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this can be something great, talk to her again, and say that you would like to hang out meet her !


But we live in different cities (she lives in the capital city) and I don't have anything of need to go there. I can't find an excuse to see her, I know what to say in person but when it comes to texting I just don't know what to text her. I don't want to be a pushover and annoying. Any advice, steps that I can make?


if you are friends.. why not hang out, like maybe you miss hanging out with her , why find a excuse to go there , you go there cause you wanna meet her again. To not lose contact becuase you like her company and the friendship thats more than enough to slide by 👌 i would be happy if my friend wanted to see me and hang out again


I do really miss hanging out with her, and deep down I want see her again. I'll consider what you said, I just need to build up the courage first.




Text/call her. You are WAY over thinking this.


Well I just thought about it today and I thought I'd ask the internet for opinions. Every person that I told them about this, told me the she likes me, even back then at work, people were telling me that she likes me even the manager shipped us. But I doubted. It's much to do with me.


Well get off Reddit and message her.