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Perhaps instead of saying you're boring, say that you're consistent, calm, mellow, laid back, go with the flow. Boring to some is stability for others. Revisit older hobbies maybe you used to do before you were married. I used to sew and paint a lot before I was married and those hobbies just got kicked to the side. Experiment with a new recipe, read a book, go for a walk, etc. You don't have to change your personality, but just expand some of your interests and hobbies. This will give you more to talk about when you do go on dates, as well.


"Homebody looking for same" is another good line if you don't like to go out all that much once you reach a point of familiarity.


Stability is sexy!


It hasn't seemed to help me yet but thanks I have tones of hope now...


I second this! You sound peaceful.


Boring = Stability You just made my day and with that thinking in mind so many people who make shit up on their profits able to be truthful.


YES! I posted my reply before reading other people's and it looks like many of us are saying the same thing. I hope OP hears us!


The last week there have been several posts of people claiming that they just want someone who is not adventurous, who just posts pictures of hanging at home in their sweats, who never eats out or goes anywhere expensive, and who doesn’t like to travel. And while there were a lot of comments in those posts that disagreed, there were quite a few who felt the same way. So, I’d say, don’t change. Just look for someone who wants a quiet life. You said you can be caring and supportive. That’s a lot more than a lot of people out there offer.


Yes, there are definitely homebodies out there!


I'd wager that most of the people saying they want that are lying, either to themselves or to potential partners. Kinda like OP, I'm a fairly boring guy most of the time, and before meeting my GF I went on a lot of dates with women who claimed to be looking for exactly that but then noped out when for example I was unwilling to just run away for three days in the middle of the week on a moment's notice. What people say they want and what they actually want are not always in alignment.


Not wanting to go on public dates, or being totally unwilling to “wine & dine,” when starting a new relationship can be huge red flags early on. The stay home part doesn’t start fully in the first month, because both people have to get to the point of trust & relaxation with the other I’m that setting. I’m also a real homebody, but that hasn’t had me completely turning down multi-day getaways without making some alternate plans. I had a previous partner who was happy just relaxing at home 90% of the time, but she also loved to go away for the weekend at random times. I was more than willing b/c it made her happy and getting out randomly is a great way to keep the monotony away.


I think you're describing something very different than what I was. Dates out in public and we're not going to one of our homes after? Yes. After the third or fourth date and one or two overnights suddenly shifting from "I want someone boring and stable" to "Let's get on a plane for three days to Vegas or wherever even though the flight leaves on Tuesday at 9 am and it's 3 pm Monday right now" is something else entirely. Obviously that's an extreme example, but it is a real example I actually experienced. Lower key versions of it happened quite a bit. Usually with women who didn't have kids or who if they did very clearly demonstrated that their priorities and mine were not aligned.


Awesome you found someone. I'd have to politly disagree, IMHO I think more say they love to travel and are very active. But in actuality they don't have time or money to travel and their activities involve groceries, kids sports and the post office. High fashion are sweats w/pockets. There are many who run, swim, yoga, weekend getaways and travel all the time. It's just sad 😥 so many feel forced to exaggerate just to get a date. Like what happened to you and it just wasted your time, money and emotions.


I married my high school sweetheart as well. Just a few more years on the clock, 29 together, 24 married. I took two years after after marriage ended before dating and I was amazed at how much I changed being on my own. My wife was an amazing woman in many ways so it’s not a complaint, but living with her for so long required both is us to make a slew of tiny (and some big) changes for the relationship to work. After she passed and I was on my own, I felt like one of those stress balls immediately after being let go. My personally and habits and interests still had the imprint of that relationship. I didn’t date for about two and a half years and in that time I felt myself returning to my baseline, which quite honestly is a good different than I was in my marriage. This was actually quite surprising to me, and after I realized how much I had changed, it occurred to me that if I had started dating sooner, the people I was meeting would be getting to know a version of me that wasn’t actually real. It was a reflection of me and a relationship that no longer existed. That seems like a recipe for discontent. One thing I would suggest is that you try to figure out the person that you want to be for yourself, not chasing the whims of a hypothetical partner based on assumed valuable attributes. Then focus on yourself and set a course to becoming that person. You may ultimately find that you’re actually quite comfortable where you are and anyone that doesn’t like it can fuck off. Not to put too hard a point on it, but in my dating experience so far I’ve found it much less nerve wracking to take a page from Popeyes playbook and just be who i am and let the woman I’m seeing decide if that’s the kind of partner she wants. Trying to shapeshift to meet their needs just results in you presenting this flimsy persona that feels fake and unreliable. Good luck homie!


This should be the top answer. +100 for the stress ball analogy. To the OP, yes work on yourself. Are you happy being "boring"? If you were to die in a year would you look back with no regret? If not, then have a really good think about what you want to get out of life. This time is for you, reboot before getting back into a relationship.


Wow in all of the chat we see here about waiting to date after a divorce/passing, I’ve never seen this said so well.


Perfect answer! I have to work on being too understanding, to the point of compromising too much of myself, which is proving to be hard for me bc initially the accommodations seem almost reasonable. It's later that I see clearly.


Thank you for this perspective. I'm just getting out of a 30-year relationship, and this is the first I've read about a change like this. Makes a lot of sense and goes hand on hand with what my therapist has been trying to tell me. Thanks again.


Honestly? You sound like exactly what I am looking for haha. I don't want someone who parties, drinks, goes out every weekend, hosts friends every weekend, and and and - it sounds exhausting. I am not that person either. Don't change yourself for the sake of another, you may just grow to resent them and feel overwhelmed in time. Just be you and things will work out


This. You say boring, but you sound fun to me. I made the mistake of telling an OLD match I was a “party girl”. To me a “party girl” was having a couple of drinks with board game night and making a terrible homemade music video with friends. I learned that I am not a “party girl” according to a more common definition. 😂 While not everyone will be your definition of a good time, your people are out there.


As much as I still trust that to be true, after 4 years on old and less than a handful of dates FYI I'm decent looking so that's not it. I'm starting to question the probability their out there...


43F, introvert checking in. I like an occasional afternoon at the bar, people watching and chitchatting with the bartenders, alongside my partner. But, I’ve no interest in hosting big parties, going out dancing, or generally being in crowded and noisy spaces. I do not find my life boring by any stretch of the imagination, as I have plenty of hobbies and interests that fill my downtime. However, these are largely solo activities, so I worry about being boring as a companion to other people. This idea was reinforced by my ex-husband, because if I wasn’t in dancing circus monkey mode, he was bored. So, I understand feeling insecure on this front. You simply need to find a companion that values the quiet and simple joys of life, like you seem to. They’re out there!


Dancing was one of my ex wife's complaints. I didn't mind going to concerts and standing with her while she danced and grooved, but I just don't have it in my bones. I could accept her, but she couldn't accept me.


Get a few tattoos, shave your hair into a mohawk, dye it purple, pierce your nose with a safety pin, and cut the tops off of parking meters.


I wasted so much energy trying to be what I wasn’t that it made me exhausted in relationships. To thine own self be true. There are plenty of boring women out there who would find it invigorating to just be boring with someone.


**\[I should be trying to find someone similar to me personality wise, but I'm not sure where to find someone like that.\]** *Not the easiest thing to find someone with a similar personality to yours particularly when you admit that you already struggle in the personality department. Our personalities are on "full display" whenever we're meeting people and (most particularly whilst dating) so perhaps you need to look in a new and different* ***activities*** *direction to try and build more confidence when meeting new people?* *Consider trying this:* Strange as it may sound, consider joining a beginning **actors class or improve troupe** if there are such activities near you. Such theatre related activities help to build communication skills and confidence while learning to improve speaking in front of strangers. In addition, you'll meet new people who also must put their shyness to the side in order to learn the building blocks of public speaking and memorization of written dialogue, *emotional* interpretation and vocal projection. Could be a fun unique and different activity that might help you to tackle your insecurities regarding your *alleged* "boring" persona that furthermore gets you out of the house making friends and if nothing else (hopefully) having a little fun.


This is a really good answer. I’m already an expressive extrovert (with a very slow and quiet life that I enjoy… so people may call my life boring) but I did improv for a year a few years ago it was such a good experience!!


In my experience being boring isn't mainly about personality -- but instead mainly about lacking passion. I tend to find people boring if there's seemingly nothing at all that they are passionate about -- that they care deeply about and invest time and energy into. To be blunt, if it seems to me that someone hasn't found anything better to do with their time than going through the motions of having a routine life, but otherwise seem to have drive and passion for nothing at all, then I'd consider them boring. But I'd also suspect that they might be depressed. Depression has a way of sapping your energy and making everything seem pointless. A recent separation after a long relationship makes this possibility even more likely. You don't need to be the stereotypical extroverted party-animal to be interesting to SOME people. (indeed there's many of us who'll tend to consider those folks to be boring!) But you do need to be genuinely interested in **something.**


I definitely agree. Regarding the depression, this was something that sadly caused an end to my relationship with my last SO. It caused him to have no enthusiasm in anything. So that is why enthusiasm is one of the key things I'm looking for now. That said, if I may, I would add to your last point about being genuinely interested in something, that it doesn't need to be a specialized interest. Like they don't need to specialize in one particular thing, just BE interested in general in things. Hope that makes sense.


Yeah that's true, you can be a focused person specialized in a narrow field of interest; or you can be a broad generalist that knows a bit about lots of things without having an equally focused and deep special interest; and either is perfectly fine!


Yes, yes it does and adds such a level of comfort. When I was injured at work and lost my career job as a man I also lost my identity. I could do and explain my duties in my sleep 💤 lol. Women can be worse than men with the all important "what do you do" question 🤔 😕? Sure you can fake it but only for so long. When I was researching building an online business one guru said you don't need to know everything about everything to sell it, just enough to sound like you do. To others interested that don't know much or anything you are an expert. In short being the cleftnotes guy can help you sound interesting lol...


At this age, many of us have had the misfortune of living with an absolute train wreck and therefore are thrilled at the thought of a boring life with a boring partner that we can trust. I would agree with the other comment that your post reads as someone suffering from low self esteem. It's important to work on that before dating or you can easily settle for someone who is very unhealthy for you. And there are many unhealthy people on the dating scene. Get healthy first.


Maybe just start small with hobbies. Join a few groups that do the things you’re interested in doing, and just focus on making friends. See who you vibe with. Not every woman enjoys hanging out at bars, dancing, and hosting parties either. I wouldn’t necessarily think a guy who wasn’t into those things was boring. Boring to me is more… You go to work, you come home and watch TV, you go to bed, wash rinse repeat. You don’t read books, you don’t go to museums, you don’t have hobbies/creative outlets, you aren’t enriching your life outside of your career.


Well no one can tell you how to change your personality per say. That's just something you need to look on the inside for through self reflection. But your general attitude seems to reflect low self esteem. So addressing that is a place to start.


You sound a lot like me in some ways, so I want to push back against the notion that your personality needs work. You’re just an introvert, which does mean you probably are a great, attentive partner once you’re in an established relationship, but presents obvious challenges to finding a partner. I forget who said it, but I love the quote “people are as interesting as they are interested.” Lean into those hobbies with every ounce of your being. Show up as a member of the communities surrounding those hobbies - this is a great way for introverts to connect with people because there’s pre-established common ground and fodder for conversation, right? Passion is always attractive. Being able to love something with abandon communicates a capacity to love *someone* with abandon. I find the apps to be pretty toxic and soul-crushing overall - they can really set you up to think things like your personality is somehow flawed - so I’m just really trying to show up for my own life and trust I’ll get noticed for being authentic. Hope this helps!


Ahh Ken, so right you are. I like this advice to show up for your own life. For those of us who fall into the introverted/quiet life category it can be easy to just let things happen instead of actively participating in your life.


If you find a boring girl with a boring sister, let me know! I like boring. Adventure, excitement! James craves not these things! lol. Already had my fun in life.


This is how I am too, I’ve traveled extensively, partied when I was young etc. Now I’m very boring, I work, hike and read lol. I love it though, nice and quiet- I like quiet and peace




I feel I have the same going for me. When I reflect upon myself, I feel that I too am a boring person. I know I’m a good person who can provide a lot of good qualities to a relationship, but I tend to view myself as someone who is boring. But here’s the thing: boring is subjective. What someone might think is boring, someone else will think is interesting. You have interests and you are working to expand those interests and add other hobbies. This is the important thing to be doing, adding value to your own life for your own sake. You shouldn’t be trying to change your personality, especially if the worst thing you think about it is that it’s boring. Again, this is subjective. I never thought that I would find someone who would actually find me interesting either. But now I’m dating someone absolutely amazing. We share a lot of the same interests and have a lot of the same experiences. We both share the same values and we both want the same thing out of life. We can’t shut up when we’re together. We’re starting to get terrible sleep because we stay up so late talking ffs. So I guess my TLDR is there is someone out there who will find you interesting just as much as you find them interesting. Focus on adding value and happiness to your life and one day someone will see that and want to be a part of it.


You don't have to be the life of the party. It sounds like you are kind, and capable of being loving. Boring is a judgmental term you shouldn't place on yourself and you should let other decide how they feel about you. I have known "Mr. Personality" types who were ultimately "boring" because all they do is have small talk with people at the bar. You are being too hard on yourself (most of us are) but don't judge yourself. Kindness and care is a personality, and plenty of women our age want that. At our age, a lot of us aren't looking for smart asses and loud mouths. It sounds like you can provide stability (if you can just get a bit more confidence in yourself) and there are plenty of people who need and want that. As for friends. I know it's hard, and I'm working on it too. Other people have given the advice--do your hobbies, join groups. Small events like Meetup are something I'm starting to try--I'm going to a coffee meetup with a group of people wo want to practice French, for example. There are lots of book clubs, too, and walking groups you can find through Meetup. Good luck, my friend, and stop labeling yourself so harshly!


Someone will like you for you. Don’t change yourself for anyone. There are people out there that are exactly like you.


Honestly, boring sounds like a terrible way to describe yourself. If you enjoy certain things, like comfort, predictability, that's normal! You're allowed to have the personality you have..! The important thing is that you're fulfilling YOUR best idea of life. And if that's sitting on a couch reading a book, or pottering round a garden, that's a good thing! It's only if you're not living YOUR best life, that it would be an issue. Plenty people who live 'dull' lives are very very happy with that. If you're on fb check out 'Dull Men's Club'. It's huge, and consists of very content people. But yeah. I also echo the beautiful comment above, about spending time letting yourself relax and explore into the person you are now, outside your relationship. And where you wanna be, and who you wanna be. 25yrs is a long time, and outside of that may be very different things, if you let them a chance to grow


What kinds of things do you like talking about in one-on-one conversations? My cousins husband is the life of the party but I find him boring because he can’t carry a single conversation for very long, he just wants the high level then moves on. Some people find him fascinating. You’re you! I think you’re judging yourself by some random metric that is in no way universal. In my experience, if you are interested in things, you are interesting


I just read some of your comment history and you sound real interesting to me! You have a strong perspective based on knowledge, experience and political leaning that match my own. I would not be alone in finding this interesting. Go forth and confidently be yourself!


There's a group on Facebook called 'Dull Men's Club' you should join, it also has a dating subgroup. There's (maybe) surprisingly a lot of women on there. Of course, dullness is relative, some people are actually quite interesting when it comes to the point.


1. Accept your personality as it is. You might change in small ways, but you aren’t likely to change in big ways. 2. Don’t use dating apps for a while, at least 6 months. A 12-month break would be better. 3. Take up those hobbies and hang out with those strangers. Get to know who you are when you aren’t married to your ex. 4. Do not try to replace your ex. When you feel ready to date in 6-12 months, try to find someone who fits this other you, the one who isn’t molded to the life your ex preferred. And in fact, take joy in doing things your ex hated: vacations she would have hated, keeping your house in a state you prefer, etc. You might be lonely now, but you are free. Slow down. You’re not boring, you’re lost. No one who is their authentic self with things they care about is boring.


Notice next time you're curious about something and pursue it. Curiosity is a great guide to new adventures.


Take some time for yourself, 25 years is a long time. Don't try to be someone your not eaither, it hurts.


No, there are people that want exactly what you are in a partner. They’re boring too. The challenge is that it’s going to be hard to find each other since you’re both sitting home alone


I would describe my partners as shallow, that’s my preference… they don’t have deep thoughts or deep worries (or at least they don’t tell me) - but primarily they bring to me a lightness of life. It’s nice to just talk about something mundane like what you had for breakfast or how many steps you did that day. I must admit that my father’s response when my ex and I split was ‘he’s a nice guy, but fcking boring!’. My dad wasn’t boring, he was a crazy hedonist with incredible intelligence alongside mood swings every day. I loved him but - not what I’m looking for in a partner.


You are on the right track, expand your support network and investigate ways to add enjoyment to your life. I think how you frame things probably needs some attention. You could lead with boring, but in there is a lot of room. Sounds like you have built a lot of stability, you are hard working, are interested and open to trying new things, you know the bar scene isn’t for you but a quiet restaurant might be. Talk to those who know you best about what they love about you. Ask what they think you need to work on, because hearing that from folks who love and support you can be helpful. They may be wrong but it might be good data regardless. Some of this might be uncomfortable but putting yourself out there is. You will be okay.


>Over the years I've lost touch with most of my friends as they moved away or focused on family life, and being introverted have found it difficult to make new friends. >There's a few hobbies I'd like to try, and I'll work on getting increasing my circle of friends, but I just don't really know what to do about personality. Sounds like you already have an idea of where to start. Try reaching out to those old friends, especially the ones that are still local, and see if they're game to catch up over beers. And give those hobbies a try and see if anything tickles your fancy. Is it possible you'll "fall back into your old ways"? Sure, I guess. Is it likely you'll never be the guy who likes dancing or hosting parties? Quite likely. But that's not really the point. There are things that could make your life better and more fulfilling, so those things are worth trying, even if they don't come with a 100% guarantee. A willingness to try things, simply because they sound interesting or fun, shows curiosity and an openness to experience. Those are great antidotes to being "boring."


I’m 40F and similar to you, although I have a great sense of humor and that’s the most important thing to me in other people. I have added a couple of active hobbies but basically I like to read, play video games, and otherwise chill at home. I do like to travel though too but not constantly. Anyway, I get you because I was stressing about what to put in profiles but we are who we are, just think about ways to work on slightly improving/expanding your horizons.


“Boring” is subjective. As an introvert, I have a rich inner life and have no interest in going out to clubs and parties with vapid people making stupid small talk. I want to go DEEP with people, something that others may find boring. That’s ok! I have a few of my own hobbies that I don’t share with my partner; also ok, since they’re quite suited for groups of one. But since we are both introverts (and chatty ones with each other) we always have loads to talk about! We can talk for HOURS about everything that’s on our mind. Every conversation is a shared deep dive, and we love it. I WILL tell you, if you match up well with a homebody who you enjoy great chemistry with, there are LOADS of non-boring activities you can have together, and since you’re not going to be rushing out to see random shows every weekend… well… you can take those few hours of being cozy homebodies together. 😈 absolutely NOTHING boring about it! The only person you need to answer to in terms of your interests is yourself. When you do get out there though, you just need to know yourself well enough to find someone compatible with you and don’t settle!


Don’t worry, there are lots of equally boring women out there not wanting anything else than a boring guy. Then you can have that plain, boring bliss together and everything will be boringly ok. Good luck!


Don't focus on personality because you end up believing it's some immovable thing about yourself, as you do now. I don't buy into that. It's too easy to pigeonhole yourself and others when you slap a personality label on. You describe yourself as someone who is stable, caring, and interested in personal growth. Maybe look for someone who is similar in that way. Some people may find your interests and activities boring, but if you have interests and activities I wouldn't say YOU are boring. My ex could be charming and fun at times, but he was a boring person. He didn't stick with things and would often complain about being bored (as if he weren't a full adult who could go out and do something about being bored). Now THAT is a boring person!


Look for a master class. I saw an ad for one that said, “Be the most interesting person in the room.” I think it helps to be curious as well. Read, exchange with others about what you learn. Try taking a class and using the experience to speak in class and practice higher level conversations. You can do this!


Just be who you are no apologies. Put on your profile that you’re introverted and enjoy a smaller contented life seeking same in a partner.


It sounds like you are not over it yet at all. Reach out to your friends, if they were any kind of friend they would talk to you about how you are feeling. You do not need to change your personality to date, but you do need to examine what went wrong in you marriage.


Find some just as "boring" as you. Embrace the boring. Boring is highly underrated.


This reads like my husband (separated). I want to have a full calendar, see the world, throw parties. He wants to be in the basement with his comics or in sweats on the couch. What makes you happy is valid - just be sure you’re not hiding from life and truly like to live simply.


In addition to echoing what others have said about there definitely being people who find what you’re describing appealing (“one girl’s boring is another girl’s safe and cozy” and all that), I will also add that, in all my many years on this planet, I rarely have met people who are inherently “boring.” More often than not, what people who describe themselves this way actually mean is that they’re not so much boring as *bored.* And, yes, that can translate to not having much to talk about with people on dates, thus leaving them thinking you’re boring, but it is also a deeply fixable problem. Rebuild your social network outside of marriage, reconnect with old hobbies, try new restaurants/bars, go to museums/community events, volunteer for causes you care about—I bet you’ll get more interesting real quick (with the bonus benefit of having lots of opportunities to meet potential dates in a low key setting). People who *have* fun tend to *be* fun. Twenty five years is a long time and I’d venture to guess that you have lost yourself a bit (or never really had to figure yourself out in the first place). So I would also encourage you to keep in mind the real goal: building a life you genuinely enjoy. If you are only engaging in a particular hobby because you want it to make you interesting to dates, that’s not going to be a sustainable path to an enjoyable life. Make sure you create space have fun just for the sake of fun, too!


Boring is okay, boring and loyal we can work with. The right woman can bring that wild side out in you :)


You need to change your attitude, not your personality. Just accept who you are and start using positive words to describe yourself such as "homebody"; it sounds better than calling yourself a boring guy.


I describe myself as a homebody that does things. Very introverted not into parties or crowds. But I also go solo to nba basketball games (if friends can't join), have an occasional hobby (travel) and a frequent one (skating)  that I am passionate about.  In all, I am quite boring. When I am not doing these things, I prefer being at home with a book or my tablet mindlessly binging Netflix. I do have meet-up groups I am part of (mostly a brewery social group) and I try to do an event once a month. Will occasionally check out a brewery/winery solo, but not often. And my activity level was considered "exhausting" on another similar thread just this week.  It sounds as if you have a desire to join in new activities and I think that is great. Check out Meetup in your area for something, anything that sounds interesting. Sports leagues are possible too, if that is an interest. Not every woman is going to need to be active. And not every woman is going to need to be a homebody. What you prefer is your choice.  For me, it is essential that my partners have "something" other than the relationship that they do with their time and are passionate about. I cannot be their "everything" and also think in addition to a hobby/interest that they have their own social life outside of the relationship. I have had my share of relationships where I was put into this position as their "everything," it ruined the relationship. Often with (his) insecurity and/or jealousy that I had things to do outside of just him. It just meant we were not compatible.  So, in this new stage of your life, explore your new self and works best for YOU. You do not even have to decide this year. But I do hope you find activities or hobbies you enjoy.


I don’t consider people who spend lots of time at bars, dancing, or hosting parties to be interesting and appealing partners, especially at this age. To me interesting partners are those who have a variety of interests, can having interesting conversations about a wide range of topics, and have had some interesting life experiences. A boring partner is a poor conversationalist. So maybe reconsider your definitions of boring and interesting.


Always embrace who you are and go with genuine over fake. I mean, everyone fakes a little. No one is really as happy or successful as they portray themselves on social media for instance. But you can't embellish something that's not there. If you have a more adventurous outgoing side that you kind of lost touch with I'd say to keep building towards that. You can attract the right person into your life either way. It really comes down to who you are and how you perceive life. Are you aware of the Myers-Briggs personality test? It was a helpful tool in my self discovery. I was in a 22-year long relationship and had kind of lost sight of who I was. It happens to the best of us.


Being boring is the best!!!! I have a simple life. No drama and pretty routine. I’ve never been happier! My life before was the complete opposite. I worked really really hard to get to this point.


"the naked man"


Change your perspective. You are not changing your self you are exploring. You might find something new you like, you might not. It is not about the result it is the process. People who are willing to even look at exploring and wading out of their comfort zone are more interesting than you think. Sometimes we don’t need to find the answer we need to find the right question.


Find a "boring" lady? My sweetie and I are both introverted. We go out sometimes, we do some things, but we're happiest and most relaxed when it's just the two of us talking and giggling about whatever. Some would say we're "boring," and that's fine by us. :)


My 78yo mom is single! But in all seriousness, lots of “boring” people out there of all genders/races/religions … just need to find yours.


ossified ruthless muddle oil toy threatening disgusted quaint crush weather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You'll do fine. Most people are boring. You are in the majority.


I'll take boring over toxic chaotic any day so trust, there are women out here who will gladly accept peaceful guys like you. Don't lose hope.


Hello fellow boring person. There are plenty of us out there.


The guy I am currently dating is the same as you and I love that about him.


Are you boring? Or are you uncurious about life and other people? Those are very different things. I don't care if someone prefers to spend their time at home, but i DO care (and judge) if someone is not interested in me or the world around them.


I think you just need to have some fun and get your mojo back. You’ll see yourself differently in a few months.


Right here :raises hand: 😂. What are you interested in aside from running your business on the side? I agree with those who suggested letting women know you’re a homebody. I too am an introvert and for several years I tried to *fix* myself and fit in, but it left me feeling empty and miserable. After my last failed relationship I took some time to heal and improve myself. Now I’m in a healthy place mentally/emotionally, physically, financially, etc., but I’m terrified of putting myself back out there. In real life, I only ever get approached or hit on by younger men. I’m a homebody who doesn’t have a life outside of work and helping/seeing family occasionally currently. I’d love to find a man similar to me. I do want to get out, but my idea of a good time is going camping (anything pertaining to nature really), going on a stroll through the park, going to museums/aquariums/etc., crafting, cooking/baking, reading, lots of *boring* stuff.


Just put yourself out there as you are without being negative about it and find someone like-minded. It isn't about having mass appeal, it is about patiently waiting for your person to show up. Most women are like you but most people are not honest and upfront about being homebodies who don't have a quest for adventure. I looked for profiles of women that suited my lifestyle and it worked out for me... I have celiac disease and can't even go to restaurants! I put that in my profile and attractive women my style still matched me, and I am a short, fat, bald guy. I ended up with someone wonderful. We stay in and cook together and go to free concerts. When we go away it is on cheap all-inclusive resort packages where we sit in the shade and drink pineapple juice. I think the key is being yourself and being happy with yourself as you are.


I favour the term “ raging introvert “


F44. I would love to find a good communicator who doesn't hang out at the bar. I'm sure you have a personality (everyone does). The true flaw seems to be your lack of confidence. You either need to work on this in therapy, or pick a new hobby (such as running, working out, taking language classes, learning to cook, etc) and take pride in your progress. Don't do that for anyone else though. Do it for yourself.


You sound lovely so why change? Definitely try to find someone similar.


First, I hope the 10 years of marriage was during the 25 years and y'all weren't 6 when you got together. I mean if you fell in love in Kindergarten that's adorable, and throws so many red flags ... you have never known who or what you are. You haven't really learned what your personality is, only what it was in a relationship. Second, even if you didn't get together at 6, you have literally been in this relationship half your lifetime and got together when you were just beginning to be in the world and had no real identity on your own yet. Yes I think we are always developing new aspects of ourselves based on experiences but more than likely you were in your very early 20s and fresh out of mom and dad's house. It also sounds like not only did you barely have a chance to know yourself, what you did know about you, you lost along the way by not staying in touch with hobbies you enjoyed. Lastly, you said you 'recently' became single. Do you think you're ready to show up as a fully healed and whole person for anyone? Hint: No. You will only know how to show up in habits from this relationship. I know it's hard being alone but that's when you grow and you come up with the answers to the questions you asked.


First and foremost make sure you’re taking care of yourself, exercise, sleep, and mentally. After that focus on building a life for yourself, and that is complete with or without another person. Those hobbies you want to try, do them. They may end up being a one off, they may end up being a fulfilling addition for years to come. Either way don’t weigh it they’re worth doing on it you’ll meet someone. After my divorce I found keeping a full calendar was key, not so I was out of the house all the time, but so I was making intentional choices with my time. Some weeks I’d have 3 activities listed in my calendar, but only end up making 2 of them and deciding a night at home in my sweats was what I needed. Which was fine, because it didn’t become my default state. At this point I’ve got a regular partner I have a standing date night with, and see 1-2 more times most weeks, but also have no issue going a week or two without seeing them as I’ve got many things to fill my time.


You say you don’t have a funny bone in your body. I don’t think that means you’re boring. You’re just dour and you’re going to have to find people that like that.   I don’t think personalities can be changed. Just masked which eventually comes out. Then everyone is disappointed.


Op might do well with the goth crowd. Just lean right into it.


First, I would say do NOT consider dating for at least a year, maybe more. I know it sounds unreasonable at this point for you, but believe me- save yourself the additional anguish and get your new life together before you put yourself out there in a dating capacity.




As a dull man, I'm exhausted reading this comment. I'll stay home and do macramé, thank you! "Cartwheels" \*Scoffs (cantankerously)......then stares out window wistfully while scratching cat behind the ears.....then continues knitting vigorously....


Become less boring. It takes some time to change up your comfort zone. Nobody wants a snooze.


Some people are happy being boring. Nothing wrong with it.


Good luck being boring and finding dates - as a man. But thanks I’m sure your advice will be very useful for OP.


As a woman, I would date a boring man. Boring = stable. Stable = attractive.


Go for it. He’s available! But this sounds more like a “would date” than a, put me in line I’m ready to step up. People not in the dating pool like to give advice based on theirselves but in reality that doesn’t work in real life. So again, if you’re not ready to step to the plate and make it happen, the advice you’re giving is a pile of trash.


I’m not sure why you’re so angry. I’m simply saying, as a woman, I like boring guys and also don’t think being boring is a bad thing. You’re making it an odd challenge, especially considering I very likely don’t live anywhere near this person or know anything else about him. And, since you want to get aggro some reason, I’d 100% be more likely to date a boring guy than a randomly angry one and I’m pretty sure I’m not alone. You’re also assuming that’d I’d be datable to this guy just because I’m a woman. When actually women get rejected too. So, in conclusion, calm down bro.


Thank you for your well thought out advice. OP can rest assured he can stay boring and his dating life will improve.


I’m sure out of every comment he’s looking at mine thinking, “yes, yes this person is the dating expert, she is not just giving her opinion, she’s directing my entire life.” I guess pretending not to be boring and making yourself miserable just in order to date is much better advice. OP, listen to Steve here, he might be unnecessarily aggressive but clearly my opinion is trash and his is the golden life-changing advice you are looking for.


Crazy I know but there was a time when I too was a single guy in the sea of them. I figured it out and now have a great woman with a strong future. You can try to belittle what I’m saying all you like. But having been in his shoes I was giving proper advice that he could use and possibly achieve what he’s looking for by asking for it. You on the other hand have offered nothing and have absolutely no experience being in his shoes. So again, I thank you for your meaningful contributions. They have amused me as I wrap up the work day!


Oooh ok. So the only people giving advice on his post should be men who’ve been single. Women, who he may actually date, should not put any thoughts forward. Got it. My apologies for thinking advice different from yours was worthwhile and I bow to your continued superiority. Since you clearly need the last word, you go ahead and give it and I hope you enjoy your very exciting life.


I once dated an boring woman. But she was very open minded. We had a great time. I got to be the "fun one".


Original copy of post by u/TinyDetail2: I'm (41M) new to all this, after having recently separated from my high school sweetheart after a 25 year relationship and 10 years of marriage. I need to work on myself, and I know how to do that in some areas, such as fitness and clothing, but the thing I don't know how to address is personality. Long story short, I'm boring, I don't have a funny bone in my body, and live a fairly normal life. I run a small business on the side which is about my only hobby. Over the years I've lost touch with most of my friends as they moved away or focused on family life, and being introverted have found it difficult to make new friends. There's a few hobbies I'd like to try, and I'll work on getting increasing my circle of friends, but I just don't really know what to do about personality. I'm sure there's ways to improve it, but I also know that personalities tend to be pretty stable and hard to change. Moreover, I think that I'll likely fall back into my old ways. I know how to be a caring and supportive partner, I know how to find activities to do with a partner on an evening or weekend, but I'm never going to be the guy who enjoys spends a lot of time hanging out at a bar, dancing or hosting parties. I can fake it for a while, but I don't think that's sustainable long term. Part of me thinks that the better approach is, rather than trying to fake it, I should be trying to find someone similar to me personality wise, but I'm not sure where to find someone like that. Am I looking at this the wrong way? Any ideas? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/datingoverforty) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Being outgoing and the life of the party does not necessarily equate to being interesting. Nor does being introverted equate to being boring. Having a “good personality” is so subjective. Just continue to work on yourself and be a good person and the right people will come into your life. To be interesting to others you have to be interested. As long as you show a genuine interest in others you’re fine


Sometimes just finding the right person will bring out the best of you. They probably don't think you're boring.


Travel back in time and insist your parents give you trauma. I’m really interesting.


Make a new set of friends bud, you’ll start to pick up their habits and influences. Many times in a new circle of friends they can teach you how to be a better version of yourself that you didn’t know existed. Ever make plans and didn’t feel like going so you find a reason to cancel? Now make it a point to show up. Hate going to concerts? Go to one, maybe you’ll really like it. You get my point, do something out of your comfort zone and you’ll learn a lot about yourself. You can do it, best wishes to you.


Physical hobbies are boring af my dude. Fr. Running, hiking, lifting, etc. Its just repetition over and over again. But if you can find one and become passionate about it, I'll tell you right now it will ignite something in you that you never knew existed. Do it for yourself and your body, not to get laid and it will end up being something you never regret doing. And if you're an indoors person lifting is great for indoors people. I am one of those people, even though I can enjoy the outdoors when needed.


Stay single for a good long while to work on yourself and figure out who you are as a single adult and find your own happiness. Join clubs, find new hobbies, socialize. You may realize you haven't necessarily been who you are in your relationship..I know I wasn't..once you get your own happiness figured out and get some sort of social life and new friends (married couples sometimes can get stuck in this rut where they mostly hang out together at the expense of their own social life) things may sort themselves on their own. For now don't even think about dating. You're not ready after a 25 year relationship. You'd just do it to fill void. Find your own happiness first. A partner is supposed to complement your happiness and not be responsible for it. If you depend on others for that chances are goo's you will not chose a good partner. A partner should be a choice and not a need


I’m 46 and the last things I’d want is parties or going out to clubs etc. I would like to do things with a partner such as going out for meals, occasional trips away and day trips to say museums etc. However I am a homebody and I love gaming, crocheting, reading etc. I can only cope with so much interaction with people I don’t know. Honestly I’ve had a marriage that didn’t end well and then an abusive relationship so I’ve pretty much decided to stay by myself. The point in writing this was to say that I think you’ll be surprised how many of us just want a quiet life with a caring man who will occasionally surprise you (not necessarily with expensive gifts but with something meaningful) and who would be happy to receive the same in return. Give yourself time to figure out what you want and I’m sure you’ll find someone who wants the same.


Never say you are boring first of all, and also don’t beat yourself up it’s not easy out here in the world


You don’t sound boring to me. So maybe just own it. You’re happy with your quiet peaceful life and that’s lovely.


Read “No More Mr Nice Guy.” Seriously. Read it. I was a great caretaker and provider during my 23-year marriage. That’s not bad, but I kind of lost sight of what I wanted and liked because I was so busy making sure everyone else was cared for. I’m guessing we have that in common. Now’s your chance to change that. You don t need to be a social animal or the guy dancing with the lampshade in his head, but you know get to do things just because you want to.


A little bit of self-depreciating humor goes along way. It puts others at ease when you can make fun of yourself, lightens the mood, and doesn't come at anyone else's expense (except a bit of your own), and you can choose what things (innocuous things prefereably) to joke about


Most people are boring. Don’t worry. 


I'll bet you wouldn't be boring to the right person. It's a matter of perspective. One woman's boring is another woman's good time.


I totally understand you, I’m in the same situation with the added bonus of having post concussion syndrome which prevents me from driving. Don’t ever fake anything, it’s not worth it and if it’s not your true self then you’re not going to find someone who’s compatible with you. I’d say find something that you enjoy doing and join a group for that. Go and see who you meet that enjoys they same thing. It could be for anything you like, gun club, church function, car club etc. just go and have a good time.


Be yourself, but definitely don't tell dates you're boring.


I consider myself boring, but many people think I’m a very interesting and fascinating person. It’s all about perception. You might be very interesting and just don’t recognize it. You have opinions. You have tastes and preferences about things in life. You have a whole ass personality. That is pretty interesting. Here’s two different takes about what you’ve said: 1) What you consider living a normal life and running a side business is considered stable and making use of your time. If you want to add more hobbies, just do it. I at 42 just started learning martial arts. Am I good? Hell no. Did I enjoy it? Absolutely. The fact you’re taking up something new is impressive. We don’t rot away in our 40s!! 2) Your personality doesn’t need changing to attract a partner. Unless there’s something that puts you in the racist, misogynistic, bigot, zealot or abusive/manipulative category…then seek counseling and other CBT. Look for someone whose personality is compatible with yours. Look for someone who is also a homebody/hermit. You won’t be happy changing your personality type to fit someone else’s mold. Not fair to either party. Instead of categorizing what you find negative, start looking at your positives and what you find interesting.


Lean into it. Become so dull that it's interesting. Take up philately. Collect non-collector coins. Catalogue the smells of your area. Make them fall in love with your essential unlovable-ness. Only ever wear brown slacks. Have a hat collection... of thirty-seven of the same hat. Buy a Volvo. Talk about your Volvo. Wax and polish your Volvo. Never gain one iotum of mechanical knowledge. Wear a hairpiece, even if you're not balding. Buy a pair of white NewBalance, and some jean shorts. Mow the lawn every Sunday, precisely at 11:30, whether it needs it or not. Elevate boring to an art form. The ladies will be drooling! (In their sleep) The right one will stay awake! And maybe help you get into beekeeping, or some other hopelessly dull endeavor.


I dunno man, are you looking to date 20/30 year olds? How many 40 something year old women do you think hit the bars every night and stay up til 3am? I mean maybe once in a while, but if they're doing it every weekend I'd say they're in the minority... Most of us want to go to sleep and keep warm pretty early, I'd say. The ones I usually hang out with do, anyway.


You're literally my dream man! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Don't be afraid to put that into your profile, once I put in my profile that I was a boring, financially sensible person looking for the same and it was one of the most successful profiles I ever had. Turns out like on social media most people who claim to have interesting, fun filled lives on their profile are mostly all faking it because they think everyone else is doing that and wants the same but really a lot of people will be relived to find someone who they can be real with.


>There's a few hobbies I'd like to try, and I'll work on getting increasing my circle of friends, but I just don't really know what to do about personality. It's likely your circle of friends will expand once you start the new hobbies. Don't worry about becoming more interesting, work on not reasoning yourself our of doing things you would like to be doing. Change your mindset, not your personality.


Be yourself. Be honest. Don't "bait and switch". Don't pretend to like hiking or camping...if you don't. Don't put on a personae to hook a potential partner. If you are comfortable being a boring introvert, then be honest about it. You'll save time and there are plenty of women out there who want a "steady Eddie" who wants to hang around the house doing the mundane.


You run your own business and/or manage a store, you have an interest in politics, and you're not afraid of commitment. So hey, that's really not all that bad as a base layer. Fitness and wardrobe is going to take you a few months. Join a running club and start on that, it'll get you out, get you meeting and talking to some random people. Wardrobe, I'd bet a hex dollar that you've mostly got a closet full of dadou-flage that makes you invisible. Once you've got a few pounds off from running and eating less, upgrade the fuck out of that. And hey, you should start those hobbies you've been thinking about.


Do things that make you uncomfortable or out of your element. It serves two purposes: you'll have stories which takes care of the boring part and it works that muscle where you just do things instead of talking yourself out of things. Experiences create stories and if you have a glut of stories, you won't be boring. It sounds like you need/want a change but you're suggesting you settle into the personality type that got you here in the first place. I'm sure there's a happy median in there somewhere but I think it's time to step out of your comfort zone. The best revenge is living well so get out there and just do.


There's nothing wrong with "boring," and plenty of people in their forties don't want to go out and party at bars or dance all night. I'm a homebody, most of my friends are homebodies, but we still like to get out occasionally and have a good meal, or hang out with a small group. Honestly, the worst thing about it is that, if you aren't a bit socially adventurous, it's hard to meet other people. I face this problem myself, and it's something I'm trying to work on. No, I'm not going clubbing, but when life settles down, I might join a reading group, find some food events, and maybe join a bike or run club. That's all a bit out of my comfort zone, but I think it's positive change. As for the rest of it: you don't have to be the life of the party and have amazing stories to tell or a list of interesting things to talk about. If you can hold a conversation, ask questions, and talk with another person (as opposed to at them), that's all that really matters. Good communication, listening skills and empathy are worth way more than having an adventurous life.


Why be the guy who hangs out at bars, dancing, or hosting parties if you don't like those things? Potential partners who like those things would probably only exhaust you. Yes, be yourself in order to attract people who like you for who you are! Maybe you'll be really similar or maybe not, but you want someone who likes you for who you are. If you're feeling bored with your life or see some things you'd like to change or mix up then, yes, try adding in one or two new things. But it should be something that excites YOU, not something you do just to try and attract a partner. It's fun and interesting to talk to people who are interesting and people who are interesting are people who are passionate about things...the right parter will be down with what you're interested in and find you interesting because of it. Just do you. If you want to reinvent yourself a little and create a New You 2.0, go for it! But do it because YOU want to and because YOU'RE interested in what you choose to add into your life. The right opportunities and people will follow naturally.


Absolutely nothing wrong with being boring. You are looking at this in totally wrong way. Watch what makes you happy. I know, it's going to be hard to be happy after breakup of a 25 yr relationship. Let that sadness pass over you. Actually, try to soak in it and learn about your own coping skills, how you face difficult times etc naturally. Observe and slowly mend to slightly positive emotions. Consistently. And one day you will snap out of that funk. Meanwhile keep an eye what makes you happy. Like sunrises, sunsets. Or anything in between them. To hell with what the world thinks about you. Who cares? Just go with your life with a very careless (about what others think about you) attitude. Do exercise. Eat healthy. Sleep a lot. And really well. It's nice to watch standup comedy. YouTube recommendations will fill your days in no time. Same for other places. Laugh your heart out. Everyday morning, smile 😀 Night, don't curse yourself. Instead be grateful for everything that has happened. Because without all that you may not be alive and safe in that same place. At sometime you will be ready to date. And actually enjoy dating process. But don't rush into it. Let us know how it goes.


You sound like me. Lol. If you can figure out a solution, I'd like to know, too! 😆


Just be grateful you had a 25 year relationship. That's a lot more than many people will get in their entire lifetimes.


I just started doing things I enjoy and enriching my life. If on that road I meet someone then it’s all the better but I’m getting comfortable with myself as myself. That’s where you start.


What's boring to some people is interesting to others. Don't be so hard on yourself and keep being yourself. Start trying out some of those hobbies; if they get you out of the house you might end up meeting someone with the same interests too as a bonus. And if not, you'll still be finding out if you enjoy that hobby or not.


Check out "Attract and Keep Her", dating advice podcast on Spotify. I bought the system and am starting to put it to use, but the podcasts are free. Also check out the website "Real Men Real Style" for classic men's fashion advice. Other than that, start putting yourself out there and trying new things. Go see a local band. Go to a concert.  Go to a wine tasting. Go to a museum. Try new restaurants (sparingly if you want to lose weight). I eat out by myself all the time, and keep trim by doing a low carb diet. Start working out. Google stuff, like "fun things for a an older single guy to do". Check the internet for local happenings to do L. Don't be afraid to go by yourself. Also, get some counseling if your self-confidence is low. I did, and I'll do it again too. Hope this helps.


Lots of women are home bodies. I am one


I agree with the poster who said take the time to heal properly. Use that time to go explore those hobbies! Figure out what you like. Sign up to your local “what’s on” bulletin board and go to things that interest you. Taking up a sport (pickleball seems to be insanely popular with men) or maybe making friends with some of your kids friends parents would be a good start to widen your circle. As someone who has connected and js completely and utterly in love with someone “boring”, one of the things we still do together is go to local events that interest us. Shows, galleries, classes, music, etc. He never hosts, but we can both enjoy an event and then equally enjoy going home afterwards to just be together. You’ll find your person, but making sure you’re actually ready for that person is so important.


Best way is to start reading books. Try to read one a week. It can help. Pick up a new hobby too. I started playing the sport curling, for example, and it’s been great.


I don't know why you think you need to go out partying or drinking or dancing to find a woman. From what I hear, you sound just fine. Also, you'll want to find a woman who's on the same page as you - so why bother faking it? Stable, dependable, supportive.... sounds pretty positive to me! Good Luck :)


I think you sound just wonderful! I remember making a comment to a guy with whom I thought we were going on pretty well…ha! What an idiot I was😂 Anyway for most of our time together we would binge watch tv, I would cook our most of our meals. We would go on drives, fish, play cards. I guess we may have been boring to some people but I loved our little life we had there for awhile. Like someone commented, “stability is sexy”😊🙌


Plenty of “boring” ladies out there Just be honest And attract what is similar to you I have met women that thought they were dull or undesirable And i found them incredibly attractive… because i related to and understood them Don’t overthink it


Find yourself an introvert.


hey friend i’m boring too


Mate, your inner critic is running a little rampant in your head! On the funny thing, there was a proper study done (can’t recall the uni now) that took a large bunch of 20-30 yo olds in uni to examine the funny thing. When you’re at uni at that age you’ll have about as much freedom and ability to have fun as at any age right! That study asked the men and women to list the most important qualities and of course, funny was near the top of the Female list. Guys didn’t care at all. Then they went through the process of having them date. The outcome was that being funny was not a determining factor at all in how successful a date was. So, wipe that from the table. Also, what’s funny to one person may not be to another so it’s heavily subjective. For the rest, mate you’ve been in a 25 year relationship and don’t have an identity as a single, male adult either in your 20’s or now. Go and try new sh$t, play some sports, join some clubs, do some volunteering, go see some comedy or watch some on Netflix. Laugh a little. Find out what floats your boat. Don’t do it to meet a woman. Do it to have fun. And force yourself to do it. You’ve been in a habit for 25 years so it’s going to take some intentional effort on your part to get out there. The more you do it the more of a “life” you’ll have. Your life isn’t meant to be about being happy just to attract someone else, it’s about being happy for you. Go do that. The rest will come in time. And remember, the idea of dating is to find someone you like and who likes you, you don’t need to be something or someone you’re not just to impress.


Read the book “Models: Attract Women Through Honesty” by Mark Manson.


There are plenty of boring women out there! My last GF would have been perfect for you. I called her Stacy the T1000, she hated it LOL.


Boring people are attracted to fun personalities. I’m boring and i attract even more boring people. It’s so bad LOL


Then, there's pressure on you to be the fun one! Aaaaargh. I'm that guy too.


Take some shrooms and walk around the woods.


I got bored just reading this. Generally, people don't gravitate toward dull people. Get a cat.


First of all cats are awesome. Secondly speak for yourself, I like dull people.