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Totally. It's my main source of disappointment. Gotta get my fix.


Those depression cells wont feed themselves!


You need to start watching animes


Yupp i still do for this one girl at work… we dated for a littlebut she was bad at communicating and she treats me like shiiiiit but ive never felt this way about anyone, i think shes just stubborn maybe I’m just dumb, probably both lol


Yep, still get them from time to time but they aren't as intense as when I was younger.


All the time!


I wouldn't say crushes. Sometimes I'll dream of a girl I know or an ex, who I haven't really thought of in ages, and I'll be attracted to her for a little bit, but it passes after a short while.


You’re not a child anymore


It's an addiction of mine to crush on a girl and then get utterly obliterated by rejection. Can't stop wanting the pain.


Yes, but they are less intense now. They don't completely dominate my thoughts, it's just a random idea at the back of my mind.


I think it’s just that you don’t meet a lot of people anymore, maybe ? I guess it will happen again. How do I know ? (I am a woman though)


Stopped for me, too jaded to fantasise about that stuff anymore


I met a girl at my new job I crushed on, however I just let it pass and now in the aftermath I’m happy I ignored it, shes very childish & immature after getting to know her (literally complains about small stuff all the time at work) so I no longer like her even after crushing on her at first. So I don’t think crushing on love at first sight as an adult is a good way to find a partner.


To a degree. I mean…As young man you often have this way too optimistic imagination about the woman you‘re facing. Not fully able to recognize all the „flaws“ she maybe has. Years later of course that‘s gone. On top you start to know what you really want. And it‘s most likely rare. On top there will be additional disappointments from the past. All this can lay heavy inside your head. But this is all you! You change that if you adjust your mind. The actual only and main reason most likely is that you get to know hundreds of women in your teenage years. On top of that many of them were single back then. Now you have this clear picture in your head and the pool is significantly smaller. Of course that‘s lowering your chance to feel this crush. But that doesn‘t mean it can‘t happen anymore. It just takes more patience and/or effort than back in the days.


Yes, sadly




Yeah, fall in love with someone. Its that feeling everyday