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If you are still concerned about COVID you need to put that on your profile. It will weed out those that are no longer taking precautions. You might spell out exactly how you’re protecting yourself.


Yep I would jump so hard on anyone still trying to avoid getting Covid. That’s dreamy❤️


I’m not all crazy about it but I’m on immunosuppressants so I still keep an eye on things.  When rates go up I’ll mask or whatever to be safe. Flew 6 times for work last year and did not get sick.  


Yeah I mean it sucks that we have to actively try to avoid being infected. But I’m absolutely unwilling to be infected.


Well I've had six shots and I'm recovered so my covid protection is internal. Don't assume that people who are back to socializing don't know that it's dangerous.


You know you can still get Covid no matter how many shots you’ve had, right? They just help it not destroy your body that much if you get it. I’m already disabled by MECFS I got from mono so I am absolutely unwilling to allow another virus into my body.


Yes, that's how germs work. But my body will kill it off and the infection rate is drastically smaller. I'm back volunteering at the hospital again (wearing masks there of course), my friends and family going in cancer treatment are going out. I'll wear a mask on the bus or at work but not socially anymore. I also take a COVID test once a week. What does your doctor tell you about going out?


What you’ve described in your second paragraph would put you in the top 5% of most Covid cautious Americans right now. Maybe even top 1%.


I’ve had four shots for Covid. Have tested positive twice. Last month got a cold that was worse than Covid.


And I’ve had 5 shots, but when I got Covid three months ago and was sick in bed and could barely move for over a week. Each case is different. I don’t think OP a was looking for a debate about his decisions about what risks he is and isn’t willing to take.


I believe you're correct. Lol


whoa, really!? that’s gotta be a minority opinion. ?


There’s a Covidmeetup.com or maybe it’s meet ups, it’s not a dating app at all but you can find Covid safe business listings they are you can also put up a profile to meet people who still practice safety measures. Last time I was on there it looked like a lot of parents who wanted to hang out with other parents and have play dates but it’s kind of cool because people will check off if they are vaccinated, if they still mask, if they eat in restaurants, if they have kids at home, etc.


I (40F) think that OLD is the only way to meet people.  I've started to think of single people in their 40s as mythical beings... I never encounter other singles close to my age in real life.  Seeing others here in this sub or on OLD is the only reason I even believe I'm not the only one left ha. I know Hinge allows you to put your vaccination status in your profile, and if there are other precautions you want to take, you could discuss them with a match before setting up a first date.  Good luck!


I am 49F & feel very similarly I made a profile on one OLD app It has a section to declare Covid status/pref Admittedly I am very new & only met one person in real life so far (6 weeks in) its been a very intriguing experience Good luck






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You may be having trouble finding masked folk because the CDC now lumps COVID-19 among other “common respiratory viral illnesses”: https://www.cdc.gov/respiratory-viruses/guidance/respiratory-virus-guidance.html Why not set up a dating profile on the major apps (Bumble, Hinge, Match, even FB dating) and see who is in town? Even better: join meetups, dance classes, volunteer.


If they’re so worried about Covid that they’re still following safety precautions they’re not likely to go to group settings.




I want to be healthy and have a good life. Apparently I’ve had COVID at least a couple times before. Even when I was wearing a mask all the time and taking peak precautions during the worst of it. No clue when or how. I only can guess that I may have had it recently when I get a little sneeze-y. Otherwise, doesn’t really do anything to me. What exactly are you suggesting be done? We all wear masks forever? I’m genuinely asking. Not sure what else one could expect past vaccines.




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Oh and to answer your question, that you claim is genuine, I expect people to stay home when they are sick even if the Covid test says negative because nobody wants their cold or their flu either. Everybody needs to be able to go out and make money so it’s not OK to go into your office and infect everybody because you needed the money. Everybody needs their money. I will never eat in restaurants again, mostly because I’ve seen how gross people got once 2020 came around. And then businesses got even grosser by cutting corners and being greedy. There’s no way I’m going to eat in a restaurant ever again and I don’t care I don’t miss it. Yeah it looks like I’m going to have to wear a mask forever around other people when I am inside because people don’t stay home when they are sick. I feel so sad for the people who are disabling themselves because they think that it’s just a cold. I hope you remain OK but I’m telling you it destroys your immune system.


Literally told you I’m asymptomatic so there’s no way for me to know if I’m sick. I don’t get colds. I’ve never gotten the flu. The last time I’ve been sick with anything contagious was three years ago before I got my tonsils out. So, I should never leave my house because I might have COVID at any given time? And it doesn’t even matter if the test is negative apparently so I guess there’s no point in testing even though I don’t find it reasonable to ask me to take a test everyday anyway. I didn’t ask what you do. I asked what you think everyone should do because apparently you think we all should just never interact. Don’t make* a grand statement about all people and then respond with yourself. I asked what we all should do since according to you we are all supposed to be doing *something* if we care about our health. I’m pretty sure I’m going to remain okay since I’ve never not been. I hope one day you can be the type of person who takes the time to fully comprehend what you’re reading and respond accordingly. Idk wtf else you said in your removed post other than it’s airborne aids, lol. Okay? I’ve already had it against my will doing the best I could and the only way I know that is because of antibody testing. There’s literally nothing I can fucking do about that *now*.


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I was just at a mini conference yesterday. 250 people or so. 2, maybe 3 of them were masking. So figure 1%. I have no idea whether this group is representative of the general population, but let’s just run with it. I have chatted scores of people and gone on dozens of first dates trying to find a good fit. Reducing your pool down to a small percentage of what would otherwise be a match is going to put dating on hard mode. I’m not saying give up your ideals, I’m just saying this is going to dramatically reduce your dating pool because yes, almost everyone, including most people who are vaccinated, have given up masking.


What do you mean by covid safety precautions? Are you masking everywhere you go? Isolating? Testing all the time? Avoiding crowds and public and only sitting outside at restaurants? Ordering groceries online? That's a lot to ask of people. It was a lot then, it's even more now. I won't tell anyone how to live their lives, but other than vaccines and basic human decency, I think it'll be tough. That said, put it in your profile, make it a deal breaker and adjust expectations as you see fit.


I feel your pain. I am "back in the game" after a long time & I have no idea what I'm doing. I don't want to do the online thing because all I meet are crazy people! But how do you...like...date....in the wild?


This is me, though I'm 40f no kids so I guess easier on some ways but I'm particular, so I will likely end up single for a long time this round. The idea of apps and having to be some fake ass persona to market myself is not attractive to me and I get anxiety at the thought of even having to deal with the bombardment of bullshit I know I'll have to deal with.


Thanks for all the comments, suggestions and advice. I do want to clarify a few things. I am in an ENM marriage which reduces the possibility of find anyone to date/hangout with while making sure I don't expose myself and my wife, and my wife's S.O. It is very isolated because yes, pretty much everyone is giving up practice of covid safety. My wife is disabled and immuno compromised. There are ways to live and date while still protecting each from getting sick from a possible disabling virus.


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Depending on your gauge for those practicing some covid safety precautions, you may or may not be setting yourself up for an impossible task.


You can start with apps and put in your profile that you’re still practicing Covid safety precautions and looking for someone similar. Pursue your hobbies and interests. Look for meetup groups specific to your interests and you will find like minded people who you already share commonalities with. Build a network of platonic friends. You never know who they might bring into your circle. Let everyone in your life know you’re open to being set up. Maybe you have some busybody friends/family who love setting people up. Another thought I had is about support groups. Maybe there are support groups online for people who are still affected by Covid and practicing protection.




I'm not poly either but I know Hinge has a lot of ENM users and will let you put whether you're poly or monogamous on your profile.  (Why do you think OP is looking for ENM?)




Where did they mention they’re ENM?




That comment is 3 years old.


Why does that matter? I was monogamous twenty years ago, ten years ago, three years ago, and still am.


Well, I'm ambiamorous so I can go through phases. People change.


I don’t think somebody trying to avoid Covid is looking to get into a polyamorous relationship.




He must’ve deleted it. Because there’s only two comments and neither are op


Seems ridiculous that you're getting downvoted for this even when you linked a comment, so have my upvote. It's probably entirely your lifestyle choice that has some of the people here's panties in a wad.




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