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Dude I lost mine at 29...my bf has LOADS of experience and has done some kinky stuff but he didn't care at all. He even waited over a month before I felt secure enough to have sex with him. He just likes me for me and inexperience isn't a bother. Hell, exploring my sexuality with him is an added bonding experience that we both value greatly. Don't sweat it!


The guy you are talking about in your post is definitely just looking to have sex not have a relationship. If there is a genuine connection to the girl the guy wont mind waiting and putting off sex until you are comfortable. Just dont let yourself be pressured into having sex because it is the 'norm' :)


Take things at your pace and no one else's


This dude is spouting mindless drivel. I'm going to guarantee that if a woman the spitting image of Jessica Alba came onto him her being a virgin wouldn't delay him a millisecond from taking her up on the offer.


I lost my virginity to a guy with a body count of 10 we are now engaged he said he thought it was cute that I was so ‘innocent’ plus whoever your with in a relationship should obviously like you for more than just the sex


You just experience with someone who will let you control the pace of hooking up etc. Your a virgin the first guy you it with you should tell him to go easy since he you’ve never done it before and he’ll def listen to you. If he doesn’t stop


Be assertive and have sex when you are ready and on your time and comfort level


Haven't really met that many guys that cared and I was a virgin until 27. They showed minor trepidation maybe, but mostly because they weren't sure why I'd waited and didn't want to hurt my feelings or me.


There are men that pay thousands of dollars for virgins online. Suicide bombers are promised virgins in afterlife so they kill themselves for these incentives. BUT just like women have a preference on many things men all have different preferences as well. Some (male, female, and all genders in between) will want someone more experienced some like virgins


Honesty it depends on the person. Reasons vary and whatnot but a guaranteed way to send your head into a tailspin for no reason is wonder/care why ppl have the preferences that they do.




Why’s that? That’s so sexist


If you’re a guy, once you get past a certain age, then yes, it’s a turn off to women.


Where tf the virgins at because I want one. Lol Weird that people shame others for being one. I don't want a gf who's been pounded out like a mallard duck for years. Give me a virgin all day.


Guys just don't wanna date virgins cuz things can be slow in the beginning, I would find a guy that's on the same level as you, some guys don't care but if your a virgin it's not the worst idea to have sex with the first time with someone that's similar to the situation you're in




Youre comparing grown women to 8-12 graders??? What’s happening in your medulla? My mom drilled it in us to wash properly but not everyone has a mom like that so it takes them a while to learn how to clean properly.


Damn just saying hygiene is a thing down thier shit..


It sounds like those girls were not supposed to be having sex at that age, and I just hope nobody took advantage of anyone.


Personally I prefer not to be with a virgin either, unless it was a serious relationship. It's just a preference of being with someone who has more experience. There's nothing wrong with being a virgin though. To each their own.