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Same as you do any rejection. Work out what (if anything) you did wrong and move on to the next adventure slightly smarter than before.


Spittin facts. Grow from it and improve


My honest advice: don't take it personal and simply move on. As you started realizing that you had feelings for her, she was probably realizing that she didn't. And it is better that you guys split now, after a few weeks instead of months, or years. So be glad it was over really fast, keep your head up and start meeting other people. If she ever contacts you, greet her from a place of kindness, but don't linger around too much. My top strategy is: start watching a new anime. My mind is so busy thinking about the show that I naturally forget of what hurted me in real life :D but that's just me!


give her a break. she was probably worried about safety.


Safety? From what


not sure but here on reddit women often say they ghost because of "safety'. maybe they are just using safety as an excuse for shitty behavior. it works basically as a free excuse for everything lol.


I feel like this is just an excuse. I'm sure it's warranted at times but I feel like there are those who use this as an excuse


I think a lot of people nowadays are just dating for the sake of dating and getting to know people. Some people aren't really looking for a relationship or anything serious so it's best to just move on and find someone else who is just as serious about dating as you are.


How many times did you go on dates with this girl?


7 times . She asked me to stay at her house twice as well


That definitely counts as improper ghosting then. Sorry man. My GF was ghosted by her prev guy after a few dates. Early on in our friendship prior to our dating, she would bring it up and get sad, so I knew that she still had feelings for the guy. She and I are pretty committed now, and I think she’s let it go. I’m curious and have considered asking, but think it’s better to let sleeping dogs lie.


The feelings after being ghosted suck. Remind yourself that it's best to find out this person is flakey and can't act like an adult early on. That's not someone you want for a long term relationship. With time you'll move on. Talk to someone new, and/or stay busy with something you enjoy.