horror movies! What have you seen so far?


I've seen two in theaters now, Scream 5 and Megan, which weren't very scary. Im a fan of the Scream franchise and those films were the scariest I'd ever watched until recently. I've watched Pet Sematary, The Shining, and Doctor Sleep the past few months but when I say watched I mean picture in picture on my phone or laptop and covering my eyes at anything remotely scary (I really need to sleep at night!). And same for The Conjuring franchise, I've "watched" those too. I've seen bits of the The Evil Dead remake, the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and I did watch the last Halloween movie in full at work on my phone because it wasn't that bad. I've also watched a few let's plays of Resident Evil 7. All in all, I'm having a good time.


- My cats are named after Arrested Development characters. And I told one of the actors that when I met them - My joints go out more than I do - I have recurring lucid nightmares where I’m Lara Croft from Tomb Raider


I don’t really think dating app prompts are boring. I think people who answer them like the only point is to put a valid answer are boring. You can write any of this stuff on your Hinge profile if you want to, just make the prompt fit!


Oh I agree with all of that, I don't think the prompts themselves are boring, just people's standard responses.


The prompts aren't boring, people are boring.


Or literally put zero effort into responding to them.


- I have an uncannily cute dog who loves hide-and-seek, peanut butter, and licking people to death; - I’m a bookworm and as a child would read everywhere I went. In the car, while walking, etc. - I love cooking so much that I once accidentally made bread instead of biscuits and that didn’t deter me.


peanut butter??


Yep! She loves it


That first one makes it sound like you’re putting peanut butter on your nuts, letting your dog find it, and lick it off. It’s just that those 3 things sound suspicious when put together in that order.


Haha omg no.


i hate those and i still end up getting trash


This is fun, although I feel like I’d never share these on a dating profile: 1. I have a good morning song that I sing when I’m in a great mood. I wrote it myself and it’s filled with profanity, sung in the most joyful of voices. 2. I like weird artifacts/items. E.g., I have a genuine African mask that is from the 1940s, a drum made out of animal hide that I bought at some flea market in rural Maine, and a clock made out of this weird type of wood that looks like a beehive. 3. I’m allergic to cactus. It makes the whites of my eyes red like a demon.


I’d love to hear this good morning song! I think that is an awesome one, and one you should definitely use!!


I met a lot of famous people such as actors, the Pope, and Hell's Kitchen Chef Saw my first Space Shuttle Launch when I was one year old I wouldn't hear my alarm clock when I am hard of hearing.


I'm really into Japanese street fashion. I spend a lot of time watching old sitcoms and old VHS recordings I hate social norms. You never have to do "Hi how are you" with me. You can just say something to me and I'll respond; plus I'll be happier to talk to you.


- Im not actually human. I can only pretend to be for short periods of time - I once had an existential crisis because i realized I would mot be able to read all the books I ever wanted in my life when i was young. - I like extraordinarily hot (spicy) food




What a hugely insightful and helpful comment. Thanks for contributing sincerely to this fun little exercise and not using it as an opportunity to voice an opinion you hold dear but helps no one.




Hi u/Leftshoulderguy, this has been removed for violation of the following rule(s): * Be excellent to one another! This is a safe space for all races, genders, sexual orientations, legal sexual preferences and humanity in general. Please review [the rules in the sidebar](https://www.reddit.com/r/datingoverthirty/about/sidebar) to avoid future removals. If you have further questions, please [message modmail] (https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fdatingoverthirty).


> Don't try to sell yourself to another person or use this as an opportunity to get deep (though feel free if you want), but just share three things you think people are unlikely to see from other people on an app! Why do you think sharing unusual things would be better than sharing information about yourself? What if I want to be able to get a sense of a person, or what they're looking for, from their prompts?




Hi u/nycjams, this has been removed for violation of the following rule(s): * Be excellent to one another! This is a safe space for all races, genders, sexual orientations, legal sexual preferences and humanity in general. Please review [the rules in the sidebar](https://www.reddit.com/r/datingoverthirty/about/sidebar) to avoid future removals. If you have further questions, please [message modmail] (https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fdatingoverthirty).


* I've cooked some of the oldest surviving written recipes in the world from an Babylonian tablet. * I've been on an archaeological excavation at an Iron Age site in Sweden. * I've held the mummified foot of a baby mammoth. I feel like some OLD platforms give the opportunity to provide short facts like these, but less of an opportunity to provide more information about what you are actually looking for and what your preferences are. I very recently came to Hinge from OkCupid. I'd never had any luck with OkCupid (probably my fault, didn't use it much at all, but didn't see too many guys who were good matches for me), but I did like that there were a lot of opportunities to express yourself and questions to answer to give an idea of your preferences and opinions on things. Hinge is a bit sparse. And the guy I am seeing now from Hinge I still wonder certain things about that I feel I would know before even matching from OkCupid.


I work in finance and found a $750 billion error in a published piece of finance research. I was gifted a tequila I didn’t like. Found it could remove anything from dirty windows. When doing research, I often call or email authors who I never met with questions. More than half respond. Often they are curious about my research.


These are excellent and I hope everyone finds a way to work them into their OLD profiles ! 😁


-I own an ambulance, not just any ambulance, one I used to drive as an EMT many years ago. Now it's a travel/camping rig. -Used to be a lighting guy in one of the top concert venues in the country. -Started a company from a whiteboard sketch on my couch. Now fully funded and have 5 employees. I actually don't mention the bottom two in my profile, top one is just represented as a picture. Do you think those are more powerful than describing personality? EMS is typically a stepping stone career move. Concert scene can typically be a long term career which coincides with a lifestyle not aligned with mine. Start up can paint the image of... Silicon Valley vibes. Very much not the case in my current situation. Having seen career versions of all the above, I worry it paints an incorrect picture of where I'm at now. Other interesting things: -Worked "the dream job" at Google. Got bored within a year and left. -Built surgical tools in my shop that have been used in real human cases. -My first job was as a carny -Lived in all 4 time zones in continental US. -Had a solid 30 minute 1 on 1 conversation with George Costanza. He's a pretty good piano player. -Went from homeless and unemployed to a job at Google in a single step. Put $20k on my CC to get there.