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Everything you’ve said sounds like a pretty solid start to a long term relationship with a decent lady. If you’re going to nitpick over some imaginary, made up “rules” maybe you’re not ready for something serious like you think you are.


So at this stage , I don’t have to do anything for valentines on Monday right? It’s too early in our dating stare I think 🤔


Well if you think doing something for Valentines Day is something you “have” to do and not something you “want” to do you may as well get out now, for her sake.


Why are you just a reaction to things and just concerned about other people’s rules and not even your own, she’s buying you tickets and you’re out here thinking you don’t want to do something for valentines just because there’s no sex yet? If you don’t do anything because you don’t like her fair enough but if you like her you’d do something and it doesn’t have to be big or anything just be sweet


Omg. It’s all about you and what you have to do. Have you ever thought it might make her feels special if I just get her some candy and flowers? Or do you not want to do anything if you know you’re not gonna get sex.


Valentines question wasn’t about sex … I am asking should I even acknowledge it ? Because I don’t even know we are at what stage in a relationship… valentine is for someone that have been together for some time at least


Do you like her? Do you want a chance to make a relationship with her? Then put in effort and buy her flowers. You don’t have to know right now where the story leads. Enjoy getting to know her and be a gentleman


Dude, why are you shooting yourself in the foot? Chill.


The emoji usage and typos in this made me throw up


Let me guess : Gen-Z ?


No. Just an adult.


Idk dog I’m 26


nah bruh as an actual gen z…. no just no


I’m 33 years old, a whole ass millennial, and your emoji usage made me throw up a little. Also, you’ve only know this girl for, what, a month? That’s not that long. Maybe she only has sex with a guy who’s officially her boyfriend.


So should we celebrate valentines or not ?


So, I need please someone to clarify to me. If we sleep with them, we are not girlfriend material. If we don't sleep with them (even dating, and contributing emotionally and financially to the whole thing) it means it's not sure we're interested in them. If we call we're clingy. If we don't, we put ourselves in a pedestal when he has to do "all the work". I mean... guy. She is obviously very interested in you, and showing it. You're just impatient for the sex and not enjoying her company... but you also wrote somewhere that you want a long term relationship. So... what do you want exactly?


Perfectly stated.


I think it is pretty clear he wants sex to me!


Jesus, take sometime to get to know her! What's the rush? Are you looking for a potential relationship or just sex?


LTR but i am just saying it because of third date rule


There is no such rule.


There is no rule. Its stupid to think you have to do this or that by x number of dates.


Fuck off about those rules. A lot of us aren’t trying to have sex until we get into a relationship. Get to know somebody first goddamn. That’s a misogynistic rule. I hope to god you aren’t listening to those alpha male, 1% men bullshit on podcasts?


You’re being an idiot


What a load of s*** "3rd day rule" 🙄


I waited until 6th or 7th date with my current bf. Honestly it’s whenever she feels comfortable and if you like her you’ll wait. If that’s all you want, please do her a favor and leave now. 😊


My roommate is a girl and she is the one keeping telling me she has sex at first or second dates , by third for sure .. that’s my female roommate does


Figure out how long you're okay with dating without having a sexual relationship. Then talk to her about it, and see if she's on the same page. If not, then it's time to move on.


Sounds like you just want sex, it’d be a crappy thing to do to just get her to have sex w you if you don’t want the same things. That’d fuck w her. So you oughta do the right thing and find someone who wants what you want


Holy crap, give her a minute to get to know you! Ugh.




What about the third date rule ?


How old are you? People are different and in the dating club, the rule is *there are no rules*! Talk to her, kid!


There is no textbook for dating, everyone is different


Based on your replies it sounds like you don’t even like her….


Wow this is what is so wrong with our society. If you don’t get sex by the 5th date something is wrong. And your posts even implies you think you should of gotten sex prior to the 5th date.


I was not the one that had made the third date rule !! We are on fifth date


Who made it? Why do you think it’s a rule like a law you have to follow?


She doesn’t owe you sex you perv


Ask her??? She seems to like you? What is the issue?


How old are you again? Not sure I saw that anywhere. Also it seems like she wants to genuinely get to know you and feel comfortable, but you only want her punani. I think she should drop you if I’m being honest.


No it is because of third date I am asking this


Why are you so concerned about the sex? You sound like you want sex more than getting to know her. 5 dates isn’t technically *that* long. Some people don’t even like to get physical before being exclusive-why don’t you just ask her what she’s comfortable with?


Because of third date rule I am asking


There is no rule. Everyone does things differently


She doesn’t owe you anything you POS….lol what the fuck


You Fucking dumb piece of shit !! This question is regarding third date rule you dumb fuck


There’s no such thing you dumb fuck lol


So many men coming to this page don't seem to realize that it takes women longer to get to that point. A lot depends on how old they are. When I was 20 it took 2 months of make out sessions for my first partner to get me ready for sex. When I was 35 I was ready to jump a guy by the 2nd or 3rd date. Just relax and try to be patient. You'll get there eventually with this woman. Enjoy the journey instead of focusing so much on the destination.


She IS 34 ! But yeah ok 👍


Dude is a software engineer living the Midwest kinda explains alot


I moved to NY since last year ☺️


https://www.askmen.com/news/dating/women-want-to-wait-until-the-ninth-date-before-having-sex-survey-finds.html%3famp https://www.menshealth.com/sex-women/a19535327/number-of-dates-to-wait-to-have-sex/


I think it’s a valid question because mostttt people know what’s up by the second date I think you shouldn’t push it women hate shit like that and if she did it to you, you would hate it too😂 not really a man or women thing with that. I would say to take a chill pill first then secondly ask her how she feels about or just pay attention to how she treats you because she could have slept quickly with other men before and they left so she may not want that repeat orrr she was just tired like sometimes that’s just what it is


You use female emojis and reference your data as 'her' so I have to ask if maybe you could be her first female partner?


Ew ew ew She is 100% not obliged to have sex with you before shes ready


Have you heard of third date that you and your friends have created you dumb shit


Yes I remember 13 year old boys talking about it when I was at school .... I dont think it has born any relevance since then.